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Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)

Friday, July 25th — 10:20 a.m.

Olivine Port < Olivine City

R Rydge | Theo713 Theo713
Code by Ami

The ship horn blared.

“All-Abooard! Olivine Port Ho! We—"

The captain’s announcement went largely unheard. Komala-wrapped—as Esther was—to the ship’s mast, the ship’s unreasonably loud horn was all the louder and all the more unreasonable.

Fortunately, the sight of Olivine Port needed no explanation; they had arrived. Had they spent that much time on the ship already? Whatever—she had a fight to win. The man and his Rapidash had a few tricks up their sleeve. Fire Spin would stop her advance but that wasn’t a big problem since: one, they didn’t really need to scale the mast and; two, the man had climbed further up the mast and above the flames which, ostensibly, left himself wide open. His follow-up trick with detaching the fire spin might have been a problem, but…Theo could take care of that!

Esther wet her thumb and stuck it out: the wind direction was… Then she aligned her thumb with Rick and drew a line from him that went opposite to the wind direction. The Oblivian had a decent sense for distances and the wind, she was a frequent windsurfer after all, and she swiftly guesstimated a target location.

“Hop on my shoulder Susu; line up with my thumb and use «Bubblebeam»! Spread ‘em out!”

The Pond Skater clambered across Esther’s back and settled along her arm. It only took a moment for the bug-type to align herself and release a froth of bubbles from her antennae. The bubbles weren’t aimed at Rick, but rather the space just off to the side. Here Esther relied on the wind to blow the bubbles into Rick and thereby avoid the wall of flames.

Naturally, Esther’s extremely rough guesstimation and the inconsistent winds resulted in most of the bubbles falling to the deck below. However, enough would head Rick’s way to give him some trouble, and with his Rapidash currently occupied, he’d be hard-pressed to evade. That wasn’t to say Esther thought she had her opponent caught—that certainly wasn’t the case. In fact, she assumed he would be able to evade or otherwise resolve this and was already moving on to her follow-up.

“You’d better watch out!”

Her warning was for both Theo, who’d need to be careful to avoid the bubbles that would rain down from above, and for Rick since Esther wasn’t a psychopath and didn’t want to recklessly endanger him.

“Straight up Susu, «Water Gun»! Full Power!”

Switching moves and targets, L’ Basseau released a torrent of water straight towards the flames above.

Rapidash’s flames were strong, it was much stronger than Susu and Esther guessed that wasn’t by a small margin. Its flames were further strengthened by the sun and the fire it absorbed from Theo’s Rapidash. When it came to Rapidash’s flames, strong was now an understatement—but that was all the better. Dousing or even contesting the flames wasn’t the Oblivian’s goal. Instead, her goal was the byproduct. If Rick wanted to evade the bubble beam from earlier, then one of his options was to retreat into the safety of the Fire Spin. Therefore, Esther planned to feed the fire with water and produce steam.

If Rick chose to stay on the mast either to avoid the Bubble beam or for another reason, Esther fully intended to steam-broil his ass!

$??? | Pokéball x??? | PokéToy | Practice Ball | PokéFlute | Unidentified Fossil

Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades
Last edited:
Millian Red
Trainer ID: 34119754

A soft sigh escapes Millian as she steps out of her room on the boat. Her white and purple dress being caught in the sea breeze as she takes careful and measured steps down toward exit for the docks. A blue and white satchel bag integral to keeping the long purple skirt of said dress from blowing around too much. Five pokeballs line around her waist held by a wide black sash. Bellatrix her Meinshao following just behind her clad in a soft lavender kimono with a mute gray sash around the pokemon's waist tied in a bow behind the fighting type pokemon. The whip-like fur near the paws of the Pokémon still in full capability of use even with the choice in clothes. The pokemon was carrying itself, pride and poise a reflection of her trainer's movement and actions.

On her walk she paused a moment taking note of the symphony of battle a short distance ahead on the main deck. Upon arrival on the scene Millian kept herself as a quiet spectator to the battle waged before her. Bellatrix stopped as well, putting her paws into the opposing sleeves the whip-like fur pokemon of her species are known for hidden inside the kimono. Both trainer and pokemon observed the bout.

The use of the wind with bubblebeam, was something she'd expect from a Coordinator not form a normal run of the mill trainer. She might have come across someone with untapped potential. The creative use of moves, involving yourself physically, as well as practiced knowledge to understand the surroundings using them to your advantage if they were made by you or by the opponent. The decision was made then and there she would talk to this girl. Offer to help coach her in the realm of Contests if she was interested. Even if she wasn't interested in competing in Contests it would be a good distraction from the countless dead ends she's been confronted with as of late in her search for the legendary bird of ice the continues to elude her.​
Desmond Andrews (Unranked)
Cianwood City Docks, Johto (July 25th)

Interactions: Cmeriwether6 Cmeriwether6 (Emma's Togekiss) ThAtGuY101 ThAtGuY101 (Aldon)​

Desmond walked along the dock to the ferry, though no sooner had he climbed aboard had his Politoed jumped out to spook the young man who sighed as he knew he needed to get used to that at some point. Oh well, least the ride itself would promise to be peaceful enough as Desmond seemed to have a smaller camera in hand and began to take some pics along the dock as he walked along it while Politoed seemed to marvel at the crowd. Though something else seemed to catch its eye as its eyes seemed to light up and it tugged on Desmond's pants.

"Huh, what is the....wha!?" Desmond called out before a high pitched cry sounded as Togekiss seemed to fly over to them which naturally startled the sheepish young man. Once that panic passed and as he tried to settle his heartrate, he seemed to realize that this Pokemon seemed to pick him out of the boarding crowd and blinked a bit.

"Uh, d-do you happen to know me? Wait do you belong to Emma?" Desmond asked, as he recalled she owned one. Aldon who had already taken a seat on a chair in rather impressive fashion asked where Desmond desired to go next once they arrived at Olivine, and indeed there was a few options but one that had stuck out to the young man the most.

"My intent was to head to the lighthouse first. Figure it would make for a good landmark and a sight I can get some good shots from in general." Desmond clarified as he glanced at Aldon's way. "What about you?" Desmond asked Aldon, his eyes having sheepishly kept an eye on the Togekiss while Politoed happily seemed to wave to it.

Emma Argentston, Rank 48,679, The Boat to Olivine, July 25th.

As Emma boarded, she spotted her Togekiss flying above a part of the boat. That must be where Desmond was, Emma thought.

Togekiss nodded as she waved to Politoed. She then started flying back towards Emma.

She then followed her Pokémon to the location, weaving through the crowd to the best of her ability. As she caught up to Togekiss, the Jubilee Pokémon waved to Emma to follow her. Then she managed to catch up to Desmond.

"Sorry about that, Desmond, Togekiss was my best option for finding you." Emma returned her Togekiss, "What's going on, you guys good? Olivine has a lighthouse that seems like a good place to start!"

Emma was wondering about what awaits in Olivine.

Emma Argentston, Rank 48,679, The Boat to Olivine City, Johto, July 25th.

Emma was barely containing her excitement due to having never been to Olivine. She's flown over the city, but never been to it before. However, the horn blared, breaking her out of her thoughts. She then looked to see Olivine in the distance.

She was trying to hold back on everything. One of her Pokémon, her Gastrodon, had popped out after Togekiss was returned, and looked at Emma. The Water and Ground type was surprised that her trainer could have this kind of excitement, especially after the events of last Night. Gastrodon looked at her, only for Emma to be shaking in Excitement. She was holding her Fast Ball, containing Volcarona, and was trying not to accidentally damage the ball. She then saw the city's approach.

"There's the city!" Emma was trying to contain herself, "Olivine City!"

Gastrodon looked out to see the city. The Sea Slug Pokémon was a lot calmer than her trainer.

Tuesday, August 10th, Route 39, WCS Rank 25,274. Current team: Flor Bulbasaur, Sapphire Nidorina, Peque Swampert, Storm Lapras.

Reina walked down the crowded port, looking at different stalls and tempted to waste her money on some elemental stones or Poke balls. But, she had to focus on her mission. The poor Miltank needed them and she was going to come through! As she marched up and down she saw a necklace that caught her attention. It was two Luvdisc kissing and you could separate it so one person had one and the other had the leftover one. It was adorable and Reina thought of the perfect person to give it to, but she shook her head. It was a bit too cheesy, wasn't it? Still, Regie was a bit cheesy... with a slight blush she took a picture and sent it to him, of course trying not to make it to obvious by allowing other items to be displayed on the photo as well.

Reina smiled at the vendor and moved on. After locating a few people selling herbs and spices, and asking for prices, she headed back to their meeting spot. It seemed Andy had already arrived and with a smile and wave of her arm she called to him.

"Hey! I found some good stalls down my path, what about you?" Reina stopped in front of him, her Bulbasaur running around chasing some petal caught in the wind while the two trainers spoke. "I'm sure the farmer will pay for them, but we should still get the cheapest option available. The idea is to mix em together and spray it on the Miltank so they can go and eat grass without the Zubat feeding on them. The mixture of both smells should be enough to keep em away."

Interactions: mdebourg mdebourg

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd

Tuesday August 9th Route 39
Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Mareep(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby)

Andy arrives back at the olivine Lighthouse and soon enough Reina arrives after the hour passes Hey! I found some good stalls down my path, what about you?" she asks

"I actually found some stalls myself, a bit more expensive but one particular one has both mint and cinnamon spices. Maybe the farmer will pay for this stuff plus I can use some of that when I start baking. Mixing them shouldn't be much of an issue provided he has either water or a Mortar and pestil. Seems your stalls may be the cheaper option Reina. How about we buy from there and head on back to help the farmer?"

Hecotoro Hecotoro

Jennifer, Violet City's Gym, Johto, July 25th
Interactions: CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

Jennifer felt anxious, feeling this may be the demise of her lovely Trapinch that fought so hard for her. She was proud of her favorite bug as the Natu's ghostly aura shot after Trapinch. She watched as her Trapinch fainted before taking a breath. She could do this, she returned her Trapinch before calling out her next Pokemon.
"Go Gligar! Quickly use Knock Off!"
The flying scorpion entered the field, quickly shortening the distance between the two Pokémon, its claw glowing in a similar dark aura as Bite.
The air space would no longer be a safe zone for Falkner's flying types.
Friday, July 25th

Violet City Gym, Violet City

Jennifer Steatoda ( Dracogar Dracogar )
Mentions: N/A

Some would consider using a Flying type against a Flying Type specialist to be the height of hubris or the sharpest of insult, but Falkner made no comment as Jennifer fielded a Gligar and called for Knock Off. The Dark Type move would be rather effective on Natu, but the psychic bird held no items and would be able to avoid the worst of Knock Off’s effects. Instead of trying to dodge, Falkner opted to trade blows—“Once more Natu «Night Shade»”

Gligar could get as close as it wanted, that only made it easier for Natu to zap it!

Desmond Andrews (Unranked)
SS Maine, Johto (July 25th)
ThAtGuY101 ThAtGuY101 (Aldon), Cmeriwether6 Cmeriwether6 (Emma)​

Politoed again found itself captivated, to most Skol probably seemed to speak nonsense but either call it a hunch of its own ignorance it found this gospel to be quite fascinating though seemed more happy that it acknowledged him as Politoed clapped happily.

"Politoed~! Politoed poli~." (Such a fascinating insight~! I am doing well, this whole trip is so exciting.) Politoed answered back with a joyful bounce as in spite of their contrasts in energy the pair seemed to get along pretty well.

Desmond himself seemed to have a hand grasped around his locket as they looked out the view, hearing Aldon's words as the young man supposed there was a degree of truth to that...well, he least hoped that was the case.

"Suppose we'll see if there is much more about myself..." Desmond mused, but then another familiar voice sounded as Emma joined up with them Togekiss in the air as she asked about their plans and even mentioned the lighthouse which seemed to be fitting enough.

"Funny we were just talking plans, think it's agreed we'll check out the lighthouse in Olivine and then decide what we each want to do from there." Desmond said as he summarized his and Aldon's discussion for Emma as the ship had truly set sail and the venture to the city had begun.

Desmond Andrews (Unranked)
Olivine City, Johto (July 25th)
Cmeriwether6 Cmeriwether6 (Emma)

Snap. Snap. Snap!

Desmond had been up a bit early as he wanted to take some shots as they arrived at the docks of Olivine City, thankfully the trip managed to be a peaceful one as given his luck he expected a rogue Gyarados to attack the ship but lately his luck seemed to be turning for a change which had been nice. He had to admit, the city approaching was quite a lovely sight on the horizon and it seemed captured well enough behind the lens.

Course, others had their own ways to express a joyful mood.

"Seems uh someone is spirited...seems you have been looking forward to this." Desmond said to Emma with a sweat drop as the girl seemed to radiate a bubbly enthusiasm as he set his tripod and camera equipment away as he walked over to her and her Gastrodon though it seemed this caused a partner of his own to release itself.


Mimikyu had released itself and instantly worked to hug Desmond's leg affectionately which caused the young man to shiver as his face paled, but he had prepared for this as he quickly and in a slight panic reached for a chocolate bar as he took a big bite out of it as a sort of panic-release strategy as he chewed a bit before glancing down. "I-I should stress again that I am not a fan of s-surprise welcomes like that..." Desmond muttered to his relative newfound party member.
~Aldon Charlton...~
~Skol the king of gods, Bran the bronzor, Zippy the magnemite, Huck the golett, Wunder the Sigilyph and Bolly the Baltoy...~
~July 25th...~
~Johto, SS Mainé, Olivine City...~
~interactions: Desmond...~

Aldon took a seat back down and propped his sunglasses back over his eyes. Resting his hands behind his head. Just a bump on a log. It was probably why Al ssf on and Skol made such a good duo.

"Or if what's ya see is what'cha! Get! Transparent and straight forward as they come! But I like mysteries so I shall assume the former" Aldon replied. He then looked up at the clouds and spent the rest of the trip thinking about ruins, the lighthouse, and getting another drink before they arrived to town.


As they arrived and made their way off the boat, Aldon had his drink in hand. He jogged a little faster to catch up to Desmond and Emma, but not so fast that he'd potentially spill his drink. Aldon stood on dry land, one of his pokéballs ignited as well. A flash of light, followed by static electricity which spread throughout the surrounding air.

"Magne! Magne! Miiiiite!" A monotone mechanical voice emanated from the magnetic pokémon. The pokémon stared up at the lighthouse, more specifically, the large light up above at the very top. It peaked the steel electric type pokemon's interest.

"You wanna see it too? Alright. So how're we doing this? Stairs or elevator?" Aldon asked. Skol stood behind Aldon to avoid the sparks that were radiating off an overexcited magnetite.
Date: July 25
Location: Route 41 (Sea)
Interactions: Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Rick R Rydge

Sitting here, waiting patiently for something to happen, Theo began to feel like Hiccup from the first How to Train Your Dragon movie. He couldn't help but to smile a very faint smile, muttering to himself “C'mon. Gimmie somethin to shootat gimmie somethin to shoot at.”

The ship's horn blared,causing Theo to have to squint and cover his ears with his hands.Gods did that thing have to be so loud??? Looking in the direction the boat had been headed this whole time, Theo could see the shoreline off in the distance. Land. Glorious, solid land. He couldn't believe they were already about to make their destination.It felt like they had just left port just a few minutes ago. It rerose the question of how they were able to get there so quickly.The ship's speed, or the closeness of the two landmasses? He'd have to look it up. But at the moment, another more pressing matter needed attending to.

Because of the firey vortex now surrounding the man and his Rapidash Theo couldn't see him all that well, and thanks to the horn blaring just now he wasn't 100% sure he could hear him if he was even talking. He did hear Esther call out for him and, he assumed, the other man to watch out, as a slew of bubbles began to rain down on him and his Rapidash. ….It...why? It was just bubbles.That's what he thought, until one of them popped on his arm with enough force to rock him side to side. Murder Bubbles!?! Seriously!?

Still recovering from the ear blasting the ship's horn putout and the shock of the power behind what he thought was a simple bubble, Theo didn't notice that Rick had climbed the mast of the ship to the top and left his Rapidash behind. So when the other Rapidash jumped out of the flames, that was his que. “There he is. Now Eos!Fire Jump Swoosh!” not that the order was needed. This was the plan he had just explained. With a neigh Eos and Theo were both engulfed in a bubble of fire before Eos launched the two of them at the airborne Rapidash. The impact of the strike wasn't meant to hurt.Only to restrict the man's movements so Esther could carry out her plans without much of a hitch. A plan Theo now realized hadn't worked out very well, given this was when Theo realized Rick wasn't on his Rapidash any longer. When did that happen? And more importantly,where did he go??

As the Rapidash's Flash Fire ability absorbed the flames of Eos' Flare Blitz, Theo caught a glimpse of Rick at the top of the mast. How had he gotten up there? Did the people of this world have some sort of latent magic abilities Naka had failed to mention thus far? He'd have to ask her about that once this was all over. As the trio fell to the ship's deck Theo wished this world had Mario physics, where he and Eos could jump off Rick's Rapidash's back and be able to reach him before the ship made land.Sadly that wasn't an option. Theo braced for a solid impact against the ship's deck, but found that Eos was a good judge of distance and was able to easily land safely without rocking him off her back. He was genuinely impressed.

Now what were they supposed to do?Esther was climbing the mast that was partially on fire, Rick was at the top with no escape route that Theo could see, he was back on the ship's deck, and they were about to make land. The game couldn't end like this, but Theo didn't see a way of it ending otherwise.

Nakano Saito1710360118754.png
Date: July 25, 2022
Location: S.S. Mariné on Route 41 -> Olivine Harbor, Johto
Interactions: Johnathan Grayson
Mentions: Theo Hightower, Esther Sophys

Red Guy Red Guy
Pokémon Team:
Brontis the Chikorita
Silenus the Sceptile
Mudster the Swampert
Minnie the Mienshao
Hattie the Hatterene
Apollo the Paldean Blaze Breed Tauros

That Wigglytuff looked quite undeterred. Something told Naka that either the Wigglytuff was a die-hard protector of Johnathan and was practically a yandere, or she had issues with other people in general being close to Johnathan because she deemed everyone else as unworthy or weak. Or both. This idea could potentially be exacerbated if Naka went to fight Johnathan when they landed.

Her hand did throb a little from the pain, but that was why she had a Hatterene for situations like these. And luckily, she had the Hatterene with her right now.

The words of the Wigglytuff did nothing to deter Silenus, who clicked in a dangerous chuckle. They fought poachers before, and honestly if Johnathan were an evil guy, this Wigglytuff would be a great match for him. But as it stood, the Wigglytuff seemed to be the only one misstepping here.

Naka, noticing that the Wigglytuff changed tune once Johnathan turned back around and spoke, realized that the Wigglytuff had a facade. And if Johnathan couldn't see it for himself, then it was very likely that he wouldn't believe what anyone said, especially since the cute act was very convincing given what it looked like. At least Johnathan seemed to have some fun thinking about what kind of Legendary he was thinking of meeting and gaining the respect of, getting her to chuckle.

Seeing that Johnathan had no idea of Wigglytuff's two-faced demeanor either, Silenus calmed down when Johnathan complimented him, earning a happy series of clicks from him. Naka smiled. "Yeah, Silenus was just uh..." Shit, how was she going to put this? "He was curious how strong your Wigglytuff was and wanted to check it out in a fight. That okay?" She asked, wondering if that would help Silenus and herself gauge the strength of the Wigglytuff. Well, if Johnathan wanted to try that at all.

There was quite a bit of a commotion happening near the front of the ship, something about Rick, Esther, and Theo fighting for money? She thought that was entertaining at least, but that didn't hold her attention. What did hold her attention was how close Olivine City was.

Damn, this ship was fast, wasn't it?

Desmond Andrews (Unranked)
Olivine City, Johto (July 25th)
ThAtGuY101 ThAtGuY101

The sounds of the mechanical electric time caused Desmond's heart to jump a bit but thankfully he managed to avoid a scream as he considered that a minor victory for himself as Aldon seemed to catch up with the pair of them.

"Well, if given the choice would prefer elevator but in honesty it shouldn't matter too much." Desmond admitted back to Aldon as the point was more to get to the lighthouse though he intended to take a few shots of it both from ground level and then the top of it as it was bound to be a good view.

This would certainly be an interesting trip and opportunity, and traveling with a couple people he could honestly call friends was different but...far from bad really.
Date: July 25th
Location: S.S. Marine - Olivine City

Upon hearing the captain announcing the arrival, Rick shifted hands and leaned towards the bridge. "What?! Ogi to Olivine is a shorter distance and it took way longer than this!" He shouted. However, his attention was soon diverted when he saw a stream of bubbles flying into the air, with a few of them veering towards him, blown by the wind. Rick raised an eyebrow while smirking. "Not bad!" He then stretched out an arm, and a stream of flames rised from the Fire Spin to intercept the bubbles. At roughly the same time, the other Rapidash jumped from the deck in an attempt to intercept Iris while she was in the air. And it should've been a direct hit, if everything was as it seemed. However, as soon as the two made contact, their target simply vanished, as it turned out to be just a Double Team clone. Rick's eyes widened. "Oh? Coast is clear!" He shouted, pointing out while looking down at the mast's base.

Rick trusted himself out of the mast, with spread out arms. "Geronimo!!" He yelled. And right on time, as a column of steam started forming below him to make a stew out of his butt. Except now he was in a free fall, and slamming into the ground full-force was hardly any better. An outside viewer would probably take it as a suicide attempt. Fortunately for everyone, it was all under control, as the real Iris jumped out of her fiery vortex, with the envelope in her mouth, to catch her trainer. As they passed below the opposing Rapidash, Rick stretched out an arm to tap on the trainer's leg "Tag! You're it!" He called, before landing on the deck. Now with his feet firmly on the ground, Rick passed his foot along the deck to test it out. "Hmm, not as dry as I wanted, but will do." He muttered. Looking up, he saw the clouds start filling the sky once again. He also noticed a single bubble slowly falling right in front of him, which made him jump back away from it. That's when he looked around and saw multiple bubbles scattered around the deck.

Rick nodded, rubbed his chin. "Was that your long term plan? Well, it would be a shame if we just blew them all up and force you to start all over." He said to the girl, projecting his voice. Iris seemed to be readying herself to clear the field, but held off when Rick shrugged. "So we won't! I'm curious to see what you can come up with. Also wanna see how they handle hazardous terrain." He said, pointing at the other trainer. Rick glanced over his shoulder, squinting at Olivine as the ship docked. "I'll just assume we went through some sort of... temporal rift, or whatever they're called. As unlikely as it might be. Either that or Dialga is playing tricks on us. Otherwise, none of this makes sense." He commented, before turning to face the trainers, crossing his arms. "Unfortunately, that also means you're running out of time. In fact this should be a Time-out, but... I'm extending it. So whatever your plan, make it count."


ID No.


Click Me!










L' Basseau




Friday, July 25th — 10:25 a.m.

S.S. Marine - Olivine Port [Olive City]

R Rydge | Theo713 Theo713
Code by Ami

They had arrived at Olivine! The journey across the Cianwood Bay Area had passed in a flash and that meant they were out of time. It was now or never! Esther's voice was soft but firm, too quiet to alert their foe but filled with a surety that send her Pokémon darting forward— “Go! Operation Pinball!”

Rick hadn’t tripped her bubble-trap—lucky landing—but that would hardly be a problem. L’ Basseau vanished in a cloak of «Aqua Jet». The slickness of the deck proved no challenge for the pond-skater Pokémon; if anything, the familiar terrain enabled it to move faster than ever. The secret to Esther’s patented ‘Super Duper Dura-Bubbles™’ was Surskit’s nectar and oil. When added to a bubble-mixture they created a firmer, more durable bubble; but, as a side effect, they had also slicked the deck with a mildly sticky solution. One that Rick had jumped right into it! Although it would only delay him for a moment, it would have to be enough, a moment was all the opportunity she could buy.

When the petit bug-type reappeared, it was for but a brief instant, its spindly legs pressed to a bubble and pushed! As Susu darted away in another burst of speed, the bubble was sent sliding across the deck, enabled by the slickness.

In a matter of seconds, bubbles whizzed around the deck in a chaotic frenzy! The swiftest moving soon collided with walls, seats, and tables, exploding into a frothy mist. Some headed straight for Rick, read to bubble-bomb him sky high. Those were all distractions. The real kill-shot lay hidden in the newly created mists; L’ Basseau had pushed several bubbles towards a slow collision course with each other, hoping that Rick would be too distracted by the swift moving bubbles to notice its stealthy actions. The slowness of these bubbles allowed them to collide and merge rather than detonate, creating a super-bubble larger than even a beach ball! With a well-placed «Water Gun» the super-bubble was pushed towards Rick, gradually filling with water that would be released on its detonation! Whether Rick evaded or not remained to be seen, but Esther was ready order a switch from «Water Gun» to «Hydro Pump», manually bursting the bubble with a deluge of water.

The Oblivian only hoped Theo could capitalize on the confusion and strike—or create some other opportunity for L’ Basseau to dart in with «Quick Attack».

$6,920 | Pokéball x0 | PokéToy | PokéFlute

Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades
Johnathan Grayson
July 25th - S.S. Mariné to Olivine Harbor, Johto Region

Interactions: Nakano Saito (Merciless Medic)

Johnathan smiled when he saw the Sceptile's happy response from the compliment, it reminded him how he wished to get his hands on a starter Pokemon of his own--not that he was unhappy with the already amazing Pokemon he already had on his team, but having a starter Pokemon like Sceptile sounded really interesting, maybe even Blaziken, or Empoleon, or Rillaboom, or whatever entered his mind next before it was immediately forgotten when Naka spoke up and mentioned how Sceptile was curious to see just how strong Wigglytuff was in a battle. Johnathan's smile grew wider with excitement at the idea as he lightly brushed under his nose, a sign that he felt like bragging about how strong Wigglytuff was.

"I certainly can't say no when it comes to a battle, especially when it's up against my Wigglytuff or Salamence." The trainer said as he petted Wigglytuff's head who cooed happily at the gesture, while Wigglytuff would usually show a brief moment of discomfort if another one of Johnathan's Pokemon were mentioned or bragged about, Wigglytuff always overlooked the mention of Salamence. Johnathan turned to see where Naka was looking, but it wasn't the battle on the bow that caught his attention, but the fact that they could already see Olivine Harbor up ahead which made him blink in surprise.

"Blimey, that was quick." He said, still half dumbfounded by the quick trip... the other half knew that it was likely the deep thinking of legendary Pokemon which caused him to zone out and lose track of time like that, an old habit Johnathan knew he had to break... eventually.
~Aldon Charlton...~
~Skol the king of gods, Bran the bronzor, Zippy the magnemite, Huck the golett, Wunder the Sigilyph and Bolly the Baltoy...~
~July 25th...~
~Johto, SS Mainé, Olivine City...~
~interactions: Desmond...~

As it seemed settled, Aldon turned and nodded at Desmond, snapping his fingers before glancing over at Emma. Curious on what choice she wanted to go with. Though without delay, he spun around and continued onward as he began inching closer to the lighthouse. Peering through the window, and knocking on the seven times in a familiar pattern. Shave and a haircut, two bits! Without skipping a beat, he opened the door before looking back at the others.

"Ladies first" Aldon said, glancing over at Desmond jokingly with a mock bow. Skol stood next to the cliff, watching the clouds. Waves crash against the cliff face. Zippy was focused on the large light at the top of the house. Completely enamored by it, it gazed intently at it. Spinning its single eye around as the light did so.
Date: July 25
Location: Route 41 (Sea)
Interactions: Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Rick R Rydge

When he and Eos collided mid air with the other horse, Theo was more than surprised to find that they had passed right through the other horse. It hadn't been real at all!! As soon as the duo were safely back on the deck of the ship Theo reached forward and rubbed Eos' neck in a job well done, looking over his shoulder to where they had collided with the horse. “It was there,right? I mean, it was definitely real, right?? You saw it?” He asked, the Rapidash snorting a confirming snort. So then...what had happened? The Rapidash turned while being petted so both she and her trainer were facing where the other Rapidash had landed, Theo replaying the scenario back over in his mind math figures floating around his head style. “Can you do that?” The response was an indecisive snort. “Well you're no help.”

He hopped off Eos' back and watched as her Susu began frothing up the deck of the ship with bubbles and water, wondering what she was doing. She had done something similar during the Whirl Cup, but he was a little fuzzy on the specifics. He had been kind of a jerk to her during that time, and wasn't able to ask about it before that. He watched as Susu slid across the surface of the thing layer of water's surface like a ballerina mid-performance, which had Theo wondering. Wanting to, for lack of a better term test the waters, Theo would step out onto the water's surface to see if he could glide as easily, quickly finding himself doing a split and going down on one side. As he righted himself he realized that while the water seemed to be just slippery at first glance, it was also sticky to the touch. It wasn't difficult to pull himself out of the situation he had found himself in, but it hadn't been a pleasant experience either. Standing, he faced Eos and recalled her to her Safari Ball. It still amazed him not only how well the pokeball seemed to work, but also that the weight of the ball didn't change despite now housing a fully grown unicorn. The last thing he needed right now was to have caused avoidable injury to one of his pokemon in the pursuit of pride and money. “You did good, Eos. We'll really run wild together real soon.”

He turned his attention to his partner in the game of cat and mouse,stepping slowly towards her. “Esther! Esther I've gotta plan!” he called, making sure to step with enough precision to not go face down on the watery deck again, but with enough speed that he could make itover to her without much incident. Once he was comfortable with his steps he began to walk faster, though this did cause him to hold his hands out like Jack Sparrow, hoping it would be enough to keep his balance. “Esther, catch me!” he called out, hoping to get her attention. He kept his attention down at his feet, to ensure nothing caused him to go down. It took him a moment, but when he did make it over to her he looked up to her “Just now, when Eos and I were falling, he tagged me. He made me It. Catch me, and we win.” He most likely misread the gesture, but in his mind this was the right call. He held his hand out to her for her to “catch” him and end the game before they made port.

Nakano Saito1714085733476.png
Date: July 25, 2022
Location: S.S. Mariné on Route 41 -> Olivine Harbor, Johto
Interactions: Johnathan Grayson
Mentions: N/A

Red Guy Red Guy
Pokémon Team:
Brontis the Chikorita
Silenus the Sceptile
Mudster the Swampert
Minnie the Mienshao
Hattie the Hatterene
Apollo the Paldean Blaze Breed Tauros

Naka chuckled at Johnathan as his pride seeped into his compliments for his two Pokémon. Well, she certainly was strong, as she rubbed her hand. Her Sceptile huffed and clicked a series of ticks upon seeing the harbor. Chuckling at Johnathan’s realization of how close they were to the harbor, Naka shrugged. “I’ll meet you at the Pokémon Center’s battlefield, if you’re willing to go a one-v-one round with me.” She smiled.

Her Chikorita on her shoulder sensed a shift in Naka and woke up, trilling sleepily. Right after that, Naka suddenly felt a wave of anger. She groaned, holding her head. “Eurgh… I… I’ll meet you later… Someone’s mad…” She groaned, quickly stalking off to a room on the ship where she could calm down.

Finally, the ship docked, and Naka quickly left the boat, jumped onto dry land, and made her way to the Pokémon Center. She had a check up for her Sceptile, her hand, and then went about her PC to change her Pokémon team around, sending one in stasis, that being the kaiju Blastoise Reina gave her.

She might as well name it Kaiju…

She now had six Pokémon on her person again, and she made her way to the battlefields near the Pokémon Center. Her Sceptile had been beside her the entire time - only having to leave with the nurse to get his check up. He was stretching, while Naka released both her Chikorita and her Mienshao to let the two play with one another. She also wanted to show Minnie how good of a trainer she was, by showing how good of a fighter Sceptile was.

She awaited on a bench, holding her fractured arm closer to her, the sling’s strap making her neck itchy.


Tuesday, August 10th, Route 39, WCS Rank 25,274. Current team: Flor Bulbasaur, Sapphire Nidorina, Peque Swampert, Storm Lapras.

After some quick shopping and a quick run back to the farm, the duo watched and ate as the farmer and his family got to work. They began mixing herbs and rubbing the mix on the Miltank, one by one, they stepped outside, where the Zubat seemed to ignore them. With a big smile, the farmer thanked the two trainers and gave them half a dozen Moomoo Milk. After a quick farewell to the farm and his family, Reina and Andy found themselves outside the farm.

"Thanks a lot for your help. I really appreciate it." The Metztlian smiled and offered Andy a handshake, before looking down the road. "Well I'm heading the opposite of Olivine City, what about you? You were heading to Olivine when we met, so I understand if we're parting ways. But if you're going to Ecruteak City, we can tag along for a while more."

Flor, the small Bulbasaur next to Reina yawned loudly but kept a smile on her face, as if trying to understand what the two humans were talking about but still having no clue to what was going on at the same time.

Interactions: mdebourg mdebourg

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd

Date: July 25th
Location: S.S. Marine - Olivine City

Rick and Iris locked eyes on the Surskit as it darted around the deck in a Water Jet. Iris splayed her legs in anticipation for the water strider to lunge at her. That's when she noticed the sticky substance in the deck, letting a short grunt to call Rick's attention. Rick raised an eyebrow as he glanced at the mare's hooves, then he felt it himself when he lifted a heel. "Bummer... 300 dollar riding boots..." He muttered. The Surskit started playing snooker with the bubbles, sending them sliding across the floor and creating a foam as dozens of them bursted. Rick pulled himself up onto Iris as some of the bubbles headed towards them.

Between the mist and dozens of bubbles poping everywhere, Rick was expecting either the Rapidash or the Surskit (or both) to rush out of the curtain in an attempt to take the envelope by surprise. In one hand, he appreciated the stealthy tactic. On the other hand, he wouldn't be able to see whatever they were cooking behind that curtain, which was such a waste. "This is like when they put a commercial break right before the good part... Fine! I'll be patient..." He said, shrugging. But after waiting for a few seconds, and despite having plenty of time to do so, they never came in. He heard the Rapidash trainer saying he had a plan, which perked up Rick's interest for a bit. But then, after hearing him telling Esther that they would win if she touched him, he shook his head in confusion. "Err, what?" He muttered. Was he not clear about their win condition?

Ultimately, Rick decided whatever they were doing behind the scenes was taking too long. "Alright, lets just end this foam party." He said to Iris, taking the envelope from her mouth. The mare tossed her head up and let out a loud whinny, sending forth a current of hot air from her body to blow away the mist and clear the deck from any bubbles remaining. But once the veil was gone, there was one bubble left. Rick's eyes widened as he saw a big balloon slowly floating towards them. "Geez! That must be the mother of those bubbles!" He exclaimed. Iris's eyes narrowed, and she fired off a more concentrated Heat Wave from her mouth at the huge bubble which, briefly before exploding, looked more like a jelly bean than anything. While the two avoided the worst of the impact, they didn't avoid having a shower, as all the water inside was released upon detonation, soaking them all over. "Bleh... you don't see one of these every time. Especially with a surprise in it." He commented, hunching forward and shaking his arms. "Speaking of which... it does taste like honey!" He stated, as some of the water went to his mouth.

His face of amusement quickly vanished though, as he turned his attention back to the two trainers and their pokémon, just to realize that the Rapidash was missing. "Wait a minute..." He looked at the boy's hand, holding a Safari Ball. "Is that it? You just give up on a difficulty and let others handle it for you? I'm expecting more than that!" He shouted to him, crossing his arms before continuing. "Let me tell you a harsh reality about this world. No matter what path you choose as a trainer, you're gonna find roadblocks everywhere. Wild pokémon that won't be happy seeing you trespassing. Harsh environments that will make you wish you never left home. Bad people that will try to harm you and your pokémon, or worse. Or just people that are simply better than you. The list goes on. You can avoid some of them, but eventually you'll have to push through. And money won't be the worst thing you're gonna lose if you fail, let me tell you that." He told him, waving the envelope in his hand.

Rick went silent for a bit, pondering how he could bring this guy back to the game. Until something came to his mind, and he started grinning. "You know what? I'll give you the benefit of doubt. Maybe this is just some kind of bluff and your Rapidash is actually hiding somewhere. And Esther! After your display just now, I feel obliged to step up my game a little." He said, handing the envelope back to Iris. "Inferno. And keep that bug busy while you're at it." He told to her ear. Iris nodded, and started cloaking in flames as Rick took a few steps back. "Alright! Let's turn up the heat!" At a finger snap, Iris's mane flared up and she swung her neck. Her flames started swirling around and expanding, forming a large of dome of ranging fire with her in the center. Moments later, some star-shaped projectiles started coming out of the flames and homing in at the Surskit.


ID No.


Click Me!











L' Basseau


Īstha Hâq-Ra



Pyrrha's Moves

Halay's Moves

Pari's Moves

Halay's Moves

Susu's Moves

Kasriel's Moves

Friday, July 25th — 10:25 a.m.

S.S. Marine - Olivine Port [Olive City]

R Rydge | Theo713 Theo713
Code by Ami

What? Esther stared blankly as Theo slide over to her, she instinctively held out her hands to catch him, mostly to avoid being knocked over herself. How this would result in the envelope of money being in their hands—well, Esther didn’t know. Theo seemed to believe they were playing tag, but Esther was pretty sure this game was capture the flag. Once the boy was in her arms, the Oblivian raised an eyebrow. “You know, usually the guy is supposed to catch the girl. We seem to have it a bit mixed up.”

Then again, this made far too much sense! Of course, Theo had a thing for muscular girls who could flip traditional gender norms, just look at Naka! Wasn’t this exactly what she should’ve expected from Naka’s boy-toy twink?

Her own thoughts aside, “Anyway, I hope you had a plan, cause…”

Frankly, that was the last card Esther had up her sleeve and as she had expected, raw power was a vast, unbridgeable chasm. Furthermore, Rick wanted to step-up his game? What did he think she was—Zubatman? Prep-time only goes so far, and she’d barely had any as it stood.

“Susu, all or nothing— «Hydro Pump»!”

The water-strider huffed and puffed, her cheeks flushed with exertion, and her body inflated—a glint of determination in her eyes—before her antennae whipped forward and a geyser of water erupted to meet the incoming stars.

“That’s the way girl, keep it up!”

$6,920 | Pokéball x0 | PokéToy | PokéFlute

Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades
Date: July 25
Location: Olivine Port
Interactions: Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Rick R Rydge

Theo half grinned at Esther's comment,looking down for a second before back up to her. “...what can I say. I fell pretty hard for you.” He had to admit, her hands were...softer than he expected. He had thought her hands would be rough. Calloused and hardened from years of traveling and training.Naka's had been, and so he had expected that to be the norm. To find he was wrong yet again came as very little surprise. Should he be worried about how desensitized he was becoming to the fact that he was wrong about everything he had ever come to know about the world so far? Wait, what in the Gods names was he even thinking right now!?! There was a time and a place to ponder on warm Esther's arms around him were, and this wasn't it!

He opened his mouth to speak, to tell Esther that he did have a plan but that it wasn't going to be pretty, when Rick asked if he was giving up just like that. “Ex....cuse you?” he spoke, though given the distance, it was likely that only Esther would have heard the comment. Theo felt himself go rigid, and despite the fact that he wouldn't allow himself to admit he was enjoying being in Esther's arms Theo forced himself to stand upright on his own two feet. To answer Esther's previous question Theo would nod “Yeah...yeah I think I have a plan now.”He spoke calmly, trying in vain to hide his growing anger.

He took two steps away from Esther to have some room to put his plan into motion, not wanting her to get injured because of his decisions.Unclipping Eos' Safari Ball from his belt and expanding it, Theo kept himself from throwing it forward. H needed Eos by his side for what he had planned. Eos the Rapidash emerged in a flash of red and white light, Theo quickly climbing up onto the back of the confused fire horse. Were they still on the ship? She thought they would have been ready to go running by now. She wanted to see the world dammit! “Sorry Eos. I need your help again. Think you could use your fire jump swoosh attack thing to get me in there?” he pointed at the dome of fire caused by the Inferno attack, the Rapidash grunting ayes.

In a flash of fire Eos and Theo were both once again engulfed in a fiery aura akin to super sayian auras,the Rapidash walking at first before sprinting towards the Inferno dome. Theo's hunch had been on the money, thankfully. The sheer heat of the fire that engulfed the two was enough to evaporate the remaining water on the deck's surface just enough to where Eos could traverse it easily. This told him that Rick's Rapidash could likely have done the same thing this whole time and he simply chose not to,which only added fuel to the fire. He really was just toying with them.

Theo wasn't sure what he was expecting as he and Eos neared the wall of fire before them. Would they pass through easily,or would it be like hitting a wall? Theo hunkered down as close to Eos as he could, and a few seconds later he got his answer when the two of them passed through the Inferno wall. Theo quickly patted his body to see if there was any of his clothing on fire, and would have been pleased to find that they were largely unharmed given the ordeal if he weren't so pissed off. His clothes were slightly singed, but it beat being barbecued without the protection of the Flare Blitz he had used as a shield. Once they were through the wall Eos came to a stop,not being sure how far in to the barrier the other Rapidash was and not wanting to give it another power boost like before.

Climbing down from Eos' back, Theo began his advance towards Rick. “You don't know the first fucking thing about me, you know that right? I could be a mass murderer from some....remote part of the world. I'm not, thankfully, but I could be. I know harsh environments. I've been in deserts with no water for days on end. I've been in rain forests surrounded by water that I couldn't drink. I've been chased by people who wanted to eat me. And I've been stung, swatted, and bitten by so many different...pokemon it would make your head spin.” Despite his anger he kept in mind the fact that he was the outsider here. “And do you really fucking think I don't know there are people who are better at this whole pokemon thing than I am? Of course there are. Children are better at this than I am. Children actually know what the fuck they're doing.” By now he was standing in front of Rick, reaching up and taking the cuff of Rick's shirt in his hand.“But what pisses me off the most. What' really pissed me off just now. Is that you think I don't know loss. I know loss. I've lost my family. I feel like I've lost my mind. And yet here I am. On a boat with borrowed everything headed for somewhere I've never been with no idea what I'm about to do next.”

It was taking everything in his power not to break down in tears in front of the person who had pissed him off the most since he arrived here. His free hand was curled into such a tightly drawn fist he'd be surprised if he hadn't drawn his own blood. He started to draw back like he was going to hit Rick in the face for the comment he had made when he seemed to snap back to his senses, unclenching his fist and letting go of Rick's shirt. His hand that had been clenched came up and instead of hitting Rick patted out where he had just gripped the man, Theo letting out a ragged exhale. “I apologize. That was very uncouth of me just now. I'm still....flailing I suppose is the right term.” He rubbed out what wrinkles he had caused on the other man's shirt before turning to walk away. He had put his hands on Rick, but wasn't sure if it would have counted for the game given his outburst.

Emboldened by her trainers' sudden display of force, or perhaps emboldened by it, Eos Eos reared back with a chilling neigh. Slamming both hooves onto the ship's deck she lunged forward, her form outlined in a shimmering silver energy. She knew her fire based attacks would have no effect on the other Rapidash, so she wouldn't waste her time on them. Instead she decided to try something different. The goal of the attack wasn't to defeat the other Rapisash. Eos wasn't sure she could manage that feat anyway, much less with one attack. She instead inteded to knock the other horse off tilt just enough to end the inferno attack. Maybe even do some form of damage in the hopes of impressing the other Rapidash.
Last edited:
Millian Red
Trainer ID: 34119754

Observing: Theo713 Theo713 CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

The entertainment Millian was getting from watching the trainers was slowly fading but it shot right back up when the tiny Surskit shot out a whole Hydro Pump. It got a raised eyebrow from the finely dressed woman. That much metaphorical firepower coming from a stage one Pokémon like Surskit was rather impressive. It had to be well trained to have a chance of producing results akin to it, or be extremely talented. "The trainer seems to have strength and likely the work ethic. What do you think, Bellatrix?" Looking over at the kimono clad Pokémon. Bellatrix tilted it's head seeming to be contemplating the question. It only took a moment or two for the Pokémon to nod in agreement with her trainer. "Glad to see we are in agreement." Returning her gaze to the scene playing out before her. "I hope she will have some interest in what I have to offer. If not I suppose my search will continue ever further."​

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