• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern the mystery club - the club


hi everyone! welcome to the applications thread for the 1980's roleplay the mystery club!

this is not a first come first serve roleplay. this is an application-based roleplay so please don't worry if you see someone making an application for a role that you would like to apply for. i'll be choosing which OC gets the role, though the skeptics and the baits require two people for the roles. also, you do not have to use a fancy code for your application. you may use one but do whatever makes you feel comfortable!

application due date

the club
lead investigator - otto fischer - played by fairyfawn fairyfawn

assistant - lorelai thatcher - played by Loomis Loomis

medium - jacqueline foster - played by opaline opaline

the skeptics - kiera fallon - played by Lizy Lizy , mei xing - played by eyclore eyclore

researcher - siobhan phelps - played by celadon. celadon.

the baits - finley ray - played by Walliver Walliver , mitchell leiberman - played by twin peaks twin peaks , dylan sullivan sillybilly sillybilly

journalist - lucas pierre-aston - played by Historia Calamatium Historia Calamatium

interviewer - aimee booker - played by minajesty minajesty

the form

character image here (realistic)
full name
age (20-24)

appearance description
personality - traits or paragraph
history/backstory - optional!
place of birth
date of birth - please include month, day, and year. remember this is summer of 1986!

are they good at their role?
do they believe in the ghosts and the supernatural?

body modifications/scars
romantic orientation
sexuality orientation
headcanons/fun facts

hello player!

what can we call you?
your pronouns
what kind of mysteries would you like to see?

interest check - here!
temp. ooc - here!
applications - you're here!
ic - tba
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the investigator

billie eilish

FULL NAME: otto theodore fischer
D.O.B: April 14th, 1965
P.O.B: Berlin, Germany
AGE: 21 years old
GENDER: transgender male
PRONOUNS: he/otter
ORIENTATION: polyamorous homoromantic homosexual
ROLE: the lead investigator

APPEARANCE: Otto is short, standing at 5'1" in height. He has short, fluffy hair that varies in color due to the fact that Otto will often dye his hair different colors. Otto's hair is long enough to put it up into a short ponytail. His eyes are a warm brown.
FACECLAIM: kaiisyourhomie

Otto is... spontaneous. Sometimes you will find him up on his toes because he hates sitting still for long periods of time and he wants to do something, or other times you will see him being calm and quiet. He's pretty easy to get along if you can handle the fact that he's pretty enthusiastic and hyper. He loves making other people smile and laugh, so you'll see him doing something goofy or comical to get a laugh out of others, he's a pretty funny guy. Otto is also pretty forgetful, an example being that he'll forget what he was talking about earlier.

Otto is also messy and disorganized, the type to stuff papers into a bag and go rummaging for them later. Otter also doesn't like being told what to do, and more than likely otter is going to brush it off and do what he wants to. Otto is prone to reckless and impulsive behavior, doing things out of sheer impulse and not thinking about what otter is doing is possibly a rash decision. He wants to help out, he wants to help others and he doesn't want to be standing idly by when he could be helping somebody out.

Otto is easy to scare, every little noise will make otter jump in fright.


impulsive, creative, loyal, moody, gullible, helpful


chronic insomnia, ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, hypochondriasis, latex allergy, bee sting allergy

HISTORY: uhhhhhhhhh

Otto has a septum piercing, ear piercings, and a lip piercing. Otto also has a stick and poke tattoo on his right ankle of a cat.

iced coffee, cats, sweaters, fireplaces, aromatherapy, rain, cold weather, fluffy blankets, books, strawberries

bugs, crowds, hot weather, being disturbed, summer, sour things, cheese, mud, itchy clothes

cardiophobia -- fear of something being wrong with the heart
thalassophobia -- fear of deep bodies of water
arachnophobia -- fear of arachnids
thanatophobia -- fear of dying

bouncing his leg, biting his fingernails, pacing, humming when nervous or scared

crocheting, ghost story telling, swimming, drawing

Well, Otto is... kind of good at his role. He's a scaredy cat and will jump at the smallest of sounds, thinking it's some monster out to get him.

Otto sure does! In fact, otter will tell the other members of the group about otters paranormal experiences.

- remember courage the cowardly dog? that's him. that's otto.
- what a scaredy cat lmao
- a bundle of chaos
- Norse Pagan
- soft fluffy hair 101
- sweaters and hoodies are his friends
- will bite
- clumsy, tripping over nothing
- butter fingers
- leg bouncing go brrrrr
- easily distracted
- what do you mean otter needs to organize otters belongings?
- forgets that otter forgets things
- LOVES SWEETS like i'm not joking, Otto has a big sweet tooth


otto fischer.

designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.แƒฆ

what can we call you? - juniper, juju/juni, pastel, shark
your pronouns - he/purr/fox, other neopronouns welcome
triggers - just treat things with respect and all is good with me!
what kind of mysteries would you like to see? - honestly, i have a whole bunch of mysteries prepared for this!
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mitch leiberman โœถ

kieran culkin,

a.k.a bait.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

/* ------ left side ------ */


mitchell leiberman


mitch(ie), mitty



date of birth

december 27th, 1964

place of birth

boulder, colorado


cisgender male (he/him)

bisexual, although he hasnโ€™t explored it much, he is probably more into guys at the moment.

the bait


physical description
Mitch is a package, who looks the part of a post-teenage delinquent. The first thing you notice is how he dresses like heโ€™s homeless. Thrifted pants shredded at the ankles from wear and a belt hanging them on his bruised hips. An oversized white vest stained or a threadbare faded teeshirts. Old sweaters stained from use and fraying at the cuffs.

He is always sporting some new injury. Scrapes and cuts from skating and running around being a dirtbag. Sore knuckles from his last scuff, a split eyebrow, bleeding mouth which heโ€™ll waltz into a room and bare his teeth. He goes missing and comes back hours later with a bust lip and cheek. Most of these are self-inflicted; I.e. he has a taste for risk and a remarkably high pain tolerance so heโ€™s always falling off shit, scratching himself or getting into "sticky" situations (thanks, gang).

Mitch looks a mess, but he is roguishly handsome in a way that some people find charming. Others just keep a wide breadth. His appearance is slightly all over the place, gray-brown eyes glaring into you with a dead stare. With thick brows and thin lips, and a head of hair even women are envious of, if one isn't drawn to Mitch for his bad decisions, it's for his good looks.

face claim
young kieran culkin

Mitch is blunt. Famously, doesnโ€™t give a shit about what you think. Or โ€˜not hurting your feelingsโ€™. There is a rawness to him, a twenty-two year old kid whirling into destruction. He is a turbulent mess.

Spontaneous, energetic, risk-taking and brave, he doesnโ€™t shy from the face of things. He has a loud mouth and a bold, cutting sense of humour with the edge of a frayed punk. He is colorful, but distracted. There is an eager boy inside brimming full of creativity and ideas, but he has been struggling recently without the support he needs. He's an original, bold and practical, and although sociable, he is very much his own person and independent by nature. Or perhaps just unbelievably stubborn. He is cheeky and funny, insulting those who take themselves too seriously and flipping his middle finger to anyone opposed to him. Heโ€™s a joker, always pulling goofy faces, always opinionated or has something left-field to say when asked.

Mostly, he has an easy going โ€˜I donโ€™t give a fuckโ€™ attitude. Entertaining, always seeking that spark of fun and risk. He loves to be the center of attention, and has a perfomative side to him. He is very physical, and hates theoretical or philosophical discussion. He has a short attention span for those things, and has quite severe ADHD. He is energetic and rarely thinks before he acts. He dives right in and thrives at the center of the storm. He likes the heat of being observed, of there being witnesses to his chaotic mark. He runs by his own moral compass and hates rules and systemization. He is disorganized and disobedient, and is close to dropping out of college because he doesnโ€™t care and also isnโ€™t receiving the support he needs. He is impatient and insensitive, and incredibly bad at time keeping (part of his ADHD).

Whilst Mitch has a big spirit, he is also quite lonely. Truth is, heโ€™s a mess, and he doesnโ€™t have many close friends. He struggles with his mental health with fluctuating self esteem, and has addiction problems to alcohol which he inherited from his father. The truth is, he is starting to spiral and he needs help but heโ€™s too stubborn to realize. And his defiance means sometimes he can just be hard to get along with.

Heโ€™s kind of like a loveable mess. He can be quite polarizing. A wild dog that needs some love to make him see the kindness in himself first before he can truly love and be loved by others. Recently he has become more withdrawn from others because he is struggling with mental health and is losing his extroversion, withdrawing into a toxic world of self-hating and would hide from anyone who asks that anything is wrong. He should seriously get some therapy.

are they good at their role?
famously over-confident and cocky to the point it's laughable, mitch goes above and beyond the stakes of being bait, never afraid of injury and thrives off the physical rush. he's as slippery as an eel and quick as a whip, hard to scare and even harder to get rid of. most of his friends assume he just annoys the spirits out of hiding.

do they believe in the ghosts/the supernatural?
a skeptic at his core and borderline cynical, mitch's constant exposure to the weird and unusual has caused him to build a weird reluctance to believing. very rarely does a haunt provoke him, and if it does, he doesn't let it show (using sarcasm is a coping mechanism). shane madej coded, 100% the sort of person to walk into a room and yell at the ghosts to "suck it".

maple syrup, huskies and dobermans, spinning his pen in his hands, playing with zippers, baggy clothing, earthy colors, showing off his scars and bruises, low budget horror movies, skinny dipping, divorced dad rock, take-out noodles and asian food, fried chicken, siracha, chasing rainstorms, the smell of pine, ice pops, loud noises and drums

being told what to do, the fact that heโ€™s an eternal disappointment, reading, school, being in class, teachers, rules, being polite, old rich people, lemon, waiting in lines, being vulnerable, being told heโ€™s stupid all the time, foggy weather, places that are too serious and quiet, rashes, bees, guns and assholes who carry guns

tight, enclosed spaces cause mitch to hyperventilate and panic, usually to the point beyond reason. he will kick and scratch and punch, a fight worth fighting until all the breath leaves him and someone finds him unconscious. / irrationally afraid of being followed or having someone (a stranger) behind him, always checking over his shoulder in the middle of an investigation site. / will yelp and curse out any of his friends for jumping out and scaring him, fuck you guys.

running his hands through his hair, cracking his knuckles/fingers, flirting with all of his friends (a running bit), picking or scratching at his scabs and scars when nervous.

sleeping (anywhere and everywhere), upsetting the elderly, skateboarding, going out for late night walks, dumpster diving
little more


mom, am i still young?

He was born in winter; a time that everyone speaks of renewal. His parents were done with each other way before he was born, high school sweethearts turned sour; but made an effort to stay together for him. It didn't work. His mom left when he was a kid, and for a long time, he'd go back and forth between both households and always wish he didn't have to. Then his mother remarried and had kids, and gradually she forgot about him and his sisters. Mitchell didn't resent her for it, though (or so he says). His older sisters, Julie and Winona, resented her enough that he didn't need to.

His dad was never really home. It was always work or sleep with him. His sisters practically raised him for the majority of his childhood and the years leading up to teenhood. He's closer to them than anyone else, really. Mitchell rarely visits his mother anymore. He sort of hates going to her house, anyway. Seeing the family she has, and how good she is to her other kids despite abandoning her first family makes him angry. Yes, he's not resentful. But he's jealous and angry, and a little heartbroken. Julie used to tell him that he wasn't missing out on anything. She often said that Shannon was a terrible mother, up until the very day she left.

Mitch thinks it could be true. Some days he can remember little bits of his earlier years; nights when his mom would pass out on the couch or come home late and forget to make dinner, so Julie would. He also remembers being yelled at often, or feeling like he had to walk on eggshells around her. He knows what that sounds like, but he's never been fond of thinking back on his childhood in detail. It only makes him nervous.

When Julie died-- only 27 when Mitchell was 19, suddenly ripped of a life, a future, and her independence-- his family gets a little smaller. In fact, it feels like it becomes just him and Winnie. His mother comes to the funeral but leaves before it's over, and then he doesn't hear from her for two weeks. His dad becomes a ghost in their house, the only proof of his ever being there coming in the form of his rumpled bedsheets and misplaced coffee mug. He grows closer to Winona than ever before. She becomes his lungs: the one keeping him steady and breathing and alive. He becomes her heart: always reminding her that he's there and that he'll never leave. Mitch hopes that time will make things better.


winona lieberman.

The Lieberman siblings share an unbreakable bond- hazy memories of summer swishing whiskey and sneaking out their bedroom windows. Since their sister's passing, they cling to each other like a lifeline. Almost twenty-seven herself, the age Julie was when she died, Winona has become something of a hermit and a hypochondriac. While she can hardly stomach her brother's strange taste for adventure, she's his protector, Mitch's best friend and the first person anyone calls if shit hits the fan.

about the writer

what can we call you?

twin or tj, i'll respond to either!




open to sensitive subjects as long as you're respectful and more importantly, educated about what you're writing about.

what mysteries would you like to see?

something that causes the group to split up / more risk than reward / a looming presence that seems to follow the group during a search of an investigation site / some idiot in a mask scaring the shit out of people for the shits and giggles tbh

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

ยฉ weldherwings.
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W I P !

Sydney Birk
the medium
  • i
    full name
    Sydney Jude Birk
    date of birth
    December 21st, 1962
    cisgender male
    sexuality comes here
    ethnicity comes here
    occupation comes here
coded by natasha.
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euphemia st. ives

# the researcher

# anya taylor-joy

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก


aimee booker.

# the interviewer

# cecilia cheung.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

  • AIMEE B.
    the interviewer.
    • aimee booker ( noun ) ; a top noch interviewer keen on seeking the truth behind ongoing investigations.
      #heterosexual #heteromantic
      + BASIC INFO
      A.K.A MIMI.
      SHE / HER / HERS.
      OCT 11, 1964.
      + VISAGE
      HEIGHT: 5'5" \ 167.6cm.
      WEIGHT: 104lbs \ 47kg.
      HAIR: supple dark brown with streaks of mahogany, aimee's hair falls past her shoulders with a voluminous bounce in every step she takes. on occasion is it tied away, but it has a reputation for framing her face with the help of intricate waves.
      EYES: forest brown and full of determination. doe eyes are a stark contrast in comparison to her diligence to get a job done.
      DISTINGUISHING: dimples on both sides of her cheeks decorate her face when creamy, porcelain features crack into a beaming smile.
      CLOTHING STYLE: x , x , x , x , x
      FACECLAIM: cecilia cheung.

    ยฉ PASTA

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tab one

tab two

tab three

tab four


    The Skeptic

    Appearance :
    Mei has long, wavy, brown hair with some warm light brown highlights. She has pale ivory skin, an oval shaped face with bright almond-shaped brown eyes. She is 4โ€™8'' tall and has slim features.
    Her face is quite clean without distinctive marks or scars, although there are some scars on her knees and elsewhere cos she is quite clumsy and often hurts herself.

    Mei does not have a particular style, besides the days wearing hoodies , she also wears sporty clothes and has an excellent choice of outfits and often buys too much when she tries to match some trousers and tops. Lately sheโ€™s been into streetwear and cosy clothes.

    Lee ho Jung


    2nd may


    tab one

coded by weldherwings.

hello player!

what can we call you? .
Eli, para, lumi, eyclie
your pronouns . she/her
triggers . spiders, rotting flesh / injury detail (okay with little description. Not to graphic) ?
what kind of mysteries would you like to see? Murders , missing ppls ? ghosts !!






  • 01.



    Kiera Fallon



    None, but she's open to whatever her friends may come up with






    January 2nd, 1964



    Swindon, England



    Cis Female











    Brown with blonde balayage. Straight, often styled with lots of teasing and curlers to get a more wavy look




    Ear piercings, navel piercing, small scar on her right knee


    Suki Waterhouse

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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finley ray

#the bait

#noen eubanks

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

full name: Finley Amadeus Ray
nickname(s): Finn, Finny, Lei Lei
age: 20
gender: Cis male
pronouns: He/him/his
faceclaim/voiceclaim: Noen Eubanks

appearance description:
Tall, lean. Kind of has a runnerโ€™s build. His hair is almost always dyed, usually pink or blue. Has a slight tan that fades rather quickly, sunburns very easily.
-Kind of the mom friend, makes sure you have snacks and get good sleep
-Sort of oblivious to danger
-Great attention to detail
-Loves his friends more than anything
โ€œI was born lol.โ€
But fr I donโ€™t wanna do a history so youโ€™ll get it in bits and pieces like an old lady feeding pigeons a piece of bread.
place of birth: Miami, FL
date of birth: April 1st, 1966

role: the bait
are they good at their role?:
Incredibly so. He is excellent at being both distracting and somewhat oblivious. He ran track all through high school and is still running in college, so heโ€™s incredibly fast in short bursts. He is also excellent at providing nourishment, drinks, and the occasional book to his teammates.
do they believe in the ghosts and the supernatural?:
Of course! He doesnโ€™t really get the technical aspects of it, but he believes it! He longs to meet the Mothman one day.
-lemon candies
-soft blankets
-comfy sweaters
-rock music
-grape candies
-classical music
-anything itchy or scratchy
-his bio parents
-Nosocomephobia (fear of hospitals)
-Autophobia (fear of being alone)
-rocking on the balls of his feet
-rocking when heโ€™s sitting down
-any kind of rocking, really
-spinning in circles
-chewing on things that arenโ€™t food (has a plastic chewy necklace charm, think chewelry)
-playing the guitar

body modifications/scars:
Earlobe and helix piercings. Scratches on his arms and hands. Large burn scars on his forearms and thighs that are usually covered up.
romantic orientation: heteroromantic
sexuality orientation: asexual (sex repulsed)
headcanons/fun facts:
-autistic (but they didnโ€™t really have a word for it in the 80s, according to some research)
-feeds wild animals
-tamed a murder of crows


hello player!

what can we call you?: Olive, Olly
your pronouns: whatever, I donโ€™t really mind anything
triggers: graphic animal death (implied is okay), and injuries to the feet specifically
what kind of mysteries would you like to see?: discovering cryptids, ghosts, and the like. also murder would be great.
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The Assistant

  • Full Name: Lorelai Sibyl Thatcher

    Nickname: Lor

    Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    Pronouns: She/Her

    P.O.B: Point Pleasant, West Virginia

    D.O.B: October 11, 1964

    Role: The Assistant

    Are they good at their role?: Yes, Lorelai being eager to please and perfectionist she is always on top of things. She loves being Otto's second hand and making sure everything is in place and ready to go at a moments notice.

    Do they believe in ghosts/the supernatural: Most definitely. Lorelai has had multiple personal experiences that has made her a true believer.

    Orientation: Bisexual

    Face claim: Liv Tyler

coded by BELIAL.

what can we call you? - Loomis ^.^
your pronouns - she/her
triggers - none
what kind of mysteries would you like to see? - ERRYTHING
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[h[ Whitney Lane King [/h]


  • Nicknames: Whit
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Face claim and Voice claim: Peyton List


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siobhan phelps
#lauren bacall
โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

FULL NAME. Siobhan Auden Phelps.
AGE. Twenty-four.
DATE OF BIRTH. 12 May 1962.
PLACE OF BIRTH. Brunswick, Maine, USA.
GENDER. Female (she/her).
SEXUALITY. Heterosexual.
OCCUPATION. Student (second-year) at Ohio State University College of Medicine.

FACECLAIM. Lauren Bacall.
HEIGHT. Five feet nine inches.
HAIR. Brown and shoulder-length.
EYES. Grey like choppy water, narrow.
FEATURES. Defined cheekbones. Dark under-eyes. Bow-shaped lips. Greying little hairs at her hairline.
MODIFICATIONS. Pierced ears, for earrings. Not much else.

PERSONALITY. Siobhan wants to be like a knife. Everything she does is to sharpen herself down to a single point and purpose. Her calling is in medicine, but regardless of whatever she chose she would go about it this way. It's just who she is. Everything else is a little strange. She smiles through it like she's a regular person who can have a good time alone, can have a good time when she's not working. But it's all very strange to her. Having friends, going out. Dating. She's never wanted a boyfriend all that badly.

She may seem quite distant even while she's laughing with you. Even if she told you she enjoyed something about your last conversation, you may think her bored or even suspicious of you. There's something guilt-inspiring in the way she looks at people, it's true. But as unclear as her feelings may be, even to herself, she is very protective over certain people. She takes on a protector role in groups, a mother role really, whether or not they already have someone. She is at her best when she is busy and has people to manage. Concerns to allay and all that.

She has a frosty sort of charm, like a witch risen from sleep. She never loses her footing when it comes to other people; the best and next best thing to say will always find their way to her in a quick flash. Her elisions are as compelling as the things she actually does say. She can say one thing and it's ice water thrown in your face; another thing and she's forgiven.

LIKES. Chewing gum, cigarettes, hot drinks, cold weather, rain/fog.
DISLIKES. Tardiness, poor hygiene/dirt, junk, horses, storms, heavy drinkers.
HOBBIES. Not many. She reads a lot, mostly newspapers; she cooks all her own meals; she has a camera to take stupid pictures with, of things like flowers and different skies and neighbours' pet chickens.
HABITS. She writes tic-tac-toe games on every scrap of paper she can find; she does things to prevent the feeling of static electricity, such as removing her socks to walk across a carpet; she has a little book full of postage stamps she's found and kept for herself.
FEARS. Siobhan fears being treated as amateur, or unknowledgeable, or like a child; she fears being stuck with one life, the same life, living the same day over and over again; she fears what would happen if she really let things slow down for a minute.

BACKGROUND. Siobhan was born in Maine to a working-class Irish-American family. She grew up with three brothers, two older and one younger. Her father drank and wasn't good with money and things were really tough sometimes. There are thousands of childhoods like this. Thousands. Siobhan tried keeping things together and did a better job than any nine-year-old, or any fourteen-year-old, should have to do.

You can kind of look at the world as being two kinds of people: people who know what's going on, and what to do, and people who don't. Siobhan knew. She knew what was what. Maybe she had to, who knows. But from fourteen, from seeing some movie on TV or something, she knew she had to be a doctor, in any case. So she started working one day and barely stopped. She studied hard and did really well in school, lied about her age to get a job, all of that.

She got a scholarship to Ohio State, surprising nobody except her, and so moved to Columbus when she was eighteen in order to attend. It turned out to be a trade with no immediate benefit, which she kind of predicted. Hard work for more hard work. And thankless. And in the company of men who would whisper 'nurse' or 'candy striper' into her ear during class.

Her reaction was to keep working and working and working and working until last winter, when she kind of burned out. Or at least sunk into this state of living-death where she could barely think. Like the end of a deadly fever. She couldn't breathe. Her friends were insistent that she take a gap year to collect herself. She would try to argue but it'd come out like a sigh. She couldn't make the words. So she went: okay. Okay, okay. I'll do it.

...By interning at a hospital in the small town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia. More work, but less work, so it was what they meant, in a way, though maybe only in a way that applied for her. Those friends certainly wouldn't be happy with her if they knew, but they didn't know, so fuck it.

Her duties at Point Pleasant General Hospital include(d) barely fucking anything. She got restless. She would sit by the window of her rented second-floor room and try and get through a little bit of a magazine but then throw it down on the floor and just chain-smoke until she went to bed. And then she would get up in the morning and go to work and four out of five days there would be so little to do that the more bold (male) members of the staff would ask her to mop.

When she heard about some troublemakers going around town looking into ghosts, and things, her eyes flew up in her head and she scoffed. Then one weekend some of them came to the hospital asking to see some records, and she got to scoff at them in person. But she let them see the records โ€” which, if her bosses knew she'd done that, she'd be fired and in serious danger of having her university enrollment cancelled โ€” and then decided to stick around a little longer. Got warm on some awful whiskey and tried to see what was up. With an open mind, as they say.

And she's still sticking around, weeks later.

ROLE. The Researcher.
ARE THEY GOOD AT THEIR ROLE? Medical science requires an investigative mind. And Siobhan brings one. She investigates everything. So, yes, she is good at the role, but it's maybe more accurate to say that she's good as a part of the team because of her role. The demand on her she bring physical proof to a theory, group debate, or line of investigation is what keeps her sharp. Any role where she would be asked to further dull her own skepticism and she wouldn't be credible in it. She's tried believing in a lot but she's never been good at it.
DO THEY BELIEVE IN GHOSTS AND THE SUPERNATURAL? She'd tell you no, only because the worldview she's taken on doesn't have the space for it. She kind of taken the wrong career path to be a believer in ghosts, she'd tell you. But recently she's seen things she can't explain, seen hints that there's something else there. Something larger. So her reported position is just a position, an official line, and it doesn't answer to everything she feels about it. "It" being, well, you know what.

WHAT CAN WE CALL YOU? Green is fine.
PRONOUNS. She/her.
TRIGGERS. N/A, just don't sensationalise it.
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I'm not napping; I'm just practicing for the next time I have to deal with a ghost. You know, it's all about staying in character.

Dylan Sullivan



full name

Dylan Sullivan


Dylan, Dyl




September 10, 1966





Monkeys Spinning Monkeys

Kevin MacLeod






130 Ib

hair c.


eye c.



Alex Winter



Dylan Sullivan is the living embodiment of tranquility. Imagine a world in which time moves at a leisurely pace, where worries are but fleeting clouds in the vast blue sky of existence, and you'll find Dylan right at home.

At the very core of his being lies an unparalleled state of perpetual drowsiness. It's as if he's in a lifelong battle with sleep, and sleep is comfortably winning. His eyes, half-lidded and perpetually yearning for the sweet embrace of dreams, only serve to reinforce the notion that he's in a never-ending siesta.

Life's complexities often seem to pass him by in a slow, serene river of events. His responses to the world around him are akin to a gentle lullaby, soothing and unhurried. A profound patience courses through his veins, a virtue that makes the concept of rushing or stressing utterly foreign to him. While others may feverishly chase the minutes, he strolls through life as if he's got an eternity to spare.

It's not that Dylan is devoid of excitement; quite the opposite, in fact. He possesses a unique propensity for becoming excited over the simplest of things. A brilliantly blooming flower, a particularly fluffy cloud, or a perfectly toasted marshmallow โ€“ these are the moments that light up his rather sleepy world. When enthusiasm strikes, it's like a bolt of lightning through his relaxed existence. His sudden bursts of joy are as endearing as they are unexpected.

Though not one to be described as the sharpest tool in the shed, Dylan's approach to intellect is, shall we say, more of the leisurely variety. He takes his time processing information, often lost in thought as if navigating a dense fog. Complex riddles and intricate puzzles might leave him baffled, but he tries, occasionally.

Yet perhaps his most curious trait is his apparent cluelessness. Dylan moves through life in a state of blissful unawareness, like a wanderer in a surreal dream who frequently misses the most glaringly obvious details. It's as though he's equipped with a special kind of mental filter that screens out anything too mundane or conventional.

In the realm of attentiveness, Dylan's record is, well, less than stellar. He'll listen with rapt interest to a conversation, only to forget its content seconds later. His propensity to be easily distracted, whether by a butterfly fluttering by or a wayward thought, is a feature, not a bug, as he thinks.

Dylan's personality is the embodiment of a gentle river, meandering through existence with serene nonchalance. His drowsiness, sporadic excitement, and relaxed pace paint a portrait of a man who's mastered the art of being sleepy.


Napping, Jokes, Unexplained Mysteries, Himself!!!


Hurry and Rush, Overthinking, Being Awoken, Complex Issues


Haha, I didn't think too hard on this guy. No fears, really. Dying??? I guess.



Dylan Sullivan's relaxed demeanor has been a defining trait since childhood. Growing up in the quaint town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, he was always the kid who took life in stride, often seen with a half-asleep smile on his face. His laid-back nature seemed to be hardwired into his very being.

One pivotal moment in his early years solidified his belief in the supernatural. When he was just a wide-eyed, impressionable child of around seven, something unusual happened that forever changed his perspective on the world. One evening, as he lay in his bedroom, there came a series of thuds and crashes from the attic. To him, it sounded like a parade of elephants dancing above his head. As any child would, he imagined the wildest scenarios โ€“ perhaps a ghostly carnival had set up shop in his attic, complete with clumsy ghost elephants.

His parents, of course, assured him it was nothing more than some overenthusiastic squirrels making mischief. And to be fair, it probably was. But in Dylan's young mind, the idea of a paranormal party was far more exciting, and from that moment forward, he became a firm believer in ghosts, ghouls, and all things supernatural.

As he grew older, his connection with a group of like-minded friends strengthened. They shared his curiosity for the unexplained and a penchant for stumbling into mysteries. Together, they became amateur investigators of the strange and mysterious, uncovering tales of eerie happenings in Point Pleasant.





Are they good at their role?

Certainly, Dylan's approach to baiting in the group's paranormal investigations is far from enthusiastic. He doesn't exude the kind of energy or enthusiasm one might expect in such a role. Instead, he maintains his perpetually drowsy and laid-back demeanor, making it clear that he's not particularly excited about the task at hand.
However, what makes Dylan's role truly unconventional is that, despite his lack of enthusiasm, he manages to be effective in his own unique way. His relaxed presence and the air of indifference that surrounds him often coax the supernatural out of hiding. So, while he may not be the most enthusiastic bait, Dylan's unconventional approach to the role proves that effectiveness in the realm of the supernatural can come in many forms, even in the form of a perpetually drowsy and unenthusiastic bait.

Do they believe in the ghosts and the supernatural?

Sullivan's belief in the supernatural has undergone a subtle transformation as he's grown older. In his younger years, he was a firm and enthusiastic believer in ghosts and all things paranormal. His childhood experience with the 'phantom attic elephants,' as he fondly recalls it, solidified his belief in the supernatural world.
However, as he's aged, a hint of skepticism has crept into his thoughts. While he still maintains a private belief in the existence of some paranormal phenomena, he's become more rational in his approach. He's started to question the validity of certain ghost stories and legends, often searching for logical explanations before embracing the supernatural.
This shift in his belief system is a quiet evolution that he keeps to himself, not wanting to dampen the enthusiasm of his friends who remain avid believers. Despite his growing skepticism, he continues to embrace the mysteries of the supernatural world, acknowledging that there may be unexplained phenomena lurking in the shadows, even if he no longer fully subscribes to every ghostly tale.

That's it :)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.



What can we call you?

Silly or Crown!


She/Her or He/Him!!

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

Oh boy!! Finally done.. I've struggled with this code. Too many times, lol.
As to finish my introduction- I have no real triggers, just be respectful of sensitive topics!! Lastly, I'd like to see some friendly camaraderie between this bunch!
Also, don't mind the unfinished gallery, I'll get to it... Eventually.
Enjoy and remember to scroll! :)





  • Luke

    the truth is rarely pure and never simple

    Back In Black




    character name

    Lucas Pierre-Aston


    Lulu (by his mother), Luc (by anyone else)




    September 30th, 1965

    place of birth

    Coeur D'Alene, Idaho


    Male (he/him)

    romantic/sexual orientation

    demiromantic bisexual

    Face Claim

    Brenton Thwaites

โ™กdesign by natasha., coded by uxieโ™ก

Jackie Foster
the medium
  • one
    full name
    Jacqueline Elizabeth Foster
    The Medium
    Jackie, by any and all. People rarely use Jacqueline.
    Cisgender female
    Biromantic bisexual
    place of birth
    Boston, Massachusetts
    date of birth
    November 1st, 1965

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