The Haunted Mansion [Inactive]


A Fox
Misakichan submitted a new role play:

The Haunted Mansion - 6 people are invited to a party at a mansion but there one of them is the murderer!

You have been invited . . .

Welcome to my mansion! The party will begin soon at 4:00 PM. At 5:00 PM, the dinner shall be serve. The other 5 visitors will come soon so make yourself at home!

. . . but one visitor will return home.

There is a murderer lurking in the party, one of the 6 is a murderer. It all starts when there was a power shortage. The wind howled outside the mansion as the rain hit against the window.

"I will get the torches."


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Harumi stumbled back and fell to the floor as she saw the corpse. Her eyes widened, shocked. Lightning lit up the room as she curled up into a ball.

"I knew I shouldn't come!"

She shouted. She did not want to go here at the first place but her parents forced her to because they thought Harumi is going to be a "turtle." She thinks back to the day before she went into this mansion. She shakes her head. So this is what it means when your life flashes before you? She thought but anger rose up in her chest.

"I'm leaving this mansion! I do not want to get killed and maimed!"

Marc rubbed his eyes weary after greeting the host. Good thing he even knew the man and from the smell he concluded that they will have meat as a dinner. By his surprise, he seemed to be the oldest out of guests. This made him sneer hollowly: he doubt he would get any rich topics out of people who weren't even in a work life. Feeling dumb just standing at the corner, he walked to the host. "Soo is there any drinks for the elders..?", he started the chitchat, peeking the other guests again.

Before host could say anything, the tense mood inside the mansion was increased by the flick of lights and then darkness. "Great..", he grunted. He was at overtime from ten to midnight and he wasn't eager to start electricity work. "Umm I think it's the fuse", he suggested outloud. "I will get torches, pardon me", the man said and headed to the downstairs. "Oh wow. Okay then. Let's do it in the Stone Age way then. Not that I wouldn't be a engineer of electricity or something...", he grunted with a frown but he headed to search for the power box, steps echoing to other guests.

He walked past the lounge to the hallway and touched around for a locker. "Where the hell..", he muttered and soon opened the right box. He tested the place where was the fuze for lights and for his surprise it was gone. 'So someone wanted the lights go out..', he thought overwhelmed.

After a moment of thought, he heard a scream from downstairs. He left the locker open and quickly went to the downstairs to see what was the fuss about.
Harumi was holding her knees to her chest, rocking back and forth like a scared child. She glanced at the guy who came in.

"The host has died. We should get out."

Her voice was hollow. She put her head against her knees and hums.
Julian had been exploring the house when the man had rushed past him downstairs. Julian ignored him for the most part and returned to his exploring. The paintings were odd, obscure things. Not to Julian’s taste at all, he definitely would have decorated this place a lot differently. He could hear hushed voices coming from below the stairs. Finally, his curiosity getting the better of him, he peeked around the corner and listened to the voices below.

"The host has died. We should get out,” spoke a soft voice from down below.

“What the hell?” Muttered Julian, clinging to the banister with sweaty hands. He rushed down the stairs to make sure he had heard right.
Harumi got up from the dirty cold floor. She slowly went upstairs as the lightning lit up the room. She saw Julian clinging to the banister. Her face was pale as she stared at him with sullen eyes.

"We should get out." She repeated to Julian. The thunder shook the mansion, the chandler shaking and falling off its chain. The glass broke as shards of glass hit Harumi's face. Blood oozing out of her cuts. She cringed as another lightning filled the room with white light. The light showed Harumi's face with blood and glass piercing her face. Harumi shakes her head, shivering. It was cold outside and the mansion's atmosphere was chilly.
“Like, what the hell do we do?” Asked Julian, refusing to walk down the stairs.

He had no idea how to even tell the other guests, who to trust and who not to trust. He didn’t even think he could trust the two people below him. He braced himself to run if either of them made a move.
Marc frozed at the end of the stairs as someone mentioned the host being dead. Cold shivers went across him. Is past repeating itself? Will he be once again charged with someone's murder? "Holy shit...!", he shrieked a bit. Maybe they could thought his early grumbling as a hatred towards the Host. He looked a bit up, all starchy, how the lights went on again. Somebody put the fuze back on its place, he came to conclude with a bit of the lip. Then he heard the girl move upstairs and a crash. He rushed to her and pulled him from the shoulder firmly. "No no nope! Nobody leaves this place! You might be the killer, yeah!", he shouted at her back but keeping an aggro range to make sure that she wont do any tricks to him. But then she must have a partner in crime...
Dumbass. She thought to herself.

"And what proof do you have that I am the murderer?"

She urged at the old one. Hiromi picked off the glasses on her face and wiped the blood with her sleeve.

"Do any of you atleast have a phone to call 911?"

She muttered and rolled her eyes at the guy. She looked around.

"I left mine at home."
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