Neko Bought~


Some minutes later, Ian never thought he might get a nine year-old boy breathe down his neck about steaks and food. He sighed, taking the mac n' cheese's empty container to the sink, then took out a plate of leftover steak and some rice for his brother. Sticking it in the microwave, he waited...

"Hey, Iaaaan?"






"...Is the food done yet?"

Ding. Ian took out the plate, nearly dropping it when the plate was too hot. He set the plate in front of his brother, and what do you know, he ate it within five minutes. He was pretty sure Kyle was inhaling the food, instead of eating it. Knowing the boy usually wants to stay in his room, he left for his room, the nine year-old following closely. Opening the door, he was a bit surprised when the room was cleaner than when he left it. "Good job," he smiled at the neko gratefully, though wincing when Kyle buried himself under the covers of his newly made bed.

Oh well.
Tao jolted and sulked,"I-I just did that..."she whined then sighed,"I'll do it again later sir"she said with a smile at Ian. Tao then looked at Kyle,"do you want to play a game with me? By the way my names Taokaka but please call me Tao!"she said smiling happily as she adjusted her glasses and tightened her ponytail.
"Sorry, Kitty..." He pouted, but he still hugged the sheets close to him. Ian immediately stalked over to his laptop, murmuring something about work and buried himself nose-deep into the laptop, ignoring every little thing in the world.

Kyle sent Ian a horrified look, probably saying, 'DON'T LEAVE ME, IAN!' in his mind. But he decided to ignore the guy and bounced on the bed. "Game! I wanna play a game! The peasant is boring." He pouted, crossing his little arms across his chest. He glanced intently at the neko's ears, eyes wide. When it twitched, he giggled uncontrollably, finding her more 'fun' than his 'peasant.'
(Sorry I didn't watch the thread so I didn't know you replied till just now sorry!) 
Tao blinked tilting her head as her ears twiched,"okay lets go outside and play"she said. Tao then looked at Ian and smiled,"good luck Sir"she said then began walking out of the room with Kyle to give Ian time alone to do his work.
(( It's okay. :3 ))

"Play time! Play time!" Kyle chirped, clapping his hands in anticipation, following immediately after the neko. Ian gave them an appreciative grunt, letting them do whatever they want, focused on his work. Kyle stared at her tail in amazement. Nekos don't just randomly appear, you know. And once he sees something odd, he starts to take a liking to it. Or them. "How come I don't have a tail?" He asked, curious. "You have a tail. I don't."
Tao jolted not knowing how to respond,"erm... Your human and I'm not"she explained then walked to the backyard seeing a playground,"wow you guys have everything"she mumble then shook out of it,"what do you want to play first?"she asked.
"Ian lets me play anywhere." He admitted. He doesn't really have any favorite place in the playground. But he does like hide and seek. Or Tag. The usual outdoor games. "But I want to be in the swing!" The boy pointed towards the swing animatedly, tugging on the hem of her shirt.
Tao blinked,"oh okay cool! Ill push you!"she said and began walking to the swings."do you like going high?"Tao asked sitting on the swing beside his kicking a bit before he answered.
"Push me high!" He grinned, plopping his bottom on the swing, kicking his feet wildly. He was short for his age, so his legs couldn't reach the floor just yet. Lyle, one of his brothers, liked to make fun of it, but it's not his fault he's short! He huffed a little, frustrated as he tried kicking the ground, only to hit the air. He pouted. He really is short!
Tao smiled,"your cute did you know that if you drink a lot of milk you can get taller?"she asked as she pushed him high. She smiled excitedly.
"I drink milk!" He told her, though his words were drowned by his excited squeal. "But not every day... mommy says I'll get fat if I drink nothing but milk! I don't think that's true! Milk is awesome! MILK IS ULTIMATE!" He was immediately silenced as the swing swooshed again, his words replaced by a giggle.

(( Milk is ultimate... xD I laughed typing that. ))
( xD I laughed reading that)

Tao giggled and nodded,"..... Milk comes from cow tits I hate it"she thought.(she didn't say that outloud) Tao then laughed and then jolted seeing that it was dinner time and there was a bell ringing. Her ears twiched and she looked at Kyle,"should we go inside? I'm sure Ian won't come down so I would like to bring him his food"she said.
"Brother will come down!" He had a little dirt smeared on his cheeks, so he reached up to wipe it off, watching as it crumbled and fell. "Mommy says she doesn't want Ian to get fat... so she always makes him come down for dinner!" Kyle sped off towards the door, bouncing a little on his feet. "I want miiiilk! My peasaaants! I want milk!"
Tao jolted and gagged a bit,"milk comes for disgusting cow tits"she muttered in disgust then began walking back,"wash your hands Kyle"she told him then looked a bit nervous and ran to find Ian following his scent.
Kyle's scream could be heard, even from Ian's room. "Make me milk, peasants!" And a little thud, but Ian assumed that it was because he fell down off a stool. It always happened, and even the kid was unfazed nowadays. The freelance writer sighed, shaking his head as he made his way towards the kitchen. Sapphire eyes caught sight of the neko. "Tao?" He asked, curious. "You haven't ate dinner yet? Oh! Have you met my mother? She wanted to meet you when I mentioned you..." Frankly, Ian didn't know why his mother wanted to meet the neko, but he had an idea she wanted to evaluate his new assistant. One that he bought for over half a million dollars. Oh well, it was worth it.
Tao jolted blushing,"I get dinner?"she asked not used to eating. Her stomach would growl if she wasn't use to it. Tao then jolted,"ah I hope I don't get punished"she said although she did nothing wrong. Tao then looked at Ian nervously,"do I have to be alone and only trusting him. She quickly grabbed his hand as her tail sway and her ears folded back.
He was a bit perplexed when she sounded so shocked. Does she not eat? He furrowed his brows, confused, but then a little blush coated his cheeks when she suddenly took his hand. It was probably more out of shock than anything else. "O-of course you get dinner!" He said, cheeks flushing - this time in embarrassment. "I don't starve any workers here! That would be cruel!" He paused a little. His mother wouldn't punish her, as long as she finds her credible. Marie Caroline Johnson tends to have a cynical eye over everything she doesn't know. "I don't think mom has the heart to punish you. Or anyone, really. She may tend to be intimidating, but she's motherly. Sort of."
Tao looked at him still nervous,"are you going to be there with me?"she asked very attached to Ian. She quickly got attached to him being that he was so kind and helpe her."where do I go to see her?"she asked a bit embarrassed. She felt like a stupid child but she seriously didn't know what to do.
"Of course!" He said, grinning. "Those chosen servants, assistants, or even just my mother's closest lawyer gets to sit in the main dining hall. There's another dining hall, you see, for the servants here. But since you're not a servant, and you're officially my assistant - one that cleans my stuff... heh... that means you get to sit with us!" He felt a little tired when he said all those words. He hadn't spoken that much since high school - back when he was at the peak of his popularity. Since college, he mellowed down a lot, to a point that he may be called as an introvert, and shut himself off as he wrote and penned unpublished novels. "My mother would like to meet you during dinner. You'll meet the rest of my numerous siblings." He rolled his eyes, not even bothering to count how many they were.
Tao nodded,"okay Ian"she said nervously. She then thought of how scary his mother might be as they walked to the dinning hall. She gulped and slid her glasses up the bridge of her nose. She usually did things like this and it wasn't a too satisfying thing to over think every little possibility. She clung to Ian as they walked hugging his arm tightly like a frightened child. 
(You know when a songs stuck in your head and you keep singing it? Well-- SOS please some one help me it's not healthy for me to feel this ah why oh u are making this hard! xD sorry I'm lame)
(( WARNING: It is too long. ))

"Come on." He led her towards the dining area, where several eyes turned to glance at them. Kyle and Lyle - oh curse his mother for giving them such identical names - were given, sitting next to each other. Lyle placed the glass of milk as they entered, Kyle staring at him in amusement. His eldest sister, Ashley, sat next to his mother, on her right, while the second eldest, Tamara, sat on her left. They both had their noses jerked up, staring at them rather... snobbily. He was never close with his two elder sisters. The third eldest, Marie, smiled warmly at them, waving an affectionate arm as she exited the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron. It was obvious she had been the designated cook. The twin boys, Daniel and Harry, grinned at them with their boyish smiles, Daniel yelling out a, "Welcome back, brotha!" in the most ghetto voice he could muster.

The twins were identical twins, both equipped with blonde locks and amber eyes. Their cheekbones were high, and both had dimples on both cheeks when smiling. Or grinning. They were both fifteen years old, and overall, the seventh and eighth child of the family, respectively. Ashley was an identical image of their mother. Sharp chin, narrowed eyes, and lips cast in a deep frown. Her hair was burgundy, and eyes amber. Tamara was a mixture of their parents. Burgundy hair, blue eyes, and some laugh lines, unlike Ashley's perpetual frowns. But she was as snobby as she could be. Marie? She was a beau, with luscious blonde ringlets and brown eyes, inherited from their grandfather. It was a shock that Marie was so beautiful and kind. Beauty and kindness don't just come every day.

Now here comes Lyle. He had the auburn hair of their maternal grandfather and the blue eyes of their kind father, the famous businessman James Johnson. He was tall, like Ian, at six-foot-three, and he had a lithe figure, as a result of his frequent sports activities. The absent Layton, though, had a boy-next-door good looks, with messy dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He had a bit of a stubble, though Ian wasn't sure if he got rid of that while in college. The matriarch of the family had her burgundy brow arched in expectancy at the appearance of the two latecomers. Marie Caroline was a beautiful woman, though her strict face ruined her beauty. As stated, her hair was a lush color of burgundy, falling down her back in beautiful waves, her eyes were sharp amber, with pupils narrowed down into small dots. She wore light makeup, simply to cover the light sunburn on her face, and for no other reason than that.

"Good evening," Caroline greeted icily, gesturing towards the seats. Her eyes were heavily trained onto the neko, sneering lightly when she noticed the ears atop her head, and the swishing tail. "Please take your seats. It is heavily uncomfortable if you eat while standing, my dears." If Caroline wore white, she would be the Ice Queen. "I assume introductions are in order?" She asked, her question directly towards Tao. "I apologize if you expected your father to be present, Ian." Her tone took a motherly one, "He is absent, you see. He visited dear Layton in his dorm, so he will not be having dinner with us. Maybe by tomorrow." Ian nodded, keeping silent, eyes shifting towards the neko in concern. What if she gets scared by simply being in his mother's presence? He squeezed her hand as a sign of reassurance, mouthing, It's okay towards her.
(That was beautifully written I loved it)

Tao was shaking she couldn't decide if it was impolite to look them in the eyes or not and found herself gazing down to not make eye contact. She felt the air getting heavy and hot. When they sat she glance up to see the Icey sister and gulped. She flinched when Ian squeezed her hand and shook her head not agree with his words at all. She wanted to cry but gulped down tears."yes ma'am"Tao responded to the first question. Oh how she worried about there reaction to her words. She found herself looking up at everyone to see there stares and blinked back tears. She didn't want to eat there she would rather eat from a bowl in Ian's room then this or even better not eat at all. She cringed awaited there reaponce feeling it hard to breath the more she avoided there gaze she then spotted Kyle and smiled. Hey she knew Kyle he wasn't mean! But he only made it a little better and her ears perked up. Her emerald green eyes looking around then she again made the mistake of locking eyes with the Icey sister. She quickly looked down becoming nervous again.
(( It is so long that my hands hurt. Sort of. ))

Marie smiled at the neko, taking her seat next to Lyle after taking off her apron. "Hey," she said kindly, "You're Ian's new assistant, right? Nice to meet you, I'm Marie." She didn't mind her, unlike her elder sisters, who stared down at her. "I hope you enjoy the meal. I made some variety of food. I'm not sure what you would like, so I made a lot."

Ashley took the time to bark a laugh. "That's why you're getting fat, dear sister." She said sickly sweet, frowning when Marie merely ignored her words. She was used to this, anyway. "Make yourself at home! You're basically a part of the family now." Marie was an accepting woman, obviously. That was why her husband married her. But Ian noted that the husbands weren't here. It was a good thing. He never liked Ashley's husband. He was as snobby and annoying as she was. Tamara's was nice, but Ian didn't know how he put up with the woman.

Caroline was about to open her mouth, to say something equally insensitive as Ashley's words, only to be cut off by Lyle. "Mom," he said, rolling his eyes, stabbing a piece of meat with his fork. "Can you just... stop it? You can't intimidate all people you meet, you know. I know Ian's one of your favorite kid, but c'mon. You can't just... look at her! She's about to cry, and it's all your fault!" Lyle suddenly sounded like a nagging mother, though a smirk lifted the corner of his lips when Caroline scowled down at him. The matriarch huffed, crossing her arms as she took some food from a platter. A little thud came from Kyle's suddenly empty chair, a tuft of blonde hair peeking from the table, then suddenly, the kid stood up, grinning. "That was fun!" He giggled, clapping his hands, unfazed from suddenly slipping off his chair. Ian turned his attention from his food to the neko next to him. "Would you like some?" He pointed at the plate of steak, "Just tell me what you want and I'll get it for you." In a hushed voice, he said, "Don't let my mom get to you. She's always like that with new people."
Tao nodded but when Kyle had feel she quickly ran over to help him up. She never liked when children fell it made her scared,"did you get a bruise are you hurt"she started then jolted. Realizing she was again the center of attention she help Kyle into his chair then sat back down,"I don't know what this stuff it I've never eaten before so please just let me have what you have"she whispered so nobody else but Ian could hear her soft words.
"Nope!" The boy giggled, planting his rear firmly on the chair. "I'm fine! My butt's fine!" He quickly swiped a piece of meat from Lyle's plate, earning his disgruntled sigh, and sank his teeth into the meat. Caroline eyed them in annoyance, eating her food with effortless grace that rich people usually have. ... But Kyle and his elder brothers were practically rich, and they weren't exactly mannerful. One quick example, though he was a bit humiliated, was Ian. He had his rice spilled on his table, and he was inconspicuous about it, swiping the rice off the table rather quickly.

"I believe introductions are in order," Caroline repeated firmly. "Ian dear, who is this..." she trailed off with a sneer, not knowing how to refer to the neko without offending her. "Mind introducing your new 'assistant'? I do not think your father will be... pleased about you getting a... non-human as an assistant."

He felt offended. Bristling, he placed two pieces of T-Bone steak and a rather large scoop of Spanish rice into her plate, then faced his mother with a dry smile. "Mother," he said with barely concealed irritation, a flash of exasperation in his eyes. It surprised the women. Ian always bites his tongue whenever referring to their mother. "I'm pretty sure dad's going to be happy when he realizes he has less mess to fix." His father was always big on cleaning the house himself. "And she's Tao. That's all you need to know." He snapped, turning back to his meal. He was getting a bit annoyed at his mother; she was always rude when it comes to newcomers. And when she was being icy with his new assistant, one that even Kyle, Lyle and Marie liked, he was fed up by Caroline's attitude. Can't she just stop judging and eat for once? He huffed, stabbing a piece of fork with more vigour than normally needed.

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