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Dark School


Local-super-mega-Potassium-cyborg Ninja!
A special school for speciall "People" but theas people are not normal they are supernatural,this school had vampiers,Ghost,Demons,angels and what not as this school was for the speciall..those that are away from humans and here is a tale of two SN and there odd school

(Rp for only mi and Skylar black)

Mi character sheet

Name:Yuri solotov



Personality:Nice,Short temperd,shy somtimes,Mood swing

Tipe of SN:Crawler

Powers/Abilitis:Shadow manipulation,Shadow transformation=He can turn too multiple cretures freely made out of darknes


Name: Raven Night

Age: 17 (in supernatural years) 217 (in human years)

Gender: Female

Powers: Controlling others and reading minds.


Likes: The dark, music, reading, training, fighting.

Dislikes: Crowds, perky people, snobs, light.

Personality: Sarcastic, moody, doesn't trust anyone.

Bio: Parents abandoned her and her brother when she was five with a man named Erik Huka. Erik loved the children, or so they thought. Once they became old enough, he experimented on them constantly and in the worst ways. Raven's brother died from a horrible experiment and she escaped at age fourteen. 
Raven looked around her new dorm room, her face emotionless. She plugged in her ipod to her speakers and played her music full blast as she unpacked.
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Yuri would reach the school Finnaly after some long walking,as he neters the school he would look at a small paper in his hand with the Number 031 as that was his dorm number,as he would walk inside looking for his dorm room and findes it,as he enters and would start too unpack and hearing anoying Music from a nother room,as he would sigh and try too ignore and continue unpaking
Raven finished unpacking. The only stuff she had was clothes, weapons, a few survival supplies, and toiletries. She usually didn't stay in one place for long and hadn't bothered bringing posters or anything.
(Survival Supplies?....dam ok xD )

As he finish unpacking as he dint bring much only clothe and other simple things,as he was anoyd of that music not that he hated it but it was too loud,as he would peek out of his dorm and yell at the dorm were the music was coming from "Hey pleas lower that music its toooo lllooouuuddd!!"he yells hope she hears
Raven rolled her eyes and picked up a book and sat on her bed, ignoring the boy. She laid down and began reading, not lowering the music. 
(Adding another character on the character sign up sheet, btw)

Yuri would sigh as it must be too loud for her too hear him,as he would close the door of his dorm but still hear the music like normal and he would cover his ears trying too stop hearing it but it was too loud,so loud it kinda chake the floor slightly,as he would sigh and sit on his bed and open one of the boxes and start too get things out
Raven smirked when he left and continued to read until she realized she couldn't read with the music so loud so she turned it down a few notches.

Akio Maki smirked as he stepped out of the limo, standing in front of the school. 
(@Yonsisac? kōhai you there?)
(Sorry senpai Busy with other RPs)

Yuri would yell happyli from his dorm too the girls dorm "Thanks!!"he says as he kept unpacking -Short-
Raven rolled her eyes and continued reading.

Akio walked into the dorm building and into room 031. He saw a boy unpacking. 'Must be a servant father sent.' he thought. "When you're done with the clothes get me a list off all the students in my year that are worth my time." Akio said and laid on the bed.
Yuri would be Very confused as he sees a man enter his room and think this is his room and tell himwhat too do ...nonono...as he would say too the man "Excuse mi but i think you got the wrong room..This is mi room"
Akio glared at the boy. "If I say this is my room, this is my room. So if I were you I'd get out. I specifically ordered this room and said no roommates so it's you who are wrong."
Yuri would be even ore confused,as he reaches his pocket and get out the card with the number 31 on it and information and shows it too the boy and says "I guess you are wrong"
Akio pulled out a identical card from his pocket but with his name on it and growled. "This has to be a mistake." Raven knocked on the door frame and stood in the doorway. "Those idiots sent one of my boxes to this room." Raven said curtly. Akio smirked at Raven and looked her up and down. Raven just glared at him.
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Yuri would sigh and he really was confused as he would take a deep breath and say"Ok so you are here in this room because you got the same card as mi and you now got here because they plase somthing here that is yours"he says confused as he look at the two
"Yes." Raven and Akio said at the same time. Akio smirked at Raven while she just glared at him. "It's a small red box." She said to the boy who'd come to her room earlier.
Yuri would raise both of his eyebrows and look at the box he was opening...thank god he dint opne in compleastly,as he picks it up and leands it too girl and says "I dint see in it so dont worry"
Raven took it and walked out without saying thank you or anything. Akio continued to smirk. "I'm definitely staying so i guess we're roommates." He said.
Yuri gave a small smiel and roll his eyes and say "Hooooo i wonder what made you change your minde"he says as he dint minde him being his roomate but atleast he had compani...but hope he is good one that is
(Good night will continue tommorow) 
Yuri would look at the boy and say "Yuri solotov.....Hmmm...Is that the compony that they make Luxery good correct?"he says as he remembers buying a ring from some company...maybe its his as he remembers a similer name...Or maybe is a nother one
Yuri would nod as he is imprest really.....must be a global Resours company of somkinde,as he would look at the beds and say "So wish bed you take....The left one or the right one?"
(Damit no alerts sorry senpai)

Yuri nods and says "Alright then i will take the right one"he says as he would grab his things and move them too his side and says "Ok there.....now...If im correct the classes will start in a bit"

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