• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ๐“˜๐“ท ๐“•๐“พ๐“ต๐“ต ๐“‘๐“ต๐“ธ๐“ธ๐“ถ ~ ๐“ ๐“‘๐“ป๐“ฒ๐“ญ๐“ฐ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฝ๐“ธ๐“ท-๐“˜๐“ท๐“ผ๐“น๐“ฒ๐“ป๐“ฎ๐“ญ ๐“ก๐“ธ๐“ต๐“ฎ๐“น๐“ต๐“ช๐”‚ (๐“’๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ป๐“ช๐“ฌ๐“ฝ๐“ฎ๐“ป ๐“ข๐“ฑ๐“ฎ๐“ฎ๐“ฝ๐“ผ) (Closed)



Straight Judgin'
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)









  • In Full Bloom

    A Bridgerton Roleplay



โ™กcoded by uxie, from the wonderful mind of dreamglowโ™ก

Sexual Orientation:
Family: (Bloomington, Davenport, or Other):
Views on Society?:
Moral Alignment:
For the women only
is this their first season?:
if not, how many seasons have they been unwed for?:

Other important information:
* You do not have to do any fancy coding if you do not wish!
* MY ONLY REQUIREMENT IS Realistic Faceclaims only!
* Limited to 2 character sheets for auditions!


Thank you,
Your Friendly Neighborhood Gm.
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Available Roles: New

Distinguished Bloomington Family Available Roles: 1/6

Dowager Viscountess Victoria Bloomington (51) -- Bellz Bellz
Viscount Augustus Bloomington (27) - The Eldest Son - Pyroclast Pyroclast (showed me CS and SAMPLE IN PM) - (APPROVED)
Francis Bloomington (24)- Second Eldest Son -- CapellaStargaze CapellaStargaze (APPROVED)
Amelia Bloomington (19) - Eldest Daughter - neverbackdown neverbackdown (APPROVED)
Sophy Bloomington (18) - Second eldest daughter - SandraDeelightful SandraDeelightful (APPROVED)
Matilda Bloomington (17) - youngest daughter - AnimeGenork AnimeGenork (APPROVED)

Scandalous Davenport Family Available Roles: 1/7
Solomon Davenport (58) - Drunken Patriarch - Pyroclast Pyroclast (APPROVED)
Caterina Davenport (50) - Trapped Matriarch - CapellaStargaze CapellaStargaze (APPROVED)
Henry Davenport (28) - Eldest Rake of a son - AnimeGenork AnimeGenork (APPROVED)
Morgan Davenport (25) --Second Eldest Rake of a son - CapellaStargaze CapellaStargaze (APPROVED)
Ichabod Davenport (21) - Youngest Traveling Son - Jesster Jesster (APPROVED)
Celestine Davenport (20) - Eldest Daughter - Bellz Bellz
Elodie Davenport (18) -Youngest daughter (18) - SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles (APPROVED)

The Ton:

Euphemia Penbrooke -- APPROVED
Edmund Hennesy -- APPROVED
Imogen Bellmore -- APPROVED
Ian Amesbury
Helena Bexley
Scarlet Jameson
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Celestine Davenport

  • f3079bdfa8fc7b2e5bbe3749fc140f09.gif

    Celestine Davenport

    Age and Date of Birth:
    20 (September 4th, 1795)

    Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status:
    Bi-curious and painfully unwed, according to her parents and society.

    Face Claim:
    Adelaide Kane


    First Season?:

    If Not, how many season have you been unwed?:
    2nd season and counting...

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Sophy Margaretta Bloomington
(Middle Bloomington Daughter)

(Face Claim: Ellie Bamber)​

  • tumblr_pqhkl0hYQY1u7mdvto7_400.gif
    Name: Sophy Bloomington

    Age & Date Of Birth: 18, Born January 19th

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Relationship Status: Single

    Family: Bloomington

    First Season: Yes

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Elodie Davenport

# Youngest Daughter (18)

# millie bobby brown

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

Morgan Davenport
Second Eldest Davenport Son

body type
body modifications
Scar on front upper left shoulder
Thomas Doherty
"My life will never be my own"
Morgan puts up a front out in Society. He is very charismatic, outgoing, and charming. He is always one to give a signature wink or devilish grin. The Ton knows him as a ladies man and a carefree spirit. He always talks about his travels (leaving out details), and keeps up a charming appearance. He is wanted by the ladies and admired by the men. He goes on hunts that he is invited on and just tries to live out the expectations that are laid out for him. Behind closed doors, Morgan struggles putting up a front for society. His family wants to paint this perfect picture even though they are far from it. He is tired of his parents wanting their children to fix the financial issues and he just grows tired of being someone he is not. Morgan is a lot more soft spoken when he is able to be himself. He spends his free time painting and the quietness that accompanies it. He is not a confrontational person when all is said and done but he hopes one day, he can be.
Early morning rain
fresh baked bread
a good book
Extravagant parties
being compared to his elder brother

Morgan James Thomas Davenport is the second born of the Davenport family. As soon as he was capable of comprehending things, Morgan was thrusted into shadowing his eldest brother. It was drilled into him that he would be the heir were his brother to either die or fail. He constantly felt like the backup plan, that he needed to be a little less of a disappointment just so his parents had options. Home life wasnโ€™t anything to write home about. Between preparing one of their sons to take over the family one day, there were a lot of fights. Things were constantly being broken in a drunken state by their father before he would inevitably disappear to be unfaithful to their mother once again. Morgan had made the mistake once when he was sixteen to try and stand up to his father. His mother was in a state of tears, and family dinner was in a state of disarray. Morgan stepped in when the screaming got louder, his father holding a broken plate in his hand. The scar across Morganโ€™s left shoulder is proof of how that night went. No one interfered after that. As far as The Ton knew, it was a hunting accident. Morganโ€™s father is the reason he refuses to ever drink. He doesnโ€™t want to lose himself so much that he would hurt someone close to him.

When Morgan reached adulthood, it felt like a weight was lifted. He was able to do what he wanted which included leaving his family and The Ton for a while while he explored Europe. He found himself in those two years he was gone and one of those things was his taste in men. He spent this time exploring himself and sexuality, something he knew he would never be able to do in London. While in France, he met a man that changed his perspective on everything. He fell in love in that small town on the French Riviera and he was ready to leave his whole life behind just to chase that feeling for the rest of his life. Too bad life doesnโ€™t work out that way. He received word that his family needed him and while he wouldโ€™ve loved to abandon them for love, he couldnโ€™t bring himself to do it. It was that decision that lost him the love of his life though. Morgan was told not to come back if he left and he didnโ€™t.

Two years back in London and Morgan has earned a reputation of being a Rake like his brother. He almost finds the accusations amusing. He indeed has frequent visitors in his bed but of course none of them are women. He has had some women lie that they have been in his bed to hopefully trap in marriage but it has only hurt them. Morgan keeps his sexual endeavors on the down low, no one knowing about the company keeps. He hasnโ€™t told any of his family and he doesnโ€™t plan on it.

This season, his parents are pressuring Morgan to find a wife. His brother's reputation is far more tainted than his own and his sisters need as much pull as they can get. Morgan had drilled into him that he would help to ensure his sisters went off to good families, that he would marry a proper young woman, and produce sons. That wasnโ€™t something he could do with the company he liked to keep. He is dreading this season, not wanting any part of society. He just hopes that the obligations he feels wonโ€™t destroy what little part of himself he has left.
View on Society
Morgan loathes the idea of Society and The Season. Society expects everyone to fit in a prim and proper box and due to those rules, Morgan could never be 100% himself. His true hopes would be that marriage would be out of love and not obligation, something he will never be able to experience.
MBTI & Moral Alignment
ISFJ and Lawful Neutral
fun facts
I Prevail- Deep End (Acoustic)

coded by Stardust Galaxy

History: Morgan James Thomas Davenport is the second born of the Davenport family. As soon as he was capable of comprehending things, Morgan was thrusted into shadowing his eldest brother. It was drilled into him that he would be the heir were his brother to either die or fail. He constantly felt like the backup plan, that he needed to be a little less of a disappointment just so his parents had options. Home life wasnโ€™t anything to write home about. Between preparing one of their sons to take over the family one day, there were a lot of fights. Things were constantly being broken in a drunken state by their father before he would inevitably disappear to be unfaithful to their mother once again. Morgan had made the mistake once when he was sixteen to try and stand up to his father. His mother was in a state of tears, and family dinner was in a state of disarray. Morgan stepped in when the screaming got louder, his father holding a broken plate in his hand. The scar across Morganโ€™s left shoulder is proof of how that night went. No one interfered after that. As far as The Ton knew, it was a hunting accident. Morganโ€™s father is the reason he refuses to ever drink. He doesnโ€™t want to lose himself so much that he would hurt someone close to him.

When Morgan reached adulthood, it felt like a weight was lifted. He was able to do what he wanted which included leaving his family and The Ton for a while while he explored Europe. He found himself in those two years he was gone and one of those things was his taste in men. He spent this time exploring himself and sexuality, something he knew he would never be able to do in London. While in France, he met a man that changed his perspective on everything. He fell in love in that small town on the French Riviera and he was ready to leave his whole life behind just to chase that feeling for the rest of his life. Too bad life doesnโ€™t work out that way. He received word that his family needed him and while he wouldโ€™ve loved to abandon them for love, he couldnโ€™t bring himself to do it. It was that decision that lost him the love of his life though. Morgan was told not to come back if he left and he didnโ€™t.

Two years back in London and Morgan has earned a reputation of being a Rake like his brother. He almost finds the accusations amusing. He indeed has frequent visitors in his bed but of course none of them are women. He has had some women lie that they have been in his bed to hopefully trap in marriage but it has only hurt them. Morgan keeps his sexual endeavors on the down low, no one knowing about the company keeps. He hasnโ€™t told any of his family and he doesnโ€™t plan on it.

This season, his parents are pressuring Morgan to find a wife. His brother's reputation is far more tainted than his own and his sisters need as much pull as they can get. Morgan had drilled into him that he would help to ensure his sisters went off to good families, that he would marry a proper young woman, and produce sons. That wasnโ€™t something he could do with the company he liked to keep. He is dreading this season, not wanting any part of society. He just hopes that the obligations he feels wonโ€™t destroy what little part of himself he has left.

Views on Society?: Morgan loathes the idea of Society and The Season. Society expects everyone to fit in a prim and proper box and due to those rules, Morgan could never be 100% himself. His true hopes would be that marriage would be out of love and not obligation, something he will never be able to experience.

Morgan puts up a front out in Society. He is very charismatic, outgoing, and charming. He is always one to give a signature wink or devilish grin. The Ton knows him as a ladies man and a carefree spirit. He always talks about his travels (leaving out details), and keeps up a charming appearance. He is wanted by the ladies and admired by the men. He goes on hunts that he is invited on and just tries to live out the expectations that are laid out for him. Behind closed doors, Morgan struggles putting up a front for society. His family wants to paint this perfect picture even though they are far from it. He is tired of his parents wanting their children to fix the financial issues and he just grows tired of being someone he is not. Morgan is a lot more soft spoken when he is able to be himself. He spends his free time painting and the quietness that accompanies it. He is not a confrontational person when all is said and done but he hopes one day, he can be.
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Ian Amesbury

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    Ian Zachary Amesbury

    Age and Date of Birth:
    27 (December 10th, 1788)

    Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status:
    Whereever the wind blows, ya know? ; Definitely single.

    Face Claim:
    Young Henry Cavill

    No one important but works for the Jameson Family

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  • #rake
    #giorgio belli
    eldest son
    Henry Davenport
    reveriee ยฉ

    #eloise smyth
    youngest daughter
    Matilda Bloomington
    reveriee ยฉ

    #timothรฉe chalamet
    odd newcomer
    Theodore Willowby
    reveriee ยฉ

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Name: "My name is Evelyn Forbes"
Nickname: "I go by many names such as Evie, Eve, or Red"
Age: "I have become 18 springs young"
Gender: "I beg your pardon? I do believe that I am nothing more than a female, yet some people in this society may refer to my antiques as masculine behavior."
Sexual Orientation: "I have never been in love yet, however, meeting a man who holds more than just his wealth and status may catch my eye."
Family: (Bloomington, Davenport, or Other): "They have probably disowned me by now, I am a Forbe, though I am being hosted by my generous aunt, Dowager Marchioness Nora Harrington" Evelyn is a Forbes, a long linage coming from high influential members of the court in Ireland. Her father is a great figure in Ireland, an Earl.
Married?: "Oh great heavens no, however this season will be my first, and I am only doing it for my aunt and other reasons."

Growing up in the world of the prim and proper has led Evelyn to reject the way society views her. Out of all of her six siblings, Evelyn has always been a fiery spirit, and her mother believes it is because of her unexpected red hair that also catches the eye of quite a few. Evelyn grew up having her mother try to build her into the perfect wife for a marriage she did not agree nor know about since it was signed a long time ago before she was even born. Evelyn was to be wed to the Duke of Abercorn, who as she calls him a brute and a scoundrel.

For years, her mother and her have always gone back and forth with the marriage arrangement, Evelyn finds it absurd and she will do anything to not wed him. Though politically it would be good for the family, though at what cost, she thought? Even going to extreme measures of running away from him. The first time she did it, she was not as successful, however, the second chance she got was more planned and she made her journey to her aunt across waters. Her father was never one to refuse her daughter, however Evelyn felt as though her mother kept her father on a tight leash, and anything she said goes. Though they did make a deal with her, that if she were to not find her match by the end of the season, then she must come back to Ireland and wed the Duke of Abercorn.

Her aunt is Dowager Marchioness Nora Harrington, her husband had past a few winters ago and while she is devastated, she is glad that she is no longer alone as she has taken the responsibility of hosting her favorite niece. Evelyn was and still is attached and favors her aunt more than anyone in the world, which is why it was no surprise that her aunt opened her arms and homes to her as refuge and haven. Her aunts home was like a second one that was judgement free and allowed her to express herself the way she wanted too, and not to mention spending some of her summers here as a child when they visited, but this time she has never gone alone without her family.

Evelyn always found it suffocating that her mother would try to build her up to what society deems as acceptable and trying to make her become the perfect match for another families gentlemen or brute. It is the reason why she chooses to act herself, and her aunt always supported her. However, due to the fact that she runs around the Harrington estate freely, her aunt thought it would be a good idea to get her into the season, showing her a different type of world then what her parents or more so her mother had in mind for her. Not to mention the deal that they had made with her. Evelyn spends all of her time down by the lake or she can be seen going through the forest to forage herbs, as that is one of her many interests.

Though now that the season is starting, Evelyn is being fitted and prepped for her first season out. Her first season in a completely new country and a new ton that she will have to maneuver around in order to survive and secure a match unfortunately.

Views on Society?:
"Society would like my view on what I think? I think that every young woman and mama is always ready to throw and lung at the next opportunity that presents itself to them. I do not want to be "matched" to anyone, though these young women should want more in their lives than being wedded off. This season will be a tough one, especially with this so called Lady Whistledown watching their and now my every move."

Evelyn has an array of personalities. To those that are close to her, she will let her guard down and be who she is, no matter how many times they yell at her for bothering them or talking too much. They know everything about her and she could never hide anything from them either, or so they think. Evelyn learned to protect herself, she feels as though in a society full of scrutinizing gazes, she has to be tough, especially when she needs to defend herself.

Evelyn made herself to be as honest as possible in the face of man, she is an intellectual that would do anything to gain knowledge and she will soak up every bit of information that she gets. Her head is either in a book, overhearing a conversation from behind the walls during her aunts many, many high parties.

However, all of those strong personalities often times comes with underlying baggage. She feels guilt for running away from her responsibilities, a failure to her family, which is why Evelyn has a constant battle with herself mentally because she tries so hard to fit into society, when that is not who she truly is, as well as trying to gain the approval of the ton.

Moral Alignment:
is this their first season?: "Yes, it is."
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Augustus Lovell Bloomington


  • Name:
    Augustus Lovell Bloomington. (Select people may call him August)


    Age and Date of Birth:
    21st April


    Marital status:
    Happily single, thank you, mother

    Male, he/him

    Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status:

    Face Claim:
    Daniel Sharman


    Received pronunciation

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Dowager Viscountess
Victoria Claire Bloomington


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    Victoria Claire Bloomington (nรฉe Lovell)
    Dowager Viscountess

    Age and Date of Birth:
    51 (July 17th, 1764)

    Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status:
    Heterosexual, Widowed

    Face Claim:
    Joely Richardson

    Matriarch of the Bloomington Family

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Imogen Bellmore, Dowager Countess of Stanhope
(Member Of The Ton)

(Face Claim: Harriet Slater)​

  • tumblr_3ac10f50977af93f7fcd9b4c8c5338c5_83a28e1c_540.gif
    Name: Imogen Bellmore

    Age & Date Of Birth: 25, Born October 9th

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Relationship Status: Widowed

    First Season: No, but first with the freedom of a widow

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Helena Bexley

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    Helena Bexley

    Age and Date of Birth:
    25, (January 3rd, 1790)

    Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status:
    TBD, unwed, and looking...

    Face Claim:
    Rose Williams

    Bexley Family (She is the Sole Survivor) aka Member of the Ton

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Amelia Bloomington

  • 4ad46216f3b7bec65a525e93e438d86e.jpg
    Name :
    Amelia Bloomington

    19 - 25th November


    Sexual Orientation:



    is this their first season?:


    Face claim:
    Emma Watson

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Euphemia PembrokeMember of the Ton



  • Name:
    Euphemia Pembroke (Effie to her friends)

    Age and Date of Birth:


    Marital status:

    Female, she/her

    Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status:

    Face Claim:
    Alisha Boe


    Received pronunciation

    Is this her first season?


Edmund HennessyMember of the Ton

View attachment 1163578

  • View attachment 1163868
    Edmund Arthur Simeon Hennessy

    Age and Date of Birth:


    Marital status:

    Surgeon (though his parents will tell you he's a physician)

    Male, he/him

    Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status:

    Face Claim:
    Ruairi O'Connor


    Received pronunciation

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Lydia Sinclaire


  • 2463d9650d47963dc57d3b1cacd4f2a7.jpg

    Lydia Davenport

    Age and Date of Birth:
    18 (December 24, 1797)

    Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status:
    Heterosexual, single

    Face Claim:
    Kristine Froseth

    The Sinclaires

    First Season?:

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traveling davenport

full name

ichabod davenport







s. orientation





Vacant of an overbearing physique of muscle it lies in wait beneath the appearance of a lean and lanky build of tattered bones and moonlight skin sticking to him latent to honeyed milk having the accidental knack of looking unfriendly and unapproachable. His body is a mosaic of unrest, thin limbs only lined with brawn consistently finding ways to make themselves useful whether it be continuous hand washing or finding a loose piece of thread to dawdle with while he stands idle in his shadows that mirror sanguine cesspools of apathy crowned with ample lashes; Ichabodโ€™s eyes seem to jarr into oneโ€™s very soul leaving the victims of his gaze uncomfortable more times than not, most missing the terror that fills them upon being looked at and the anxious fidgets to follow, quite content to rest in the shadows of his siblings. Carefully cut and framing the sharp counters of his face, Ichabod has long given up on styling it leaving it a mess of charcoal black.

As Blue As Indigo




come, hide from the heavens with me

Perfectly content to thrive in the shadows of others, wallflower prefers the peace that comes with anonymity rather the spotlight contrasting it. Garden of Eden hidden in the crooks of lush forests, the only sign of life being the songbirds and howling wind, the rustle of leaves from nearby wildlife is where one could find Ichabod, but unfortunately duty draws itโ€™s blade and he finds himself in the unwanted limelight despite his silent protests, lividity of title and sense of perpetual loyalty that proves to be the dagger he holds at his own throat.

Lack of enthusiasm when forced into fearful conversation with others often leads to the presumption of offhanded rudeness, sometimeโ€™s to the point of egoistical bullheadedness however that is far from the truth. Stuttering over words with awkward hesitance, Ichabodโ€™s mind runs smooth upon figuring out how to master the challenging hurdle of small talk, more reason to keep to himself; however this doesnโ€™t make him appalled upon blooming to select few with the patience to deal with him. Once hammer breaks down on iron shell, sickening molasses pours in, melting butter on sweet roll resting on silver platter for their enjoyment. A shoulder to cry on, the Davenport boy could never say no to the important and unimportant, ear willing to listen to troubles and be a temple of repose for others.

Softness of a doting mother, it makes it easy for him to temper bedside patience, this side of the lord is not given freely, no. It is earned. Before the steaming caramel rolls in, thereโ€™s a certain evasion to bypass before sneaking your way into the arms of Ichabod. A quick topic change upon any prod at getting close, any attempt at vulnerability lost for a man whoโ€™d like to remain an unsolved mystery. For some, this makes him all the more interesting, but vast majority lose interest just as heโ€™d like. His only interest remains his travels and freedom to the outside eye.

Canvas painted glimmering white, no one could expect a spoiled lord to have the gentle limbs of an artist. A stroke of forest green holds the same control that is easily lost as soon as a speck of dirt stains his flesh, cleaning his handโ€™s raw, red and blistered. A magnoliaโ€™s calmness soon lost into frenzy, bile rising, grime is the bane of existence. Frequent is he spotted changing gloves, meticulously upkeep the hygiene of his station, extra clothes always packed to ensure the feeling of cleanliness that may not be reached by organising his belongings six times over.

A gallop of muted browns, and the same frantic edge can be seen by those who look close, for a bird sits perched eyes always searching surroundings, a habit unforgettable. Warbler is easily startled when someone unexpectedly approaches him, making sure his hands and mind are occupied in moments of peace for an incessant unease lingers beneath the surface. Nevertheless, when put in situations of dire stress, ฤฐchabod thrives. Unwavering sangfroid, level-headedness, calm demeanour, and quick thinking often propel him into taking the unlikely role of a leader, a surprise to others and himself.

However, being a mystery to those around you, always fearing what lingers in the shadows you slowly begin to realise prioritising your feelings from being damaged has left you alone. Youโ€™ve kept yourself alive and mostly unscathed in the shadows of your siblings, but who to share the treasure of life with remains unknown, and it is oh so lonely, leaving Ichabod lost to an undefined oblivion wondering if he should let his boat sink to the bottom of the rigid ocean, or perhaps allow room for a crew to bring him back to shore.


poetry, art, tea, quiet nights, Nature. the colour brown, fog and rain, spicy food, Cooking, long walks, bugs


crowded areas, loud/jarring noises, snobbery, fish, winter, silence, pranks, surprises, PDA, sports, physical touch, violence


distant, cautious, isolated, secretive, timid, anxious, apathetic, stubborn, compulsive, complacent, quiet

reserved, attentive, dependable, observant, nurturing, friendly, self-disciplined, gentle, loyal, determined, methodical, empathetic, adaptable




Childhood is a repository of moments youโ€™d rather bury than mention, paintbrush creates memory flashes of dishes thrown across the room, porcelain becoming something to fear and dodge. Stroke of grey, and you remember older siblings trying to protect the younger from an intoxicated fatherโ€™s rage, and a trapped motherโ€™s pain.

Fearing the wrath youโ€™ve seen brought down upon willful brotherโ€™s you learn to keep your mouth shut from a young age Eyes averted to the floor, rushing through dinners a learned habit for if you linger too long, a plate may pass your head as screaming ensues. Hazy night, dewdrops sticking to window sills as the chills set into the walls, faintly you remember tearing down a canvas displaying the colours of Italy, praying to the Lord above in hopes you can be saved from a disdainful future.

You wake in your bed, clinging to painting with no prospect of a brighter future.

It is then, you decide, God does not exist and if he did you will not follow his path because if this was it you wanted no part of it.

Golden spoon available to melt on tongue, you take advantage of family's wealth, using it to throw yourself into studies until youโ€™re finally old enough to fulfil the dream of child. Finding a special interest in art, as age dawns you find yourself drawn more to France to cultivate your skills as an artist and this is the first of your travels.

The wonders of Paris are beyond what you have comprehended and the freedom is an overwhelming sweetness melting on your tongue. Itโ€™s foreign to eat dinner with the sound of delightful nothings behind you, no worry of dodging fine china but the lodged concern of your siblings fate is stuck in the back of mind like stake to heart.

Only seven and ten, the world of art distracts you, more particularly the art professor whoโ€™s taken a strange liking to you. While you look for the father figure youโ€™ve never had, he sees something entirely different. You ignore the signs of his advances and try and remain on civil terms yearning for a different type of connection until eventually it is with reluctance that you give in with threat of being disenrolled in classes.

One year left, you figure it cannot be that bad, but waking up in a bed that is not your own with a man twice your age soon weighs on you leaving a sinking feeling of disgust beneath the skin and no matter how many times you wash your hands, the soap will not cleanse it away. Skin raw and red after each interaction, confrontation is soon to happen and the woods nearby are the only place of privacy in the art institute. Raised voices, and you push too far his fist meeting your face resulting in a string of apologies in which you ignore walking back voicing that youโ€™re quitting and returning home for the searing anger of your father is nothing to the comfort of your siblings.

Fingers catch wrist and against will youโ€™re back in his arms with him telling you sweet sorries and professions of love. It doesnโ€™t work and you push him away. Watching older brotherโ€™s fight amongst themselves and parents' blood in your veins, it almost comes naturally to fight, and soon he is nothing but pulp, crimson staining knuckles, dirt disheveling appearance.

Panic overcomes you as you look at the unconscious teacher, and it appears he no longer breathes, so frantically you call for help, and are put into Franceโ€™s custody. After spinning a story of an argument, youโ€™re released from custody and you give up art school, speaking not a word to family about it instead continuing your travels unable to face siblings face-to-face slowly tracking back to London, from France to Venice, brushing by Amsterdam and Barcelona although you dare not let anyone within the walls of friendship, isolated in fear of manipulation and hurt.

You find yourself missing a mess of family, carriage pulls you from city to back to the house of Davenport, and rare luck shines as it turns out your travels have put a dent in family funds. In attempts to assist, you make yourself victim of Londonโ€™s mamaโ€™s searching for an eligible bachelor although with Whistledown on older brother and younger sister you wonder if efforts will prove futile.


Ichabod doesn't possess the greatest amount of respect for it, although doesn't express any open disdain for society. He doesn't particularly like the little boxes, the perfection expected from being apart of it, but makes a point to acknowledge the power society can hold. To ruin or make a person's a life.


Has a knack for painting particularly with oils.

Loves reading poetry and mystery novels.

Enjoys sneaking into the theatre occasionally to watch ballet. Enjoys the art and skill it takes to perform such, and the stories they dance. 10/10 but would rather be caught dead than admitting he's going out to watch it.


Tidying other people's appearances. Will casually reach over and adjust someone's tie, or tuck a loose strand of hair back

Pacing when nervous. Cannot stop moving. Makes him look like a cat who got ahold of too much catnip. Additionally, he buttons and unbuttons the cufflink of his sleeve when anxious or bored.

Humming when he's by himself. Has a decent singing voice but prefers humming to keep it from being too quiet when he's by himself.




โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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Lord Solomon Davenport

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    Solomon Henry Isaac Leopold Davenport

    Earl, Colonel

    Age and Date of Birth:
    58 (June 6th 1757)


    Marital status:

    Male, he/him

    Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status:

    Face Claim:
    Ian McShane


    Received pronunciation

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Caterina Davenport

  • req.

    FC: Helena Bonham Carter

    * name(s)
    Caterina Elizabeth Davenport (Maiden: Carter)
    * d.o.b.
    June 3rd
    * p.o.b.
    * age
    * married?




    Lady Davenport

    * height
    * weight
    * build
    * hair colour
    * eye colour
    * moral alignment
    chaotic good
    * MBTI





โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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Duchess Scarlet Capri Jameson

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    Duchess Scarlet Capri Jameson (Duchess of Bedford)

    Age and Date of Birth:
    21 (October 27th, 1794)

    Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status:
    Straight ; unwed (looking with haste...)

    Face Claim:
    Emily Carey

    Member of the Ton, Duchess

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Francis "Frankie" Bloomington
Second Eldest Bloomington Son

body type
body modifications
Noah LaLonde
"My family is everything to me."
Frankie is a down to earth, lovable, ray of sunshine. He is always one to lighten the mood and overall a good person to be around. He is pretty oblivious when it comes to the hardships in the world but all he wishes is for his family to be happy and to one day start a family that has the same amount of love that he had.
His family
being useful
Being cold
Being a burden
Being Indoors
Someone upsetting his siblings

Francis Alexander Bloomington grew up knowing what a loving family felt like. He is the second oldest of the Bloomington children and wouldnโ€™t trade anything in the world for his siblings. He was given the freedom growing up to grow his interests. As a young boy, Francis grew to love horseback riding more than anything. His mother would find him asleep in the stables when he was a young boy. He always insisted on doing all of the horse care himself even if it were frowned upon by society that he do so. The older Francis got, the more he enjoyed the company of his family and while they have had their ups and downs as well as the death of their father, he cherishes the time he gets with them.

Francis didnโ€™t do much traveling like most young men do in The Ton and instead mainly stayed in their countryside home, tending to the stables and enjoying the time there. He of course invited his family there frequently because while enjoyed being able to take care of business on his own, he is too much of a family man to stay away too long.

Now that he is 24, he is back in London. He missed being in his familial home and figured his mother and brother would need his support with two of his sisters being presented to society. He also knows their mother is hoping August will find someone as well. Francis himself is open to having a family of his own but he is holding out for someone that gives him the spark that his mother and father shared. He wonโ€™t settle for less.
View on Society
Frankie has no ill will to society. He just hopes it treats his sisters right this season because nothing is more important to him.
MBTI & Moral Alignment
ENTP and Lawful Good
fun facts
Are You Bored Yet? -The Wallows

coded by Stardust Galaxy
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Miliani Primrose

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    Miliani Primrose

    Age and Date of Birth:

    Member of the Ton

    Face Claim:
    Savannah Steyn

    Marital Status & Sexual Orientation:
    Unwed - Heterosexual


    First Season?

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Weston Sinclaire
Marquess of Winchester


  • daec03d2bc197d9b34418b58743093bf.jpg
    Weston Sinclaire, Marquess of Winchester

    Age and Date of Birth:
    24 (June 12, 1791)

    Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status:
    Heterosexual, single

    Face Claim:
    Josha Strawdowski

    The Sinclaires

    First Season?:

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