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"I'm a zombie but we can still date...right?"


Lavender Lover

This roleplay is between

@FaithWynters and myself, Neon Nyan


Saint Anderson High School


The hot June and July has finally past and now it is fall which means its time to go back to school, its been five days since school has started. The day was cloudy and chilly and leaves that were once on trees were now dead and on the ground leaving the tree's naked. It was like mother nature had gotten depressed. Dylan stood across the street from the school just starring at all the people that walked by to get inside with his pale green eyes. He wore a black hoodie with the peace sign on it to cover his stitches on his arms and a pair of dark blue jeans, his hoodie over his head covering his black hair. He wanted to start school with everyone else but no. His dad thought he needed more preparation for being with humans. It wasnt like he was just going to tackle one on the first day and try to eat them! He didnt really like the taste of human, it was gross but certain ones did smell good which was tempting. He wished the rest of his family thought this way but they ate raw meat. Human was sort of like the forbidden fruit in their house. After a moment of mentally telling himself not to be so awkward he started walking into the building with the rest of humans.​
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Her cheeks were flushed with the exertion that was brought about with her run. Her calves burned as she slowed down, coming to a walk a down the sidewalk. It was cool enough that she hadn’t broken a sweat on the run. If she hadn’t been so afraid to be late the first week of school, she may have asked her mother for a ride, but no—she had slept in late and decided that today was the day to take an extra-long time on makeup.

“Finally” Her heart pounded as she reached into the small pocket on the side of her backpack. Giving her two squirts of her favorite body mist (it smelled like cotton candy and even if she felt like a little girl stuck in middle school she loved it) she continued down the sidewalk, her music blasting in her ears. Her breathing had slowed as she took the first few steps up to the front doors. She was afraid class was going to start soon, so she started toward her locker. School started with Advanced Placement Calculus so she would need her book and calculator for that one.
Dylan was currently at the front desk of the main office, getting his second copy of his class schedule and his locker number with combination, he was suppose to get all this stuff on the first day of school. Dylan thanked the woman with a smile and walked out of the office casually. He was pretty confident that he would not get lost in the large school building, he had snuck in here a few nights ago to look around and he practically memorized the school building as well as drawing on the janitor's face while he was asleep in his office.

Dylan walked to his locker and put his stuff inside, looking at his schedule to see what class he was suppose to be going to. Advanced Placement Calculus....uhm..okay then. The class was literally about to start too so he was probably going to be late. Dylan grabbed the things he needed and made his way to the room number, he didnt run, he wasnt exactly a runner. He was pretty sure he should be able to keep up with the class, ever since he was reborn his dad taught him a lot of things every single day and he has been back on this earth for four years so pretty much it was learning twenty four seven. When he arrived to the class he finally put his hoodie down and in the middle of the room. So far so good. Dylan thought to himself brightly.

This was not how she wanted to spend her morning. She swore that she had finished this homework before class let out yesterday. Two problems went unfinished somehow on her paper. The bell would probably ring in about three minutes and she wasn’t sure she would be finished. Mr. Callahan had a way of checking homework the moment the bell rang for class to start; he had done it the past three days and she was sure he would do it today.

Alright. One more question. She bit the end of her pen as she looked over the problem and tried to remember the new material from the day before to figure out the answer. She really should have paid more attention instead of just watching him draw on the board. Notes would have been a blessing right now.


Okay, one more second. Mira exhaled, looking up to see the man standing at the front of the classroom and—strangely enough—a boy she didn’t recognize waiting. Did they have a new kid in the class? She didn’t know everyone in school, but she really didn’t recognize him. Right now, she didn't care. Add that and... She slapped her pencil down on the desk, satisfied. She had made it.
Dylan was talking to the teacher, Mr. Callahan, explaining to him why he had been gone from school for a week. He just told him that he has been sick for a while. Perfect excuse. Either way the teacher wasnt all too happy, probably because he has been calling his name for attendance for a week and never got a reply, Dylan was surprised that he just didnt take his name off the list. After receiving five days of missed work and homework he was pointed to the middle of the classroom where an empty seat was. Well thats just awesome. Dylan walked to the empty seat and sat down, looking through all the missed work. What the hell was all this stuff! Dylan just set the papers down and sighed deeply. So there were downsides on missing a week of school. Dylan looked around the classroom he saw a girl slam down a pencil onto the desk. In his mind an Xbox achievement would pop up. This made him laugh to himself. She was a very pretty girl. She smelled good too. He sort of had the heighten sense of smell. After a moment Dylan realized how creepy that was and faced down at his desk. The bell had had rung and the teacher started collecting the work. He had until Wensday to return the work which he was thankful for because he knew he probably had more absent work awaiting for him from other classes.
She didn’t notice that the boy had walked to a seat close to her. He watched him a moment before returning to what she had originally been doing. She hadn’t realized how loud she had been until the boy actually turned slightly to watch her. No others did, only the new boy. To try and apologize silently, Mira gave him a half smile before returning her eyes to her work.

Great Mira, you’re already being awkward.

She looks up as Mr. Callahan pulls the sheet of paper off of her desk. She looks up, gives him a smile in greeting, and pulls her notebook from her backpack. He was already talking about math; something that she wasn’t really worried about right now. Like normal, she could halfway listen to him and understand enough of what she was doing to finish the homework.

Instead, she began absent-mindedly doodling in her notebook as she listened, trying to find anything to keep her attention away. She smiled lightly when she felt the quiet vibration in her pocket. She looked down, pulling the phone out of her pocket. She already knew who it was.

Hey, Jas. Callahan his driving me crazy! Talks way too much about missing homework. It’s the first week!
Lol Ikr? Did you see the new boy?
I can’t find anyone that knows him!
I don't know who he is; don't even know his name, but I wish he had sat away from me! I’m so bad with people. Esp new people.

The girl that Mira was texting was one row back and two seats to her left. She turned slightly to smile at her. Someone cleared their throat and Mira looked ahead. Mr. Callahan’s eyes were on her.

“Miss La’Mar. I know that you and Miss Cotoco are friends, but the math is not written on her forehead” There was quiet laughter from a few in the room and Mira’s cheeks flushed as she looked down to her notebook. Luckily, her phone had been left in her lap or he may have taken it.

“I’m sorry Mr. Callahan” The words were quiet as she started to write down a few notes to look like she was working.
( How do people do that!? )

Dylan had smiled back at the girl a bit. Oh god she noticed.. he thought to himself as he mentally facepalmed himself, he just hoped that she didnt think it was creepy. He watched as the teacher finished up collecting the homework and immediately started talking about the lesson. Dylan knew he had to pay attention since he was been gone for so long but it was sort of hard to. His voice was so plain and boring as he spoke. So much for an exciting school experience but maybe it wouldnt be like this all day.

As the teacher called someone out he just laid his head on the desk, glancing over to the girl who was the victim. He then glanced around the rest of the class, everyone was taking notes. Was he suppose be doing that too? He opened his binder and instead of taking small notes like most of the kids he wrote down every single word he said which made him pay extra attention.

After about sixty minutes or so Dylan's note book had six pages of words and math and yet his wrist didnt hurt at all. After the teacher finished handing out tonights homework the bell rang, meaning next period. Dylan sat up and went to the girl, smiling he said. "Hi. I'm Dylan." he introduced.
(How to people do what? haha)

For the longest time, Mira tried hard to pay attention to the lesson. She would begin writing notes, and end by doodling. She would catch herself doodling and go back to writing notes. He wished she had the attention span she really needed to learn the complex work that he was showing. Instead, she would either catch herself drawing or looking off into the abyss of nothingness that was the classroom.

At one point in the time period she was sitting there, she looked over to the boy to see an expanse of notes. He must’ve had four pages written, top to bottom, hardly any spaces. Her eyes widened as she watched him busily writing. Mira tried hard to pull her eyes away, focusing on her shitty little half page of notes—half of which were drawings of aliens and cute little flowers.

I don't know who he is; don't even know his name, but I wish he had sat away from me! I’m so bad with people. Esp new people.
Look who can’t text without getting caught lol
New kid update: His name is The Note Taking God
Lol. That bad huh?

It wasn’t until this moment that Mira actually realized how many times her friend said ‘lol’ in one class period. She rolled her eyes, letting her phone rest in her lap. She glanced across the table a moment before looking back at her notes. They were seriously pitiful.


Mira sighs and the projector cuts off. She missed the last five minutes of the lesson…and the homework assignment that she wasn’t able to find anywhere. She groaned, moving to close her binder. Then, she hears a voice beside her. She looks up to see who is addressing her, only to realize that it’s the new boy. Her cheeks flush and she somehow ends up missing her book bag and throwing her binder on the floor.

“Oh” If she was pink before, she could feel the heat coming to her cheeks. She looks up to the boy for a moment before pulling herself down into the floor to retrieve her notebook. “Hi” Mira assumed that she was probably expected to say something back to him. She pulled herself awkwardly out of the chair. Her phone had fallen out of her lap, but in her instance of awkward, she didn't notice it.“I’m Mira” She smiled, finally looking down to shove the stupid notebook into her backpack. Damn thing had made her look like a fool. “So-ah-So you’re new here?” She swallowed hard, trying to stop the awkward feeling creeping up her neck. Where was Jasmine when she needed a distraction? Probably in the back of the room watching Mira make a fool of herself.
(That text thing and sorry for late reply, was away from my tablet. )

Dylan stepped back a bit when the girl had threw her binder on the floor, did he say something wrong? Well at least that was what he thought a bit. He could see her cheeks turning a light pink color and he wondered if she was embarrassed or something. He had approached her randomly. He watched her retrieve her things from the floor, her phone also falling from her lap but he guessed she didn't notice since she didn't bother picking it up.

"Mira? Thats a pretty name." he said complimenting her with a bright smile. "I guess you could say im new. I've just haven't shown up to school for a week.." he reached down and grabbed her cellphone, holding it out for her to grab. She still smelled good, like cotton candy. "Anyway I wanted to ask you something." With his other hand he reached into the pockets of his hoodie and pulled out his schedule sheet. "Do you know where worl history is?" he asked curiously.
She was so awkward! It didn’t matter what happened, if there was a new person she was the one to make a fool of herself in front of them. She could feel the warmth in her cheeks as he bent down to pick up her phone that had been tucked in her lap during class. She kicked herself for forgetting it; if it hadn’t been for him, she would have probably left it on the ground. Mira reached out and gripped the phone, muttering a quiet thanks before glancing back to the open desk that had been Jasmine. It looked like she hadn’t waited. Stuffing the phone in her pocket, she looked back up to the boy, giving him—what she hoped would be—a nicer smile.

“Yeah, it’s pretty close. You’ve got Mrs. Reed?” There was a quiet groan before she laughed quietly; he wouldn’t understand, but Mrs.Reed could be a nightmare for history. About twenty years past retirement, Mrs. Reed could hardly figure out how to work the computer. Sometimes they would take whole chapters in a day and have a test on multiple chapters within a week time period. If you weren’t fast or didn’t put in time at home, you couldn’t hope of having a good grade. Mira had already had her for U.S. History the year before. Since they changed teachers around, she was stuck with her again. “If you’re late she won’t care. You can just slip in and she won’t notice.” Mira gave him a smile before looking out the door.

“Mrs. Reed’s room is on the third floor. If you walk the length of this building, go through the last door on the right—it’s obvious the one that goes to the stairwell. Then you take the stairs up, go down the hall a few rooms, and she’ll be standing outside.” She stopped for a moment, looking down at her hands. “Or I guess you could follow me, because that sounded like it wasn’t helpful at all. I’m going there too”

(I could probably send you the code in pm if you want lol)
Dylan just smiled as Mira took the phone from his hand and shoved it into her pocket. It seemed that she didnt talk all that much since it seemed so hard for her to smile or even speak to him, it made him worry a bit. He hoped he wasn't making her feel uncomfortable. When she mentioned a Mrs.Reed he looked down at the paper in his hand, scanning it until he found the said name under World History. Wait..did she laugh? So she isn't all that anti. "Yeah I have her. She won't notice if i'm late? Thats nice to know." It was a first that he saw an actual smile rise on her lips. It was nice.

When she had started to give directions to the classroom he just starred at her, trying to process all of what she said which only made him confused and it showed on his face. Usually he was good with directions but he didnt understand what she had just said. He laughed and scratched the back of his head when she had finally offered to take him to the classroom. "Thank you that seems like the best idea." He reached over to his desk and grabbed his black binder. "Lead the way pretty lady." he'd say as he opened the door in the back of the classroom for her.

(Yesss. )

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