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The Hunt


New Member
His curiosity was going to get him killed, that much was for certain. Ignatius knew very well the dangers of his current endeavor; however he couldn’t just let the possible advances go. As dangerous as the affair was going to be, if he survived then he’d gain enough knowledge to hopefully begin working on another invention. The trick of course, was finding someone who was used to hunting the creatures he sought. Someone professional, someone who could possibly take down one of the creatures if worst came to worst. Iggy thus had made contact with one such individual by way of letter, here was hoping that she lived up to her reputation.

The man was well dressed for this side of the city, his clothes finely tailored and his possessions enough to draw the shady eye from alleyways. That was until they laid eyes upon the oversized revolver strapped to his hip. That tended to avert most eyes, though the item was actually a rather impractical weapon compared to the number of other items on his person. Regardless, the intimidation factor had served to get him this far at the very least, meaning that the average street pickpocket obviously did not know their guns.

Iggy turned into a small bar, removing his hat as he did and emerging into a relatively well lit room. The bar itself was sparsely populated this time of day, prompting the inventor to remove his watch from his pocket and check the time. Half past three it appeared, so he was not late at least though he had been cutting it close. Hopefully his contact was suitably punctual; already his eyes were scanning around the bar in search of the woman. Then he spotted a woman sitting in the far corner, earning a smile from him as he assumed this was the woman he had sought. He approached quickly enough and nodded towards her.

“Miss Trinity? Ignatius Merin. A pleasure to finally make your acquaintance to be certain, I was not sure you’d be here. Not to say I doubted your punctuality.” The man greeted.
The tavern was at it's normal bustling state- a flurry of energy and movement that served to drown out her senses and let her simply shut down her mind and relax. At least, that's what she would be doing had she not received a letter detailing a meeting from one of her proposed clients. She had received many such letters- mostly from old acquaintances of her parents and her foster family, wanting to see how far the Trinities had fallen. She simply wasn't interested. So when she heard the tell tales sounds of boots approaching her table, the floor vibrating with every fall of his boots- certainly not shoddy work, though neither were they the heels favored by some men in the higher society groups.

"No apologies needed Mr. Ignatius Merin. I hope you don't hold the same doubts of the punctuality of my arrows." Valentina motioned in front of her- a broad gesture that no doubt encompassed one of the other chairs at her table. A scent drifted over the table towards her, a mixture of engine oil, gunpowder and something spicy that could only have been his own smell. He must work with machinery- or weapons. Neither of which boded well for her. She had probably struck out with just another member of the hunters association.

"So, you mentioned in your letters that you needed someone to guide you through the wilds...?"

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