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Graded [Kingdom of Rotia, Traveling through the Sky] The Little Airship That Could

Time: Later Night Into Night

Temperature: Outside Cool, Inside Airship comfortable.

Place: Experimental Airship, The Sky

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Moonberry Moonberry Orikanyo Orikanyo SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Kane Blackburne

Kane was pleased to see that Squink was agreeable now that he had ascertained that Victorique was finding her to be someone positive to interact with thus far. It also seemed like she knew where some of her limitations lied which wasn't a bad thing by any means in all in his opinion.

He chuckled some himself at Victroique's response about being put out of business at the earlier part of the exchange.

"Cept unlike the others she's mentioning I can say without a doubt Victorique is my first friend." He said it confidently and a grin like it was something he was proud about. "Traveling and helping a friend out? What more could you want."

"Since it sounds like you'll be coming, nice to have you with us Squink."

"And If you stick with us to help out, I can assure you despite any assumed risk she's talkin' about I'll extend my skills to protect you too should there be a need for it, as much as I enjoy cracking some skulls in, it's a lot safer if there isn't a need for it from my experience."
He spoke truthfully on the matter, reflecting on just how actually dangerous his and Victorique's last adventure had really been.

Kane also watched Iro with interest, when the bot went to responding to Squink. While he still didn't know much about constructs but from the looks of things they could be pretty helpful all things considered, whether or not they were individuals or tools for some purpose was up in the air for him as while these ones seemed to have more personality than he would have expected he had heard the latter opinions much more.

Unit #2 "Iro"
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png

"Thank you for the compliments! I bet that would be fun to travel with you! Maybe you can get your own someday! Unfortunately It is my understanding that many beasts are not too fond of constructs, but I would really appreciate it if more of them would be open to me helping to be of service to them!"

"Also Thank you for your positive review and I appreciate you sharing that information with the boss!"

"I very much enjoy knowing my purpose, it makes things easy for me!"
Iro further added, not terribly picking up on the fact that there was some suggestion that Squink probably wasn't entirely sure herself, but after a moment Iro did say,

"I'm sure you'll find your own purpose if you haven't yet."

"Oh! They are not far from here I can show you to them if you'd like!"
Iro continued enthusiastically. If Squink was keen on following, and anyone else at any point IRo would lead her and anyone else who went to their quarters to show them the rooms. There was a decent number of them in actuality.

Iro added in "That goes for the rest of you, if you'd like to see the rooms I can guide you there!" the bot exclaimed once more to the group.

Eliza Talton

Eliza had seemed cheery enough, distracted by Finn some even when she had spoke but when Finn repeated those words, her expression shifted to one of surprise. "Wait..Illya did you say torn off?!, I'm appalled to hear that! I'm afraid I didn't entirely comprehend what you said the first time time." She looked to Illya apologetically.

"That simply won't do, What sort of barbarian would do such a thing?! We'll have to make sure to it that nothing so abusive ever happens to you again!" She proclaimed with righteous indignation.

"As Sir Finn says he will keep you safe while he is with you! and I will intend to do the same with what's in my authority. so please feel free to join us in the Sky Kingdom! And if you'd like you may do the same when we return."

"Whoever made you those new wings should be commended for doing such a kindness, from what I've seen they are not only elegant but very functional too."
Eliza also added in approvingly.

"If you're tired it looks like that construct is offering to show us our accommodations."

Despite her protective and authoritative words, she did look to Illya with an appreciative smile if albeit briefly as well at the tease.

For any who decided to check out the rooms they were nice enough, having an industrial magitech vibe as the rest of the ship did between the more advanced lamps than many parts of the realm, sizable beds given the space, night stand, a dresser, closet, and a desk equipped with writing utensils with orangey runes around the circumference of them and parchment, as well as a few books, with a comfortable chair in each room, and an additional chair perhaps for a visitor or additional traveling companion. Each room also featured different modest sized pieces of painted artwork on the wall which featured different places on the world map, from Kuridan to the Kingdom. Those rooms close enough to the exterior of the ship in addition offered a circular window space from which to look out into the sky from which could be covered with a curtain. All and all these rooms were not all that unlike hotel rooms and would serve their purpose well enough.
Eventually the night sky would come into fruition as time went by and those traveling on the ship were left to do as they pleased, the airship illuminating in the darker surrounding environment through the lights on board.

(Narrator Note: Thanks for joining me and in addition to those who did, making it through! We definitely had some neat character interactions in this part. We shall do 2nd travel day and initial arrival in part 2. Figured narration reward suggestions could wait until we get through the 2nd part.)
Isekai Hell Grade

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Moonberry Moonberry Orikanyo Orikanyo

There is something nice about a medieval fantasy airship in flight. Perhaps its just a romanticized thing you see in video games and shows that inspires nostalgia. Here's to wait dreams may come in the clouds.

Air travel was still new to the world and nearly unheard of in the kingdom. The airships designs native to the country were primarily dicey constructions made for delivering fullers to the fields they were needed in more efficiently. Many asked what the purpose of newer airships were for if not specifically in service to the war effort.



Kane - 72pts (narrator)

Victorique - 48pts

Squink - 96pts (attentive student)

Oden - 9pts

Illya - 11pts
something was not right aboard the airship...

Finn - 23pts

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