World Of Entertainment (WOE)


Applications are now CLOSED

Remaining positions available:

-POI (filled up atm) <<< If you don't know what POI means please read the introduction.

-POI Manager (filled up atm)<<< They are part of the WOE Agent section just that they manage a POI assigned to them.

-WOE Agents <<<Song writer/choreographer/Script writer/Movie Director (anything you can think of that's needed to keep WOE running)


(Not accepting reservations at the moment)

Done! (100% complete)


-The POI Manager & POI positions needs to be filled in order for the roleplay to start.

-You can play as many characters as you want as long as you think you can handle them.

-If you go MIA for more than 2 weeks during the roleplay, someone else will be allowed to take your place or use your character.

Character Sheet(CS) Below

  • Person Of Influence (POI)

    What is Person Of Influence?

    Person Of Influence is known as POI for short and they are known as "Celebrities" in our modern world. They are born with the natural talent to entertain, set trends, and draw the attention of people. Thus, the name POI, Person Of Influence.

    *Please fill in everything unless it says otherwise. Feel free to personalize your CS but DO NOT change the format.

    [center][b][size=6][color=gold]✭[/color]POI Application Form [color=gold]✭[/color][/size][/b][/center]
    [imageFloat=right](Insert clear image here. Anime pics only please.)[/imagefloat]
    [b]Birth Name:[/b]
    [b]Stage Name:[/b] (optional)
    [b]Age:[/b] (Aged 13 onwards)
    [b]Eye Color:[/b]
    [b]Hair Color:[/b]
    [b]Skin Tone:[/b] (Light/Fair/Medium/Olive/Brown/Black)
    [b]Race:[/b] (Chinese/Korean/Caucasian/Mixed race; please state)
    [b]Talent:[/b] (Singing/Acting/Dancing/Hosting/Comedian/Athlete/etc) Maximum 2 and specify what genre example if your talent is singing: rock, pop, classical, etc
    [b]Level of Fame: [/b] (please leave this blank. It will be filled in for you by the agency.)
    [b]Quirks:[/b] (The thing that makes your character unique. Ex; Habit, an obsession, special skill, tattoo, piercing, scar, [i]extraordinary ability[/i], etc)
    [b]Relationship status:[/b] (Single/Attached/Married/Complicated/etc)
    [b]Bio:[/b] (Minimum 2 paragraphs)
    *Please note that everyone will be waiting for the results of their audition in the beginning of the roleplay.
    [b]Assigned Living Quarters:[/b] (please leave this blank as the agency will fill this in for you)

  • Please include these information in your posts during the roleplay:

    (You may decorate it however you'd like)

    POI Post:

    Name/Stage Name: (whichever you'd like to be known by)
    Talents: (Your character's talents)
    Location: (refer to settings/location)
    [/side] (Your Post)

    WOE Agent Post:

    Name/Nickname: (Whichever you'd like to be known by)
    Position/job: (Your job in WOE)
    *Managing POI: (for POI managers only)*
    Location: (refer to settings/location)
    [/side] (Your Post)

    *delete if it doesn't apply to you.

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POI Application Form


Names: Richard Rahl, Kasumi Okabe

Stage Name: Shadow

Age: 25 and 24 respectively

Gender: Male and Female respectively

Eye Color: Gray, Green

Hair Color: Brown, Pink

Skin Tone: Tan, Fair

Height: 6’ 1” and 5’ 7” respectively

Race: Caucasian, Japanese

Nationality: American, Japanese/American dual nationality

Richard’s Talents: (Actor) Nature Survivalist, (Athlete) Combat Instructor

Level of Fame:
Both Budding

Richard has been in WOE for around a year and a half going on two years now, and in that time since he signed his contract he has begun to make a name for himself as a documentary nature survivalist and has several up and coming combat instructional videos. His demographic is, for the moment, mostly children's and teens given his youth and good looks. He is slowly reaching the older generations, especially young adults in their twenties.

Kasumi's Position: POI Manager

Quirks: Richard has a habit of overthinking things, especially when it comes to athleticism and his combat training. He thinks there’s no excuse for being lazy or overweight and that anyone could be in shape if they put forth the honest effort. When it comes to problem solving, Richard tends to pace back and forth until he figures out the issue.

Kasumi has a few habits including pouting when she doesn’t get her way. She puffs out her cheeks in an almost cartoonish fashion and glares the opposition down until they relent and see it her way. As a former model, she has a habit of using her sexuality to her advantage whenever she feels it necessary.

Hobbies: Richard enjoys working out and teaching martial arts. Kasumi enjoys eating, jogging to stay fit, singing, dancing, and occasionally spending the night alone to watch tv and just enjoy the evening.

Personality: Richard is a calm, intellectual, and somewhat spiritual individual who believes that everyone is in full control of their own future so long as they’re willing to take hold of it. When he teaches martial arts, he asks that everyone always remain open minded and never take his word as doctrine or truth, but only as a suggestion. He enjoys finding people who think themselves superior or show themselves to be in some way arrogant or pompous and finds ways to exploit their innermost insecurities and puts them right out in the open to bring them down to size. Somewhat sadistic in a sense, but he sees it as a form of balance. Inside he is a very just person and he seeks to educate others about the dangers of moving through life without knowing how to at least identify a possible attacker.

Kasumi is a calm, quiet, intellectual, and fun loving individual. She frequently bickers with her client, Richard, but she cares quite deeply for him. She is a dreamer, and knows that someday when she’s finished working in WOE she’d like to settle down and raise a family in a nice quiet neighborhood. For the time being she spends her days in WOE doing her best to manage Richard, difficult as he may be. In her spare time she typically is in her quarters singing, dancing, or watching tv and enjoying what little down time she has to herself. Life looking after Richard and managing him and his career as a martial arts instructor in WOE is a chore, but one she dearly loves.

Relationship status: Both are single

Bio: Richard was born on July 31, 1989 to Alexander and Denise Rahl. They were fairly well off though they were not exactly living the life. They managed to get by on his parent’s combined pay checks, but each birthday Richard could only expect one big gift. His parents wanted something more for him, so they instilled in him from an early age that he was exceptional and that he had had more to offer the world. He took those words to heart and began making the suggestions of his parents fact by working hard to achieve the overwhelming standards they had set for him. The fact that he managed to achieve those standards, and better yet, surpass them, is what originally caught the eye of the WOE recruiters.

Kasumi Okabe was born in Kyushu, Japan on December 2, 1990. She was raised as a proper young woman under normal Japanese traditions and cultural standards. She graduated from high school with honors and attended Tokyo University where she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management. She was recruited by WOE after providing a lecture for undergraduate students at a cultural event in the United States on an overseas visit. The lecture was about the proper acquisition of assets and setting up plans for future success, and she was very well received by the students and walked off the stage to a standing ovation in full view of a recruiter. From there she was invited to go to WOE to interview to become a part of the lower echelon of the general management team, but soon after the interview her recruitment focus was changed to being an Agent to the POI’s.

She was was assigned to Richard Rahl whom she immediately despised but soon came to a certain kind of understanding with. Over the time they’ve known each other, Richard and Kasumi struck a rather interesting relationship which sounds almost like a brother/sister relationship to those who can’t see what lies beneath. Both Richard and Kasumi are passionate people about what they do, and that passion shines through though it is all but invisible to each other. Neither Richard nor Kasumi can seem to see the level of affection which the other holds for them. When it comes to romance they’re both somewhat naive and hopeless, but it makes their relationship all the more interesting. To this day, they have never been able to make heads or tails of one another save for the few things about them that are public knowledge.

Richard's Assigned Living Quarters: Service Apartment, Block B Queen Suite, Floor 20

Kasumi's Assigned Living Quarters: Service Apartment, Block B Queen Suite, Floor 20 (next to Richard's)
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?POI Application Form ?


Birth Name: Shinozaki, Mitsuki (??, ???)

Stage Name: Mitsuki-metal (stylised: ? ??? METAL ?)

Age: Fourteen

Gender: Female

Eye Colour: Grey

Hair Colour: Black

Skin Tone: Olive

Height: 5' 2"

Race: Japanese

Nationality: Japanese

Talent: Singing/Dancing

Level of Fame: ~


~ Mitsuki is double jointed in both thumbs and can bend them all the way back to touch her wrists.

~ She has had both her ears pierced three times.

~ She can turn four or five cartwheels in a row without getting dizzy.

~ She is fluent in English, which her Japanese friends and fans find impressive.


Singing, dancing, listening to music, arguing, eating.


Mitsuki is very easy to judge people and often very sarcastic. She is also very rough; she often punches people on the arm out of excitement. She is constantly working to improve on her singing, dancing and schoolwork. She is never happy with what she has and always wants more. She enjoys spending time with her brothers but she rarely sees them now. She likes to argue with people and loves the satisfaction of knowing that she was right.

Relationship status: Single



Mitsuki was born in Japan, fourteen years ago. She has two older brothers, both of whom showed an interest in their sister from a young ages. They liked to tease her and poke fun at her, for being the only girl in the house- their mother left when they were very young. As she grew older, they began to launch into "Boys vs Girls" debates over the smallest things. Whilst at first, Mitsuki was too young to do anything about it, she began to argue more and more as she got older. Because of this, she is incredibly argumentative and a little rough.

Mitsuki's interest in metal music in particular spiked when her brothers set up a band together. She wanted more than anything to prove to her brothers and to herself that she was just as good as her brothers. After begging and pleading, Mitsuki joined her brothers' band as the lead singer. She certainly made an impression on her brothers and their friends. She's enjoyed metal music ever since and likes to sing and dance in front of people. She's never performed professionally however. That was when she decided to audition for the WOE and checked the website everyday, eagerly waiting. She knew she had little hope, as she wasn't wealthy and was sure that there were better people out there than her.

The Tape

Mitsuki worked hard on her audition tape, though she struggled a lot with the technical aspect of it. First, she introduced herself as Mitsuki-metal. Then, one of her brothers held the camera for her whilst she sang one of her favourite songs in her clear, sweet voice- she played the music on her CD player. She danced as well, using mainly hand gestures and twirling around. When she was done, the tape ended abruptly and suddenly. The entire thing was filmed in her garage, where she normally practises her music.​

Since then

She auditioned for POI four months ago and is eagerly awaiting the reply. It will be her first time working with an agency or management of any kind and she is incredibly excited and hopeful. Not that she'd ever admit to being excited, of course. But she's a little nervous that she'll have to leave her family, if she's accepted. She's very worried that she won't be chosen and that she'll have to wait until the next auditions roll around.

Assigned Living Quarters: ~
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WOE Agent Application Form


Name: Kyrie Bellerose

Nickname: Rai

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Eye Color: Sea Blue

Hair Color: Chocolate Brown with Black Roots

Skin Tone: Slightly Tan

Height: 5'7 ft

Race: Mixed [European and Latina]

Nationality: Half French, Half Spanish

Position Applying for?: Choreographer & Makeup Artist

Level of Fame: Trainee


-She has an attachment for the ugly yet cute things.

-Wears a lot of accessories, and is quite fashionable.

-Has a half brother who is currently a bassist of a famous band. Though neither of them know yet.

-Loves paintball.

-Likes spicy things, brings her own bottle of hot sauce around.

-Has multiple tattoos. One on her left collar bone, right hip, on the back of her neck, inside her left wrist, and her right arm.

-Fearless, rather than getting all scared at horror movies, she always wonders how did they make the blood and organs so realistic, as well as the make up.

+In crowds she is not afraid to speak her mind.

+Bug slayer, she shall eliminate all the bugs out of your sight.

+Bungee Jumping, Deep Sea Diving, Sky Diving, she's done it all.

-Rides a motorcycle in which she has named Elizabeth.



Spending time with her pet pug.

Mixed Martial Arts

Putting on make up (Really interested special effect makeup)

Teasing Others

Keeping Others Secrets


She is quite likable by her peers, co-workers, and others. At times she can be sarcastic and cheeky, but what can I say, it's her charm. More often then not you could tell that she's judging you, but in the end her expressions and actions are unreadable and well as unpredictable. She has developed a hobby of teasing people over the past years of her life, she finds it entertaining. Really, she enjoys reading others minds and predicting what they would do next, then when they get flustered she gets a sudden urge to chuckle.

Relationship status: Single, but not looking


As a child she was born into a single parent family. Apparently her father had left her mother as he never expected to go as far as marrying her, so he left even before she was born, and had only left the two with some money which he was forced to pay by the government for her child care. Since then they had lived in a fairly low middle class neighborhood in Spain. They were able to get by with her mothers dance studio, and she had always been a clever and smart child, even receiving a scholarship to a well known private middle school in Spain.

With her mother being her most inspirational figure, she was always within the dance studio where her mother owned and taught. To pass time she too started to listen to the lessons, and following them along. Soon, her mother had also begun to teach her along with her other students. Flamenco, Bolero, Tango, Ballet. These were the ones her mother had taught. With her interest in dancing grew, in middle school she joined a dance club and learned about more modern dance styles such as break dancing, and contemporary dance. However, the members there weren't particularly a good crowd, and without her mother knowing, her grades dropped, she skipped school, and eventually she was dragged into fights. It wasn't until her 3rd year her mother had found out, and then forcefully transferred her into a public school.

But, habits die hard, it wasn't easy to fix her attitude, and she found a new crowd to hang out with, this time, they were worse. In her first year of high school, she had started to smoke and drink. Unclear to what was happening to her surroundings, she had worked as a back up dancer, and spent most of her time with her "friends." However by the summer of her junior year she had discovered that her mother had heart cancer. Apparently she had been hiding it from her since her first year of high school, but having no money for the treatment, it has been left as is. With this she had gone through a dramatic change, she dropped out of high school in order to keep her mother's dance studio from closing as her mother was unable to move around as much as before.

Though it was hard she was able to quit smoking, and drinking eventually, and earned her GED when she was 19. During that year, she worried as to how to pay off the loans from her mother's heart surgery, but out of the blue she was scouted by an agent from an unknown company who had wanted her to come to an audition. Though it was sketchy she went anyways as with a GED she wouldn't be able to find a decent paying job that would pay off her debt. What she didn't expect that this audition would've changed her life. After passing the audition she moved towards the company HQ and trained there. And only after a year she officially debuted as a solo dance artist, and became a big hit as her first single had actually made it to number one for 8 weeks, as well as the album for 5 weeks. She had appearances in many shows, and held many concerts and events. Before long she had made enough to pay back her whole debt. She kept her life this way until she had turned 22 with only 1 year of her contract remaining. That year, although the surgery was a success, it had only prolonged the life span. At 22 her mother died. A year later she did not sign another contract with the company even though she was so successful.

Instead she had wanted to be a dance choreographer as well as instructor. Because she realized what she had wanted was not to be a singer, but a teacher just like her mother was. Since she had no experience aside from when she taught at her mother's dancing school she spent 2 years teaching at another school before applying to WOE, as she felt closely related to the company as it had helped her out as an artist once before. Now all she has to do is wait for the results.

Assigned Living Quarters: Service Apartment, Block C Basic Apartment, Floor 5
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WOE Agent Application Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Tatsumi_Kanji_full_1198155.jpg.9f5630936e7ae8baca5fb547e4fba5c9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75845" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Tatsumi_Kanji_full_1198155.jpg.9f5630936e7ae8baca5fb547e4fba5c9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Higgson Malts

Nickname: Higgs

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Bleached Blonde

Skin Tone: Light

Height: 6 Foot 5 Inches

Race: European

Nationality: American

Position Applying for?: POI manager

Level of Fame: Trainee


Avid drinker

Expert Darts Player

Noteworthy Bowling Enthusiast

Despite his success in the field, Higgs is quite pessimistic when it comes to the Entertainment industry and admits to only being there because of how easy it is for him.

Higgs often sees and/or expects the worst from people, and often uses this to his advantage.

Hobby(s): Drinking, Darts and Bowling

Personality: Higgs, upon first glance, would seem anything other than a successful Manager. In truth, the guy's got an almost encyclopedic wealth of knowledge concerning the Entertainment industry. He doesn't show it often out of work, mostly because he's quite the pessimist who always assumes the worst in people and hardly cares enough to point it out. But during public presentations and campaigns, he shows an almost unbelievable ability to shove something in the public's eyes and make it hit. Whether he's an A-Grade people person or an A-Grade con artist are up to debate, as he seems like the type of person who wouldn't care much for another person unless they were his POI or superiors. Everyone else just falls under his category of unimportant, and even some of his coworkers could be put off from this constantly irritated demeanor. One thing can be said for this agitated man, despite such obvious shortcomings he gets great results every time.

Relationship status: Divorced


Coming into the management of celebrities when he was a twenty year old optimist, Higgs had a long career of presenting talent to the world. He had a steady relationship which eventually blossomed into romance, became increasingly popular with up and coming idols, and making heaps of cash, life seemed to be on the up and up for him. But over time, he began noticing the formulas of the Idol industry. He began noticing just what was being done to sell these Idols and their names to a sensationalist public which dug in like flies upon a carcass. After realizing exactly how the Entertainment industry worked, with constant pandering and manipulation, his youthful optimism gave way to reluctant pessimism. His past dreams became meaningless in the face of his success, and he knew there was no way he could ever turn away from a job that pays so much.

And so, Higgs became an angry, easily annoyed individual after his childish expectations of the Industry were crushed and replaced with what nearly comes off as anger. His wife took their children and divorced him as Higgs continued drinking in order to put up with how asinine he found the public sensationalism to be. It wasn't until he finally grew immune to the effects of alcohol from constant consumption that he simmered down to the talented pessimist we see today. His knowledge of the Entertainment industry continued keeping him as a highly requested manager, but when the WOE started making waves he suddenly found his job becoming harder because he wasn't on their roster. Knowing that to stay big he need to keep on the move, Higgs signed up for the WOE in order to continue with his success streak.

Assigned Living Quarters: Service Apartment, Block C Basic Apartment, Floor 5



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WOE Agent Application Form

My Info



Kazuhiko Fujiwara

?? ??


Kaz, Fujiwara-san


24 years old



Eye Color


Hair Color


Skin Tone



6' 2"




Holding Japanese and American's Passport

Position Applying for

POI Manager

Level of Fame


About Me


He is very good at talking, and persuading people

He is a very good cook

Have a tendency to doze off in the middle of a meeting

Very fluent in Japanese, Korean, and English.


Listening to music, especially jazz

Cooking, or making a new, experimental dishes

Playing online games


Kazuhiko is an easy going man, and a very talkative one. He also likes to flirt with other woman, be it older or younger. He have a bad drinking habit, but it has toned down lately. And he is also the type of people that hold grudges, even though he will put a nice 'face' to the people that he have grudge with.

Relationship Status



"Hi, I'm the interviewer assigned for this session. So, I see that you're applying on a position as an Idol Manager. But, please, tell me about yourself. Let's begin from your past."

"My past, eh. My name is Kazuhiko Fujiwara. Yeah, I was born on the famed Fujiwara clan, but my family is very far from the main branch. You must thought that I was raised in luxury, right? Well, it's wrong. My family was poor, and my dad had to work three different job at the same time to support us, because my mother was ill, and she was really frail. I worked to, from delivering paper in the morning, and as a bartender at a coffee shop. That is, until I saw an ad that said WOE have an open interview. So, here am I."

"....I see. Now, please tell me about your experience. Do you have any kind of experience on this field?"

"Experience... Let's see... My last job was as an supervisor on a steel mill in America. It's not a big company, but the workplace was really good. Is it counted as experience, in taking care of other people? Well, I hope it counts."

"....Uh-huh...Well, I think that's all. We will inform you of the result. Nice to meet you, Mr. Fujiwara."

"Yes, nice to meet you too, miss. And by the way, can I have your phone number?"

Assigned Living Quarters

Service Apartment, Block C Basic Apartment, Floor 5

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WOE Agent Application Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/mlp_photo_finish_by_moritoakira-d7g7w5p.jpg.9a7ca262cda2a9b5eeb3eca060ce0a59.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77469" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/mlp_photo_finish_by_moritoakira-d7g7w5p.jpg.9a7ca262cda2a9b5eeb3eca060ce0a59.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Claudia Walnutch

Nickname: Ms. Walnutch, Picture Perfect

Age: 45

Gender: Female

Eye Color: Winter Grey

Hair Color: Supposedly blonde, but Ms. Walnutch constantly dyes her hair a light silver-cyan color.

Skin Tone: Rosy Pale

Height: Five Feet and four inches

Race: German-French Mix

Nationality: Germany, United Kingdom

Position Applying for?: POI Manager

Level of Fame: Trainee


Walnutch always has a camera on her, and constantly photographs her surroundings.

Enjoys a smoke now and then in between work

She sometimes refers to herself in the third person, whether intentional or not is up for debate.

Her clothing is designed to be flashy, mainly because she treats herself as a subject in a photo as well as everyone else.

Her focus may constantly be drawn

Hobby(s): Photography, Landscaping, Rock climbing

Personality: Ms. Walnutch is utterly devoted to image, and has crafted her entire life around it. She almost seems uninterested in everything not relating to her work, and often times spins conversations to rotate back to the entertainment business. At these times, she can seem like a quite cold hearted person, caring only for the next show with an intensity that few can rival. However, when working she issues forth a devotion that almost borders on insanity, treating those working under her like finely crafted puzzle pieces that must constantly be moved and rotated in order to fit without breaking them. She's ruthless in her ad capmaigns and even moreso when it comes to image, which may put off crewmembers who have to have to put up with her constant revisions. Say what you want about her soul bound devotion, Walnutch's undying love for image has produced a plethora of quality results that have earned her a reputation in the public's eye.

Relationship status: Single

Bio: Hailing from the United Kingdom, this forward Manager has spent many years in the entertainment industry. Starting with an unhealthy obsession with photography, Ms. Walnutch has a very particular attention to detail gained from long days of planning for her various photographs. This went on for years until she became a photographer for a fashion magazine in her early adulthood. Her talent for shaping the world in her photographs was renown within months, her pieces gaining front pages on articles again and again. This was mainly in part to her setting up nearly everything in the photograph by herself, including following migration patterns, planting trees and even at one point trespassing near a building which was about to be demolished.

The effort and risk involved in this type of photography did not go unrewarded, and soon Walnutch was bombarded with offers for photo shoots and ad campaigns alike. She spent the next few years pushing models and products into the limelight, but eventually she was approached for something more. Eventually, she was approached by bands for help with their image, to which Walnutch replied with wave after wave of instruction which eventually got their songs into top fifties time and time again. She distanced from the camera a bit in order to manage several bands scheduling tours, themes, and of course their public portrayal. Though the problem with music was that their popularity often died down after a while if they weren't as catching as could be, so Walnutch moved on to the next target: The Acting Industry. Managing stars wasn't as different, being cost effective and efficient she was able to bring up several rising stars during her time their. After working with them for a while, Walnutch moved on to Idols, who generally had a more individualistic vibe than the boy bands she'd had to make look fabulous in the past. It was around that time when WOE arose, and began bleeding freelance managers like her dry. Following the cry of the Public, Ms. Walnutch went on to attempt joining the WOE.

Assigned Living Quarters: Service Apartment, Block C Basic Apartment, Floor 5



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?POI Application Form ?


Birth Name: Luis Perez

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Eye Color: Light brown

Hair Color: Black

Skin Tone: Olive

Height: 5'8"

Race: Hispanic

Nationality: Brazilian

Talent: Sci-Fi and Fantasy author

Level of Fame: Trainee


-Addicted to coffee

-Fluent in Portugese and Spanish, but has a bit of difficulty when it comes to English

-Is a great artist and makes "fanart" for his own books, but doesn't let anyone know it

-May or may not actually like the Twilight series

-Is very anti-drug and will offer to be a figurehead for the movement if he gets to that level of fame

Hobby(s): Knitting (secretly), kind of fits the Brazilian stereotype with an interest in football/soccer, surfing the internet

Personality: Luis may seem pessimistic if you look at him. He dresses, acts, and sometimes even speaks like a complete nihilist. But he's actually a very optimistic, happy and creative individual. He is religious and even includes some Christian themes in his books, but he doesn't let his beliefs get in the way of his judgement. He loves his fanbase (even if it is very small as of now) and interacts with it whenever he gets the chance.

Relationship status: Single


There's a reason Luis has a hatred for drugs. They were omnipresent for the majority of his life, and was the worst part of it by far. Luis' parents were involved with the Knights Templar drug cartel in Mexico. They were big names in it, and were well-known in the organization. However, they got into some trouble with another leader, and they tried to flee to Brazil before they were killed. His barely-pregnant mother made it, but his father wasn't so lucky. With this development, her addiction to cocaine didn't get any better, and didn't try to restrain herself nearly as much as she should've when carrying a baby. Fortunately, Luis' birth went smoothly.

Sometimes Luis had wished something went wrong. His mother was constantly high and wanted little to do with him in this state. She beat him regularly for the smallest reasons. At first, Luis got through it with sheer happiness and optimism. He was a very happy child despite his living conditions, outwardly too rather than just inwardly as he is today. But as he matured, he eventually realized that it wasn't enough and toned down the optimism, becoming depressed and pessimistic like he now is outwardly. He began escaping the real world through fantasies. At first, he indulged in reading and other forms of other people's imaginations.

As time went on, he pieced together a fantasy of his own and started writing. After a long while, he successfully ignored his mother's discouragement and finally had a novel ready to be published- or so he thought. Turns out it was much harder to publish a book than he'd thought. What seemed like hundreds of publishers (although in actuality was about 10-13) turned him down before he finally got his first book accepted. People loved the book, but not enough to gain a huge fanbase like something like the Hunger Games did. However, enough people bought it for him to move out of his house and away from his mother. He's written a sequel to his first book and one more for a completely science fiction series since. Luis is now attempting to join the World of Entertainment because, despite living away from his mother, he is not in a good situation financially. He also thinks that his novels deserve a larger audience than the small following they've attracted.

Assigned Living Quarters: POI Dormitory, Junior Underwater Dorm, Floor 8U
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?POI Application Form ?


Birth Name: Rindo Hagewashi

Stage Name: N/A

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Eye Color: Yellow

Hair Color: Red

Skin Tone: Fair

Height: 5'8"

Race: Japanese/Caucasian

Nationality: American

Talent: Painting | Sketching

Level of Fame: Trainee


  • Rindo has a photographic memory
  • She is ambidextrous
  • She can often be seen snacking
  • She has a tattoo of a serpent on her right arm
  • She will most often be seen with a sketchpad and a pencil


  • Cooking and Baking
  • Surfing the net
  • Watching anime
  • Reading
  • Kickboxing and Judo

Personality: Unlike most painters who are often seen as weird and eccentric, she is a very carefree and jolly girl. She is a very optimistic person and her carefree attitude is very contagious. You just can't help but smile whenever she is talking to you. She smiles a lot and is often seen as a happy person. She also loves to talk a lot and she jumps from one topic to another that it might be a bit hard to actually understand what she's talking about. She is very playful and will often tease other POI and even some Agents. She can be very oblivious, or just plain gutsy, since she always talks to everyone, even people with a higher status than her, as if they have been friends since birth. The only time when she is ever serious is whenever she paints on a canvas. Her face will then turn into a mask of neutrality, and while her she usually wears her emotions on her sleeves, her face turns into a blank slate that you even begin to wonder if she's the same girl smiling at you a while ago.

Relationship status: Single

Bio: Rindo has always been good when it comes to painting and sketching. She first held a brush when she was 4, and while the result was an unrefined and obviously childish painting, it also holds a lot of potential. Her parents, seeing this potential in her, had her sent to various art tutorials, which of course she easily mastered, and even let her enter a prestigious art school in the U.S., they were living in Japan at that point. Rindo doesn't really have any objections about this, she's the type of person who just goes with the flow. Her talent was quickly noticed in the school and she was immediately a star.

At the young age of 15, she already had a collection of her artworks being displayed in museums and even being auctioned for high prices. Of course she was totally oblivious to this, she didn't really care for fame and fortune. She was just doing something she was good at, and she assumed that this was normal to everyone. So eventually a WOE Agent had scouted her, saying that Rindo would be a star. Rindo, having no reason to refuse, agreed to this for no other reason than because she found it interesting and entertaining.

Assigned Living Quarters: POI Dormitory, Junior Underwater Dorm, Floor 8U
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?POI Application Form ?


Birth Name: Cordelia Opal Aldrich

Stage Name: Opal Pierpont

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Eye Color: Violet

Hair Color: Silver

Skin Tone: Light Brown

Height: 5"3' , 5"6' in heels

Race: Caucasian/African-American

Nationality: American

Talent: Classical Violinist and Pianist

Level of Fame: Trainee


Smiles excessively when nervous.

Practices whenever upset or sad.

Can only sleep if there is white noise.





Learning new things

Personality: Cordelia is very polite and more than a little aloof. She can come across as unfriendly at times due to her overly honest nature and seriousness about her craft. She is very obedient when she believes that someone has her best interest in mind. She does not stand up for herself but she will stand up for anyone else who is treated unfairly. Cordelia is not in the habit of dealing with people other than her parents; so, even though she'd like to form relationships with other people, she has no idea how to go about doing it. She often overthinks her actions when dealing with others.

Relationship status: Single


Cordelia was born to parents who decided to have a child at a late age. As a result, they sheltered her from the world as much as they could. She was surrounded by classical music from the moment she was born. Her father Peter Aldrich is a world renown maestro in the classical world, while her mother Eloise Aldrich is a opera singer of equal caliber. Her father wanted her to be a violinist, while her mother wanted her to be a pianist so she was given lessons in both. She showed natural talent at both instruments and when given a choice, she couldn't give up either.

Cordelia attended a boarding school for young classical musicians and when she graduated, she went off to the best conservatory as a double major in piano and violin. She was the top of her class in every school she attended due to the diligence instilled in her from young. She has performed with many orchestras and symphonies that other classical musicians her age could only hope to have the chance to perform with someday, but she knew that it was because of her parents and not because anyone had any special interest in her. After years of yearning to stop living in her parents shadows, she sent an application to WOE and decided to use a stage name so people wouldn't associate her with her parents.

Assigned Living Quarters: POI Dormitory, Junior Underwater Dorm, Floor 8U
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