The Majestic Tale of Two Gamers Trapped in a Game of Death [C3rryBlsossm28 and Z2010Deadmeat]


Time Lord




Following the disappearance of the Game Master Avatar of the Creator of SAO and now their jailer Kabyia Akihiko. What other emotions could be going through the ten thousand players now trapped within a game that was only meant to be a temporary escape from reality now became a permanent one. Even now as the misery of such a situation began to sit in with some of the players standing within the town square. This couldn't be real...could it?!

A month later and they were still right where they started on level one with nearly two thousand player deaths thanks to either 'experiments' on escaping the game or from facing the first boss. The overall situation was grim and bleak. How were they supposed to win this game if they couldn't even get past the first level? It was time that something to be done about it.

Fortunately their was a meeting being held to rectify this situation players all over the first level gathering under the command of a self proclaimed knight going by the username of Diavel. Seemed like an alright guy may be the closest thing they have to a knight here for that matter at just a first impression. Upon the request that the meeting participants who will undertake the raid break into groups did things seem to lighten up a bit as people began to talk about who would partner up with who for this bold little assault on the bosses lair.

While they formed up a young Caucasian man around his early twenties with short black hair and greenish blue eyes sat on one of the higher seats above the others with his legs crossed gazing down at the crowd as he was currently wearing a dark grey variation of the standard gear with a scythe resting next to him. Sure it was big and could be annoying to carry around but it worked. Being a fan of Soul Eater back home he figured why not? "Aww looks like no one wants to team up with me..." He said with a playful pout while his eyes held a hint of mischief.
A girl with long, light blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail and crystal blue eyes walked up to him. She had on the blue version of the female's standard gear. She loved animals in real life and wanted to become a beast tamer but didn't have the option when starting the game. Instead she chose being an archer(I'm assuming there is that kind of range class since there is in the other world) She held the bow in her right hand and had a quiver full of arrows on her back. "I'll be your partner if you wish." She said in a soft voice. Her eyes held no emotion in them.
Hearing the soft spoken voice next to him did the mysterious scythe wielder turn his gaze to the girl. "Oh really?" he asked with a smile. "Then I will be pleased to call you friend." he said casually bringing up his menu screen and sending the archer a friend request. "By the way before you see it from accepting the party request. My username is Cypher." he said cheerfully stretching a hand out to his new party member.
"Mine is Amelia." The girl, Amelia, responded to the party invite. "So I'm going to guess this is where we share our abilities and info? If so as you can plainly see I'm an archer." She sat down next to him and attached the bow to her back. "I fight from afar and can give attack bonuses to those in my party."
Seeing his still outstretched hand not shook Cypher sat it down before looking at Amelia. "Well Amelia, as you can see by my oversized farming tool here. I am scythe wielder." he said tapping the large plain steel blade of the scythe next to him. "I usually just destroy anything that is getting in my way. Though I am a bit creative..." he added with a grin "That being said though I prefer senseless destruction I will be more than happy to create a plan should need be." Cypher said.

"Tell me you think the odds are in our favor for defeating this boss?" he asked
At the question Amelia looked around at the people. Looking at their names and then at their levels. "No. Most of these people aren't at a high level that I believe is needed to defeat a boss." She paused. "Diavel seems like a good fighter though, as well as a few others." She looked back at Cypher. "Senseless destruction can only get you so far before you get killed. With this game we don't have the luxury of a respond."
Cypher grinned. "True but I may have found a secret" He said before hearing a Diavel speak again. "Oh wait lets hear him speak first." the scythe wielder added

"Alright then looks like you all have formed your parties." Diavel said looking at each of the players present with a smile before nodding. "Then-"

"Just a second!" a new voice said behind Cypher as he turned to see some guy with orange spikey hair jump right past him and dash straight for the front.

"My my wasn't that guy in a hurry..." Cypher said "Any idea what he wants?" he asked Amelia
Amelia shook her head. "No, but I bet it's not going to be pretty." She looked around at others reactions. Most had no idea what was happening. When looking around she caught site of a young man with black hair(Kirito). Her eyes honed in on him. Something about his air caught her attention.
"My name is Kibaou" the spiky haired individual said catching Cypher's attention as Kibaou began to state the Beta Tester's were to blame for the deaths that had occurred within the first month of the game. It was then when Kibaou said that the Beta Testers present should hand over everything to their name did the scythe wielder burst out into clearly audible laughter.

"Really?! Oh ho ho ho....oh man that is cute..." Cypher said aloud wiping the tears away. "Amelia...he thinks just because someone started playing this game before him...that its their fault for all of the deaths that have occurred....and he should suddenly get free items as a result." Cypher said as several people in the crowd look towards him before verbally agreeing at how unfair Kibaou's demands were as they turned their gaze back to the spiky haired player. "What do you think of that one?" he asked Amelia very amused with the demand
There was a hint of a smile on her lips but it didn't last very long. "I think you're right. He is completely wrong. Yes, it might be an unfair advantage that they knew what they were doing before us, bu, I don't know about you Kibaou, I leveled up just fine and I'd like to say I am not exactly weak. It is all how you make of it." She crossed her arms and leaned back slightly. Some people nodded in a agreement. She waited for either Kibaou or Diavel to continue talking.(sorry for being kind of not responsive. I have watched the show in a long time so I don't remember the exact details of everything.)
(Lol its ok to be honest when I wrote the scene...I went on youtube to skim the sub version)

After a tense moment and realizing that his attempt at the spoils of others failed did Kibaou sit down. "Alright now that is settled we will depart at ten in the morning until then dismissed!" Diavel said to the group as Cypher hopped up from his seat grabbing his scythe in the process as he made his way down to the black haired boy (Kirito) that Amelia noticed. "In the future I suggest not going on vibrate and trembling like you did....dead giveaway your a you-know-what." He said with a smile
Amelia followed behind Cypher. She looked at the black haired man in front of him. No wonder he stood out. "Cypher leave him be. As long as the others didn't notice I'm sure he will be fine."

Kirito looked up at the two. He didn't recognize either one of them. "And you two are?" "Amelia...." She said. Kirito was surprised by how soft her voice was. "and you?"

(ooc a bit I know but just thought he needed to speak to our characters.)
"Cypher" the scythe wielder said with a smile on his face before his eyes noticed the cloaked figure sitting next to Kirito whom didn't even turn to acknowledge either Cypher or Amelia's presence. "And who are you two if I may ask?" he asked raising a brow as he rested the bladed end of his scythe against the ground.
"I am Kirito and this is Asuna." The girl in the hooded cloak froze at the mention of her name. "Ah Kirito, Asuna. Nice to meet you. Hopefully we will get to meet you again, after the battle." The hooded girl got up to leave.
"Hey I have an idea..." Cypher said all of sudden snapping his fingers. "Well if you two are in your own party...want to team up with us and make a four man and woman party? We'll have a better chance of survival if there are four of us working together than just two teams of two." He suggested however judging by the looks of both of them did he then add. "And when the boss is dead we can all go our separate ways...sound fair?" He asked
Amelia looked up at Cypher. She didn't really want to party up with more people. More people means more she has to fight to keep them alive. She doesn't want anyone dying in her party. Kirito hesitated. Asuna just stood there not responding. "I don't know. Your partner doesn't look like she would be too happy about it." Amelia's face went stoic. "It is whatever he wants. You aren't weak like the rest of these people." "and how can you tell." She smirked. "Archer's intuition. You stiffened when that man announced that the beta testers should get punished for not helping. I'm not blind."
"Plus your not cold either....." Cypher said leaning against his weapon. "You were really in a moral quandary over whether or not you should agree to that fellow's demands. A cold person would have just sat there as if nothing was wrong." he said before sighing. "Ah well never mind about partying up, it was but a mere thought of a madman I suppose." Cypher said with a shrug before gripping his weapon and holding it over his shoulder. "See you both tomorrow rest well and strike first" He said with a small bow before heading down the stairs before stopping and turning back to Amelia.

"I suppose this is where we part ways as well...I have a personal quest I want to see through before tomorrow and do not want to take up any of your time....unless you would like to come with." he offered.
(Sorry forgot to respond)

Amelia shrugged. "I have nothing better to do. So why not? What kind of quest is it?" She asked following him.
(Its ok been stressed out of my mind >.<)

"Well..." Cypher grinned. "I may have a lead on a great secret within this hard to retrieve that 25 people have died in an attempt to get it...I don't even know what it is....but I may be a means to beat the boss on this level." Cypher said
Amelia took a moment to think. "You don't know what it is yet you are willing to die to get it? What is it a weapon? An equipment?" She sighed. "WHy would you want to die for something that might not even help you?"
"Well got any better ideas to do to kill time?" he asked with a smile. "Plus what if it is something we could use? The only way to know is go an find out besides everyone who has tried to get were not smart enough to go with back up. If we go together...we may not die then. So what do you say interested?" he asked

(sorry for the delay)
Amelia smirked. "Why not. I have been itching for a good fight. If I die though, I will haunt you." She said the last part lightly. Most people were afraid of dying in this world. In all honesty she was too, but at some point you just have to get over that fact. It took her a while but once she got stronger she learned not to fear death but to also choose her battle's wisely. She wasn't going to to throw herself into a battle unless she knew she was going to be the victor. "So where so this place?"

(sorry for taking so long. I've been out of the country since the 12 and literally just got home)

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