Supernatural Acadamy

Name: Aurora Silverblade

Nickname: Rora

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Species: Elf / Wizard

Personality: Bright, kind, funny, and always making friends.

History: Rora grew up with her mother and father; her mother an elf princess and her father a wizard. They were always bickering until finally, unable to stand it any longer she ran away. She had drawn herself a map leading to Supernatural Academy thinking it would be her best option.



Other: Nope.

Can I join? :)


Chickadee Kelsa Jacobson




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/0a39692ad59d6cb69ca0a61dc4ce6483.jpg.bc960494b8eecdcf8e5729db6a940617.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17008" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/0a39692ad59d6cb69ca0a61dc4ce6483.jpg.bc960494b8eecdcf8e5729db6a940617.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Has hands though.


Chickadee is a very friendly young woman with a mischievious nature. She enjoys being around people and talks quite a lot. She's sassy and stubborn too. She can also be described as hyperactive, always fluttering about and sometimes messing with people purposely to annoy them. Not all the time though. Chickadee also will eat anything if she's hungry.


Part bird, not an angel.


It really isn't that important. She lived in the forest with her family in almost complete isolation. Her parents thought it would be good for her to socialize with other people, and so here she is!


She hates cats. They usually try to eat her, which turns into a bunch of bite marks all over her.


Henry Johanson




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/troy.jpg.06766b1316d1b134519fe68f476ae882.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/troy.jpg.06766b1316d1b134519fe68f476ae882.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Henry is almost always pretty calm and enjoys and good joke here and there. He doesn't like stupid drama though and won't stay near people who cause it. Other than that, he's very nice and likes bunnies.


Half Shadow. Can turn into a shadow and control them.


His mother was human while his father was a full shadow. His father left before he was born, leaving Henry's mother to take care of him. Him and his mother had a great relationship. Unfortunatly she died recently from cancer. She enrolled Henry into the school before she died.


He likes making shadow puppets in his own way. He also has a pet bunny named Barry.



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Theaphonora Mako (Thea)






Thea is extremely chill and laid back. She loves to listen to dubstep on her spare time and focus on keeping the mind relaxed. She hates keeping Cerragaita in his cage, but she gets to go wild and crazy when he isn't looking or paying any attention whatsoever. She is extremely nice, confident and loves a good laugh. She's a fast runner, a smart thinker, and a strong fighter.


She possesses the power of an ancient prophet-beast named as Cerragaita, and can be one with his soul.

- Virus cells -

These cells are projected through the wrist and down; Touching any mechanical/ electrical object/system will cause it to change into an alien melee weapon, or a long range weapon, depending on it's components.

- Revolvment -

Highly active metal plates that are held together by a magnetic force grant the mech to shift plates to either dodge a highly aware strike/attack, if Cerragaita sees something coming slower than a bullet, it will be able to revolve around on sight.


Never really spent time on master Cerragaita, in which he is just an alien mech seeking
vengeance for the loss of his soul. She's had to deal with him her whole life, unfortunately. But other than that, she plans to stick to education and a good time. Perhaps to find love?

Character NameCeleste Maverick

Age:Human years(24) Vampire years(210)


Species: Vampire.

Character Description: 5'4", Shoulder-length blond curly hair, ocean blue eyes, fair pale skin, thin mature body.

Character traits:Stubborn, and cold-hearted.

Biography:One snowy night back in the late 1700's a young woman by the name of Celeste Maverick worked on a five hundred acre cotton plantation. The owner of the estate was a very wealthy man only looking for the best to work on his land. The young woman had just got off her shift when she was attacked by a creature that lurked in the darkness of the woods. She woke up later covered in a thin layer of snow that had just fallen that night. Feeling cold and weak, Celeste stood on wobbly feet. She sped off at an abnormal speed to her dear fiance's home. He too was a wealthy man at that time and she knew if they were to marry that someday she would be one of the wealthiest. She grew fond of the man named Klaude and fell in love with him.

With their wedding a month away, Celeste had decided to move into his enormous home in time for the final days before the wedding. The delirious blond stumbled into the house she know called hers and looked for her husband to be. Once she had found him she lost all control of her senses and murdered him that very night. Guilt swept over the young maiden at what she had done that night and fled her home. Since then she's traveled all over, changing from the sweet woman she used to be now a bloodthirsty and cold individual.
Name: Sif Marrock

Nickname: none

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Species: Pure Werewolf

Personality:loyal, brave,fun loving, friendly, and very curious. Sif will normally act like a child a lot but when the situation is serious Sif himself will be serious. He doesn't have many friends so he goes out of the way to protect the ones he has.

Abilities/power: super agile, strong, can heal quick unless the wound was caused by silver, can see in the dark, able to grow claws in human and wolf form, lastly can live for thousands of years.

History: Sif's mother and father both had lived long ago as werewolfs. Once they use to live with a pack of there own kind, always in hiding they moved around a lot to avoid the humans and other creatures who would try to hunt them down. Finally his parents left the pack as they couldn't stand the constant hiding and running anymore. They learned to adept in modern society and blend in with the locals. As they had their kid they knew that he was going to be like them so when he was born they sheltered him and kept him from leaving the house for long periods of times. Many times had Sif had to be restrained as he was not able to control his powers at first. Sif could never be normal like most kids he was always able to do things other kids couldn't like able to see well in the dark, out run any kid on the block and lift things that were to heavy for a normal kid. Sif always looked out the window and watched other kids play in the streets he longed to be like a normal kid and make friends and go to school. One day when he was told about the academy for the supernatural by his parents if he wanted to go Sif was instantly thrilled.

Appearance: (Because Sif is a pure werewolf some wolf traits show even if he is human. A pair of brown wolf ears are peached on his head (that can move like normal ears )that he hides with a hood or hat. Also a tail that is hidden under his uniform. The only thing that is hard for him to hide are his gold eyes the pupils being slit like animal eyes giving him a more menacing look then how he really is.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.522f63465f66caa431dfdd1e7d044ff2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17059" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.522f63465f66caa431dfdd1e7d044ff2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(His wolf forms fur color is his normal hair color)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.321afe619c1a7d974e62f4e807ad5fbf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17060" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.321afe619c1a7d974e62f4e807ad5fbf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


He likes anything that has to do with running (track, free running, ect.) as he is unnaturally fast compared to normal humans.



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Name: Olarion Sands

Nickname: Ryan. Just Ryan.

Gender: Male

Age: 17, but he’s been trapped in his lamp for a couple hundred years or so.

Species: Djinn (Genie)

Abilities: Granting wishes (only when he wants to); creating non-substantial illusions

Personality: Very excitable with everything; always curious about everything; something of a prankster always looking for ways to make life more exciting.

History: Ryan has not had a very exciting life, mostly being trapped in a lamp for a good portion of it. When he did get out, he was only out to grant three wishes and then be shoved back into the lamp he came from. One day, he had a master who wished for freedom for him and he was no longer bound to his lamp. Determined to see the world, he began adventuring. When he heard about the Supernatural academy, he decided that was his next adventure and he was off.



Other: None
Name: Kamina Naoki

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Half-Demon

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1ecacca_Animewarrior.jpeg.12a2a0f9744b4253c616e9ccdf39704f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17103" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1ecacca_Animewarrior.jpeg.12a2a0f9744b4253c616e9ccdf39704f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Wears an eye patch over his left eye for unkown reasons. Has many piercings and wears necklaces and chains around his neck. Long silver hair. Often doesn't wear a shirt for unkown reasons but wears long, sleeve-like gauntlets on his arms. His left hand's gauntlet is also a weapon. Black pants and black boots.

Personality: Cold and normally uncaring towards everyone since the death of his mother. Can be very stuck up at times but once he warms up to people he mellows out and can become a great friend and ally.

Son of a demon and a human. When he was young, he would train would his father in many styles of fighting. His father wanted him to be a great warrior like he was and his training was ruthless. Kamina had been pushed to the brink of death uncountable amounts of times. He hated the training. All Kamina wanted to do was explore and discover. He would constantly go on many carefree adventures. One day he went on away for threedays to see if there were any humans out in the world (they lived in a recluded place in between a complete barrier of mountains) and thought there had to be something that lie behind those giant obstacles. He was young and had a very short attention span and gave up before he was halfway uo the mountains. It took him a day and a half to get back. When he finally reached his home, he found people hed never seen before. For the first time he had seen other people! But, right beside them, was the bloody corpse of his dead mother. He began to cry and the men noticed him and transorfmes into grotesque versions of themselves. Blue or red with horns and wings. They told him his father ordered it and that it was a test. The final test. To finish his training once and for all. Kamina's eyes turned red and he physically began to appear stronger and then proceeded to kill the demons with his bare hands. He vowed from then on that his father would die by his doing and that every other demon would also be killed. He set on looking to find and kill his father, taking with him the sword that was stabbed into his mothers back. The sword his father had ended his mothers life with would end his own. He left and found a place where he could train with people like himself: the Supernatural Acadmey...

Other: incrdibly gifted in swordplay, that raw talent combined with years of training make him a feared opponent. Incredibly fast and strong, even for a hlaf-demon. Wears a gauntlet on his left hand that has sharp metal talon-like claws that he uses in combos with his sword. Though he won't show it, he is very lonely, having traveled and trained for many years by himslef.



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Name: Hannibal

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: Zin-Hu (Human Zinogre)

Appearance: (in Picture, with human skeletal stucture) has a scar on his left eye.

History:Hannibal was a happy child, up until he turned 15 his mother, a human, and his father, a zinogre, died due to the mad wyvern virus. he now lives alone in a cave in a forest near the academy. His abilities are to summon dracophage bugs to charge him up with electricity that is black and red, the bigger the charge, the more agile and lethal he becomes (it is increased 10x in his stygian form, which is a form where he has white and red fur). he can also put himself in a feral rage as a defense mechanism for bigger enemies/prey. his energy is strong enough to reduce one to ashes. he is weak to water and ice, but resistant to other elements like fire and dragon.

Personality: Easily angered, excitable, brutal, caring, strong, and intelligent.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Zinogre.jpg.12c02060e031f6f94c25cc61652be156.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18446" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Zinogre.jpg.12c02060e031f6f94c25cc61652be156.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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