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Multiple Settings Plumbers: Welcome to the multiverse

Chief, you've got anything with a lot of firepower, but compact like a matchbox? Not actually that small, but something to fit within or beneath the armour — a fallback weapon.
"I think I have something just for that." Santoro looked to his drone again "Get our friend the XS-3." It beeped and went along to scan the weapons available, leaving Santoro to answer the next request.
"Gas...Poison. Biological. Whatever kills in confined spaces - just not corrosive...I'm sending you blueprints. I would like these to be stronger than their original spec. Whatever material you have, whatever preparation or treatment you need to use, is acceptable if you can forge a stronger blade,
Before he could give an answer, Sloan and Noël had a brief exchange of words. Wasn't pleasant, but that was expected. Wouldn't be the first plumber recruits to get tense with each other. Although, he didn't know what the demon expected. Being in a machine body isn't really communicative to how one is feeling like. One of the trade-offs when you switch to metal over flesh. Fleshlings.
If she's getting gas, we're going to need masks. She doesn't seem like the type to care if we breathe the shit in. I'm going to head up to see Ananiel. See if I can get this thing marked and blessed. I'll be back for weapons training, if you're the one that does that kind of thing.
"I usually just supply the weapons. Check with Checkers or Prax for weapon's training. Say hi to Anniel for me." The robot man waved as friendly as his form allowed. "Scans recieved and stored. Verry advanced. Better than what Moira had on hand." He turned back to Sloan "I'll take a look at what material we have in stock and what can be done for better quality. As for the gas, we're limited. Authority has passed a ban on corrosive types and anything that can be absorbed through the skin if you're with fleshy team members and given who I saw, you're better off avoiding that." The drone finally came back carring the desired side-arm.

"Give it to the big guy." The drone 'noded' and it carried it to Heilwyn "XS-3 is a small firearm to you. But from the timeline it was from, it was a pretty decently sized weapon. People were smaller and learned to stuf a lot in small spaces. Grip and trigger is modified to fit us giants. Should be able to take down a couple of problems at least before you need to reload."
Can the Forge recreate objects that aren't weapons or armour?
"Its designed to make everything you'll need out in the field. Except rations, you'll need to visit a food replicator for that." Santoro stepped back and invited the big man to try his hand on the console "See if it would recognize your requested gear or anything similar."
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"Scans recieved and stored. Verry advanced. Better than what Moira had on hand." He turned back to Sloan "I'll take a look at what material we have in stock and what can be done for better quality. As for the gas, we're limited. Authority has passed a ban on corrosive types and anything that can be absorbed through the skin if you're with fleshy team members and given who I saw, you're better off avoiding that."

"...Of course," Sloan replied. "Full efficiency isn't worth the cost of giving our softest meatsacks sniffles or boo-boos."

Having finished conducting her scans, Sloan returned to near the armory's entrance. Her stance relaxed to its original, neutral demeanor, even if her voice was dripping with hostility and sarcasm. "Nonetheless, thank you. Once I have my blades, I'll at least be close to what I'm capable of."
"Its designed to make everything you'll need out in the field. Except rations, you'll need to visit a food replicator for that. See if it would recognize your requested gear or anything similar."

Heilwyn reached out with his hands to the console. His thick gauntlets tapped away, keys clicking slowly. With a final button push, the Forge whirred to life, inner mechanisms cycling up as it began to assemble a long, mono-edged blade — longer than a man's forearm, a standard-issue combat knife for the enterprising Solenite soldier. A stark and exact image as Heilwyn remembered. He lifted his other hand to take it. His gauntlet stopped an inch from its grip, hesitating, as if he doubted its existence then and there. Then he took it up and its wicked blade gleamed, the light playing across its length. He notched beside his left thigh then, with a series of mechanical clicks, the plate opened, a robotic appendage snatched the blade from Heilwyn's grip, sheathing it.

"Nice. Solenite steel, never patrol without it." Heilwyn said, half-turning to look at the sidearm the drone held up before him. "Thanks, little guy." The armoured giant took the pistol gently from the drone, nodding at Santoro's description. "It'll do." He turned, walking to the door besides Sloan as the mech mused about efficiency. Heilwyn raised his fist before him, the nozzle of his flamethrower sprang forward, a single speck of fire awoke at the tip, magnificence in a fiery mote. "You cut em, I'll cook'em."
Running into the cafeteria, the smells that had enticed Slerk before now exploded into a whole symphony of scents that nearly overwhelmed the murglite. His sense of smell, being more powerful than most land-dwellers, allowed him to discern every source even though they mingled together. The meats, the fishes, the sweets. Those stood out the most as they practically called out to him like a siren's song.

And it just so happened that there was a tray of pancakes, french toast, and other goodies all around at the same table with enough sugar to send someone into a food coma. This, of course, was a concept that was lost to the creature as he dashed between peoples legs to get to his meal. The commotion naturally would draw attention from various eyes that were eating as they saw a small fish creature climb aboard the table before letting loose a loud gurgle as a cry of jubilation.

And shortly thereafter, he dove straight into the pancakes as his first course!
Ted could hear commotion at one of the tables, yelling at the sudden surprise appearance of a blue little creature thrusting itself into their food. He instantly knew that that had to be Slerk. He rushed over to the source of the commotion, to see Slerk devouring the sweets at the table in a mad dash to get a sugar high. This would not be good for Slerk's health! Ted assumed that at least, but he wouldn't let the lack of confirmation stop him from trying to get to Slerk. He asked the people at the table to move aside, as he observed what was present on the table.

The pancakes, the french toast, and so much more, he tried to find the common link between these to try and figure out what sweet would attract Slerk over to him the quickest. He quickly came to a decision, and those around him could hear a noise coming from within him. He lifted up his shirt to make the food replicator embedded in him completely unobstructed, and opened it up to reveal what would be a plate of waffles that had been prepared like French toast, covered with a sauce consisting of a butter-syrup combination, and with fresh fruit, melted chocolate, and powered sugar and cinnamon on top. The plan was to get Slerk to jump into the food replicator and lock him in.

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