Looking for Boys Love 1x1x1s (Cookies inside)


Care Bears... prepare to stare!

The title pretty much says it all. I'm looking for some literate peeps to help me cure my boredom. I mostly play the Uke so if I could do that, that would be wonderful.

I do have a few rules though they are just the basics

1. Follow RPN rules and this means fading to black when things get heated.

2. No oneliners

3. No Gary-stus

4. Be active, if you're going to be gone let me know. And if you are bored, don't just ditch me

On to the pairings~

*= Means I wanna do this badly

Italic= Means I want to do this role


Demon x
Angel x Demon**

Angel x
Angel x Angel*****

Brother x
Outcast Kid x Brother

Teacher x
Student x Teacher ****

Bully x
Bullied x Bully******


Cookies as promised~


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