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Answered Marking threads I've read?


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Is there a way to mark threads on my end so that I don't keep clicking the same threads over and over? I guess I could mark them as watched or reply to them but I don't want my notifications clogged, additionally some people don't want that. An external CSS fix also works for me.
I'm sure I've asked this before but I can't find it ;;
Threads you haven't read or those that have new posts you haven't seen have their title in bold. When you read a thread it becomes plain font.

You can also go to Menu and select "Mark forums read", then it will mark all threads as read, so when you see any titles appear in bold after that you'll know there are new replies.
Threads you haven't read or those that have new posts you haven't seen have their title in bold. When you read a thread it becomes plain font.

You can also go to Menu and select "Mark forums read", then it will mark all threads as read, so when you see any titles appear in bold after that you'll know there are new replies.
TYSM! Dunno how I didn't notice that.

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