The Holy Grail War(accepting sign ups)


Time to murder the English language.

As a master you have different choices in how you create your character. You start off with eight action points. You put these points into different attributes of your choice. You can spend points to raise the chances you get a particular servant, increase your mana pool, or grant yourself additional utility magics.

- masters have three command spells that force their servant to follow their orders

- masters supply power(mana) to heir servants if they run out their servant can't use powers. One mana point per hour is required to materialize and sustain your servant.

- masters gain more mana from defeating other masters.

-master's spells require one mana point unless otherwise stated.

Master character sheet







Attempted servant and number of points used:

Amount of mana(at least one point is required):

Your wish:


As a servant you will be doing most of the fighting. You will have a weapon or item called a Noble Phantasm that is based on your legend. A servant is given three points. He can use these points to grant himself another weapon, armor, spell, or spell like ability.These abilities and weapons must be derived from the servants legend.

Servant Character Sheet







History/ Legend:



Spells and Abilities:

- servants must follow command spell orders of their master

- servants gain their own small pool of mana, or another ability if they defeat another servant or master. (This pool can only be used for casting their abilities and spells. They can not summon themselves."

- servants have an extra ability based on their class

-your legend is common knowledge so if people can put together who you are they will know all about you. (Any one who is able to learn your identity gains access to the information in your character sheet)

  • Saber: Servants placed within this class are agile and powerful melee warriors. It is commonly assumed to be the best class overall, with high ratings in all categories. It is one of the three Knight classes, together with Lancer and Archer and also possesses the Riding skill like the Rider class.

  • Lancer: Servants placed within this class are very agile and skilled with long-range melee weapons, such as spears, lances, etc. It is one of the three Knight classes, together with Archer and Saber. Their only particular class ability is Magic Resistance, and Battle Continuation (can survive as long as a fatal blow is not dealt.

  • Archer: Servants placed within this class are usually proficient with projectiles and can survive longer without a Master nearby, thanks to their special ability Independent Action; the strongest Archers can be difficult to control at times, in fact, due to their near-total independence from their "Masters". It is one of the three Knight classes, together with Lancer and Saber.

  • Rider: Servants placed within this class place emphasis upon speed and powerful Noble Phantasms, which often include their mounts. Their special skill is Riding, which allows them to fully utilize abilities of their mounts (which can range from simple horses to mechanical vehicles to divine or supernatural creatures.).

  • Caster: Servants placed within this class are adept in magecraft and have a special ability akin to Reality Marble, called Territory Creation, which alters or creates space around them to enhance their sorcery.

  • Assassin: Specialized killers that use stealth to their advantage. The Assassins' special ability is Presence Concealment, which allows them to remain undetected. Offset by their stealth is their weak combat skills. Due to this, Assassins often target Masters instead of Servants.

  • Berserker: Servants placed within this class are always heroes who have gone berserk in their lifetime. This trait allows them to use the special ability Mad Enhancement, which trades their consciousness (i.e. sanity) for a large power boost. Most Masters are incapable of controlling their Servant once Mad Enhancement has been activated, which eventually results in their death.

Available spots

Saber:() Master:

Lancer: () Master:

Archer: (@Enolx) Master:

Rider:() Master:

Caster: (@DamagedGlasses ) Master:

Assassin:() Master:

Berserker: () Master:
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Servant Character Sheet

Name: Sharkali Aasim

Alias: Thousand Dagger Djinn

Gender: Male

Age: 23


Class: Archer

Legend: The Thousand Dagger Djinn was a warrior under the command of Cyrus the Great of Persia. All who witnessed him fight spoke of his magic in battle and his red eyes. He would throw thousands of daggers from all directions at once. Then he would vanish and reappear dagger in hand to give the finishing blow. His legend was solidified when he was ordered to duel Babylons greatest warrior with their respective countries the prize of victory. Before that battle it was told that Sharkali was visited by a djinn who was pleased with his valor and loyalty. The djinn then became one with his daggers granting Sharkali his powers. During the battle the next day every strike that his daggers made would slow the moments of his enemy. After three cuts the champion of Babylon stood frozen in place unmoving. After Sharkali spoke words from the ancient djinn language the frozen champion's body turned black and he fell to the ground. After bringing victory to Persia he was given wealth and rank which he turned down. The only thing he kept was the name Thousand Dagger Djinn.

History: Sharkali was born into a military family as the son of the grand general of Persia. From an early age he proved himself as a warrior and his knife skills became top class. His skills with a knife were so great that he was able to bounce his knifes off walls, objects, and even themselves. His father died protecting their king from an arrow which turned out to be poisoned, leaving Sharkali to take the role of the grand general. He used his all skills to protect the king and Persia but they were not enough for the challenges he had to face. After a journey to Asia to hone his skills he met a warrior who taught him rapid movement and how to feint is opponents. Sharkali mastered these skills and used them in battle to trick people watching him and effectively vanish, allowing him to strike from his foes blind spots. When he was told he would have to duel the greatest warrior in Babylon he accepted without hesitation he would fulfill is duty. Before the fight he was gifted a new set of daggers to use in the fight. It was only after he had cut his opponent three times that he realized his blades had been coated with poison. With the dishonor of killing his opponent in his mind Sharkali said a prayer for his foe before he turned black and he fell. He was offered wealth and power but he turned it down since he gained in through dishonorable means. After the battle people started calling him Thousand Dagger Djinn,. He was not sure where the name or stories came from but they stuck and only people who knew him personally knew the truth.

Personality: Sharkali puts honor and loyalty above all else. He stays focused and calm, putting deep thought into every action he takes. When he is not on duty he is more care free and he spends his time wandering around.

Weapons/Item: (Phantasm) A belt made of daggers

Spells and Abilities: Dagger pull ( creates copies of his dagger when ever he pulls one from his belt) Mana cost: 0

Dagger blink (can teleport to the location of one of his daggers) Mana cost: 1

Three cut death (every cut slows movements after three cuts the receiver is paralyzed and then dies) Mana cost:3/10 min
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Servant Character Sheet

Name: Marie Laveau

Gender: Female

Age: 78



Class: Caster

Caster Ability: Marie's personal Territory Creation allows Dolls that are near her gain a speed and strength boost, acting as Marie's and her Master's bodyguards.

Legend: Marie Laveau was a grand standing person who help much political power in the area of New Orleans. While many praised her ability to persuade and blackmail, showing a manipulative streak that was grand even for then, even more of her followers were gathered by her ability to use the Arts of Voodoo to her own gain. Sticking with simple things like small charms and curses, no one knew just how far her true power went. It was only when Marie Laveau was trapped in her burning house, a tragedy brought on by the great many haters she had acquired with her ruthless antics, did her enemies and followers alike see how strong her abilities were.

At first, when the building had started shaking, many people had expected it to fall in. What they hadn't expected was a giant doll to smash its way through the side of the building, Marie stoically on its shoulders. Her enemies had fallen that day, but her followers lived on and preached the mightiness of their occult leader. When Marie finally passed away, many thought they had seen the last of the Laveau.

They had never expected to see another one in the daughter of Laveau, who had seemingly arose from the ashes, looking like an exact replica of her mother when she was younger. What many were unnerved about was the glasslike stare the girl seemed to have and weird similarities she had with her mother, like the ability to use the Art of Voodoo at its full capacity. There was also rumors of the girl never aging and continuing on with her young appearance for the rest of her days.

With these ideas, her enemies amassed into far greater numbers than her followers and she was ambushed during the night, before succumbing to her wounds. It was only then that the townspeople found that the girl who had been said to be the original Marie Laveau's daughter was actually just a doll, her body completely filled with stuffing and her lifeless cloth cloaked in an artificial human-looking skin.

History: Growing up in the backwater slums of New Orleans, Marie grew up with many burdens. Due to her parents abandoning her on the streets before she was even able to walk, Marie almost didn't survive her first night of being left alone. It was only by the good graces of an old woman finding her, Miss Potts, a wizened old woman who ran a antique shop on the sides of the slums. For the next few years, Marie and Miss Potts became inseparable. Due to her old age, Miss Potts slowly became more and more decrepit as the years flew by and she started to depend on Marie more and more, making her develop an early sense of responsibility and a work ethic. However, unbeknownst to Miss Potts, Marie developed a psychological dependency on Miss Potts, stemming from the inner depression she fought daily due to her corrosive knowledge of her abandonment. She also fought the inescapable depression with hobbies, in particular, her Dolls and Reading. It was with this love of reading that she eventually found a book on Voodoo, but at the advice of Miss Potts, kept her fingers away from the corruptible knowledge the book held. All in all, it was a good life.

However, Marie's good life was not meant to be as cheerful as it was growing to be. One day, as Marie walked home from the small academy run by the family down the street, the sun having already gone down from how late she had reluctantly stayed, she spotted a group of people running out of Miss Pott's store in a frantic hurry. Unknowing of why they were in such a hurry, but getting a bad feeling nonetheless, Marie quickened her pace and frantically called out for Miss Potts as she reached the door. It was there that she saw all of the money from Miss Potts safe and personal body gone as well as the expensive jewelry Miss Potts kept in her window display. However, what truly wrecked her perfect life was the dead body of Miss Potts lying on the floor, her head heavily bleeding from recent blunt trauma.

After the funeral, a small get together that was made up of the few members of Miss Pott's family that still cared about her, Marie fled back to Miss Potts and broke down. Her mind shattering as well as her life, Marie's desperate mind went to the only thing she could think of that could get her the one thing she needed more than anything, revenge. And so, Marie's feelings of the world crumbled and her only love in life was power and her new obsession with dolls. Using her ruthlessness she found and punished the ones who killed Miss Potts and went on to gaining the epitome amount of political power in New Orleans. However, Marie realized that she wasn't getting any younger, and since becoming proficient in the arts of Voodoo, specifically, the Arts of Voodoo Dolls, Marie used her skill and knowledge to craft her a new body.

Placing her soul into the fake body, it being designed to resemble herself from when she was younger, Marie took over her "Mother's" place int he world, but unfortunately her plan to live forever had flaws in it. While her body and her magic were sound, the years her soul had taken as well as the strain that had pressed down upon it made it unstable and unable to sustain her life. As she passed on after the ambush, her soul giving her to much trouble to magic her way out, Marie's soul was taken by the power of the Holy Grail and made into a champion. Given an eternal doll body and a refurbished soul, Marie was content to follow any one of her future master's orders.

Personality: Due to past trauma and problems, Marie Laveau is the biggest example of Phlegmatism. While on the inside she is a cesspool of obsession and anger, both for power and her dolls, on the outside she is expressionless and is uncaring. However, she has the utmost of loyalty to her Master and will not hesitate to do things, no matter how moral or amoral they maybe in the eyes of others. Marie also rarely gives out any suggestions of her own in the presence of her Master, unless she is specifically asked for, but has a eye for strategy and can see through most loops holes when it comes to business deals. Due to her experience with running the behind-the-scenes of New Orleans, Marie also possesses a skill of manipulation. She also has a good work ethic and is basically a perfectionist, an attribute brought on as a by-product of Miss Potts dependency on her when she was younger.

Weapons: While she doesn't have much experience in swordplay, Marie Laveau possesses a large sewing needle that she calls "Last Thread" which is her Phantasm. It allows her to craft Dolls made in the likeness of her victims, which have the effect of any damage done to them, is bleed over into the victim. Marie also carries around a big doll built in the likeness of Miss Potts which she uses to carry around her Subjugated Souls.

Spells and Abilities:

1. Doll Creation- Using Last Thread's Phantasm Ability, Marie can strike her enemy. This strike, if successful, magically makes a doll form in the likeness of the victim, which lasts for thirty minutes before a new strike must be given. This Doll is connected to the victim and anything that happens to it, will happen to the victim. The amount of bleed over is decided by the amount of concentration Marie uses. High amounts of concentration are unlikely in fast-paced battles. High Concentration = High Bleed Over effect; Low Concentration = Low Bleed Over effect.

Mana Cost= 0/10

2. Subjugate Souls- After killing an enemy Marie can take forceful control of the soul and place them into Miss Potts, where they can be used to fuel her magic. Marie can also have Miss Potts consume the souls she carries and transform into huge doll monster that has strength relative to the amount of souls she possesses. Marie can also force souls into personally crafted dolls to give them artificial life that she controls. This is a slightly limited power since she must first build the dolls, and then find victims easy enough to kill and subjugate. Bigger the doll, bigger the amount of souls needed to give life to dolls.

Mana Cost=1/10 per three souls
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you only have three points to use. your needle is not your phantasm so it count's as an extra weapon. That extra weapon plus your three abilities equals four points, so you must get rid of one weapon or ability until you have three. I thought about letting it slide but for the sake of competition i must make it fair.

Also can you detail what your caster ability is. Mine is just walking around freely but yours needs an explanation since you determine what it does.
Alright, I was kind of reluctant to put it on there in the first place, because I knew it might not be taken well, however, I have plenty of ideas!
also one of your abilities comes from your phantasm and as a result does not require mana(since the phantasm is causing that power. for example my dagger pull. what ability is yours it seems like its doll creation to me.

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