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Be My Guest. xx0mittens0xx & InsaneTruth


Bumblebee Therapist
Aoife is the daughter of a man with a serious gambling problem. He’s a sweet man, always doting on Aoife with her favorite books and rare flowers, but he’s up to his ears in debt after borrowing money from the wrong people. One afternoon, Aoife’s father is confronted by Kai, the ruthless crime boss of the city. Few people have ever seen B’s face, as his henchmen usually do his dirty work, but everyone knows his name and cowers in fear appropriately. Aoife’s father owes Kai a considerable debt, which he cannot pay. Rather than kill the man, Kai offers a trade – the man’s beautiful daughter in exchange for the forgiveness of his financial debts. He has one night to make this deal happen or Kai will come for him. When Aoife’s father explains the predicament to her, she is willing to go, as long as it ensures the safety of her family and her father promises to put an end to his troublesome gambling habits. Aoife moves in to Kai’s mansion outside of town the following day. 
"You what!?" Aoife exclaims at her father who was kneeling in front of her with her hands in his. "What do you mean you want me to go live with a stranger?"

"Please Aoife. You know I wouldn't be asking this of you if there was any other way. He'll kill me otherwise...."

"Well then kill him first! I mean who takes a person as payment. I'm not some piece of jewelry to be passed around"

"You don't understand Aoife. He's not just any man, he basically runs this city. You don't just go up and kill this man..." He watches as Aoife snatches her hands away and paces the room angerly before stopping sharply and glaring straight down at him.

"You know what? Fine! I'll go. But only to make you realize what a stupid habit you're developed and how ridiculous and out of control it's gotten! Don't make me do this for nothing" She makes her way to her room, packing her things while muttering angerly under her breath.

The next morning after saying goodbye to her father she finds herself being dropped off in front of a large mansion. She nearly drops one of her suitcases at seeing the place. One was full of clothes she'd be needing, and the other two with books. Books were the only escape she had from living the life of keeping on her father in an attempt to keep him out of situations like this. Obviously it appeared as if she wasn't very good at that. She closes her mouth after some of the shock subdued, she had expected some fancy suburban house at the most not an imposing, overwhelmingly dripping with wealth Victorian mansion.. She looks back at the taxi driver to ask if he was serious before seeing that he had already drove off and sighs angerly, blowing some hair of her face as she makes the trek to the large door.

She walked glacially slow, in no rush to meet the man who thought of her no more than compensation for a debt. Noticing the outside, she couldn't help but admire the taste of the place, the lawn was well manicured and the gardens were divine. She pauses for a moment to stare at the blue roses, a rare sight indeed, tempting to pick a few but she didn't dare. Her gaze moves to a large fountain, decorated with stone cherubs. She wasn't a fan of cherubs, they creeped her out slightly. Though children in general tended to make her uneasy, let alone naked ones with wings. Though she couldn't deny it was a lovely piece of art, and no doubt expensive. She reluctantly turns her gaze back to the house, noticing light bouncing against stained glass windows and frowns a bit as she comes back to reality. Apparently this man liked to show off his wealth, which irked her. Money always put a bitter taste in her mouth, mostly due to growing up with a father who was greedily after it just to lose it. Possessions meant nothing to her, it was the character of a person and the way they treated others that made her like a person or not. She stares at the large imposing door for a good five minutes before taking a deep breath and knocks upon it, waiting to see what she would find on the inside.
The door opened rather easily "About time you stopped staring," the voice was male and beautiful in front of her was a very lovely man hair as blue as the roses outside eyes to match. The inside of the home made the outside look cheap. Marble floors polished to perfection covered in rugs of what looked like tiger and bare furs. The walls lined with paintings both old and new. the staircase was railed in gold carpeted red and decorated with ivory carvings so small and detailed one could spend hours just climbing the stairs admiring the detail.

"Are you the girl? what a sorry payment for all the money I am owed," this boy could not be more then seventeen he crossed his arms he was wearing clothing made of fine silk and cotton the shirt was loose and a soft green color the pants formfitting and yet oddly looked comfortable. He wore a silk jacket adorned with green embroidered dragons hand stitched.

There were no others in the massive entrance room. No servants or maids in fact the inside was eerily quiet. The man in front of her was in a few of the paintings though mostly the ones that were of a child. He did not look like a mob boss.
Aoife eyes the man with a raised eyebrow, apparently today was full of surprises. She had not expected her father to lose such a large amount of money to a teenager. She huffs a bit in annoyance at the thought of how foolish her father was before catching his insult. Though he was easy on the eyes, his demeanor wasn't nearly as lovely. A spoiled rich brat, perfect. She thought to herself before speaking up. "Yes well that's what you get for taking a person as payment" She makes her way inside once he had let her in, taking a deep breath to keep her temper calm. "Where am I staying? And what exactly am I here to do? Cleaning and cooking are your only options. I have no desire to play "girlfriend" to you if that was your idea" She states authoritatively, noticing he didn't have any maids or servants, groaning internally at the idea of having to clean this large place on her own. She could kill her father herself for placing her in this position, she was hoping the person would be kind and perhaps change their mind at seeing her at the door but that was obviously not going to happen. Which was just a foolish hope, that she knew better to think would occur anyways, but she would try to make the best of the situation. She had no intention of showing she was weak or mope around for her predicament.
"Girlfriend? You think you are worth that much?" The boy began to laugh. "Coking cleaning, ding any odd jb I can think of till your fathers debts repaid... I would have much rather just killed him. My name is Kai, you will adress me as sir,"

Kai lead her up the stairs and down a lavish and equally adorned hall way "these rooms are off limits they belong to my siblings," he told her the rooms had plaques with names on them. "Ceruse, Kai, Chihiro and Kikuu, Lilly, and Amy. "If that is understood this is your room, that you will pay for," he told her openieng a door. Inside was a lavish canopy bed queen size and a dresser beside a vanity table with mirror the window overlooked the gardens and gate. "This room is yours... it has a lock,"
Aoife rolls her eyes but bites her tongue instead of stating some snarky come back. She takes in the view as they made their way upstairs, noticing all the plaques. There was a lot of siblings, she was an only child so having siblings was a foreign concept to her. She had no desire to go snooping in his siblings rooms if they were anything like him."It's understood...." She says quietly. He couldn't even be nice enough to offer the room for free. She looks in at the room in shock, it was nicer than anything she'd ever seen. She lugs her suitcases into the room, setting them down for the time being. She walks over to the bed letting her hand run across the luxurious bedspread before looking back at Kai, narrowing her eyes. She wanted to scream, to kick, and to run far away from this man. He annoyed her in every way possible but just sighed, keeping it down for her father's sake. "When do I start?" Expecting him to say immediately, of course he wouldn't give her a day to settle in.
"Tomorrow I have to much work to baby sit you," Kai said dismissively. "Your meals and clothing will be provided we eat together in this house if we are home, servents are not an exeption the bell will ring and you will go to the dining room, there's a map in your room the wing to the right is off limits," he warned. "I'm serious I'd take more kindly to you snooping in my room." Kai said that them left before she could so much as open her muth to speak.

As he told her the door had a lock and there was a map on her desk.
Aoife was about to object about the idea of being "babysat" but he left and was just thankful to be out of his presence. She makes her way over to the map, finding it ridiculous the house needed a map. She takes it before making her way over to the bed, falling back on it and sinking down into it. She takes note of where the dining room was located before studying all the other areas of the house. She hoped she didn't have to wear anything nice for dinner because she had no desire to do so nor had she brought anything like that. She didn't bother locking her door for the time being, not thinking anyone would have any desire to speak with her which made her hope she didn't have to engage in too much conversation over dinner.
The map was rather large it showed that there were more floors underground then there were over it. The dinning hall was not far from the entrance hall so it should be easy to get to or at least find. The wing Kai had told her was off limits was blacked ut with marker. She was left alone till the bells sounded to be called for dinner there was a light commotion in the hall as everyone got out of their rooms. If she were to look in the hall she'd see a full array of people a male with brunette hair grey eyes and tan skin who looked t be at least twenty four. A set of red heads one male one female who looked identical except the clothing who looked to be in their younger teens, and another set of twins both with striking blue hair and wearing matching dresses they were the youngest of the family both of them only eleven. It was almost military hw they got ut f their rooms and began towards the dinning hall.
Aoife had started to unpack a bit after having enough of the map and looks up as she hears the bells. She makes her way out of her room, watching the others heading towards the dining hall. She found it odd the way they moved, but it's not like this situation was normal in any aspect anyways. She runs her fingers through her red hair not sure why she cared if it looked nice or not. She followed the others to the dining area, at least she wasn't going to get lost with the others leading the way. She waits for the others to sit down before taking an empty seat, not wanting to accidentally take anyone's chair. She folds her hands in her lap, swallowing nervously, and staying quiet. It was one thing handling one of them, let alone a whole table full. She hoped they weren't all like Kai.
the table was pretty quiet there was a woman who looked almost exactly like Kai at the head of the table Kai on her right side "Everyone," she said her voice rang more beautifully then the bells. "We had another profitable day," she clapped her hands together smiling. All the siblings smiled in her presence exept the brunette who's nose was still in a book.

The staff was not numeroous sitting at the table was two maids one cook and three servers and what looked like a nanny. The food was already set out the spread had salads fruits seafod like shrimp and crap as well as pasta;s and sauses. It almost looked like a buffet table.

"We take this time, to be thankful for what we have and what we earned," This was Kai speaking "All the hard work we all put into the business and into this family,"
Aoife listens quietly, taking a look around the table, figuring who was related and who was staff rather quickly. She eyes all the food, feeling herself grow incredibly hungry at seeing it all. Her attention is removed from the food when she hears Kai's voice. Apparently he was very family oriented, that was at least one good trait he had going for him. She waits patiently, not taking any food until she saw someone else do it first. She was used to eating on her own so eating in a large group like this made her a bit uneasy, hopefully they'd be busy in their own conversations to notice her. She wanted herself to be known and not some fly on the wall but not by everyone all at once.
"Kikuu, its your turn to do grace," The woman at the front said

"Yes Mama, I am grateful to big brother for providing for all oof us and for us being together and for us to have full bellies," the female of the redheaded twins she smiled it seemed their grace was not exactly to god but to the one who provided the meal.

"Alright now we may all eat," The woman said.

Everyone went to get what they wanted some having to get up to get at something the staff was rather quiet at the table but the young sisters were busy talking and arguing only to have either the brunette or the male red head twin break them up
Aoife glanced around the table after grace and couldn't help but smile at the way the family interacted with one another. She made herself a plate and picks at it before she lets her gaze fall on Kai. It seemed like a pretty normal family, she wondered how Kai got so arrogant. She found herself staring longer than she intended and blinks a bit before looking down at her plate. Once she was full she glanced over at the staff, noticing they were quiet compared to everyone else. She frowned at that, she didn't know if she should make conversation with them since she was probably considered staff as well. She glares at that thought, boiling inside again at thinking about her predicament. She lets out a huff in an attempt to diffuse her temper as she leans back in her chair, not sure if she should excuse herself or just leave the table. She decided to just leave and scooted her chair back from the table and got up to her feet to leave.
The staff tried to warn her against it silently. When she got up the maids actually paled a bit KAi's gaze was on her now sharp and cold almost like a predator looking at its next kill. "Look Kai's new toy has no manners," the brunette said callously.

"Brother you are to hard n people," The male Red head said "Miss, it is rude to stand before the head of the table leaves, r withouth being excused," his voice was pretty soft kind almost though his expression stayed pretty indifferent.

"Thank you for standing up for her Chi however... I am ashamed I'd have to teach common manners to a new toy," Kai said his voice cold.

The woman at the head of the table laughed "Now Kai you are a bit scary when you use that tone be mindful of your younger siblings,"

"Of course mother," Kai said his voice softening.
Aoife glares at the brunette at being called "a toy" before looking at the red head. "My apologies then. I've never eaten with any more than two people before so I'm not accustomed to dining with such a large amount of people" She turns her attention to Kai as he reinforces her being a toy and grits her teeth but curtsies. "I apologize for my rudeness. Now if you would excuse me" She quickly turns as she makes her way back to her room. If her father's life wasn't on the line she'd up and leave though this was probably mild comparatively. She'd have to use some cunning against Kai or she would stay furious forever.
Kai glared at her as she left he had alot of training to do before she would so much as be any use at all. "How problematic," he sighed. The meal went on a bit longer till the mother got up and the kids soon after the table was cleared and the younger kids went to their tutoring rooms. KAi however went to find his new toy. The brunette who was now curious followed Kai to the 'toys' room. Amused and a bit more then a little ready to see Kai get violent.
Aoife was laying on her bed reading one of her books trying to get her mind off of the incident of dinner. In retrospect she probably should have locked her door but didn't have a reason as to do so yet. She had let down her hair and was wearing her pajamas, a pair of comfortable shorts and a tank top. She had debated going to the garden to read but figured for tonight she'd stay in, not ready to face the family just yet. She did feel bad for getting up from the table but she didn't mean it to be rude either. She sighs and shakes her head before going back to her book, laying on her stomach as she did so. She glanced over at her door as she heard footsteps just outside.
Kai opened it no knock or anything, why should he if it was unlocked? That was an open invitation was it not? "So... Aoife... you though to spurn what kindness I was showing you?" he asked venom in his voice "Your life if mine I expect you to walk on eggshells around my family." his brother was at the door but he seemed to not really care. "Now you just leave the door wide open? I'd laugh if someone broke in and shot you just because you were easy to get to,"
Aoife sighs, definitely should've locked that door. She sits up and lays her book down looking over at Kai with a raised eyebrow. She slips out of bed and over to him, standing close to him looking him straight in the eyes. "My life is my own. I am not your toy. I will perform services in exchange for a debt but I do not belong to you. I do apologize for appearing rude but it was not my intention. And if someone wanted me dead they would have done so, but I can more than take care of myself. And I have to say I wouldn't mind if someone put me out of my misery at this point. Now then I have a book to finish so I'll bid you a good night" She breaks her stare and turns in order to head back to the bed.
"Your life is mine, your father's debt to me, made that more then certain," Kai said and held her chin making he come closer and lok him in the eyes. His eyes were icy and cold there was no kindness or mercy in the depths. "Your intentions mean nothing to me girl, nor do your feeble apologizes, I expect you to act every bit the slave you are," he let her go "Or your father dies, it is that simple,"
Aoife glares back at Kai quickly snatching her face away from him once he let go. She had many unlady-like words she wanted to call Kai but remained silently as she returned to her bed. "Good night sir" She says simply, dismissing him, hoping he'd leave. She flips her book over to continue reading it but all she could do was stare at the pages until Kai's icy gaze was off of her.
"Good night be this your final warning from me," Kai said turning to leave his brother not too hurriedly getting out of his way. The brunette was shocked that's all Kai did the guy was as cruel as they came a heart of stone a gaze like ice. Kai didn't bother shutting the dor when he left so the brunette leaned on the frame his expression rather bored not showing anything he thought in his mind.

"You are lucky kid," he said after a few minutes.
(Sorry for the delay I've been sick in bed the past few days)

Aoife just rolls her eyes at the final warning but sighs and looks up from her book no longer able to focus on it before looking over at the door when she heard the voice. "I'd say I'm rather unlucky to be in this predicament. But that's what I get for trying to do something nice for gambling addict of a father" She runs her fingers through her hair with another sigh.
(its ok, I just got home from a family emergency. Hope you feel better,)

"You're right, its stupid to help a father like that," The brunette said simply. The male was so relaxed it had to be uncomfortable he was now leaning on the door frame staring at her. "Run, but Kai'd find you. Hide and become his next target. We are a bit bored now days." The boy was trying to get her to lash uot he wanted her to raise her voice to yell or fight or ever run,.
(Thanks, I just started to today. I hope everything's alright at your end)

Aoife just sighs aggravatingly, snapping the book shut. "If I run then not only would I just be stuck here again but then my father's life is at risk too! I'd run in a heartbeat if his life was in jeopardy. It's one thing to my life in danger but it's not fair to put another's in the same position" She swings her feet off the bed to make her way over to the brunette. "What was your name again?" She asks a bit irked by his carefree nature.

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