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Departure section

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Local-super-mega-Potassium-cyborg Ninja!
So i was wondering like tellin people that you are leaving and each GM and post on the RP you are in i was wondering in the Community section add somthing under the Introduction Forum somthing opposite like Departue or Goodbye Thread and there you can say that you are going for a amout of time and all that

and aswell its much easy that going too each RP and Posting in each OOC that you are leaving and with this would be much faster would be nice in mi oppinion having somthing like this or eaven as a sub-Forum
You can always post a departure thread in the Personal Topics section, beneath General Discussion.
Inquisitor said:
You can always post a departure thread in the Personal Topics section, beneath General Discussion.

I've also seen people update their signature to include the information on their availability. That will show in all your posts on the site until you change it.

Either way, it is good form to contact your RP authors, fellow players, and partners about any extended absences so they don't wait on you unnecessarily. So if you use the Personal Topics area to post about an absence, I recommend tagging any users who are affected by it.
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