Metal gear: The Rise of the Wandering Wolves


The local outcast.
Weapons list:

Equipment list:








Name: Pit Viper

Age: 23


Weight: 123lbs


Psg-1 sniper Rifle

Makarov PM

Stun Knife

high-frequency blade

Medical kits



Thermal goggles

Night-vision goggles

Body armor

Mine detector

Cardboard box

Handheld radio


Personality: She stays to herself most of the time and tends to be a lone wolf type. "Listen if I wanted to be friends I wouldn't be the Boss." She is tough and tries to keep her distance so that casualties don't affect her as much. She likes to listen to music while she's in the field. She is easily angered but easy to calm down and can always be reasoned with.

Training: She was trained in advanced CQC and blade training along with camouflage and Sniping. She can swim for long periods and has great stamina she can run a half a mile in a full sprint with no issue. She is trained in Stealth and has a full background in intel retrieval and interrogation. She is also a expert on survival and can live without supplies for 6 months without help and has done so for so for years.
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Name: Thomas Maldivian

Age: 15

Height: 4'9"

Weight: 98lbs

Gear: a camera and a full medical kit with a suppressed pistol too. He also has a augmented natal arm.

Personality: He is a very nice and sweet boy and only wants to help and defend those he considers family. He is a very easy to fool person due to his trusting nature.

Training: He was trained as a medic and had just started training in every other field that motherbase offers.
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Name: Murai Nonaka

Age: 41

Height: 187cm (6'2)

Weight: 196.2 pounds (89 kilograms)

Gear: Silenced pistol with combat knife

Personality: *Will be edited in later*

Training: Veteran solider and master infiltrator that served in the Japanese military before being involved with the CIA. Recently joined PMC's due to individual freedom.

Name:Natasha "Q" Kamarov


Height:6ft 3in


Gear:Cigarette spray gun, silenced Mk22 , stun knife, ak47

Personality:Dedicated, sarcastic, rough, joking caring to pmc members though see doesnt act like it.

Training: R&D head, Gunsmith and optical specialist. Some knowledge of CQC experience in use with most guns.
Name: Benjamin Calhoun

Age: 45

Height: 6'1

Weight:189 pounds

Gear: A backpack filled with medical supplies, including oxycontin, adrenaline injectors, hemostatic powder, a bottle of disinfectant several rolls of bandages, and a set of surgical tools

  • Bug Juice
  • a small supply of Life Medicine
  • five Rations, each from different countries and with different contents
  • Binoculars
  • Soliton Radar with an hour's worth of batteries
  • Mk. 22 Modified "Hush Puppy" Tranquilizer Pistol
  • Fulton Recovery System with twenty balloons
  • M37 Pump-Action Shotgun loaded with beanbag rounds
  • A yearly subscription to SUPER Magazine
  • Stun Rod

Personality: Calhoun firmly believes in the value of human life, and has selected his role in the CTE to reflect this idea. His status as a combat medic gives him plenty of room to flex his doctorly muscles, while still giving him the sense of adventure he craved. On his off-time, he is laid-back and enjoys exploring the culinary culture of wherever he's stationed. He has an unusual interest in women's fashion.


Training: Spent five years with the Red Cross, where he visited Cuba, Somalia, and Zanzibar on relief missions. Bachelor's degree in medicine. Received basic combat training with the CTE. Spent three years after college working as a security guard for a research lab in New Mexico.
Name: "Bomber Kite" / Ekaterina Rodinovna Raskolnikova

Age: 16

Height: 4'11''

Weight: 111 lbs


Service sidearm, silenced

Explosives in every form, color and flavor

Enough Fultons to carry an entire corps away.

Maintenance tools, some with very sharp ends, others that emit high amounts of heat

Personality: Introverted and asocial, Kite looks at first glance the last person you'd expect in a top-secret military contractor group. Appareances are deceiving. A child genius, inhumanly skilled in the creation and use of any possible artifact of explosive death, she was fought over by both the CIA and KGB until somehow her handler gave his life to enable her escape. By a twist of fate, she ended up being contracted by CTE.

Very obsessive, turns from a near-doormat to an easily excited madwoman when the object of her interest is around; in this case high-technology gadgets, explosives and high-technology explosives. This obsession also makes her unhealthily clingy towards anyone who earns her trust, something that doesn't happen often, mind you.

A lifetime enthusiast of proverbs in the language of Mother Russia. Also jokes. Among people she's comfortable with, she's quick to drop the nicknames and the dry sarcasm.

Training: Self-styled technological genius savant in everything that explodes, burns or does both. Skilled far beyond her years even in technology that does not go boom. Knowledge of both KGB and CIA secret ciphers.

Basic combat training, trigger discipline.
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Name: Philip Maxim/"Berserker Squirrel"

Age: 28

Height: 6'1

Weight: 189 pounds


  • One Fake Death Pill, with a revive pill in tooth
  • Binoculars
  • Soliton Radar with an hour's worth of batteries
  • Colt Single Action Army Revolver
  • M37 Pump-Action Shotgun loaded with Dragon's Breath rounds
  • A bi-monthly subscription to Sabra Magazine
  • Combat Knife

Personality: Used to be pacifistic and timid, but a trauma he refuses to talk about has caused him to have bloodlust thats almost insatiable.


Training: Extremely skilled in CQC, he lifted a revolver off the corpse of an American footsoldier on a routine mission, using it ever since
Name: Betrys Tittensor/Iron Corgi

Appearance (sans clothes or gear)

Age: early 30's

Height: 4' 10"

Weight: 500kg


Pfeifer-Zeliska Nitro Express revolver

Claymore mines

Tactical rigging

Jumper cables

Full-body armor augmentations granting immunity to small arms fire and extreme resistance to heavier weaponry. Effectively indestructible, though it comes at the cost of being proportionally weaker due to increased strain on artificial musclulature. Also she can't jump or swim. At all. Her body has a battery life of about four hours before it needs to recharge, which can be extended up eight hours by a bulky external power supply. Core life support systems are isolated from the rest and can last significantly longer.

Built-in air filtering, rebreather, and codec systems.


Chipper and hotheaded, Corgi is always looking for a good fight and takes issue with being held back from the action. Being invulnerable to most conventional weaponry has made her fairly overconfident, too, and more than once she has walked into a deadfall trap and had to spend the rest of the night digging herself out.


Corgi is a passable marksman and sports a mean body check from her years of rugby. Speaks both English and Welsh.
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Alright well what if she has a limited operation time. Let's say she has to recharge every 4 hours, can be extended to up to 8 hours by a giant bulky backpack power supply that throws her off balance and slows her down even further than she already is.

Hans Schafer


Age: 42

Height: 6'7''

Weight: 347 lbs



Ballistic Shield


Battle Dress

Grenades (Frag/Smoke)





Hans grew up on a farm in Germany, So he was taught to be diligent in all aspects of his life. He was also raised in a heavily Christian household so he believes he is doing a holy service for god by killing all the insidious men who would dare to try and take peace away from the world. The man has almost no tact and can never read the situation of a room quite clearly so he comes off as quite rude. He never really knows when to shut up or how to stay quiet so he can become quite annoying at times.

Training: Built like a horse and was a star athlete in school, later gained training with the GSG9 where he learned how to wield heavy weaponry and riot gear.
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Name: "Crazy MEME" - Gabbo Novabell

Age: 63

Height: 1.83 m

Weight: 73 kg


  • Mosin-Nagant, tranquilizer rounds mod OR M870 Custom with V-Ring ammo (depending of the mission)
  • Mk22, tranquilizer rounds mod.
  • Taser


  • HeptaCammo Suit (OctoCammo™'s beta version, it can only copy plain colors and display simple textures if selected manually)
  • 3 stun grenades
  • 3 flash grenades
  • 3 smoke grenades
  • 2 sleep powder mines
  • 4 folded cardboard boxes
  • 2 rations
  • Small canteen
  • A small laptop (it is worth the weight)
  • Memetic Eye (scans the area for heat sources and marks them. Able to detect some types of security cameras and camouflaged enemies)
  • A radio
  • Anti-flare sunglasses
  • Pens
  • A small notebook

Personality: although he might seem very serious and sane at first glance, most people consider him crazy after spending some time around him. Truth is, it's hard to get him to talk about any topic for at least ten minutes without mentioning what he calls "memes" (viral human behaviour). He is absolutely fascinated with the way the human brain manages to effectively detect patterns and copy them without the individual being aware of the process. He says he knows for sure some intelligence agencies around the world are studying this phenomena to take advantage of this and shape society to their will, and warns everybody he knows about this in an attempt of protecting them from being brainwashed.

Some people consider him a nutjob, a paranoid schizophrenic or a tinfoil hatter, but he might be in fact the only sane person around. He values human life above all, and will avoid lethal methods unless it is the only way he can save himself or a friend.

Training: he has worked almost all his life for the CIA as a spy after he managed to infiltrate an Iraqi base during the Gulf War and made them believe they were a chess players association with his psychic powers. Since then, has managed to refine his knowledge about the human mind to the point he can modify their beliefs, memories and ambitions just by looking at his target. He has also learned about the secrets of his own mind, and exploiting it to its fullest potential allows him to move small objects around and have some kind of sixth sense to detect danger, although the latter might just be the product of a very good intuition. Extensively trained in COINTELPRO operations after working with the CIA in their "Project MEME" operations. Trained in CQC and other martial arts. Infiltration and stealth expert. Happens to have a really beautiful handwriting. Also a master of disguise.

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