♥ Hope for Helping Hands ♥


Boink Bean







Details: (Pictures aren't always perfect. Tattoos, Scars, Etc)

Dog: (Name & Id #) I shall give you an Id #




















Problem:(Aggression, Abandonment, etc)


My Characters


Duke Gosling


20 Year old




He is strong headed and very gentle. After caring for dogs so long he has learned the willingness to forgive, but to never forget. He loves the dogs, Especially his young Presa Canario Pit bull mix, Petunia. He has learned a lot from the dogs, And tends to be rude, and tough on the teens if they are not caring for their dogs properly.


Details: He has a Tattoo on his left shoulder, And his dad's birth dates & death dates on his right shoulder blade. His Tattoo:

Dog: Petunia #122


Skidder #123

History: I was born to my mother, Lily Gosling, And my Father, Robert Gosling. We had bought a young pit bull puppy, He was brown and white, And i had grown up with him. He was a loyal, amazing pit bull. I was 18, And he was 17 years old. We had acres of land then too, He came home one day from being outside with a bullet hole through his side. He was bleeding heavily and the nearest vet was hours away! I was so blurred with tears and i held him in my arms, My father attempted to stop the bleeding, But it ha ruptured his stomach and came out the other end, Samson ended up dying in my arms, He used the last of his energy to lick my tear cheek and i remember looking into his eye as life slipped from him quickly. I swore to myself i would never let such innocent and loving dogs die so easily without a second chance.


He enjoys to run with his dogs, swim and cook.









Amber Taylor


16 Years old




She is very hostile, Flirty, and sarcastic



Details: She has a tattoo:


Grizzly #124

Dynamite #125


I was born into a broken Family. I was an accident, And my drunk Irish father made sure i knew it. He used to get drunk every day, And every night, He would beat, fight, and rape my mother. He used to beat me as well, It was only when he was starting to attempt to touch me did i begin to fight back, We got into a fist fight and the neighbors had to call the cops due to all the screaming... I was only 13 when they took e away from my parents, The police had found a meth lab in our basement.. Both of my parents went to jail and i was given to a foster home.. They treated me like dirt there too.. The mother, her name had been.. I cannot remember, I didn't stay there long. She would get piss drunk and refused to cook or clean. The other two kids and i were forced to clean, We were to young to cook, and the lady had a few dogs, Both small terriers. She would give us dog food to eat, An nothing else... We had to live off of dog food for months.. Kids used to make fun of us, they would call us dogs, and tell us we were worthless rats.. I was fifteen when another girl, About seventeen i believe, Made fun of me.. She laughed with her friends calling me white trash. I remember blacking out, When i came back, I was being held against the wall by police, The girl was on the floor, her face scrambled and coated in her own blood, The metal locker had a blood indent in it, And the floor was smeared with blood. I was taken away again... They put me into a foster home for the last time. People at the new school never messed with me, They always thought i had killed someone..The new couple was nice... but i got into drugs, and a gang.. We had done a drive by and killed a woman who was pregnant... The driver was caught, I had gone crazy, i then overdosed on my anti-depressants and died for ten minutes.. They eventually revived me, they went through my room, found a gun and drugs, I was sent to 'Hope for Helping Hands." I truly think i will never have hope fora good future, They only sent me here so i wouldn't go to jail...


Smoking cigarettes, Drinking, and drawing.








My dogs




6 years old




Presa Canario


He is greatly aggressive and protective of his human against other dogs. He is Mean and loud.




Scars cover his face, Muzzle, Ears, Front legs, Chest, Shoulders, Back, And his back legs.








He was born into a litter of pups that were born from one of the best fighting dogs and one of the most beautiful females. He had at least eight other siblings. He didn't get to interact with them for longer then a few minutes before he was taken away. He never got to see his mother, or any of his siblings. He was bottle fed a certain formula, It made him grow faster, run quicker, and gain muscle mass faster then any other dog. He was thrown into the ring when he was about one year old, he fought against a smaller dog and killed it. He continued to fight for years, He was known as one of the best fighters, right under his father. Then one day, he matched his father's win record and he was put into the ring with the old dog. He had no fight left in him, Dynamite could feel sympathy in the air, wafting from the humans that watched. Dynamite attacked and the old dog put up no fight, His humans yelled at him to fight, Harder. Dynamite then quickly killed the male so he wouldn't feel anymore pain. Thats when the area lit up with flashing lights and the humans ran. Dynamite ran around the circular area, barking for his owner. Police gasped at the sight of the huge, bloody dog. He growled softly, then the grabbed a stick with a hard wire at the end. He growled louder and bared his teeth, he was afraid and they tightened the loop around his throat, He whimpered softly and they then began to walk him to the car, He walked beside the human leading him, he stepped gently, Feeling grass beneath his paws for the first time. Then he heard the crying of a pup out in the distance, The human was roughly grabbing at a pup. He growled loudly and the human walking him jumped slightly, He busted from the man's grip and charged the woman holding the pup, She screamed and dropped the puppy, He caught the pup in his jaws and carefully placed her on the ground, The tiny pup looked up at him shocked, She yipped happily and Dynamite licked her protectively, The humans watched them shocked. The man slowly approached "Its okay, boy." He cooed, Dynamite growled loudly but let the man take his leash once more, Dynamite growled at any human who attempted to take the pup from his jaws. The man led the two dogs to a large cage in the back of a truck, "Come on, Nice and easy." He helped Dynamite into the crate and then locked it. Dynamite groomed the pup, and she slept against his chest, They were never able to separate the two, and both of them were rescued by Hope for Helping Hands.

Problem: Dog Aggression.





3 months old




Presa Canario


She is sweet and loving, Excited and gentle. Wiggly and loves to bark and run.












She cannot remember much, She remembers Dynamite saving her from the grasp of a human woman, and catching her as she fell. She has been with Dynamite and he has taught her things other dogs never could, or a human ever could, She also taught him forgiveness.


No problem





3 years old






She is very skiddish and frightened of humans and other dogs, She is very sweet when she had warmed up to you and can be very playful and excited.




Scars on her back, legs, chest, and face from being whipped and from being dragged behind a car on the high way.








She was taken from her mother by a man, He smelt of alcohol, anger, and evil. But Skidder still loved him, Her name before the shelter took her had been Bully. She was very loving towards the man, But he would hit her for no reason, he once kicked her in the ribs, and knocked the breath from her. He would some times hit her with a whip on her muzzle and face, or any where he could hit. She would cower when he would raise his hands, she was frightened of him. Then one day, the man and his mate got into a fight, He beat her brutally, then he grabbed Skidder, tied her thickest leash to her collar and attached her to the back of his car... He started the car and drove full speed down the road, Skidder was being choked and dragged. He drove for about 15 minutes, before a cop pulled him over, He called animal control and Skidder then earned her name, She was afraid of all people, especially men.







4 years old




Cane Corso


He is human and dog aggressive, He is protective of food, toys, treats, etc. other then that he is very very sweet and cuddly.



Details: Scars on his throat and face from fighting.








He was left inside an abandoned house, He defecated and urinated all over the place, and himself, He was malnourished and dehydrated. He was inexperienced with humans and dogs.


Aggression and protectiveness of food.


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Name: Zack Hunter

Age: 17

Gender: Male


  • Funny
  • Takes a lot of time to trust someone
  • Hates being in rehab



Details: He has a tattoo on his right arm:


Dog: (Name & Id #) I shall give you an Id # What is my ID?

History: Zack was put in rehab for shoplifting and attempted murder.

Hobbies: He likes to draw, read, and make friends

Siblings: (anyone want to be my brother or sister?)

Crush: Curan


Name: Cocoa

Age: 3

Gender: Male

Breed: Dachshund

Personality: Playful, Loves to sleep, Doesn't bark a lot.

Appearance: Small, Dark Brown (with light brown spots) and scars from past owners....

Details: There is a scar near his right eye when his owner wacked him with a belt.

Owner: Mrs. And Mr. Morrison

Siblings: Seperated at birth

Crush: None...yet

Partner: None

History: Cocoa was born on the side of a road. After he was born, a dog catcher took him away and put him in a dirty, cruel pound. A couple took him and neglected him till this day when they abandoned him.

Problem: Neglect and Abandonment

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Name: Curan

Age: 16

Gender: female

Personality: shy, quiet, scared easily. She would like to talk, if she wasn't so scared of people. So, she talks to animals instead.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8becb01422_images(4).jpg.52805f0e0429bbee00f470538ee5a6b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13593" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8becb01422_images(4).jpg.52805f0e0429bbee00f470538ee5a6b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Details: she has some scars on her arms

Dog: Clover #126

History: She was born in an old shack, her mother had passed away as soon as Curan was born. Her father, desperate for money, began to steal, and there was a small accedent, invalving a knife. Curan was alone in the small shack, but was found by someone, who supossedly took her in. But, they treated her badly, and had her work. She became scared of other human beings, and cried herself to sleep every night. Getting a knife, she cut herself, getting her mind off of the mental pain. One day, she ran away, but was 'caught' trying to take her own life.

Hobbies: she likes to collect small stones

Siblings: none

Crush: none for now

Partner: N/A

Other: has anthropophobia


Name: Clover

Age: 4 years

Gender: female

Breed: saint bernard


Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/saint-bernard-st-bernard-puppy-picture-eab5e6de-e188-49fa-82c6-583cb77cc05b.jpg.4f7d3ac44f193c776129d2989048cc2c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13594" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/saint-bernard-st-bernard-puppy-picture-eab5e6de-e188-49fa-82c6-583cb77cc05b.jpg.4f7d3ac44f193c776129d2989048cc2c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Details: N/A

Owner: Curan

Siblings: N/A

Crush: none at the moment

Mate: N/A

History: Clover was born in a pet shop, without much room to run around. She stayed there until, she was taken home by a rich couple, who thought she was cute. But, when they found out she was kind of slobbery, and had a biting problem, they through her out. Over the years of living on the streets, she's become more protective of her possesions, and more agressive toward other dogs.

Problem: (I have to honestly admit I don't exactly understand what to put here. But, I'll try.) Abandenment

Other: she's not agressive toward most humans. The bigger the dog is, the more aggresive she is. She's protective of food, toys, treats, ect.


Name: Shi Munyeo

Age: 16

Gender: male

Personality: He will be different at times, he appears bipolar. But, it's because of a voice inside of his head. Sometimes, he'll be happy, and easy going, then merderous, and torturous.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/anime-boy.jpg.fc456ecb0d630c0560677f9b9dd0bb7f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13600" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/anime-boy.jpg.fc456ecb0d630c0560677f9b9dd0bb7f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Details: N/A

Dog: Spade #127

History: (give me time to think of one...)

Hobbies: talking to himself

Siblings: N/A

Crush: none for now

Partner: N/A

Other: has a voice inside his head


Name: Spade

Age: 4 years

Gender: female

Breed: border collie

Personality: Agressive towards most humans and dogs alike. She's protective of food, toys, ect. She's nice to the few people and dogs she 'deems worthy'. If dogs or humans are running around, sh'll chase them, due to her herding dog liniedge.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/bill2-lg.jpg.545ed4c07ed1ed7eba09674f34f38a5f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13602" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/bill2-lg.jpg.545ed4c07ed1ed7eba09674f34f38a5f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Details: she has a few scars due to her past

Owner: Shi

Siblings: N/A

Crush: none for now

Mate: N/A

History: Spade was born in a puppy mill, in a small cage, with not a lot of room to run around. Then, she was bought by an abussive dog fighter, who wanted a diferent breed of dog, but the puppy mill owners gave him Spade instead. He did with what he had, having her fight, and giving her barely any food. When, she was rescued, she was agressive toward both dogs and people.

Problem:(Aggression, Abandonment, etc)

Other: She has high energy levels, and needs exercise



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Accepted! There may be a few fights, The dog i am making lives up to his name.. Dynamite.. Due to his quick and unpredictable attitude towards other dogs.
Name: Sora Kato

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Brave, always cheery but it's fake, creepy at times, determined once she sets her mind, airhead, and lies sometimes.



Details: She has a medium sized scar on her stomach

Dog: Nora

History: Sora was born in a broken down home and was poorly taken care of. As a baby she cried a lot because no one would pay attention to her. Her so called mom would slap her in the back, head, and behind multiple times before she would pass out because of the pain. Her dad acted like he didn't care but he secretly did. He would give her little bits of food and tend to her wounds every now and then. Her mom found out and beat him to death. When the police came, her mom blamed her 5 year old child. Sora was found guilty but since she was young, she only got a year and a half. In that time she learned to fake her emotions even if she didn't want to. One of her cellmates cut her stomach while she was sleeping but did it wrong so it was jagged and left a nasty scar. Sora was released early for good behavior and was sent to a foster home where she got into fights with the kids that were already there. She liked the parents but never got a long with them. It got too bad for her one day and she snapped, punching, kicking, pulling hair, and everything else you could think of to the poor girl that lived there as well. The parents decided to send her to 'Hope for Helping Hands', but she had very little hope it would work.

Hobbies: Writing, watching wildlife, boxing

Siblings: N/A

Crush: open (none)

Partner: N/A

Other: She always has on a small necklace with a dog hanging onto the chain, symbolizing herself holding onto life as much as she can.


Name: Nora

Age: 4

Gender: Female

Breed: German Shepard

Personality: Calm, always wants to play, friendly, active



Details: A part of her right ear tip is missing and a long scar in on her left front leg and back right leg

Owner: Sora

Siblings: N/A

Crush: N/A

Mate: N/A

History: Nora was born on the side of a road when her mom was thrown out of her home right before she gave labor. Her mom tried desperately to keep her three pups alive but only Nora survived. A month later she could see the light slowly fading from her mom's eyes, was when she started to panic. She barked at cars and whined at people so they would come near but no one would. When Sora knew it wasn't going to work she nudged her mom and whimpered when she saw three dogs coming near them while growling and barking at them. She took a breath and stood her ground, protecting her mom through it all. When the three dogs gave up she limped over to her mom just as she took her last breath. Sora lied down next to her and cried, howling, whimpering and whining quietly. The next day she woke up and people came to her rescue. When they picked up her mom she started barking and growling thinking they were gonna hurt her more. She ended up in a kennel, alone and hurt, inside and out.

Problem: Trust issues, and very protective of Sora

Other: She always makes Sora walk her by the place where her mom died, bowing her head lightly every time she passed in respect to the best mom in the world.

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