High School Overdrive


The Thirsty Fish

Character Request Template



Occupation: (Student Counsel, Teacher, Class A Student, Class B Student etc.)

Looks: (At least one paragraph describing how your character looks, if you can, please include a picture bellow the paragraph describing your characters looks Anime style is preferred.)

Personality: (At least one paragraph describing your character.)

Strengths: (Describe what is your charters strengths, what are they good at?)

Weakness: (Describe what is your characters weakness, what are they not good at?)

Likes: (List at least three things you character likes and add a small description next to each like, one sentence will do.)

Dislikes: (List at least three things your character dislikes and a small description next to each thing your characters dislikes, one sentence will do.)

Characters Avatar

Looks: (What does your characters avatar looks like? Describe it in at least one paragraph. If possible include a picture.)

Occupation: (What type is your characters avatar is it a Fighter? A Gunner? Or are they a sniper? Pick one occupation. Avatar occupation descriptions can be found in the over view section)

Main Weapon:(What is your characters main weapon? Describe it in at least one paragraph, if possible include a picture)

Side weapon: (What is your characters side weapon? Describe it in at least one paragraph, if possible include a picture, MOBILE UNITS must post their vehicle here)

Abilities: (Your characters avatar may have 5 abilities/attacks or a combination of both. Make sure your ability/attack is reasonable. Also try and make your attacks realistic to your Avatars occupation. Like for a sniper you can have a powerful shot that deals damage, but it would be unreasonable to have a sniper have a giant buster swords attack. Just make sure your attacks makes sense.)

(Name of ability or attack): (Describe in at least one paragraph your ability or attack. How much damage does it deal? How much HP or SHIELD can it heal? ETC)

(Name of ability or attack): (Describe in at least one paragraph your ability or attack. How much damage does it deal? How much HP or SHIELD can it heal? ETC)

(Name of ability or attack): (Describe in at least one paragraph your ability or attack. How much damage does it deal? How much HP or SHIELD can it heal? ETC)

(Name of ability or attack): (Describe in at least one paragraph your ability or attack. How much damage does it deal? How much HP or SHIELD can it heal? ETC)

(Name of ability or attack): (Describe in at least one paragraph your ability or attack. How much damage does it deal? How much HP or SHIELD can it heal? ETC)

STATS: (Write you're stats here. NOTE the stats bellow are the base stats, be sure to add or subtract any additional stats you gain or lose from your occupations. CHECK OVERVIEW for occupations be sure to add the perks.)

HP: 100%

SHIELD: 100%

Student Counsel

President: OPEN

Vice President: OPEN

Secretary: OPEN

Head Student Disciplinary officer: OPEN

Class A Students

Student 1: OPEN

Student 2: OPEN

Student 3: OPEN

Student 4: OPEN

Student 5 :OPEN

Class B Students

Student 1:Polar Star

Student 2: OPEN

Student 3: OPEN

Student 4: OPEN

Student 5 :OPEN

Class C Students

Student 1: OPEN

Student 2: OPEN

Student 3: OPEN

Student 4: OPEN

Student 5 :OPEN

Class D Students

Student 1: OPEN

Student 2: OPEN

Student 3: OPEN

Student 4: OPEN

Student 5 :OPEN

Class F Students

Student 1: kira blackthorn

Student 2: OPEN

Student 3: OPEN

Student 4: OPEN

Student 5 :OPEN


Just post what spot you want and I'll add your name next to the position.​

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Character Request Template

Name: Mika almond

Age: 15

Occupation: Class F student

Looks: He's a hideyosh!

Mika has a slim curvy build. He stands at 5'4 and weighs 120 pounds. Mika has light blond hair that goes to his shoulder but keeps it up in a ponytail. He also has light skin and green eyes. His left ear is also pierced four times.



Mika is hyperactive and cheerful. He always has a smile on his face. He has a kind heart and loves to help but can be selfish when it comes to his sweets. He smart but gets a bit to absorbed in his hobbies which gets him bad grades. He is brave and loves to try new things but is also very curious and quirky often getting into trouble as a result of being mischievous. He is passionate about his hobbies and will sometimes randomly say stuff that only makes sense to him. He can be a bit naive but is sweet. He is patient but gets embarrassed when he's referred to as a girl though depending on the situation he can be vain about his looks or just uninfected or angry by being called a girl.

Strengths: He's a good student all around if he remembers to turn in his work but he excells at art and drama and is also good at health gym and cooking.

Weakness: He is bad at math English and doesnt do very well in history either.


Sweets: He has a large sweet tooth and will eat anything full of sugar. This usually means he always has a bag of candy on him at all times.

Singing: He's an excellent singer and can hit high notes even most girls can't.

Dancing: He's very graceful and flexible.

Anything artistic: He loves creating new things of of nothing.

Anything involving acting: He especially loves older plays like Shakespeare. He is very talented and is able to mimic other people to a t even their voices. He can also get dressed in under a minute.

Colors: He loves bright colors.

Music: Any trype of music will do.

Trying new things: He's very adventures.


Math: He doesn't get the reason behind all the numbers.

Threats to those he cares for: He will put them in the hospital.

Threats to his sweets: No one will ever see them again.

Characters Avatar

Looks: Mikas avatar has the same hairstyle. He wears a white kimono covered in paint splatters with a white undershirt. He wears no shoes and has a leather choker around his neck.



Main Weapon:Mikas avatar wields a bow and arrow. Sorry don't know how to describe it fully.


Side weapon:

Mikas avatar wields two Japanese war fans. Their the same size but different colors. One is red with write dragons on each side and the yin and yang symbol in the middle. The others design is the same but it is black.



Fans Boomerang: Throw his fans like a boomerang that can slice through the enemy, deal less damage if the target hit twice (deals 40% on first hit and if target hit twice deals 20%)

Spirit shot: Deals more damage than a normal shot from his bow, it can only be used twice during a fight and never twice on the same person. If he misses once he can't use it it again.

( deals 60% of damage on the first hit and 40% on the second)

Herbel hollow: It will heal him by 30% but leave him vulnerable while he heals.

Wind whip: allows him to speed up by 10% but decreases the amount of any damage he lands by 5%.

Fan guard: Makes his fans grow and lessens any damage landed on him by 50% though it lessened by 15% every hit and can only last three hits.


HP: 100%

SHIELD: 100%
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Name: Takashi Ryota


Occupation: Class B Student

Looks: He has a short height that bother him. He is about 5'2 and 132 pound. Always carry his headphone wherever he go. He use a black contact lenses to hide his natural green eye. He almost have no muscle that make him look like a girl but he was faster than any student at his level.


Personality: Takashi is a hotheaded person, he can't stand being mocked as a girl by his classmate. Always complaining about his physical look that make many people think he was a girl. He never show his true feelings directly but rather cover it up. He is one of the Explorers - a bold and freedom-loving individual who enjoys pushing the limits and finding new thing. Sometime he was known for his ingenuity, social skills and ability to improvise

Strengths: Physical Exercise, mostly in athletic.

Weakness: Math and History. Just by seeing number can make him pass out.


Music, "Nothing better than this!"

Meat,"Eat a lot and hope i will grow bigger"

Milk,"Drink a lot and hope i will grow taller"

Firearm,"The most powerful weapon founded by the history!"

Hamburger,"I think i like it"

Fashion,"I often get bored with same clothes that i wear everyday"


Bugs,"I'm not afraid of bugs! they're just... disgusting!"

People think he was a girl,"I am a boy!"

Jam,"Don't you dare bring that thing closer to me!"

Commotion in class,"I can't sleep"

Characters Avatar

Takashi avatar use the look of military armor suit. It have less armor than the real one to make him move faster in the battlefield. The helmet not just protect his head but also have a GPS system that can track down enemy in a short distance.


Occupation: Gunner

Main Weapon:The Ares-16 uses a modular design allowing for a carbine, assault rifle and light machine gun form to suit operator requirements. Takashi favorite gun.


Side weapon: Takashi use a handgun called berreta that also used worldwide for a variety of civilian, law enforcement, and military purposes. Because this is the most easiest gun to handle and yet still have strong fire power.



Stun Grenade:
A grenade that stuns people with its sound and flash, without causing serious injury. It deal no damage to both shield and HP but disable the target vision and hearing for a short time, leaving them vulnerable.

Tracking: Show the location of his enemy using his helmet, but it have a limited range.

Stealth: Activating this will turn his armor into camouflage device that make himself invisible for a short limited time.

Booby Trap: Plant a mine in the ground that will jump to the air and explode when an enemy get too close to the mine, deal a serious damage. (20% damage)

Hexplosive: Throw a frag grenade that can explode into 4 small explosive that deal less damage but will scatter around in the air. (10% damage for the original size, 5% damage in small size)


HP: 125%

SHIELD: 135%

+20 attack (gunner perk)

+15 attack
Name: Kotone Shiraishi

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Occupation: Class A Student

Looks: Waistlength, slightly wavy and fluffy pale blue hair. She has one blue eye and one grey eye. Pale skin. She is 5'1" and a delicate build, looking almost like a gust of wind would blow her away, but despite her misleading looks she is actually just as strong as the rest of Class A that she's in. The fact that she's small and cute often lead others into believing she's weak, which irritates her to no end.


Personality: Kotone is quite a quiet person a lot of the time, but will come out of her bubble if occasion called for it. On the outside, she is quite shy and secluded, but on the other side she is very sweet. She doesn't lose her temper easily but if she gets irritated, she will challenge you withought a moments hesitation and show no restraint in kicking your ass. She tries to be tough about things like that but has quite a forgiving heart which she often tries to hide. She has a fairly calm attitude about things, but she can get very competetive and won't back down from a challenge.

Strengths: English, drama

Weakness: All three sciences, art

Likes: Winning - I mean, who doesn't enjoy winning? But as said above, Kotone can get very competetive.

Guitar - She has a guitar which she is often seen playing outside.

Writing - Kotone has a very vivid imagination and she expresses this through pen and paper (as she isn't great at art).

Drama - Acting has been her passion since she was young, and sad scenes are one of her strengths. Romance is a favourite of hers.

Dislikes: Loud, self-possessed people - they really, really get on her nerves.

People with no imagination - they annoy her more.

Water - a) she hates getting wet, and b), she actually can't swim

People underestimating her - she hates this more than anything

Wimps - So. Annoying.

Characters Avatar

Same bright blue hair, except it's done up in one high ponytail instead of loose. Wears a black leather jacket with fingerless gloves, and wears a mask over the lower half of her face.

Occupation: Fighter

Main Weapon: Emperor Katana

While simple, the weapon is slim, light and graceful and can be wielded with a lot of speed. The black leather hilt ensures good grip, and the blade is very light and sharp.


Side weapon
: Twin Tantos

These small blades are almost miniature versions of her katana. she doesn't often resort to these, usually relying on her blade. She uses one of them normally but the other one in a backwards grip.


Flame Dancer - Kotone's katana becomes white hot and wreathed with flames. It heals the team member with the lowest HP by 20% of the damage dealt. But after using it makes her weaker to water-based attacks, and she can't be healed for another minute.

Shadow Strike - This attack deals normal damage to an opponents HP, but also removes 15% of their shield with a second blade made of shadows following just behind her actual one.

Shimmer - As it says, Kotone becomes twice as fast as before, looking like she is shimmering as she moves. It can be used with crouching tiger.

Crouching Tiger - This attack is a special attack she can only use twice, and it deals double damage. She creates a second katana in her left hand, and sprints at her opponent very quickly, making it difficult to dodge.

Hidden Dragon - Hidden Dragon is a special ability that darkens the entire battlefield, lowering the visibility and and making it difficult for her opponent to see her.


HP: 150% ( +50% Class A student perk)

SHIELD: 150% (+50% Class A student perk)

+25 Damage (Class A Student perk)

Piercing Damage (Fighter style)
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CS Template

Name: Reyst Landeut

Age: 17

Occupation: Class F student

Looks: Reyst has a lean muscular build. His hair is quite messy and is usually swept to his left. He stands at 5'11 and weighs 185 lbs. He usually wears a sweater, which covers his upper uniform.


Personality: Reyst is a man of his word, once he says it, he will make sure he delivers. He is quite reckless and just goes with the flow. He is incredibly smart that he should be in the top class, but he is also lazy and sometimes, very taunty. He is not a goal-oriented person but rather a moment-enjoyment one.

Strengths: He is a great student, if not only for his laziness. His strategizing and negotiating skills are exemplary. The same goes with pretty much all of his academics except on values education and social interactions.

Weakness: Due to him being very taunty at times, he is likely to have any close friends. His recklessness also have caused him problems in the past.

Likes: Softdrinks/Sodas - He likes the sting as well as the energy these produce.

Thinking - Be it pondering about something or just simply thinking about endless possibilities, he finds amusement in thinking.

Cute stuff - Living or not, cuteness never fails to lighten him up and get to his soft side.

Sleeping - Resting one's mind and body is quite addiciting, you might say.

Learning - As much as he likes to slack off and be lazy, he also likes to gain more information in his life.

Dislikes: Traitors - Liars, betrayers and those who use him fuels his rage.

Harmed Friends - Once he notices that you harm or even just be a threat to any of his pals, you're in deep trouble.

Privacy Invasion - Don't mess with his private life. Just don't.

Characters Avatar

Looks: Reyst's avatar has almost the same looks but has a different oufit. The hair and eye color of his avatar is darker, as for the hairstyle, it's not as messy as the real one. His avatar wears a formal attire with his weapon strapped on the waist.


Occupation: Fighter

Main Weapon: A blue-hilted high grade steel katana. Modified for extreme combat, it has lighter weight and better endurance.


Side weapon: A dagger hidden at his back. It has the same features of his main weapon.

Abilities: Paradox Strike - Reyst's avatar starts to appear on different places creating post images (which will depend on a dice roll). These images then strike as the avatar does. They may target the same one dealing 25% more for every image, or target different ones for 20% reduced damage each.

Bladesurge - Reyst's avatar charges towards the target, dealing 25% damage and impairs the enemy's movements, slowing them down for a brief period.

Quick Trade - Reyst's avatar slashes in front of him, dealing 10% damage for each target hit. 50% of the damage dealt then will be copied to his shield.

Breaker - Reyst's avatar attacks the defenses, dealing damage from 1-100%(200% if tank) to the target's shield(dice roll). 50% of the broken shield will be given to the ally with the lowest shield.

Glitched - Reyst's avatar vibrates at a high frequency, making it look distorted. It then ignores damage dealt to it or returns 50% of the damage towards the opposer(dice roll).


HP: 100%

SHIELD: 100%

Piercing attacks (Fighter perk)

Full Drive (Class F perk)

well, i tried
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Name: Laurence Huxley

Age: 27

Occupation: English Professor

Looks: Huxley stands about 6'4, weighing about 190 lbs. He has bright hazel colored eyes and a nice quirky smile. He has a short messy trim, and on occasion will wear a hat if he doesn't bother to fix his hair the morning before arriving to classes. Laurence has a light tan skin tone and is decently well built.


Personality: Dr. Huxley is a really laid back professor. He does follow rules but will mend a few if he feels like they're not right for his classroom environment. Huxley likes to get to know his students and allow them the freedom to write whatever please their mind, also he is a very caring man so if a students need to talk to him, he will be there, no matter what the concern may be.

Strengths: Professor Huxley is an excellent listener and a book worm, so if someone needs a title to read, he is the man to go to

Weakness: He isn't a man for running so no need to find Dr. Huxley on the track, and math. Math is the end of him.


  • A quick cig, "It is a stress reliever to myself."

  • Chips, "It is never a bad time to have chips, want some?"

  • Books, "Oh, the novel sucked me in, I couldn't put it down."

  • Puppies, "I am unfortunately a sucker for them."


  • Heat, "Makes my clothes stick to me and who likes that?"

  • Soda, "I despise soft drinks, so either give me a tea or coffee."

  • Cats, "I am not one for cat's. I prefer the man's best friend."

Characters Avatar

Huxley does differ a bit, due to the student body all wielding weapons, he carries one himself in case a bad fight breaks out and he has to intervene. His outfit also differs but due to the type of weapon he has, he just thought everything should accompany one another. He has black cargo pants on, and black combat boots,


Occupation: English Professor

Main Weapon: Huxley carries a red-bladed Katana that can wield a nasty cut if you dare mess with him. It is always tied around his waist.


Side weapon:

Emei Daggers


Swiping Crimson: Huxley's avatar comes at you in an alarming speed and will swing his katana to deal at least 30% damage but also will leave the opponent 'bleeding' of HP for approximately a minute.

Dancing Emei: If Huxley's avatar is below half health, his Emei Daggers appears on his hand and he gains speed to attack. If he successfully lands two blows he gains 30% HP back.

Bring Forth: Huxley's avatar can call a barrier which reduces attacks about 25% and in the short span of that one minute allows him to heal for 30%.

Can't Catch Me: Huxley's avatar is allowed to swing from side to side, dealing about 20% damage to each blow but is invulnerable for about 5 seconds


HP: 100%

SHIELD: 100%

I hope this is all right, I wasn't sure for the stats of the teachers for I left them as is and sorry it took so long to get it done, had classes to attend the beginning of the week before I got off for break.

I'll begin my next character description once this one is okay with you.
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Isn't 30 second invulnerable is a bit too over powered? No one want to stand and watch you killing other player for 30 long second

Mmm, going to help balance out a bit, I guess I'll take on a female student, was going to do a male student, haha.

Name: Zoey Serine

Age: 17

Occupation: Class C Student

Looks: Miss Serine isn't a tall gal, she only stands about 5'6, and weighs 125 lbs. She has a slim figure and light tan. Her dark black hair compliments her icy blue eyes. She usually wears a pair of black skinny jeans, or a black skirt that reaches to the bottom of her knees.


Personality: Zoey is a sweet gal, and is slightly a pushover. She will be the friend to go to when you are down in the dumps and the young female will always try to keep a positive attitude so she can never discourage herself. She is a very goodhearted girl and never turns down anyone who would like to her friend. The female also enjoys the companies of others and once in a while doesn't mind the solitude when she is walking through the woods by herself


She is quick to analyze her surroundings and take advantage of the area to make it useful to her skills, Zoey is also very light on her feet, so she has that going for her, making sneaking around easier and stealthily as well. Even she is slim and short, do not misjudge her for strenght, she can pack a punch


Zoey is a close combat fighter, so it comes to a disadvantage to her when it comes to opponents whom are long-ranged. She is also easily startled with gunshot sounds due to the fact she had a traumatic experience upon loosing her older sister, and almost loosing her older brother. If Serine is dazed, it can throw her focus off the battle


  • Drawing, "I always carry a little sketchbook with me."

  • Baking, "I simply adore making cupcakes."

  • Cute things, "UWAAAH, look at this dress."


  • Chocolate, "Agh no the sweets, keep it away from me."

  • Gunshots, "I had a bad past with a gun, I cringe at every shot."

  • Having no coffee, "I like my caffeine in the mornings, if not, don't expect me to be nice for a few hours. "

Characters Avatar

Looks: Zoey gains about three inches in height and a more sharp complex with a spiked hairstyle. Her clothes are tight fighting to make sneaking around better for her and she has two pouches on each side of her hips carrying small combat weapons.


Occupation: Fighter

Main Weapon:

Zoey is equipped with these on both of her arms, and the blade only slides out when she is in battle, other wise they look like braces on her arms.


Side weapon:

Also known as Fire and Wind Wheels, they are strapped to her back, almost like a shield, she doesn't bring them out often, but will do so if things begin to look bad in her favor of the fight.



Dual Blades: When Zoey is under attack, she gains an attack speed and has a 20% chance of deflecting half of damage that is about to be given. If the deflecting damage fails to do so, she can gain a bit more extra attack speed, if it pulls through nothing happens and the attack speed lasts only for another 30 seconds before it wears off

Spinning Metal: Zoey's blades sheaths and she brings her Fire and Wind. Her damage increases about 10% and within a 30 second span, she can relentlessly throw her wheels at her opponent

Stealthiness: If she isn't attacking, she has a chance to go stealth, but that is if she allowed a 5 second period of not being disturbed or attacked If successful she can disappear for about 10 seconds and her HP can regenerate almost back to max, but goes no further than 3/4's depending if the enemy detects her quickly within that 10 second window.

Dashin': She throws up a shield decreasing the oncoming damage by only 10% but it wears off quickly after a third strike is given. If a third attack is not given, she gains about 10% HP back.

Dejavu: She replicates an image of herself that lasts only for 5 seconds to attempt to evade any oncoming attacks


+15% HP and SHIELD to their avatars, +10 damage added to all of their attacks

HP: 100%

SHIELD: 100%


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