Poetry My Poetry From All My Years

Fluffy Cookies

Angelic Demon
Roleplay Type(s)


I don't get what people see when they look over the rainbow.
Where are those blue birds that soar so high?
Those audacious blue birds in that sunny, cloudless, blue sky?

I don't know.

But all I can see right now are the darkened clouds hanging over my head.
And the rain is just pouring down on me.

Then I think: What's the point of those rainbows when you're not around?

You know, it seems like yesterday when you tried to take my nose.
And you'd laugh and tell us jokes like you always did.

Yet, it also seems like yesterday when our mom, your daughter, rushed us to the hospital.
And you left this world in a room not too far away, not even an hour later.

We cried for you.

I cried mostly because I didn't get to tell you that word everyone dreads when parting reluctantly.
The one word I never hoped to say one day alone.
I'm sorry, Grandpa, I never got the chance to tell you, to say to you, that sorrowful word: "Goodbye."

Child of Mine:​

Child of mine
Student of time
Loved by all
Until thine’s fall.
Child of time
Loved by thine
Soul will shine
Love of mine.

An Ode to Summer:​

I like the summer season very well.
The coy come up to eat in our pretty pond.
The fresh-cut grass is a pleasant smell.
The warm summer heat I am quite fond.
Birds chirp loudly in the forest’s trees.
And when it’s hot, I swim in a lake.
Or in Hawaii, in the great seas.
And at a barbeque, I eat steak.
In the sky, I see the shining sun.
I throw into the river, some rocks.
I love the summer, it’s so much fun.
But I dare not wish for chicken-pox.
Every year, I collect a shell.
Every year, before the leaves fell.


Things change over time
Like the sky and the weather
Things like you and I


We have ideas.
They are good ones.
They are bad ones.
They are thoughts.
I think about many things from us:
More stories.
Even the ideas are things you come up with upon a shuttle bus.
Things that are opinions.
Things that are facts.
They can be small or tall.
But most of all,
Things that belong to you.
And I respect that.
I don’t Copywrite.
Neither do you.
I don’t plagiarize.
It’s not very wise.
They are yours.
They are mine.
They are ideas.

Reality Check:​

Happiness comes from those you love.
My joy comes from THEM.
They help me through hard times.
They cheer me up when I’m sad.
They laugh with me.
They eat second breakfast,
And drink afternoon tea with me.
They are my friends.
Even if they aren’t real.

The Art of My Mind:​

Lots of things on my mind that I can just type down. But if I do, there’s always a chance someone will read my thoughts, and get ideas about me. I don’t want that. So, I just turn my thoughts into a story. A story where I can do whatever I want. Where people don’t know what I’m thinking about. What Is going on in my head. It’s all going to be in the head of the character I make up. In the head of Snow-Marie. In the mind of Eloise. The life of Emma Fynch. Or even the thoughts of Pandora. My thoughts are their thoughts. But the readers don’t know that. It’s only the ideas of the characters. Now you know how I am..


If I have to be honest
Love to me is too disposable.
He said he had promised
But it wasn’t unconditional.
I had to be strong
Throughout the whole thing.
What could go wrong
If it came down to a ring?

The Dark Night:

The darkness fell
Like a black velvet veil
The dire wolf calls
And now begins my tale

Stuck between worlds
No one can hear me cry
My whole body curled
The least I did was try

The darkness was black
Near as pitch
You couldn’t see a crack
Not even a stitch

But something peered out
With white glowing eyes
Something with a wolf’s snout
But too great in size

It snarled but I sneered
It’s softened gaze I caught
It flinched as pain seared
For help is what in sought

I bandaged its right injured paw
It was cut from a metal net
This is the creature I saw
Before the sun had set

When the night turns
I hope we can be friends
For a companion is what it yearns
Until time itself forever ends

So when dawn goes down
Finally to day
Forever in this sound
I shall always stay


Green trees around me
Blue skies, white clouds, and bright sun
So beautiful now


Things change over time
Like the sky and the weather
Things like you and I


Yelling and yelling
Never stopping for a breath
Finally, it stops


Close your big, round eyes
Listen to the sound of wind
Take a long, deep breath


Sitting in the woods
Sunny, grassy forest floor
Relaxing and warm


Looking up at the
Blue sky and silver-lined clouds
Eyes lose and I rest


It rains and it pours
Puddles form in the driveway
My bored face looks out


Waking from deep sleep
Sun shining through my window
Beautiful morning


Sleeping deep, dreaming
My head's under water and
Yet I’m breathing fine


Screaming and crying
My dog’s eyelid was stuck on
The other’s collar


Building a greenhouse
Leveling and adding sand
It will be so cool


Today is Easter
Candy, eggs, and a big feast
Many dishes washed


Morning is sunny
Afternoon is very warm
Shorts weather today


Time to work all day
On our greenhouse and homework
Sleep comes after this


Practicing my flute
In Dreams from Lord of the Rings
I’m not great quite yet


School work to do all
day today, tiring things
And little free time


Merry and Pippin
Samwise Gamgee and Frodo
Favorite Hobbits


Playing a theme for my sister
The Hedwig’s Theme for Angie
I’m getting better


Crocheting a scarf
With white yarn, it will be long
Mess up and then done


Building a greenhouse
Have to get it done today
It looks very good


Look outside, gray clouds
No rain, but sort of chilly
The weather changes


The Weight of Us is
on repeat for an hour
Sad but very good


Rain falls from the sky
All day starting Wednesday morn
Gray and sad today.


Gray sky and bike ride
Nine o’clock early morning
Time to get to work


The rain may fall and
The wind may blow but there still be
Many miles to go

(From Hey Ho to the Bottle I Go by Howard shore)


Warm Sunday morning
Salmon for a good dinner
A very good sleep


Sunny Monday morn
Babysitting my nephews
3 is quite enough


Roxie is my dog
Her full name is Roxie Roo
She is very cute


Drew a picture for
The garbage picker-uppers
I hope they like them


Sunny and rainy
Kind of a cool-looking day
And morning bike ride


Very sunny day
Food to collect at bus stop
I am very tired


Last poem of month
I wish to do a lot more
But only next year

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