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Finished [Isekai Hell] Will She? Will She Not?


Bird man
Hello there! This RP takes part in the world of Isekai Hell. If you want more details or wish to join, hit Novama Novama up.

Participants' Goals:
- Arkham Koenig: Making Rowan have a good time to compensate her for her work during their last mission.
- Rowan Thorn: Getting to know Arkham.

Location: Harriot, Western Ryke


Hour: ~11:50
Weather: Overcast, slightly windy

The town of Harriot was in an overall great mood, as they were celebrating their winter festival. In which they thanked some god or other for a good year of crops, trading, and the like. Or so was what Arkham overheard as he walked to his room at the local inn. He had a rough time sleeping, as he had a bit of a guilty conscience. His last mission was a mess. Lots of death, destruction, and awful reminders that he was not native from this world. All things he'd rather forget. There was one thing that made him feel quite the opposite. Rowan, one of his teammates. That said, he didn't find the chance to get a better read on her. They were too busy not getting killed. On top of that, they had to hold funeral services for what remains of deceased they found. Definitely not the best moment to make a pass at someone, so he had to wait. In the end, everyone went their separate ways rather quickly, so Arkham acted fast. He slipped a note onto one of Rowan's pockets using some [Stealth F] and [Undetected (Sight) F]. Not the best, but all he needed was a moment, and he took it.

"Meet me in Harriot's town square at noon in two days.
- Arkham"

The note was written on the back of a piece of a map of the area, with Harriot marked on it. He said two days, since he didn't know if Rowan had faster means of transportation than her own two feet, or if she needed to take care of some other business after that mess. All in all Arkham knew it was a gamble. But he had nothing to lose. As he sat on the edge of the fountain on the chosen place with some time to spare, he thought about what if he just asked her out hurriedly before everyone went their own way. But what was done was done. It was no use delving so much into the past. All that remained was hope that Rowan would come, and if not... Well, he'll cross that bridge when and if he gets there.
Rowan Thorn
It was embarrassing, really, that Rowan only found the note Arkhan had slipped in her pocket about two hours before the time Arkhan had set. Then again, she had gone into the domestic arts lately. The cleaning of the household, managing her budget more carefully, even cooking for herself and others enough to not have to always pay for others to make her own meal. To be fair, she had been busy, attending and helping to arrange the funerals, so she hadn't thought to check her pockets until she decided to clean her laundry.

Feeling the paper in her pocket, Rowan pulled out the paper, reading it once- then again, then again, as the information in the paper slowly started to seep in her mind. A blush spread across her cheeks, that someone wanted to see her, outside of joining up to battle something.

Arkhan had asked her to meet up in the square at t noon- in two days from then? No, the last time she had seen Arkhan was two days ago- which meant that she didn't have that much time to meet him!

With that, Rowan hurried to get herself ready to meet Arkhan in the square on time. She bathed herself and her hair, using Control F to get her hair drier by making the room warmer. She put on a clean pair of clothes, layering her armor underneath, as she always liked to be protected. She didn't have particularly girly clothing, but it was her nicest set, which did fit her form a little more, the accessories a little nicer- the clothes she wore when she were guarding nobility on holidays or special events.

Some scents she had brought were layered softly on the neck, the wrists, a lovely lily/freesia type scent from a small container- one she only used for special events. Her lips were glossed, her lashes lifted with castor oil and wax, some basic cosmetics she had been taught long ago to enhance her looks. In all, she was actually trying for Arkhan.

At noon, she entered the square hesitantly, walking around to hopefully encounter Arkhan, her coinpurse hidden on her person, while holding a small container of molasses candy for Arkhan- if he were to show up. She hoped he showed up- as she wanted to see if that hug from Arkhan would feel the same as before. A small part of her was wary, as if Arkhan didn't show up, she would probably disengage from him entirely. That was the paranoid part of her talking, but it didn't hurt to be cautiously wary, to guard her heart.
Arkham Koenig

Arkham awaited nervously by the fountain until the time arrived. In the meantime he had been observing the people enjoying the different stands and the sights around the town square. Harriot wasn't particularly large or near important landmarks, so the festival wasn't bustling with people, even if they did have outside visitors like himself. As he looked around some more, he realized something: This town square was large and busy enough to get missed where he was. What if she was already here and he hadn't realized? With that in mind, he started making rounds across the square. Keeping an eye open for Rowan.

Surprisingly, this bore fruit fast. Arkham spotted Rowan from a distance as she also walked around the square. She wore different clothing, but it was definitely her. Her face was one of the few things he didn't want to forget from that village mission. He was also wearing different clothes, or armor rather. A set he commissioned recently but left in his backpack. The swordsman figured it wouldn't be a bad time to show off his new fit. "Rowan! Over here." He said, with a happiness that wasn't held back. Rowan would notice Arkham's body language was less stiff, and his face was less stoic. He was beaming at her sight, after all.

Arkham tried to hold back a little, but his anxiousness got the better of him. And thus he gave Rowan a warm hug. He quickly noticed he may be overstepping his boundaries, so he stepped back. "Sorry, I am just happy you did decide to come. How have you been?" The fledgling bounty hunter felt a little self conscious when he took a deeper look at Rowan. She prettied herself a lot. While he just took a long bath and combed his hair differently. Alas, he was already in, no time or money to get more presentable anyway. He wanted to invest whatever he could into today with Rowan. "You look really nice." The swordsman added shyly. He had always been bad at compliments.
Rowan Thorn
Rowan searched the square for Arkhan, a pit forming in her stomach when a couple of minutes went by and she didn't see him. Was she too late? Did he not show up? Was this all a prank, and her heart would be shattered again? She had made so many friends, like Arthur and Rudy, but they had all abandoned her, leaving her by herself again. The chance to spend time with another person was too good to pass up, even when the pit in her stomach slowly grew, as she continued not to see Arkhan.

Relief pooled in her stomach, the pit disappearing, as she spotted him in a nice set of armour similar to hers- but it looked brand new. It seemed like he had also dressed himself up as well. She approached him carefully, stopping to let a carriage pass through before walking up to him with a strange eagerness- not a work eagerness, but with a true want to be with him in this moment.

Rowan paused for a second, once again not used to the hug, but once her brain started working she returned the hug- a soft and warm hug- a good, soft embrace that would prompt a slew of endorphins to release in the brain.

"It's fine. I've been doing good. Enjoying the down time, using it to rest up. How about you?" Rowan replied in response.

In the silence of Arkhan looking over Rowan, she remembered the candies she had brought. "Here." Rowan said with a little shyness, handing him the small container of molasses candies, as she generally didn't give people gifts. Only recently had she started, as she learned from the older woman who had taught her to bring a gift when someone invited her somewhere, especially cute boys that made her nervous- but in a good way.

"You look good too." Rowan replied softly, her voice filled with honestly, as in her eyes, he looked handsome- especially as he was quite fit and good-looking, with his kindness only elevating how hot he was in her eyes. For example, Arthur had been handsome, but Arkhan rated much higher than Arthur in her eyes, as Arthur had been an asshole most of the time. Loyal, but he treated everyone, including himself, like garbage.

"Where do you want to go first?" Rowan asked Arkhan, wanting to enjoy the festival, but also be in his company. This was all new and bright to her- she was going out with another person, and to a festival, which she loved going to- to see all of the sights, maybe play some games, eat some street food, buy some trinkets.
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Arkham Koenig

Arkham nodded to Rowan's response and replied "That's great to hear" with a smile, before adding "I've been okay, this town has a nice atmosphere." While not strikingly obvious, since it was not his intention to show it, there were hints at Arkham being concerned about something or that something was bothering him at least. Nevertheless, he was quick to accept Rowan's candy "Thank you! I'll save them for later." which he then delicately put away in a pouch.

Having received a compliment back, he struggled for a few moments before settling with a "...Thanks" as an answer. It would seem taking compliments in this context was as difficult as handing them.

Thankfully, Rowan steered the conversation away from that somewhat awkward moment. Though it did bring a smaller challenge with it. Arkham pondered on what should they do first. "You just arrived to the town right? You must be a bit hungry... How about I get you a snack first? Whatever you find tasty" He peered around for food stands, locating some, when he realized he hadn't explained the purpose of the invitation. "Oh yeah, I... Well, I invited you here because I wanted to see you again. But also because you did really well on our mission while I didn't, and I wanted to compensate you for cutting me some slack back there. So I hope to have a great time with you today!" he said, enthusiastically.
Rowan Thorn
Rowan looked to Arkhan with understanding empathy, putting a supportive hand on his shoulder. "I get it, Arkhan, the situation wasn't the best for your powerset. Believe me, I understand. The last quest I went on I was entirely unsuited for my power set. I felt useless when I'm not in combat. I'm great at combat, but not so much in a social situation. " Rowan admitted, touched that he was thinking of her. She was an asset to others, sure, but they didn't really tend to think of her outside of battle, out of her usefulness with barriers.

Rowan's cheeks colored as she realized that she had her hand on Arkhan, removing it from his shoulder soon quickly after.

"Ah, IF you want, we could buy some food, some drinks, and sit away from people. Make it a picnic on the grass. I could put a barrier down and we could watch the festives while we eat, so we don't have to share a table. IF you want of course. I'm always preferential to a nice meal of skewers and other various street meals." Rowan tacked on hurriedly, not wanting to make all of the plans. She wanted Arkhan to actually want to suggest ideas too, so it wasn't just her giving all of the ideas.

Even now, she was spying a few chicken and beef skewer salesmen, along with other dishes that made her stomach growl in anticipation. A little past the main square, she could see a small area with grass and flowers, a perfect place to picnic without having to cram into a table with others.
Arkham Koenig

Arkham chortled somewhat grimly at Rowan's response "I don't think I'm great at anything, I just... I'm just trying to find my place in this world." He then realized the hand on his shoulder, and smiled. "Thank you, though. I appreciate the thought". Setting his mild gloom aside, the swordsman focused on Rowan's suggestions attentively. Following her gaze along, Arkham took note of a few stalls she seemed particularly interested in.

Arkham laughed at the mage's insistence on being clear he could also choose what to do. "Don't worry about it, Rowan. As long as you're having a good time, I'll be happy and having a good time too!" He took a step away, before turning. "Here, let's look for a nice spot" Arkham warmly invited as he tried to hold Rowan's hand to not get separated as they walked to the green area. Having found a nice, ample spot for them to eat in. Arkham would hold Rowan's hand (had she let him) to help her sit down delicately on the grass. Once she had settled, the swordsman proposed "So, what would you like to drink?" After hearing Rowan's choice of drink, he'd say "Coming right up~!" with a feigned tone of an enthusiastic barkeep, and rushing over to the stands.

Not long after, Arkham returned with a tray of various dishes on one hand, and two steins of whatever drink Rowan had chosen in the other. WIth great coordination and care, he plopped the tray in front of them, sat next to Rowan and offered her one of the large mugs "Hope this offering is to your liking, miss~" he said, using the same tone from before. Arkham then waited on her to eat or drink to dig in himself. Otherwise he'd keep himself just talking.

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Rowan Thorn

Rowan accepted Arkhan's hand holding, closing her hands around his. IT felt natural to her, and she liked the feeling of his hand in hers, the warmth of their hands together filling her heart with warmth. Arkhan was so open, so kind, that it was slowly breaking down the wall she put in front of others. For others, it was necessary. Trusting them wasn't feasible- she didn't know them at all, but for Arkhan, she would try, as he was putting in effort. He seemed to want to spend time with her as well, and that drew her to him more than just his looks.

She took the time to look at Arkhan as he lead her to a spot only finding him more attractive as his kindness shone through. She accepted his help, settling in the grass, accepting to let him in, to let him help her instead of always being the one to help. "I'd love some fruit juice, and if not that, an extremely light ale. I do not know if they have cold water. Thank you. " Rowan replied with her own smile, a surprisingly sunny smile that lit up her face.

When Arkhan left, Rowan decided to make the spot a little nicer for him to come back to. While she waited, Rowan cast magic, casting a simple Control Environment F to smooth it over, to prime the area for sitting. She then cast her barrier magic, creating a raised square for them to sit on, so their meal wouldn't be interrupted by various bugs. (Barrier Wall D) Soon the grass was covered by a barrier, definitely big enough for the both of them to lie down comfortable, along with all of their food. If it was particularly cool out, she would heat up the barrier, and if it was particularly hot, she would cool it down so they had a comfortable spot to sit. Even if the weather turned and it rained, she would make a bubble around them so they could stay out as long as they wanted.
"Oh, it's wonderful sir!" Rowan played along with a little giggle, taking a sip of cold juices straight from the local fruits of the area when Arkhan handed her her mug. "It's delicious Arkhan, thank you." Rowan thanked him profusely, turning her whole attention on Arkhan, now that they had meat skewers and cold juice, eager to hear him speak.
Arkham Koenig

Arkham chortled gleefully as Rowan played along with his silly joke, glad that it landed successfully. Having set everything in place, Arkham couldn't help but smile even more now that he was sitting next to her. "And thank you, for the upgraded seating! It's nice and warm in here." he thanked back, as he took a swig from his juice. Odd choice, ale was her second one, and only a light one at that. Not that he minded, it was somewhat endearing that someone for a change didn't jump at a chance at booze. Admittedly, he was kind of like that, but only because that was the cheapest thing usually.

Now, it wasn't time to delve into the past. At least not his own. After taking a bite of a spiced meat wrapped in a thin flat bread, Arkham asked enthusiastically "If you don't mind me asking, what's your story? I'd love to know more about you."

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Rowan Thorn
Rowan ripped the thin bread, using the bread to pick up a piece of meat, dipping it in the yogurt sauce carefully before taking a bite. The moment became a little tense, as Rowan fought herself- the urge to keep her story to herself warring with the want to tell him. Finally, she started to speak, deciding to trust Arkhan with some of her past.

"I came from a grandfather who liked to sleep around, spread his bloodline to as many people as possible. He had "wildcard powers" in his blood, that everyone in his line got one power that could be almost anything. My cousin has the power to transform herself, while mine was barrier themed. I used my magic to protect everyone in the family, and I was proud to do so." Looking away from Arkhan, she stared at the ground, a wry smile on her face as the memories she shoved down were brought back to the surface.

"Evidently, he lied to us, because we can do more than just our power. It's just the skill we manifest first, the one we have an affinity for. We're not pigeonholed by one magic. I told the family what I discovered. I thought we would revolutionize the way the family used magic, so I went to the elders of the family. Instead of rejoicing, they tried to kill me to keep the secret from the others in my family. My barrier magic kept me alive long enough to be able to run away. Some of my cousins I love, like my cousin Astrid, who helped me escape, but I haven't seen her since that day. Mostly I've done quests, bodyguarding, and general mission-joining to do something, following whatever I'm interested in. I've visited Ryke's Underbelly, went to Ryke Academy for awhile, fought machines, and even fought with the See against the Eastern Empire. That one was a failure, but we didn't die, and that's what counts. So what's your story then, Arkhan?" Rowan finished, wanting to hear more about him, considering she just poured out her story to him. Arkhan was the only one she had told her story to, and would probably be the only one she spoke to about it for the forseeable future.
Arkham Koenig

Arkham appeared apprehensive for a moment, as he had noticed Rowan's negative reaction to his inquiry. He put down his stein and gently placed a hand on Rowan's shoulder, his face switching to an empathetic smile. He didn't want to force her to say anything that would discomfort her, but at the same time, he wanted to show he was someone he could rely on. Maybe not with all her life baggage right off the bat, but venting, or sharing some of her past pain was a start.

To Arkham's surprise, Rowan did decide to open up. As she started, it was clear that she wasn't going through some pleasant memories. Instinctively, the bounty hunter grasped more firmly onto the mage's shoulder, caressing it with his thumb. His attempt to try and remind her he was there for her without being too touchy. All the way through, Arkham listened intently, not commenting on a matter that was likely more complex than he was being shown here.

Arkham stopped moving his hand when Rowan turned the question around. He sighed. Not like he minded sharing his life here. Most of it, at least. But how could he say something about his past life without sounding like a lunatic? He'd rather not ruin his date like that, so he twisted the events of his reality a bit as he finally answered "Well, I kind of lost part of my memory. Not to say most of it. All I have are vague memories from a distant land very different from this one, very weird memories indeed..." He said as his death ran through his mind, causing a big chill to run down his spine. "Anyway, I woke up in the middle of a forest a few months ago, and have been trying to live each day as it comes since. I've had a few adventures, like attacking some weapon smugglers, and wandering in a desert looking for a mysterious group to train me... But other than that, my life has been pretty boring. Just wandering from place to place, looking for a place to fit in, for a reason to continue, something like that" His tone grew somewhat somber, but he still held a smile in his face as he turned to Rowan "Sorry if it wasn't what you expected. I'm that, a boring wanderer with a boring path. Hehe..."
Rowan Thorn
"Don't put yourself down like that. I'm a boring wanderer too. I just get myself involved with a lot of things. Some of them I shouldn't have. But then again, no one died, and I helped save a ton of people's lives." Rowan said with empathy in her voice, reaching out to touch Arkhan's hand in support, letting her hand hold his. Soon, she let go to eat some more food and drink, not wanting to be too forward on their date. "Believe me, this land is incredibly strange. People just say stuff, and I've never heard of it before, but I just...get it. I don't know why. Do you know what a television is?" Rowan asked Arkhan, trying to take his mind off of his and her own sordid pasts, even if his past was a lot...more vague than hers had been. "Someone mentioned it, and I've never heard of it before, but my brain acts like it has. Though if I think too hard about it I draw a blank." Rowan grinned at him, sipping on her juice as she waited for his answer.
Arkham Koenig

Arkham was surprised when Rowan placed her hand on his. She was way more forward than him, which was welcomed with a smile and an earnest "Well, thanks. I appreciate that, Rowan." However, Arkham felt a chill run down his spine. After Rowan talked about how some things she seemed to understand, but not know why was that the case. That was fine and all, until she mentioned televisions. Of all things, she needed to know about his world. Once again, not wanting to appear as a lunatic, he tried to dismiss it "...Not really. Some kind of, uh, telescope, perhaps?"
Rowan Thorn
Rowan looked at Arkhan, a strange feeling stealing up on her, as his words seemed to clash heavily with what her brain was telling her. His words didn't make sense, but she wasn't exactly sure why that was. Which in itself didn't feel good, so she didn't really respond, the silence between them becoming awkward. IT would be pretty clear to Arkhan that she was conflicted, and that if she truly listened to the feeling in her head, she would have to acknowledge that his strangeness about the whole topic would come out even worse than him just being honest to her. Almost as if to aknowledge the point, her head pulsed in pain, leaving her to put a hand up to her head due to the sudden headache.

...."Anyway, the street food is pretty great!" Rowan proclaimed, failing to hide the uneasiness at the strangeness of Arkhan's...lie? Maybe he just was misinformed about televisions, and she had no reason to doubt his word, but his explanation felt...weird. She proceeded to drink more juice, focusing on the food, trying not to think of why her feeling was saying one thing, contradicting Arkhan's words.
Arkham Koenig

It was clear his lie was somewhat apparent. Arkham winced as Rowan moved away. He pondered on how difficult to believe he knew nothing about televisions was for a native to hear. Maybe that was not it. Maybe Rowan was also from Earth, but unlike him, she had to live from birth here and she had actual amnesia. She had been nice to him so far. Maybe she wouldn't see him as a lunatic if he told his real story. Would she?

Arkham's thoughts were struck by Rowan's attempted good will. She was not fully forcing fake happiness, but she was guarded, unlike before. "Glad you like it. I gotta say, for a village, this festival's pretty great. Plenty of varied things to eat..." Arkham trailed off. Rowan's mood started to rub off on him. He didn't like that. He ruminated on the idea of coming clean to the mage for a few seconds. He was surprisingly quick to come to a side to pick on this gamble. "Hey, Rowan. I really hope I don't come off as a crazy, and I mean crazy, person you should avoid. But..."

The hunter took a deep breath before going all in, it was clear this confession made him nervous "...I lied. I guess it's not fair you told me so much about you and I keep you in the dark about my past. I do remember my life before the forest I woke up in. It's just... hard to explain sensibly. I'm from a different world, a very different one. I don't really know how or why, but instead of dying in an accident there, I was sent here. Remember Zah- Zahrah? She... He... They kept saying things that only made sense to a person from that other world. And there were televisions over there, kind of like boxes that display entertainment from a distance... Weird, I know, but it's the best description I can think of at the moment. Never talked about it before because it makes zero sense for a person who doesn't know about that one other world. But like I said, it's only fair. Even if you now think you're sitting next to a lunatic." having said his piece of mind, he sighed deeply. He just ruined his chances didn't he?
Rowan listened to Valkhan, the information washing over her. It felt...different from before, the information feeling more...correct. "That sounds incredibly strange, but it also sounds right. I'm not sure why, but my intuition says its right, even though my brain is confused." Rowan spoke aloud after some time of turning the information over in her head.

"Though, please don't lie to me. I understand why you did so before, but now that I know what's going on, I would become extremely upset if you choose to lie to me again." Rowan told him, a hint of intensity in her voice, before taking another sip of juice, making it clear she would not appreciate another lie of that magnitude.

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