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Other Nokumi arts


Honor. That's what I'm after. Fame. That's my goal
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Some of these I made for friends. Others are fan art I drew. And some are my original designs.

Behold art I made for friends!IMG_20220211_200543.jpgIMG_20220211_200435.jpgIMG_20220204_185210.jpg
More friend art on the way cuz I spilled water on a drawing I was making for chargingdenki chargingdenki if your reading this IM SO SORRY ;-;
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ART I MADE FOR FRIENDS! The colored one I put my heart into and the other friend art was just a doodle- nothing too fancy. IMG_20220323_175949.jpgIMG_20220402_172434.jpg

And here's some fan art! Again just a doodle- though I'm getting a 3d printed chest piece for a custom costume based off this drawing. I call it blossom fell! A alternative version of the underfell universe.IMG_20220322_182040.jpg
I keep forgetting to post here silly me. HERES SOME ART I MADE TODAY! my dad was the lovely model for this pose! Of course he was fully dressed but I was having issues with the head tilt and the hands so he just posed his hands and tilted his head in a way that helped me understand betterimage.jpg

The pex may be a little too big but I’m overall proud of this picture!
My humming bird design! It was something I did with my old phone but my old phone broke so here!771.jpeg
Here’s some really old fan art of undertale I did when I was in my freshman year of Highschool! Not bad and one of them is incomplete but ya. IMG_1029.jpegIMG_1028.jpegIMG_1027.jpeg
Guys….. I made something cursed…. Very very very cursed. I used the “have a friend pick two Disney characters and combine them” method…. And this is what I came up with


20220725_141217.jpgkitty eating a mouse20220725_141227.jpga soldier of mine20220725_141141.jpg
The chaos of the doodle I did- I tried so hard to make this funny

20220725_141105.jpginc complete but still my favorite20220725_140855.jpg
A doodle for my favorite song at the time

20220725_140828.jpgfrisk drawing signed by military men20220725_135316.jpg
Undertale OC first attempt20220725_135307.jpg
More samples

Bart Simpson

Man shielding a child from dangerimage.jpg

Sans and Chara image.jpg

Incomplete abu image.jpg




Custom OCimage.jpg
I’m starting to notice the things I struggle with are chibby and children- hm…..
Last night a new character came to me in a dream. I was playing the role of a judge raised by a 15 foot skirt platform that was swirling drapes made of silver and gold fabric. I was judging someone before a riot broke loose.

When I woke I decided I wanted to attempt to draw them. It's hard to draw a 15 foot platform skirt with swirling drapes. But I drew arrows in the direction the row of drapes is supposed to turn. And the person part of it had to be a little less detailed since I drew them so small.


This was the best I could do under short notice before I forget what she looks like.
Recently got back into painting I don’t have all my paintings with me and I’ll hafto post more of them later but heres one. Always been a fan of traditional Japanese paintings and tried to make one of my own. Here it is!IMG_2629.jpeg

Check out my drawing! Haven’t had time to name it- I’ll color it later aswel. Ones I have everything i need!

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