Poetry my poetry // relationship & healing


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So I am fairly new to poetry. I began pouring my thoughts and feelings onto paper shortly after an abusive relationship, when I found it was a way for me to cope and heal.

Trigger warnings: implied SA, domestic abuse


Run and hide

He's outside

A wolf with sharp teeth

And gleaming eyes

He will fill your mind

with compliments and lies

behind a charming smile

His true self resides

Make no mistake

Once he's finished

You won't escape

He will tear down your walls

And make himself at home

with claws that caress

he will rip you to shreds

then leave you

to pick up the mess
when I was a little girl

I jumped into the pool

without floaties

fear clawed at my throat

as the chlorine burned my eyes

even at five

I knew I could die

in that moment I had no choice

but to learn how to swim

and that's how I knew

I could not give in

when he held me down

until I couldn't breathe

all because of his twisted reality

I knew if I didn't leave

he would be the death of me

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