D&D 3.5 Interest Check


One Thousand Club
Here's an interest check pick an option.



or Save the Princess.
Because so much shenanigans could happen while going to save teh princess :D it's a clear goal!

Hey why not combine them all in a comedic rendition of Troy-esque proportions?
Killigrew said:
Because so much shenanigans could happen while going to save teh princess :D it's a clear goal!
Hey why not combine them all in a comedic rendition of Troy-esque proportions?
I don't know who you are, but I do like that quite a bit.
well we have 4 if ricia's more than a maybe xD

so now we need a set theme on what we're wanting to do.
So any word on if this is happening or not? Have to admit I've been leafing through the 3.5 player's handbook recently and it giving me a hankering to get some actual D&D on.

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