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Illogical Sensation [Dinarko & Flipperdoo2003]


That Dino you give your Panties to
This is Dino x Flipperdoo2003 (This guys a professional penguin . . . Happy feet ain't got nothing on him) turf, so keep the stepping you humanoid person you! (Sorry, Dino loves you)
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Today was the day, the day Chris' father was going to get married. It took a while for Chris to get over his mothers death, and some people think that he's better now, but really; He never will be. Chris sighed as he heard his father talking to his soon-to-be-mom in the distant. They both seemed to be so happy with each other, that it kind of hurt Chris that it would never be just him and his dad. Either way, the only thing that mattered was that his dad was happy.

Chris had helped to book the wedding. He had chosen the restaurant that his Mom and Dad always used to go on dates with. They had a big outdoor area, so it would be perfect for all the seats and tables. He watched sadly as his new parents danced happily in the middle of the whole wedding. Again, They looked so perfect together. He sighed, taking another bite of his red-velvet cupcake. He looked around and saw his step-brother. He was pretty cute, to bad that they're relatives now.

Chris sat down on the seat opposite him, simply nodding his head.
"So, How do you feel about this bullshit..?" He asked, taking another bite of his cupcake. "I mean, did you actually agree to this?" Chris smirked a little, glancing over his shoulder to the dancing. He shook his head and sighed.
Dylan had been awaiting for this day to come, to see his mother all dolled up in her new wedding gown that he had his hand in picking for some strange reason. After his father had left us for a younger woman, she had been depressed, always working her hardest to provide for him going as far as to get two jobs wanting him to receive the best education possible. He couldn't stomach seeing his mother overwork herself, but what could he have done to soothe her pain. His answer was to alleviate as much stress from her by not causing any trouble for her, making sure to do good in school since that was the only thing he knew how to. Watching his mother and new step-father dance with one another behind his glasses, he could only express his gratitude towards him, glad to see his mother turning back the woman he knew her to be. Sipping his glass of apple juice (Being a minor he kept to the rules), he had barely noticed his step-brother, Chris if he recalled, take a seat next to him asking him how he had felt about this off the wall wedding.

Dylan averted his gaze from the boy, not used to being in another persons company other than his mom's. He had never as so much talked to another person aside from her, so one guessed you could say he was the generic nerdy boy of his class. Fiddling with his thumbs he whispered," Ummmm, I don't have a problem with it. I mean my mom is happy, and they look really good together. Isn't that all that matters?" Looking back at his mother and step-father he clapped as they gave each other another kiss, this being deeper than the one before. Hearing Chris' second question, he felt more relaxed and responded still no louder than a whisper," I didn't really think about it. My mom just came home saying she met this awesome guy and she thought about marrying him. She looked, so happy that I felt if she was that so gun-ho about it who am I to stop her?" he gave something of a laugh, remembering the expression on her face when she had told him about it.

Taking a better look at him he thought to himself,"So this is going to be my step-brother . . . he's not bad looking at all. Way better than me, but who isn't" Even to himself he was a gloomy soul with no self-esteem. "I-I-If you don't mind me asking, wh-why are you so appalled by this? Do you not like my mom?" he asked hoping to hear a "that's not it" from him. Dylan hated it when someone didn't like his mom or talked bad about her. However, Chris seemed to dislike their wedding, even with him being a big part in planning it. He just found it strange that he would go through all the trouble with the set-up yet dislike the wedding itself.
(Sorry, I had to go down to the shops.)

Chris nodded his head slightly at Dylan's answers. He did seem to have a point. "Yeah, I guess..." He sighed, averting his view to the boy. "My Dad is such a cry baby...but your Mom seems tough, so I guess it's a good match..." He laughed a little, picking up his cupcake and taking a bite out of it. "Ugh, This tux is so f***ing tight..." He said, smirking a little and undoing his tie and let it hang by his neck.

Chris listened to the question Dylan asked and immediately shook his head.
"No, Please don't think that. It's just, well, I've been in some deep shit..." He paused, looking down at the table. "And, Well, I guess I just don't want it to happen to others..." He bit his lip and looked up at Dylan. One day, once they were more tight, Chris would tell him what really happened with his life.
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Dylan was somewhat confused to hear Chris describe his father as a crybaby, taking a sideways glance at the man tipping his mother back, crybaby was the last thing that would come to his mind. However, he was his son so he obviously knew the man more than he did so he didn't question him, and thought it quite funny to see his father crying. His mother had told him that he was indeed a quirky fellow, but hearing Chris say that was adding frosting to the cake. Placing a hand over his mouth, he let out a small giggle before his step-brother had went on to say something random like his tux being too tight. Laughing somewhat louder than before, his amber eyes caught sight of a rather small piece of Chris' neck causing him to blush furiously. "Oh my GOD! Why am I reacting this way? He's my brother for Christ’s sake." he thought to himself pulling himself back together, although, his was still a bit pink.

The short haired child held a hand to his face, making sure that his temperature went down. This was something he wanted to keep a secret from everyone, the one thing that he didn't want anyone else finding out. Dylan was gay, he had found this out in middle school in the boys locker room where he had stared at a classmate body thinking,” I want that to hold me." At first he found it quite strange that he wanted it to hold him instead of having the figure itself, but soon he understood why that was. With his heart pounding at every sight of the boy there was no other explanation for it, he had fallen in love and hard. Sadly, knowing that in today's day and age he would not be looked upon in a favorable light, and so decided to keep it a secret.

As his temperature calmed down so did he, finally removing his hand from his face and staring back at Chris who had said something that he could relate to. After his father left him, and seeing his mother having to go through that, he didn't know if she would ever be happy. Chris on the other hand, his pain seemed to stem even deeper than his own, now wandering what had happened to his own mom. That, however, was not possible thinking that Chris would tell him when he was ready, but the true question was when would he be able to listen? Even talking to him in such a friendly manner was hard to do. So many times had he wanted to just shut up and stop his mouth from moving, but never did he do so remembering what his mother had told him about keeping a conversation. Letting out a sigh, Dylan muttered."I completely understand. If you e-e-ever want to talk about anything you can come chat with me. After all, we're brothers now aren't we." saying their current relationship more to remind himself that he was indeed his brother more than anything. Besides, he was only attracted to his physical appearance, it wouldn't be long until something else caught his eye.

Taking another swig of his juice, Dylan asked," Umm a wahhh. . . " he paused for a moment thinking to himself,” I gotta say something or he's going to think I'm boring!" his brain began panicking at he said, “Did y-you know that Horse Conch are the biggest mollusk in the world and can weigh up to seven pounds . . ." the blood in his face drained, leaving him pale and lifeless. "What the hell does a freaking Horse Conch have to do with anything? Oh now he's going to think I'm a weirdo!" As he belittled himself, his eyes began to swirl before apologizing, “I’m sorry, please don't think I'm weird." pretty straightforward of him really. Fixing his glasses, he hoped that this wouldn't give him a bad impression knowing that it always did leading to why he didn't have any friends outside of his mom.
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Chris smiled sweetly as Dylan laughed. It was really cute when he giggled, which made Chris blush a little himself. When Dylan started to hide his face, it was kind of obvious that he was too. Chris raised an eyebrow at this. Why was he blushing, as well? I mean, Chris knows he had some weird syndrome (ADHD) that makes him say random stuff and be super hyper sometimes. In fact, sometimes it can get out of hand. A few years ago, a police officer arrested Christopher for supposedly taking drugs but actually Chris just forgot to take his medication and acted as if he was high.

At Dylan's remark, Chris simply ran a hand through his hair and looked him in the eye.
"Yeah, Maybe just not yet...Bro."

He smirked, playfully shoving him a little in his seat. Chris smiled and shook his head as Dylan tried to make a conversation.
"No, Dude, It's chilled. But to answer you're question: No, but we have learned about it in class." He smiled, trying to reassure him that he wasn't a bully of some sort. "Talking about school, Dad said that you'll be moving in with us and going to my school." Chris nodded his head while he was speaking.

"You want to play truth or dare or something?" Chris smirked, taking another bite of his cake but still kept his eyes locked at Dylan's. If he agreed, This would get interesting...

(Just say when you want to time skip to when you guys move in.)
Letting out a sigh of relief, he was glad that he didn't weird his new family member out with some random fact that made no sense whatsoever. Feeling more relaxed than usual, he simply nodded at his Chris who told him about their moving in together. "Yeah, my mom told me that too. She said that she wanted us to become a real family. She kinda went haywire talking about it, but she reassured me that my new school would be better and that I'd make . . ." He paused not wanting to say "make friends". Seriously, it would be utterly embarrassing to have to admit that he never had a single friend in high school, but it's not like he cared for it or anything it's just that. He didn't want Chris to pity him, to give him unwanted sympathy that would make him feel even more helpless than he already had.

Now when he was asked to play truth or dare, Dylan was completely dumbfounded unable to find a suitable answer for his question. The boy was not one to do games, especially games involving someone else, but it wouldn't hurt to play one or two rounds of it . . . would it? He fumbled with his words, thinking weather or not he should agree or refuse his offer. "Why not play? I mean what harm could it do to play a few rounds with him?" he reassured himself preparing to agree to it. Just as the y came out of his mouth, he felt a woman fall on top of him, her breath smelling that of alcohol.

"Mom!"he shouted, the drunk red brunette poking his face. "Hic! What’s the matter Dylan? It's my wedding day, so don't sit down, HIC! Dance with me!" with a few tugs to his arm, he was forced out of his chair, his mother pressing her chest against her arm. He pleaded with his step father who was now sitting down, tired from all the dancing he had done with the energetic mother of his. "Help me!" he begged, his eyes wanting to escape from the maniac known as a mom. The man winked back at with a look that said,"She's all yours buddy." Sighing, he guess that there was no running from this unbelievably strong inebriated woman.

"Sorry." was all he could manage to say before she pulled him onto the dance floor, dancing like a maniac. He was glad she was having a good time, a little embarrassed that she would drink herself silly, but was still happy for her. Truthfully, everything was going good until she barfed on his tux, somehow managing to avoid getting it on her own wedding dress. With that Dylan to his mother home bidding his new family farewell until next time. Now how in the world would he clean her mess from his tuxedo?

Dylan and his Mom were going to move in today. Chris couldn't get over it. He would actually be living with his crush. Over the past few days, Chris had decided that he was gay and was had fallen in love with him. He was extremely nervous, yet still excited. He knew that there was going to be many awkward events that would follow for the rest of his life, but at least it would be with him.

Chris was barely dressed as he heard the engine out side. He had just woken up a few minutes ago and realised that it was probably Dylan's car outside. He quickly started slipping on some clothes and after he was finished he looked in the mirror and examined his appearance:


(Hair like ^
xD )


(Outfit like ^
xD )

Chris nodded to himself in his appearance. He then walked outside and smiled as he saw the small car outside with Dylan and his Mom outside. He then saw that his Dad was also there, kissing the life out of Mom. Chris shook his head and put a finger in his throat and pretended to puke. He then walked over to Dylan and gave him a manly sort of hug.
"Hey Dude. Where's your bags?" He smirked, running a hand through his hair.
Having to listen to his mother reassure him that his new school wouldn't be so bad, Dylan was glad to finally be out the car happy to see his new father take her away from him. He loved her from the bottom of his heart, he really did, but she was one who would never cease her chattering even you were to put a gun to her head. Plus the topic up for the discussion was not one he enjoyed having to talk about. Yeah, he knew he didn't have friends, but it still hurt to hear someone else tell him he didn't have any even if she did not mean for it to be that way. Stretching from sitting in the cramped car for an hour, he gazed upon the large two story house that had been by far the nicest as well as the biggest thing he had ever seen. Bigger than his home for sure. Was his mom right when she had told him that only Chris and his father lived here. By the looks of it, it could fit a good 10 and still wouldn't be over crowded.

Standing there alone, he saw his mother and father share a kiss, making out like some rebellious teens that wanted to show their love for one another to the world. Dylan laughed to himself, fixing his glasses as they slid down his nose while wrapping his long pale fingers in his short ebony hair. Soon he had heard footsteps coming from the direction of the house, the door slamming open to reveal a rather scrumptious looking Chris . . . not that he thought of him in such away. Watching his step-brother approach him with close rather unsuited seeing it was at the end of summer, but it did fit him quite well, much to Dylan dismay. He felt like a shallow person, only finding interest in those with a beautiful outer appearance opposed to the person themselves. The bashful teen hid himself, trying to make it look like he was interested in the neighbor hood, and not the hunk that he would soon be calling brother.

Chris walked up to him, asking where his bag were presumably for him to carry. Dylan eyed the brunette comparing his clothes to his own, Chris' attire reigning victorious over his plain white T and baggy black pants with a pair of old flip flops. "My bags . . . Oh no need for you to worry about them. I-I don't really have a lot of luggage." he whispered, loitering to the back seat of his mom's silver montero only to pull out two small suit cases. There would have been more, but after his "spring cleaning" having gotten rid of his stash of male magazines and books, his bag didn't seem so full. " See, I can hold it on my own." Dylan assured, showing how light each suitcase was.

"Hey Chris, when you're done helping move all their stuff in why not show Dylan around? You're not doing anything today are you?" his father asked from afar, his mother in his clutches. Dylan shook his head stuttering." It's qui-quite alright d-dad! I'll be fine on m-my own n-no need to worry about me. I'm sure he already ha-s-s plans, and I wouldn't want to be a bother." It was okay for Chris not to give him a tour, he had alread grown accustomed to getting to know places fairly well by himself remembering all the students who had force themselves to be kind to him under the order of a teacher. It was fine. He'd get used to it, and life would go back to being him alone.

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