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Fandom Super-Hero Summer Camp


A Sad Remnant of a Forgotten Time
The children of the world's heroes have been invited to a summer camp. In this camp there are a variety of activities. With the combined funding of Wayne Enterprises and Stark Industries nothing is impossible.

So, the children of any hero from DC or Marvel will be accepted. (So long as he/ she has a working CS)






Child of:

Name: oma elsa

Gender: male

Age: 16


Oma enjoys the company of very few, he is used to having others afraid of him so is uncomfortable around large crowds. His eyes are very sensitive to sunlight so he usually wears sun glasses even inside making him stand out. Oma loves bathing in the sun while listening to music so you could find him out on the balcony napping or drawing something.

Oma is protective of those he claims and vicious to those who hurt them using his cunning and sly nature to get revenge. Because of his past Oma takes friendship seriously so even if he's hurt because he's your friend he'll pull through and stand by your side. Be warned though his friendship and trust is hard to gain so if you lose it you won't get it back. Oma gets drowsy in hot places and enchanted by music or shiny things easily. Oma tends to quietly stay in the shadows though if you give him sweets you'll see his cheerful energetic side.


Oma's mother who was a genetic scientist trying to blend animal and human DNA experimented on herself not knowing that she was pregnant and six months later Oma was born scales and all. His mother unfortunately died in child birth and so he was taken in by her mentor genetic scientist Dr.Gordy who was anything but kind. Tested on and cut open for as long as he could remember he just wanted the pain to end so he ran but was soon caught yet not before the avengers caught wind of it. They rescued Oma and took him in black widow and hawk eye adopting him and taught him all they knew.

Child of:

adopted child of hawk eye and black widow


Oma has venomous claws and teeth not to mention very good eye sight and healing abilities. He was also trained by black widow and hawk eye themselves so if he's around be ready for an ass kicking you won't forget or an arrow in the eye. He can speak to and understand snakes.

(He's very androgynous. He also has green scales scattered all over his body.)



Nicholas Parker






Extroverted. Intuitive, Intellectual, and Eccentric


Nicholas grew up like an ordinary kid. He knew his dad was Spider-Man but didn't think much of it. Nicholas liked reading comic books about heroes like anyone else his age. When he was 15 Nicholas built his first web shooter and despite his father's wishes, began heroing. Now, Nicholas stop baddies with webs and quips alike.

Child of: Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson



Proportional Strength of a Spider

Lightning Reflexes


Name: Timothy "Tim" Drake

Alias: Robin

Gender: male

Age: 17

Sexuality: bisexual

Personality: In many ways, Tim Drake's personality is similar to his predecessor, Dick Grayson. He is determined to succeed in missions and is willing to take whatever risks to do so. However, Tim takes his heroism far more seriously than Dick and does not have the natural confidence that the first Robin did, despite his natural affinity for leadership. Despite his lack of confidence he does not freeze under pressure. He thrives under pressure. Tim may take things more seriously than his adoptive older brother (Dick Grayson) but he still had been known to crack crude and snarky jokes.

Child of: Bruce Wayne/Batman (adopted)



-multiple forms of martial arts


-using gadgets

-computer hacking
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Name: Milan Stark

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of meeting Milan knows that she has her father's sense of humor. She fools around just like he does, to her mother's displeasure, but she also has his brilliant mind. From the moment they decided to adopt her, Milan has shown a natural affinity for technology. The only problem is she gets so wrapped up in her "projects" that she rarely ever interacts with people she doesn't already know. She has grown quite comfortable with the few friends she has, and she rarely ever tries to add more people to her circle. To strangers, she can often come off as rude and unfriendly, but this is because she's gotten so used to talking to people who already know her.

Bio: She has no siblings and has few friends. Those few friends, however, are ever so loyal to her and talk with her frequently, so Milan pretends she never really feels lonely. Her father spoils her to no end, so she always has the high-end tech stuff that no one else seems to have. She's used to getting what she wants and doesn't know what it means to do "hard work," as in physical labor. All of her life, people have succumbed to her needs, so she also doesn't know much about what it means to not have something. She can be extremely sensitive to other people's opinions though, since she hasn't really been exposed to blatant hate. She also has close relationships with her parents. Fun facts: she can't cook, doesn't know how to swim (or play sports in general...), and can be quite clumsy when she's nervous.

Child of: Adopted child of Tony Stark & Pepper Potts


~Good with computers

~Very Inventive




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Name: Elyssa (Ellie) Allen

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: She takes after her father in the ways that she is always hyper and running about. She can be a bit of a chatter box and can annoy people due to it, but she is very loving and friendly towards everyone. She loves to make new friends, but is very stubborn. She is a total goofball and is always cracking jokes and is very sarcastic due to both her mother and father. Elyssa also loves physics and chemistry due to her father's influence and can be found trying out her new abilities when she is not not stuffing her mouth with food.

Bio: Elyssa was born knowing about her powers. As soon she was born, they knew she was a speedster as she already had a fast metabolism and could crawl from one room to another in a matter of seconds. As she grew older, she spent lots of time at the news station with her mother, watching her father on the news about everyday. She was always told to keep her powers a secret, but she gets a little rambunctious and sometimes uses her speed for tricks. When she was ten years old and left alone at home one day, she designed a superhero suit matching her fathers and secretly began to help people. When Barry and Iris found out, they freaked out and told her that she was too young and that when she was older, she could join Barry. Luckily with the help of her Grandpa Joe West, Ellie was able to convince her parents to finally let her out at the age of 14 and help her dad fight crime.

Child of: Barry Allen and Iris West

Powers/Abilities: She has super speed like her father, but it is not fully controlled yet (i.e, she runs into walls sometimes). Has superhuman reflexes and is very good at lying. Fast metabolism.

Name: Katie (Kat, Kay) Kent

Gender: Female


Personality: She is sarcastic, funny, has a bit of a temper if you make her mad, She can be very active.

Bio: Katie grew up as a normal child. She lived with her mother, louis kent, happily for a long time until life started to heat up. She was having a 'movie night' with her mother and they were just getting into the movie when Katie thought it would be a good time for a snacks. She went to make some, but dropped a knife on her foot. Katie hollered in pain. Her mood set of her powers and red lasers flew all around the room. Being daughter of Superman, the cut healed immediately after she pulled the knife out. Her mother was afraid she might accidentally hurt some one so she sent her to a camp that would help her.

Child of: Superman (Clark Kent)

Powers/Abilities:fly, super-speed, laser eyes
Name Edward Takashi

Age 15

Gender male

personality Lone wolf some what sarcastic strives to win only cares about his own opinion when it comes to himself

son of Wolverine

Bio: TRB

powers martial arts expert swordsmen can drive any vehicle and heals like Wolverie

best pic I got also he is 6 ft<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/images2L7QGU48.jpg.cab0c2e350065575d3d4c08ee1598780.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35400" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/images2L7QGU48.jpg.cab0c2e350065575d3d4c08ee1598780.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Dera Munroe

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Personality: Shy, unsure, caring, defensive, loyal

Bio: Dera was raised in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, and therefore knew of her powers from a very early age. Despite this she is still trying to get a hold on them, especially those inherited from her father. Because of this she attempts to keep to herself in order to protect those around her from being harmed. At first she wasn't going to come to camp, but her mother convinced her that it would be fun and that it'd be a great opportunity to work on her powers.

Child of: Storm/Black Panther (Canon pairing, non-canon child. Yay!)

Powers/Abilities: Dera has inherited the power of Weather Control from her mother, and superhuman agility/speed/reflexes from her father.

Name: Ace Grey

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: He's quiet, like his father. He is a teen who would rather be blunt and get things over with. He is a quiet guy who says what he thinks and doesn't care. He is angry but doesn't show it. He doesn't have fear and jumps into action if need be. He cares about kids and wants to work alone. He is cold and stubborn. He is a leader but he doesn't accept it. He would do things no one else can. Because he is willing to risk it.

Bio: Born out of Logan and Jean, Ace was a child that he questions himself why he is here. His father is the Wolverine and his mother is Jean. He didn't know that until later. He was put in an adopted family and until he was 10 lived a quiet life. Until one day people were picking on this boy and Ace pulled out his bone claws and scared them away. Shocked, Ace ran away. He came home and his adopted mother was surprised. His father threaten to kill him. Ace asked what is this and they told him that he was adopted and they wanted him to be normal.

Ace angry with them ran off. While learning about his power. Granted his healing factor is not as strong as Logan's aka destroying his skin. He can take adamantium. Slowly after a week he discovered more of his powers. He felt his head hurt. Slowly he felt a calling to head east. Around a year of running around, he found Jean at Professor X's school. Jean utterly surprised at this, told young Ace that he is the child of Wolverine and her. Surpised and bitter he turned to leave but Jean wanting to make up for lost time gave Ace a year to slowly develop his mothers side of his powers. He can do blocks on his mind and move small items. After a year he thanked his mother and turned to leave and Jean told him that they would keep in touch.

Years of wondering and learning more and yet losing himself. In the middle of the New York countryside he saw a poster for a summer camp and an tv ad in a restaurant. He took what little he had and made his way to the camp.

Child of: Jean and Logan (Wolverine)

Powers/Abilities: Bone claws.

Enhanced senses.

Downgraded healing factor.

Psychic blocks on his mind.

Small telekinesis powers.



Alexander Stone






Extroverted, Observant, Intuitive, Intellectual


Alexander showed great academic potential as a kid. At five he was taking apart his toys and putting them back together again. At nine Alexander built a working water wheel and at twelve he created a computer with its own A.I. Alexander often excelled in his studies, usually keeping an A or high B. When Alex was 15 he convinced his dad to let him build his own implant. Alex built a cybernetic arm which he currently uses over his actual arm. Alexander got an internship at Stark Industries creating modifications to Artificial Intelligences and the Arc Reactor.

Child of:

Victor Stone (Cyborg)



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Name: Apollo Rider

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Personality: Reserved. If you break trough his shell he is really talkative and awkward.

Bio: Apollo had a very good childhood. He was very privileged and loved by his family. He wasn't bullied because of his personality and he had a good life. He was born with the abilities of a Nova Centurion from his father wearing the suit so much that his genetics were slightly altered. Apollo inherited the genes at birth. He had a gymnastics unit in his gym class in 8th grade and he love it since the start. He immediately joined showing no talent at all in his abilities as a gymnast. He practiced all day an all night for a few years and was a pro by the time he was a senior in highschool coming 2nd in state. He discovered his powers when he was a freshman in high school. He was practicing his routine for gymnastics as he was about to land on his neck doing a backflip when he suddenly stopped in midair and starts to float. He was amazed and then he asked his father about everything. He was told everything he wanted to know and he became Cosmos. He began to superhero around and was ok at it at first but has gotten better throughout the years

Child of: Richard Rider

Powers/Abilities: Cosmic manipulation and flight. Hand to hand combat specialist.



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Name: Sophia "Hel" Attwood

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: Hel is a friendly person by nature but is short tempered and prone to mood swings. She is unsure of her purpose in life, hesitant at times and easily frustrated. She often falls into bouts of depression, coving it up with smiles and jokes to stop anyone from knowing. She is fuelled by a stubborn determination to prove people wrong, and forge her own path in life rather than follow the ones pre-set for her.

Bio: Prior to Loki's banishment a lot occurred on Asgard right under Odin's nose. In fact one of Loki's favourite hobbies was disguising himself as his brother and roaming the halls of Asgard, bathing in the love and glory he himself could never attain. It was on one of these nights that he ran into Freya, The Norse goddess of love and fertility. One thing lead to another and nine months later Sophia was born, it was only then that Loki revealed his trickery. Disgusted Freya abandoned Sophia on earth to be raised by a Christian family who found the child abandoned on the streets.

At first Sophia was a normal baby, but growing up she became more and more... troublesome, pulling practical jokes and getting into fights. She became rebellious, much to the horror of her adopted parents, drinking and smoking a the of 15. On her 16th birthday she was visited by her true father who explained her heritage and gifted her with Dainsleif, a Nordic sword of great strength. A cut from Dainsleif cannot be healed and a cut from Dainsleif cannot be healed through conventional means, magic is required to remove it's effect. He revealed to her powers that lay dormant within her, teaching how to use them. Healso took joy in telling her of his banishment and how she was, innately evil. Equipped with these tools, Sophia adopted the name of Hel and left home, determined to prove her father wrong and help make the world a better place.

Child of: Loki, Freya


- Can create illusions and disguises

- Can persuade the weak minded to do her bidding

- Wields Dainsleif with incredible skill

- Has greater strength and agility than average due to her Asgardian blood



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Deadkool said:
Accepted, just wondering does your sword do the whole "Mjolnir to me!" thing?
Nope, it's not actually her sword, Loki stole it from Asgard in true Loki fashion :3

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