There's Nothing "Super" About It.


New Member
Name: (Super Hero/Villain name. Leave blank if you have none.)

Real Name:

Age: (16-19 please)


Powers: (I understand that some people are Heroes/Villains without powers so please leave blank if none.)



Negative Personality Traits:

Positive Personality Traits:


Appearance: (In costume and not in costume)
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Name: "Not official but I've been called "Plant" way too often."

Real Name: Fletcher Walters

Age: 17

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Currently Hero

Powers: Plant Manipulation, uses solar energy to power up his powers can store the solar energy for up to 24 hours without needing a recharge.

Weapons: N/A

Weaknesses: Without solar energy Hedvig's powers are useless.

Negative Personality Traits: Emotions are out of control,often compulsive,timid

Positive Personality Traits: Faithful, reserved, passionate

Bio: The powers sprung at a terrible time. Fletcher's parents were already sour with him never wanting a little "gay" in their house and now he gave them a reason to really hate him. So he fled the coop,left his littler suburban home for Canada. There Fletcher found people like him. They weren't heroes but villains and Fletch was pulled in like a moth to a flame. He fell in love with their leader. Promised so much by him, to be loved,cared for. Never trust a bad boy. In return for the love he had to prove himself steal,break,ruin lives. He stopped once killing joined that long list and left. His boy didn't like that and took something before he left.

"An "eye" for an "eye" they always say!" He screamed at Fletcher as he held Fletcher's eye in one hand.

After having his heartbroken he left Canada and somehow fell into the lines of T.A.E. New to the hero life Fletcher so far hates everyone.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_n8xw9qvogZ1sdowego1_500.png.7c24020d6eb08ea73576c1180fbc0ed6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36832" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_n8xw9qvogZ1sdowego1_500.png.7c24020d6eb08ea73576c1180fbc0ed6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Out of costume, (has pastel blue hair and his one eye is hazel)

In costume he wears a black hoodie and swaps the white face mask and his eyepatch for black ones.



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Name: Dracula

Real Name: Alucard Tepes

Age: 21

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Hero

Powers: Hemokinesis.

Weapons: Two pistols that he uses solidified blood as the ammunition. They feel like paintball pellets.

Weaknesses: Electricity stuns his healing factor.

Negative Personality Traits: Can be stubborn. thinks he is right always.

Positive Personality Traits: Born hero. Very proper and polite. Well mannered. Always helpful and yearns for peace.

Bio: "Well my dear. Don't you know never to stick your noses in other peoples' business?" Dracula was born and raised a good kid. Always doing the righteous thing and always loved by adults. Until one day his father came home drunk, the first time Alucard had seen him like that. He started beating Alucard saying he was too much of a goody-two shoes. Alucard accidentally killed him by sending a spike of solidified blood straight through his heart. Alucard was never the same. He kept his personality except he has had a whole in his heart from what he did.

Appearance: (Always like this) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.e8937ae1c05e06181369da9f5cbbe45b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36839" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.e8937ae1c05e06181369da9f5cbbe45b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hey, took me a few days to finally finish this, but here it is. Hope you like it.

Name: Cat's Eye

Real Name: Christopher Venti

Age: 16 ((Even though he doesn't really look it in the picture))

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Hero

Powers: Can see through the eyes of his cat, he can also take on attributes of a cat such as good night vision, better balance, etc.

Weapons: One of the attribute he can gain is claws, that's his weapon.

Weaknesses: He's rather weak and has hardly any combat experience. He's more suited to surveillance tasks.

Negative Personality Traits: Can be reckless in order to protect others, tends to get on peoples nerves by doing things like taking naps in odd places, and has no sense of privacy

Positive Personality Traits: Friendly and optimistic, great at keeping secrets

Bio: Christopher always loved animals, so when he woke from one of his naps to find a cat a sleep on his chest and was allowed to keep it he was ecstatic. Only later did he come to realize that this cat was more then it seemed. The cat was actually a manifestation of his powers, and he slowly learned to use them from simple trial and error tests.

When his parents learned of his abilities they tried to act like it didn't bother them, but Christopher knew better. Besides he wanted to have a reason to use his powers. So he left home and joined the T.A.E.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c11224825_socute.jpg.b541a0c9a0192789a666042f5cbfb7a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37040" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c11224825_socute.jpg.b541a0c9a0192789a666042f5cbfb7a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (In costume and not in costume)

Though he rarely goes out himself, his costume is a simple and well fitting black outfit that he refers to as his ninja outfit, and a dark grey cat ear hood.

Name: Whisper

Real Name: Vivian Rune

Age: 17

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Villain ((not sure if I'm supposed to put this here or what but I'd like her to be in SNAKEEYES))

Powers: Telepathy (Her telepathic abilities mostly center around reading minds and putting suggestions into peoples heads)

Weapons: Her telepathy, and dual knives

Weaknesses: When reading someone's mind they can see whatever is on her's. The farther she reaches they more they can see into her's, and when she's looking at a person's subconscious she's unable to move(meaning she's pretty much asleep)

Negative Personality Traits: Cocky, smug, scheming, self absorbed, manipulative

Positive Personality Traits: When she's not being cocky she can be calculative, a surprisingly good listener

Bio: Vivian discovered her powers at a young, but didn't learn to control them until quite a bit later. She had no friends and her parents were unsupportive to say the least. She became bitter and reclusive.

Later, after learning to use her powers she decided that she was no longer going to be pushed around. She made sure to make it known too, and she decided that if nobody else would support her she would do it herself. Developing her sliver tongue, other manipulation skills, and an undentable ego she set out to make her own way.

Hearing about the sensory deprivation tests she headed there, thinking it might be a good place to continue practicing using her powers with little fear of being disturbed. Instead of a new training ground she got Maverick, whom she broke out and now follows her practically everywhere, and trusts her implicitly.

(In costume and not in costume) In costume her hair id braided, and she usually(but not always) ditches her coat.

Name: (Super Hero/Villain name. Leave blank if you have none.)

Real Name: Maverick Neven

Age: 18

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Villain ((not sure if I'm supposed to put this here or what but I'd like him to be in SNAKEEYES))


Weapons: Scythe

Weaknesses: He hates being alone, or having any of his senses cut off(e.g. not being able to too see, hear, etc.)

Negative Personality Traits: He's unstable and doesn't listen to must people, he also enjoys killing people.

Positive Personality Traits: He's very happy, and loves what he does. And if he does listen to you he's pretty obedient.

Bio: Maverick was an un-willing participant is some experiments with prolonged Sensory deprivation. His spent long days and nights confined in a small room, with nothing. Well, nothing besides the occasional meal to keep him alive.

He began to look forward to those moments, the only time there was anything more then the silence, and the dark, ever the smell in the air only ever changed during those brief moments. After a while the emptiness of well, everything resulted in extreme anxiety, hallucinations, bizarre thoughts, and depression began to plague him.

Eventually he escaped with the help of Vivian, and they've traveled together since. Both deciding to join the gang SNAKEEYES. And Maverick has now found that he enjoys killing people, why exactly? No one's really sure, but it's assumedly the result of his psychosis.

(In costume and not in costume) He doesn't wear a costume. (His eyes are a mild green)



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Kiotaro said:
Name: Dracula
Real Name: Alucard Tepes

Age: 21

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Hero

Powers: Hemokinesis.

Weapons: Two pistols that he uses solidified blood as the ammunition. They feel like paintball pellets.

Weaknesses: Electricity stuns his healing factor.

Negative Personality Traits: Can be stubborn. thinks he is right always.

Positive Personality Traits: Born hero. Very proper and polite. Well mannered. Always helpful and yearns for peace.

Bio: "Well my dear. Don't you know never to stick your noses in other peoples' business?" Dracula was born and raised a good kid. Always doing the righteous thing and always loved by adults. Until one day his father came home drunk, the first time Alucard had seen him like that. He started beating Alucard saying he was too much of a goody-two shoes. Alucard accidentally killed him by sending a spike of solidified blood straight through his heart. Alucard was never the same. He kept his personality except he has had a whole in his heart from what he did.

Appearance: (Always like this) View attachment 91364


DemonicAngel said:
Hey, took me a few days to finally finish this, but here it is. Hope you like it.
Name: Cat's Eye

Real Name: Christopher Venti

Age: 16 ((Even though he doesn't really look it in the picture))

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Hero

Powers: Can see through the eyes of his cat, he can also take on attributes of a cat such as good night vision, better balance, etc.

Weapons: One of the attribute he can gain is claws, that's his weapon.

Weaknesses: He's rather weak and has hardly any combat experience. He's more suited to surveillance tasks.

Negative Personality Traits: Can be reckless in order to protect others, tends to get on peoples nerves by doing things like taking naps in odd places, and has no sense of privacy

Positive Personality Traits: Friendly and optimistic, great at keeping secrets

Bio: Christopher always loved animals, so when he woke from one of his naps to find a cat a sleep on his chest and was allowed to keep it he was ecstatic. Only later did he come to realize that this cat was more then it seemed. The cat was actually a manifestation of his powers, and he slowly learned to use them from simple trial and error tests.

When his parents learned of his abilities they tried to act like it didn't bother them, but Christopher knew better. Besides he wanted to have a reason to use his powers. So he left home and joined the T.A.E.

Appearance: View attachment 91779 (In costume and not in costume)

Though he rarely goes out himself, his costume is a simple and well fitting black outfit that he refers to as his ninja outfit, and a dark grey cat ear hood.

Name: Whisper

Real Name: Vivian Rune

Age: 17

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Villain ((not sure if I'm supposed to put this here or what but I'd like her to be in SNAKEEYES))

Powers: Telepathy (Her telepathic abilities mostly center around reading minds and putting suggestions into peoples heads)

Weapons: Her telepathy, and dual knives

Weaknesses: When reading someone's mind they can see whatever is on her's. The farther she reaches they more they can see into her's, and when she's looking at a person's subconscious she's unable to move(meaning she's pretty much asleep)

Negative Personality Traits: Cocky, smug, scheming, self absorbed, manipulative

Positive Personality Traits: When she's not being cocky she can be calculative, a surprisingly good listener

Bio: Vivian discovered her powers at a young, but didn't learn to control them until quite a bit later. She had no friends and her parents were unsupportive to say the least. She became bitter and reclusive.

Later, after learning to use her powers she decided that she was no longer going to be pushed around. She made sure to make it known too, and she decided that if nobody else would support her she would do it herself. Developing her sliver tongue, other manipulation skills, and an undentable ego she set out to make her own way.

Hearing about the sensory deprivation tests she headed there, thinking it might be a good place to continue practicing using her powers with little fear of being disturbed. Instead of a new training ground she got Maverick, whom she broke out and now follows her practically everywhere, and trusts her implicitly.

(In costume and not in costume) In costume her hair id braided, and she usually(but not always) ditches her coat.

Name: (Super Hero/Villain name. Leave blank if you have none.)

Real Name: Maverick Neven

Age: 18

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Villain ((not sure if I'm supposed to put this here or what but I'd like him to be in SNAKEEYES))


Weapons: Scythe

Weaknesses: He hates being alone, or having any of his senses cut off(e.g. not being able to too see, hear, etc.)

Negative Personality Traits: He's unstable and doesn't listen to must people, he also enjoys killing people.

Positive Personality Traits: He's very happy, and loves what he does. And if he does listen to you he's pretty obedient.

Bio: Maverick was an un-willing participant is some experiments with prolonged Sensory deprivation. His spent long days and nights confined in a small room, with nothing. Well, nothing besides the occasional meal to keep him alive.

He began to look forward to those moments, the only time there was anything more then the silence, and the dark, ever the smell in the air only ever changed during those brief moments. After a while the emptiness of well, everything resulted in extreme anxiety, hallucinations, bizarre thoughts, and depression began to plague him.

Eventually he escaped with the help of Vivian, and they've traveled together since. Both deciding to join the gang SNAKEEYES. And Maverick has now found that he enjoys killing people, why exactly? No one's really sure, but it's assumedly the result of his psychosis.

(In costume and not in costume) He doesn't wear a costume. (His eyes are a mild green)
And all three are also accepted!
Name: SteelNight

Real Name: Doesn't know

Age: 16-20 Doesn't know

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Neutral

Powers: Super soldier, Genetically enhanced to heal faster, High metabolism. Super reflexes and


Weapons: Machetes, SMGs, Barehands, Silenced Pistols. 2 short katanas he only uses them to prove a point and put fear in you.

Weaknesses: Hates the light, makes him paranoid. Gets attached easily. Has psychological illusions and breakdowns.

Negative Personality Traits: Sees what you did wrong before what you did right. Doesn't take time to look stuff over, acts directly toward bad decisions. Will kill good or bad doesn't matter to him. He has psychological illusions and breakdowns.

Positive Personality Traits: Puts the truly innocent before himself. Takes bad news with wisdom not panic, charismatic, speaks nobly and respectfully.

Bio: After an accident he was kidnapped and taken to a facility called Valkyrie. There he was given a suit of a light unknown metal as hard as titanium but as light as aluminum. There he was genetically modified and given an AI that would control his emotion out bursts. They fell in fierce love. He went on assassination missions, spec ops, and guarded leaders. One morning he woke to find his love gone those at Valkyrie wiped her memory completely not knowing their love and destroyed the AI. He went insane and went on a rampage killing everyone. He was confronted by two other people like him, he killed them too. After this he blew up the facility but the facility was around the metal ore his armor was made of. After the explosion it sent out a pulse of energy that fried most of his brain since his armor connected to every nerve, muscle, and brain tissue in him. He woke up to see the world in distress, child molesters, rapers, killers, and corruption. He became death to the evil that takes the shadows.

Short cloak and left shoulder cloak with hood.

P.S. Never takes of his body suit unless forced to or if he is alone.


Bad ass mode.. Engaged
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jole875 said:
Name: SteelNight
Real Name: Doesn't know

Age: 16-20 Doesn't know

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Neutral

Powers: Super soldier, Genetically enhanced to heal faster, High metabolism. Super reflexes and senses.

Weapons: Machetes, SMGs, Barehands, Silenced Pistols.

Weaknesses: Hates the light, makes him paranoid. Gets attached easily.

Negative Personality Traits: Sees what you did wrong before what you did right. Doesn't take time to look stuff over, acts directly toward bad decisions. Will kill good or bad doesn't matter to him.

Positive Personality Traits: Puts the truly innocent before himself. Takes bad news with wisdom not panic, charismatic, speaks nobly and respectfully.

Bio: After an accident he was kidnapped and taken to a facility called Valkyrie. There he was given a suit of a light unknown metal as hard as titanium but as light as aluminum. There he was genetically modified and given an AI that would control his emotion out bursts. They fell in fierce love. He went on assassination missions, spec ops, and guarded leaders. One morning he woke to find his love gone those at Valkyrie wiped her memory completely not knowing their love and destroyed the AI. He went insane and went on a rampage killing everyone. He was confronted by two other people like him, he killed them too. After this he blew up the facility but the facility was around the metal ore his armor was made of. After the explosion it sent out a pulse of energy that fried most of his brain since his armor connected to every nerve, muscle, and brain tissue in him. He woke up to see the world in distress, child molesters, rapers, killers, and corruption. He became death to the evil that takes the shadows.

Short cloak and left shoulder cloak with hood.

Real Name: Seiko P. Atek

Age: 17

Hero/Villain/Neutral: "At this point I don't know really...perhaps you could tell me?" Neutral "Thank you."

Powers: She can understand living things by touching them and the ability to modify even regrow parts of them.

Weapons: Her own body is a weapon in addition to her scalpels.

Weaknesses: Snow, ice, cold.

Negative Personality Traits: She is selfish and focused on doing what she wants at almost any given time. She is also slightly crazy("Meaning 4th wall go boom.")

Positive Personality Traits: She is determined and tenacious and when it comes to mentality she is sly and childish.

Bio: Seiko lived with her family when she was very young. She was never really accepted by them because, unknown to her, she was adopted. Only her sister, Sophia 'Criminal Intention' P. Atek, a villain, cared and accepted her. She grew attached to her and soon discovered her powers. Her sister saw a villainous use of her power and soon manipulated her in helping villains. She was soon arrested by the authorities and disowned by her parents, who revealed her origins. This broke her and in turn, she waited until she was released before getting revenge, bankrupting the family and having Sophia arrested.

Appearance: (In costume and not in costume)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-21_13-8-3.jpeg.749c8166f5621810f94a12a0803dd02d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37408" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-21_13-8-3.jpeg.749c8166f5621810f94a12a0803dd02d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Little Red Riding Hood (Red, Red Riding Hood, or Little Red for short)


The Big Bad Wolf (The Wolf or Wolf for short)

Real Name:

Ellysa (Ella) Rain


16 years




Super strong, heightened senses, sharper nails and teeth. Basically, she gained several wolf like attributes, that really come in handy. She has more control over her strength and such not when she's Wolf.


She has a picnic basket. Does that count?

Well, inside the picnic basket, she has some knives, and cookies. :D

Do her sharp nails count?


She has a fear of drowning. When she changes personalities, there may be a short pause, so she can take in her surroundings, and outfit.

Negative Personality Traits:

She has a split personality disorder. Neither side is sane.

Neither have a problem killing people, you'd even say, both enjoy it.

Red's quite flighty.

Wolf has anger management issues.

Positive Personality Traits:

Her Red side likes sharing sweets, and being around people. She also tries to do her best.

Wolf is protective of Red, and cares deeply for her. He will also never harm a child. He's protective of them as well, but Red the most.

Red and Wolf have a big brother, little sister, sort of relationship.

Red's very happy.


Born with a split personality disorder, she really was never normal.

Her wolf side was like her brother, and he convinced her that she was Red. And, she believed him. She didn't even remember her real name.

She lived in an asylum until she was 13 years old, before The Wolf convinced her to escape the horrible place, wanting to protect his little sister.

This is when she discovered her powers.

After she left, Wolf looked over his sister in a caring way, and guided her through living in the "new world" she had been brought into. And, The Wolf was the only one that was there for her. So, she began to look up to him more and more, and grew dependent of him.

And he taught her everything she knows, including, how to kill. . .

She glanced around at the beautiful red that splattered the walls. And, she smiled. "Wow. Such a pretty color." She said in amazement. And, to that, Wolf smiled.

"That's how you do it." He said. "And remember, I'm telling you this, because it's a kill or be killed world out there. I had to show you how, so you'd be safe."

To this, Red smiled, and nodded. "Right, big brother."

And, she's been killing since. Maybe for different reasons for each person, but really, she'll kill anyone. And, so will The Wolf. He's even more likely to.

So, the two of them weren't even wanted by the villains, considering how much villain blood would be spilt if they let their guards down just once. That included sleeping. . .

And, no hero murders like they do.

So, they just do their own thing, killing whom they please, and watching out for each other.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c11a562bc_musicnotesandheartssinging.jpg.7844b8463d7c69a62d26189142b83556.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37417" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c11a562bc_musicnotesandheartssinging.jpg.7844b8463d7c69a62d26189142b83556.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This is the Red side and Wolf side. She doesn't actually change looks, but this is how she sees him. Also, she usually has long episodes, so she has different outfits for her two personalities. One like hers, one like his. She doesn't really have a costume, since she's always dressed like either one or the other.​



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Real Name:

Ichigo Jishin





Sexual Orientation:

Homosexual (uke)


Evil (Error Member)


Ichigo has the power to create razor sharp sakura petals that he, can manipulate at will. He can create more petals from the life force of his enemies.


|Sakura Kiss|A pink bladed katana and Sakura's weapon of choice. The blade is lightweight and razor sharp.


Sakura is a laid back and easy going individual, frequently known for his humorous and almost childish nature. However he displays an impressive sadistic streak and a talent for harming others.


Dark Places, Enclosed Spaces, Aoitori

Negative Traits:

Impatient, easily distracted, arrogant

Positive Traits:

Skilled fighter, loyal, intelligent.


Alias: Kaze

Real Name:

Aoitori Jishin





Sexual Orientation:

Homosexual (seme)


Evil (Error Member)


Kaze has the ability to manipulate the wind as she so chooses. She can use this ability for both offensive and defensive purposes.


|Aozora| Twin pistols, one of a pale silver hue and one of a pale blue hue. These semi-automatic handguns for specialized rounds and are Kaze's preferred weapon.


Kaze is a quiet and reserved individual, preferring to pay the role of quiet observer. However she is also hot tempered and enjoys fighting.

Weakness: Dark places, Enclosed spaces, Sakura

Negative Traits: Socially awkward, cold hearted, anti-social.

Positive Traits: Skilled fighter, excellent strategist, intelligent

~ Tough Luck~

Aoitori and Ichigo Jishin, better known as Kaze and Sakura are twin brother and sister and members of the small yet powerful gang known as Error. Within the gang the two are known by the name Tough Luck; mainly due to the duo's roles as the gangs most efficient Fixers. Fixers handle any and all special hits for high ranking officials within the gang and the Tough Luck duo had a reputation for ruthless efficiency.

Little is known about the origins of the twins, other than that their parents had at one point been a part of the gang.

Kaze and Sakura, despite being twins have two entirely different styles. Sakura is the more feminine of the two, favoring cute things and sweets as well as the color pink. His side job is working as a pastry chef. Conversely Kaze is the more masculine of the two, preferring to spend her time either reading or fighting. Her side job is singing in a metal band.

Despite their powers the two don't really see themselves as super villains. They do not wear costumes

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The Contractor

Real Name:

Jonathan Hawk




Mercenary ((Neutral))

Material Manipulation/Absorption

A limited form of manipulation, that allows the user to construct a rudimentary form of armor out of the surrounding materials available, including concrete taken from buildings and the metal from the side of trains. Despite it's appearance, the armor is capable of protecting the user from bullets. When reaching anger, cracking knuckles and finger bones increases the power of the user. It can also be manipulated offensively to increase the user's destructive force, due simply to the considerable bulk/mass that they now wield.


Black .54 Magnum


-Getting struck in the chest

-Too bright lights

Negative Personality Traits:




Positive Personality Traits:





Born without parents, he never felt actual love, not even the slightest variation of it. He was taken into a foster home, where he slowly grew up. At the age of 15, he bailed out and joined a gang, he started training Krav Maga, until the point of becoming a master of it. He descovered his powers when he was about to get shot at, of panic, he made a cross motion, ripping concrete from the floor and protecting himself, in shock. He began stealing, being payed by both villians and ''heros'' to do their dirty deeds.


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Metaphysics said:
Real Name: Seiko P. Atek

Age: 17

Hero/Villain/Neutral: "At this point I don't know really...perhaps you could tell me?" Neutral "Thank you."

Powers: She can understand living things by touching them and the ability to modify even regrow parts of them.

Weapons: Her own body is a weapon in addition to her scalpels.

Weaknesses: Snow, ice, cold.

Negative Personality Traits: She is selfish and focused on doing what she wants at almost any given time. She is also slightly crazy("Meaning 4th wall go boom.")

Positive Personality Traits: She is determined and tenacious and when it comes to mentality she is sly and childish.

Bio: Seiko lived with her family when she was very young. She was never really accepted by them because, unknown to her, she was adopted. Only her sister, Sophia 'Criminal Intention' P. Atek, a villain, cared and accepted her. She grew attached to her and soon discovered her powers. Her sister saw a villainous use of her power and soon manipulated her in helping villains. She was soon arrested by the authorities and disowned by her parents, who revealed her origins. This broke her and in turn, she waited until she was released before getting revenge, bankrupting the family and having Sophia arrested.

Appearance: (In costume and not in costume)

View attachment 92448


[QUOTE="X3 Infernal Infinity]



Real Name:

Ichigo Jishin





Sexual Orientation:

Homosexual (uke)


Evil (Error Member)


Ichigo has the power to create razor sharp sakura petals that he, can manipulate at will. He can create more petals from the life force of his enemies.


|Sakura Kiss|A pink bladed katana and Sakura's weapon of choice. The blade is lightweight and razor sharp.


Sakura is a laid back and easy going individual, frequently known for his humorous and almost childish nature. However he displays an impressive sadistic streak and a talent for harming others.


Dark Places, Enclosed Spaces, Aoitori

Negative Traits:

Impatient, easily distracted, arrogant

Positive Traits:

Skilled fighter, loyal, intelligent.




Real Name:

Kaze Jishin





Sexual Orientation:

Homosexual (seme)


Evil (Error Member)


Aoitori has the ability to manipulate the wind as she so chooses. She can use this ability for both offensive and defensive purposes.


|Aozora| Twin pistols, one of a pale silver hue and one of a pale blue hue. These semi-automatic handguns for specialized rounds and are Aoitori's preferred weapon.


Aoitori is a quiet and reserved individual, preferring to pay the role of quiet observer. However she is also hot tempered and enjoys fighting.

Weakness: Dark places, Enclosed spaces, Sakura

Negative Traits: Socially awkward, cold hearted, anti-social.

Positive Traits: Skilled fighter, excellent strategist, intelligent

~ Tough Luck~

Kaze and Ichigo Jishin, better known as Aoitori and Sakura are twin brother and sister and members of the small yet powerful gang known as Error. Within the gang the two are known by the name Tough Luck; mainly due to the duo's roles as the gangs most efficient Fixers. Fixers handle any and all special hits for high ranking officials within the gang and the Tough Luck duo had a reputation for ruthless efficiency.

Little is known about the origins of the twins, other than that their parents had at one point been a part of the gang.

Aoitori and Sakura, despite being twins have two entirely different styles. Sakura is the more feminine of the two, favoring cute things and sweets as well as the color pink. His side job is working as a pastry chef. Conversely Aoitori is the more masculine of the two, preferring to spend her time either reading or fighting. Her side job is singing in a metal band.

Despite their powers the two don't really see themselves as super villains. They do not wear costumes



Keiser said:


The Contractor

Real Name:

Jonathan Hawk




Mercenary ((Neutral))

Material Manipulation/Absorption

A limited form of manipulation, that allows the user to construct a rudimentary form of armor out of the surrounding materials available, including concrete taken from buildings and the metal from the side of trains. Despite it's appearance, the armor is capable of protecting the user from bullets. When reaching anger, cracking knuckles and finger bones increases the power of the user. It can also be manipulated offensively to increase the user's destructive force, due simply to the considerable bulk/mass that they now wield.
Keiser said:

Black .54 Magnum


-Getting struck in the chest

-Too bright lights

Negative Personality Traits:




Positive Personality Traits:





Born without parents, he never felt actual love, not even the slightest variation of it. He was taken into a foster home, where he slowly grew up. At the age of 15, he bailed out and joined a gang, he started training Krav Maga, until the point of becoming a master of it. He descovered his powers when he was about to get shot at, of panic, he made a cross motion, ripping concrete from the floor and protecting himself, in shock. He began stealing, being payed by both villians and ''heros'' to do their dirty deeds.



I am gonna have a hard time being a good guy, too many villains. My character lives in the Heroes household and helps them but isn't officially part of them. (Trust issues and because he may turn on them if they make bad decisions, most likely won't)

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I think I'm gonna make another Hero so we have an equal amount so far. We have four Villains,four Neutrals,and three Heroes. And today we can start the RP.
jole875 said:
Any regulations in the rp like, no romance, no blood and gore, no perma death?
Romance is very much allowed but if things get to hot it fades to black,blood and gore is allowed but nothing too extensive like Mortal Kombat shit,and perma death also allowed but don't kill your character off so early in the RP.
evasamok said:
Romance is very much allowed but if things get to hot it fades to black,blood and gore is allowed but nothing too extensive like Mortal Kombat shit,and perma death also allowed but don't kill your character off so early in the RP.
Lol I meant me killing off other character.... :-)
evasamok said:
Oh,sorry. Have permission to kill off the character from the creator before killing them.
Ya know my character is a lot like one of the most bad ass heroes ever, Rorschach.
evasamok said:



evasamok said:
I think I'm gonna make another Hero so we have an equal amount so far. We have four Villains,four Neutrals,and three Heroes. And today we can start the RP.
So wait. Am I accepted or not?

Because, you didn't say I was, but my character(s) fit into the count.
Name: Porta

Real Name: Elijah Peterson

Age: 18

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Hero

Powers: Portal Creation

Weaknesses: Can only create portals up to a distance, often times the portals open in an unknown area

Negative Personality Traits: Lazy, clingy, loud, weak

Positive Personality Traits: Reliable ,easygoing

Bio: Elijah grew up in a dysfunctional household with a single dad and three brothers. Never obtaining the attention he wanted from his father he found ways to obtain it. He fooled around with an array of "boyfriends" and "girlfriends" and practically destroyed the local church. Once his father had enough he was kicked out that was when he discovered his powers. He was terrified of himself. Not knowing what to do with his powers nor how to control them while walking in the middle of a street Elijah would often open a portal and fall through. After one mishap with a police car and his uncontrollable powers T.A.E found him and ever since he's gotten a bit more control.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/large.png.2f415d8648ba693914caa938bf033517.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37444" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/large.png.2f415d8648ba693914caa938bf033517.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Elijah doesn't really wear costumes because he finds them uncomfortable.

(Evening up the heroes,bruh.)


jole875 said:
When can we start?
We can start now actually.



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