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TBD(Effy and Dovah)

The sun rose over Saint Wendy's. It's gaze pierced the windows of the dorms and grasped everyone in it's hug. The day was new and the school was full of both new and old faces. It was just another start of term for people. Some were returning from their holidays and some viewed it as a day of school again. The staff were prepared for the students this year and everything was ready.

Evan was woken up by the school bell. It was 6am and he knew he had to be in class at 8 or they would punish him but he didn't care. He slowly sat up and let out a yawn. His room was a mess and only consisted of a old wooden wardrobe, a wooden chair in front of a small mirror and his bed. His window had bars on and he had dumped his dirty laundry on the floor along with rubbish. He climbed out of the bed and looked under it. "Nah, too early." He checked on his small collection of flowers and poured some water for them.
The school bell scared Effy awake; she had fallen asleep in the art room for what felt like the millionth time. Her white blonde hair was streaked with dried, colorful paint, her cheeks streaked with charcoal. The misfit was physically and emotionally exhausted, her slender body aching from falling asleep in a awkward position. She pushed herself into a sitting position and glanced over at her painting, a frown forming on her soft pink lips as she inspected it. "Jesus Christ..." was all she could manage. Effy had always been her own biggest critic.

Without a second thought she got up and stocked out of the room, dragging her bag of art supplies and clothes across the cold tile floor. Effy left her artwork behind, not caring what happened to it. "It's just art." she said to the hallway as if it would answer her back. It didn't, and she knew it never would. She made her way towards the boys dormitory without thinking; it had the best showers, and she knew she desperately needed one. All the guys would be asleep anyway, they wouldn't even know she was there.

Before long she was standing under the scalding hot water, humming to herself as colorful water rushed down her body.
Evan finished feeding his flowers and knew how busy the showers could get after 7am. He knew how busy the cafeteria could be due to everyone rushing to get breakfast in the large hall with stone walls and always tried to avoid the breakfast rush. It usually resulted in him punching someone and getting another privellege removed or caned. He could still feel the cane on his bottom and that was on the last day of the previous term. "It better be free."

He made his way out of his room in nothing but his trousers and socks. He walked down to the showers whilst making his plans for the day and trying to remember if the swimming club was on tonight or not. "Y-y-you, s-s-s-stay away!" The source of the scared voice was a 12 year old that Evan had assaulted a few years ago for spilling coffee on him and Evan was punished with the removal of all privilleges for 8 months. He ignored the kid and walked towards the shower.

He opened the blue wooden door with SHOWERS attached to the front with a wooden background and a list of rules. "As if you'll be able to tell if i took more then 5 minutes." He opened the door and heard the water running. He walked into the shower area. The showers were in 5 rows and the tiles were worn from constant exposure to hot water. The showers were known as the best in the school but they lacked any privacy and fights were common. He began to whistle whilst deciding which row to pick.
Effy froze, listening carefully. Two large globs of shampoo running down into her eyes, blinding her. As quietly as possibly, a spew of her favorite curse words spilled from her mouth. In hindsight, she probably wasn't very quiet in a room that echoed like nobody's business. Of course this is the day I would get in trouble. Of-freaking-course. Today was the day she would have been given back all her privileges, something she had been looking forward to for almost a year. Effy swore again, a little louder this time. Might as well go out with a bang, right?

The naked, and heavily pierced and tattooed girl began rubbing the shampoo out of her eyes, still cursing herself for being so stupid. It seemed that the shampoo was there to stay, making a home in her vibrant blue eyes. "For Christ's sake..." Effy hissed as she reached out of the shower to molest the way, desperately searching for her towel. Forever passed before her fingers touched something other than cold tile. Relief flooded her body, she wouldn't be blind anymore. It seemed fitting to hum Amazing Grace as she patted her face with the towel. She didn't even notice that the whistling had stopped.
Evan heard someone cursing and could tell that the person was a girl. He grinned as pictures of the woman showering filled his young mind and ran his hair through his short brown hair. He decided to pick a row at random and walked into it the row. He took his time whilst whilsting and his head was full of dirty thoughts. He heard the woman curse and decided to make some form of effort to keep out of trouble so he choose the 1st row.

He entered the first row and got undressed before walking under the shower. He turned on the hot water and rubbed shower gel into his torso before hearing the woman speak. "Shampoo got in your eyes?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah. I can barely see a damn thing." Effy groaned, answering the stranger's question. She tried to play it cool, but her voice faltered a bit. The male population did not have the reputation for being gentlemen. With a sigh she finished washing the strawberry scented shampoo from her hair, she was glad to be rid of it. "I'm Ephesian, by the way, but you can call me Effy." Effy said as she peeked over the side of the shower. The young woman wasn't a perv, she was just curious as to who she was talking it. She was pleasantly surprised to find that he was a attractive. Oh la la!

Effy moved under the water once again, closing her eyes as she breathed in the steam. This is what relaxation was. A hot shower after a long night of acid and painting. Painting. She frowned as she remembered her painting. Shaking her head, she sighed. "Weird question, but can I draw you sometime? I've run out of people on this campus to draw."
"I hate it when that happens but you're lucky it's just me in here. The others can be right ****s if you get soap in the eyes." Evan poured some shampoo into his hands and massaged it into his hair. "Evan's the name." He knew what the male population was like and knew what could happen if they caught Effy inside the boy's showers without any clothes on. He was just 5'2 but he was tougher then he looked and had been in a lot of fights. His skin was a bit pale due to him spending most of his time inside and there were signs of drug use on his right arm.

"Says the girl who snuck into our showers." He was unaware that Effy had snuck a peek and was trying to avoid doing what most young lads would kill to have a chance to. He rinsed his hair. "Sure, it'll give me something to do instead of being lecture by the stuck ups that run this place." He finished rinsing the shampoo out of his hair and checked that the shower gel had left his body. He didn't like to take his time in the showers due to several incidents involving violence and heated arguments. He wasn't popular but when the addicts needed a hit, he suddenly found himself being chatted up or people trying to hang out with him.
Effy perked up as Evan agreed to be her model, she wasn't expecting expecting him to agree. Most people dismissed her as crazy or making fun of them. "Wonderful. I live in 204A. I expect to see you sometime today." With that Effy turned off the water and wrapped the towel around her small frame. Goosebumps covered her soft, pale flesh as she tried her best to dry herself off quickly. Guys had begun to pour into the shower area, and it was clear they had noticed her. She didn't mind, though. It was better than being invisible.

As quickly as possible she slipped into her uniform and rushed off to class, she could do her makeup and hair later.

The rest of the day went by slowly, too slowly for Effy's liking. Days always went by more slowly when you were waiting for something exciting to happen. She was curled up in bed, sketching the scene from earlier in the day. It was as if the whole situation had been implanted in her memory; not that she minded, but it was still rather odd. Her room was small, and decorated with old posters of long gone bands, vinyl records, and a mixture of artwork. As much as she tried to make the room feel like home, it still felt like a jail cell.
"I'll see you later." Evan accidentally caught a glimpse of Effy whilst she was getting dressed and noticed the other lads walking into the bathroom. He finished washing himself and got dressed a few seconds after Effy had left the showers. He was grinning as he left the room and went back to is room. He got changed into his clean uniform and started his day.

He delievered some drugs to the clients in a discreet manner after class and found the day to be boring as usual. He almost got into a fight during lunch and was making plans to break into the pool later tonight before remembering that he would be having his picture painted. After the last class for the day, he returned to his room to dump his homework and went to the girl's dorms. He checked a few attractive 18 year olds on his way and walked past some junkies to avoid being harrassed about the next delievery. He found Effy's room a few minutes later and knocked on her door.
Effy slid off her lofted bed, hitting the ground with a soft thud. She slowly made her way across the room, opening the door just as slowly. It was Evan. "Surprise, surprise. I thought you would stand me up. Brownie points for you, sir." she said with a smile as she twisted a lock of hair around her index finger. Effy turned her back on him, inviting him into the tiny room. "It's not much, but it's home. Kinda." She crossed herself for good measure.

"So, how the hell have I never seen you before?" Effy asked as she picked up a pack of cigarettes. She turned to face in once again, studying him. He was handsome, with features that would be easy to draw. Who was she kidding? She had already drawn him from what she remembered from the shower fiasco. Without thinking she threw the sketchbook at him. "Just to prove I'm not some creep that what's to spend more time with you." she said as she leaned against the bed, shoving a cigarette between her lips.
Evan smiled at Effy as she opened the door and walked into her room. "I'm usually in dentention or at the pool and generally occupied." He observed her room. "It's much better then my room and I wouldn't have stood you up." He caught the sketchbook and looked at the picture of him. "Techincally, i would be the creep as i could be trying to get into your pants."

He looked at his picture and was impressed by what Effy had drawn. "This is excellent, effy." He did think it was a bit creepy that she had drawn him based on what she saw in the shower but made no mention of it due to him having caught a glimpse of her body earlier. He had various thoughts about her throughout the day and none of them matched the standards of the school. The school's aim was to turn every boy into a gentleman and every girl into a lady.

"We should be shower buddies. You're interesting and unlike most, i won't take advantage of you." He had an ulterior motive behind the suggestion but he was 18 and had been stuck at the school for 9 years. The only time he had seen a woman without clothes was a few months ago in the gym after he walked into the woman's locker room on purpose and used the excuse that he was lost, which resulted in him being banned. He had harrassed a lot of women and the incident was the stick that broke the camel's back. But he wasn't about to tell her that.
Effy listened to his proposition as she lit her cigarette. Grey smoke poured from her mouth as she spoke, "Wouldn't you be so lucky?" she teased, placing the cigarette between her lips once again. Gracefully she pulled herself back onto her bed, her shorts riding up to reveal the cigarette burns that littered her thighs. "I only shower in the guys dormitory when I fall asleep in the art room after doing acid. Which that happens once or twice a week. Depends on how often I can get the acid. It's not cheap and I hate doing favors for it." she shrugged, her words were muffled due to the cigarette still being placed firmly between her full lips. Effy played with her hair nervously. Why did Evan make her nervous?

Smoke poured out of her mouth once again as she tossed Evan the pack of American Spirits. "They're all I got, sorry." She shrugged her apology, tucking her feet under her butt so she sat on her knees. "So, Evan, why are you here?" It was such a common question at St. Wendy's, it felt like a friendship really didn't start until you asked it. Everyone had a story, and everyone was here for a reason. When it came down to it, everyone's reason for being there seemed to be the same: your parents didn't want you anymore. At least, in Effy's experience that's why everyone was there.
"I would be." Evan smiled at Effy and saw her thighs after her shorts rode up. He saw the burns and wondered what had caused them before the teen spoke again. "I know of a way to get acid without performing any favours." He caught the pack of American Spirits with his left hand and retrieved one from the pack. "Beats nothing." He looked at his picture again before lighting the cigarette.

He exhaled and let out a small stream of smoke and sat down on the woman's bed. "My father didn't want me so he sent me to the ******* orphange and they eventually gave up on me so they sent me here. *****." He resented his unknown father and the orphange due to him not having a single happy memory. The school provided him with a few good memories, which was better then both his family and the orphange in his mind.
Effy nodded as she listened to him speak, she felt sorry for him. "That's awful. I would almost rather not know who my parents are. Sure as hell beats knowing they abandoned me because they didn't want me." She sighed. Even after everything they had done to her, she didn't resent her parents. The misfit shrugged. "Maybe if I had been different or better they would have kept me around. I don't really know, though. Maybe they would have never wanted me despite who I am or who I'll become."

She put the cigarette out on her thigh, barely feeling the pain.
"**** them." Evan watched as Effy put the cigarette out on her thigh and was surprised that it didn't seem to hurt her. "They didn't want me so i don't want them and they can **** off for all i care." He let out a breath of smoke whilst looking at the girl's thigh for a few seconds. "But you didn't get back to me about us being shower buddies. Are we going to be them or not?" He hoped she would say yes because deep down, he was a bit lonely and he actually wanted someone to talk to in the mornings. Along with his natural urges to see her without anything on every day but he wasn't about to reveal that to her.

He looked up at Effy's clock and made a note of the time. He had decided that he would break into the pool again to go swimming and was debating whether to invite Effy along. He finished of his cigarette and used Effy's ash tray to put it out. "If so, i usually take mine during the breakfast rush and some of the lads do have friends that stayed with them overnight or are visiting them. ***** like that so you won't be looking like you're up to something unless the staff catch you."
"I'll think about it, but I can't promise you anything." She slid off her bed once again, walking around the room as she grabbed stray art supplies. "Let's get out of here. I want to go draw. I don't really care where we go, I just wan't to get out of this room." Effy slid a cigarette behind her ear before turning back to Evan. She looked into his eyes, surprised how much hatred she found there. How could someone be filled with so much hate? It was sad.
"Cool. Most girls would view me as a creep but you're cool." Evan got off Effy's bed and knew of a place to take her. He watched her gather up the art supplies and resisted the urge to check her out to avoid damaging his chances of having a shower buddy that wouldn't try to convince him to let her do favours in return for drugs. He was a mule but he had some self respect and as far as he was concerned, he was just a package boy that got paid very well.

"I'm breaking into the pool and was going to do it afterwards but **** it. If they don't want me doing it, they need to change the code and there are no clubs on today so it'll be all mine. By that, i mean ours." He had memorised the schedules of the clubs that used the clubs because he got bored during the summer and was looking forward to going for a swim in his clothes.
"Mmmm, I don't think I have any sketches of the pool. I could do that." Truthfully, Effy had no sketches of the pool because she had always avoided it. It wasn't that she was afraid of water, but the smell of all the chemicals was somewhat overwhelming; they made her head spin. She shoved all her art supplies into a ratty, army green book bag that was covered in paint and charcoal. It was the only thing she still had from her parents, she had thrown the rest of it away years ago.

She lead Evan out of the room, winding in and out of large groups of people. Effy said hello here and there, but tried her best not to get detained for extended periods of time. Today was not the day for chitchat with catty girls. "So. what's so great about the pool anyway? Why do you want to go there of all places?" Curiosity was her biggest weakness.
"Because it's the one place where i can be left alone and it is very easy for me to forget about the **** that goes on in my life when i'm in there." Evan was glad that Effy had agreed to break into the pool with him. "When i use is no-one else to to bother me and no ***** that have ****** off will think to find me there." He led Effy down the corridor and looked at the bottoms of the passing female students.

He led her to the steel blue door that led to the male locker room for the pool and put the code into it. It was nearing 10pm and the school curfew was in effect. The school forced students to remain in their rooms after 10pm to ensure no-one got into trouble but many people snuck out and Evan rarely obeyed the curfew. He opened it after putting the code in and waited for Effy to follow him before closing it. The door would lock behind him due to how the school had implemented it and the teachers would put in another code to keep it unlocked if they needed it.

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