Blood and Glory - Neutral Characters


Pounce Ninja
NPC/ Staff

This is where you post any NPC related to your character. This can be friends, family, boyfriend, betting partner, ect. More importantly this is also where you post your staff and trainers for your Champion.

Please make only ONE post and edit it as more characters/ information is added. For those who on a team and share staff feel free to just note that on your post if the other person already has the information listed.

Every Champion has a trainer.

Needed information:

Bio NPC Info.


Relationship: (how are they related to your character)

Appearance: (You can write it or add a picture, I'm not picky. )

Short Bio: (As long or short as you want it to be. Can be edited as RP progresses)
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Name: Christine Whickerbottom, prefers Mrs.Whickerbottom

Relationship: Is Handler for Jekyll Wilson. Details objective.

Appearance: Short, about 4'5" and has many wrinkles littered about her face. Unassuming, Mrs.Whickerbottom does not look like the type to harm others, but the cane she carries is infamous for causing many bruises. Frail body is prone to surgery, however overall, she is one tough momma. Well, I say that, but she isn't a mother. If anything, she is one tough not-momma.


Short Bio: A champion when she was twenty herself, now 91, Mrs.Whickerbottom retired when she was 30, but continued to work as a Handler for the rest of her life. Meeting her husband, Alfred, Mrs.Whickerbottom was the happiest she had been in a while, her leave from work causing an depression, which had been brought on by the lack of activity and Nectar, which was much more addictive in its earlier models. However, it was not meant to be, as she was found to be Sterile, as well as her husband, who was on his last planned year as a Champion, died in an stampede of Buta. She continued to work, and persevered for life, even forgoing retirement, to make sure that more Champions would not die. She met Jekyll Wilson in his first year, and claimed him as her own. Over the years, they have developed what most would see as animosity for the other, but Mrs.Whickerbottom does care, even if she does not know his own feelings for the matter.

More to come~ (By that I mean Lil' Brown and maybe that Blondie I mentioned in my first post Shrug)
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Name: Maxwell Johannas

Relationship: Trainer

Appearance: Brown hair, Goatee, Scar diagonally across his face.

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 243 lbs

Age: 59

Short Bio:

Maxwell was a retired champion, who quit when he lost a fight to a Mantis, left with a large scar covering his face. When he retired, he was offered a job as a trainer at Eximius, and jumped at the chance to go back to his home. His first trainee was a girl named Nicole Green, a prodigy of her time. He was glad to have her as a student, and taught her everything he could, seeing a bit of himself inside her. Her second student followed a few years later: Nicole's little sister, Madison. He gave the same lessons to her, though she seemed too passive to do well. When Nicole was killed and Madison retired, Maxwell quit, refusing to take another student, unable to handle the loss again. When Madison returned, he once again returned to Eximius, hesitant but glad to be back.


Name: Peeter Adams

Relationship: Leader of Anti-Drug Task Force (ADTF)

Appearance: Bald all over his body, not one hair anywhere. He usually wears sunglasses and a cap to cover his face.

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 290 lbs

Short Bio:

Peeter was born in an upper class district of Arcadia, living a privileged life. Upon reaching adulthood, he got a master's degree in criminal and law studies, and became a police officer. He rose through the ranks quickly, eventually being tasked with working with Champion Madison Green to stop illegal use of Line and Line-like products outside of Eximius.


Name: Rue Nightwind

Relationship: Second in Command of ADTF

Appearance: Black hair shaved to only an inch long, blue eyes.

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 123.2 lbs

Short Bio:

Rue was born in a low income area of Arcadia, living just a few floors from Madison in an apartment complex. She managed to do well for herself, making it through college and earning a spot in the ADTF, working with her childhood neighbor and friend.
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Name: Kascey Greene

Relationship: Trainer, in charge if the support team


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.88832e7f02a9f5100f012fe128f588ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36696" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.88832e7f02a9f5100f012fe128f588ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Short Bio: Due to her last client (being another champion) retired, she searched for work. Her attention was turn for a very small girl with a gift of becoming "ghost-like". Instantly she saw potentional. Her high spirits and the amount of energy packed into such a small girl caught her eye. So she took her in and trained her until she was able to go on her first competative hunt.



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Name: Jeremy Lynch, prefers to be called 'Jack' reminds him of his days as a champion.

Relationship: Uncle and Trainer for Phantom Vigil
and Handler for Xerxes. (Sephtis too as soon as he joins)

Appearance: Tall and broad, six-foot-five with a barrel chest with scars littering it. He holds home to crows feet and many other wrinkles including a permanent scowl on his face much like any other grumpy old men. Jack isn't prone to approaching things gently and is extremely brutal though he has a heart of gold. Known out there as probably 'The toughest old son-of-a-bitch in Arcadia."

Short Bio: Uncle to two and brother to one, Jeremy was the ideal man for any sort of 'man' job from heavy lifting to construction working. He was a champion before his brother for a long very rough year , very odd but useful mutations and for this reason he tried convincing his brother to join the hunt so they could profit together. Jeremy's mutation is to move the organs around in his body, saving him from situations that would result in death, thus is why he has so many scars. As for his brother was the ability to generate a force field around any portion of his body, he would of been practically unkillable if it wasn't for the side-effects, which made him lose sense of reasoning and he was torn apart by a Bezin after believing his brother was bluffing when he said he would not be able to defeat it. Jeremy shut himself out of the world after this happened, even from his family, his nephew's only have seen him once when they were both infants and the chance of remembering him slim. He is now currently seventy-one years old as he finally came out of hiding when he was sixty when he heard tale of his eldest nephew graduating. He became a trainer specifically for the two of them and has been going by an altered version of his champion name 'Lumberjack' as he favored an ax for a weapon. You'd think Xerxes, as smart as he is would figure out the connection between the two by now. Now he safe-guards Xerxes and Sephtis hoping one day he can reveal himself to his nephews but this can only come when he can stop blaming himself for their loss.
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Alexis Reiner


Alexis is Matt's trainer, and an Ex-champion


Alexis is short, thin, baby-faced and incredibly tired of being thought of as a child. She looks to be the age of 12-14, but that's due to her powers. She was born with a more compact, stronger body with wings and a three times longer life expectancy than normal people. Opposed to how she looks, she's actually a 44 year old woman. She's got an elaborate cybernetic right wing and arm that are a lot more pretty than they are combat worthy. The wing although it looks like it's metal, is actually made out of flexible materials and serves as a proper replacement for the original one.

Short Bio

Alexis was once a proud champion, protecting the people of Arcadia with a very noble personality. She was the incarnation of a knight in shining armour and incredibly popular with the crowds due to her burning passion for protecting the people and serving justice. Due to one of the side-effects of her power, she was also going to be able to keep doing her job as a champion for much longer than any of the normal people around, which just made her feel more proud about being a champion of the people. That is, of course, until she almost had half her torso ripped off by a group of acid bears. Luckily for her, she had a partner nearby who managed to keep her alive until they returned to Arcadia. When she woke up in the hospital she made the decision to retire from the hunts to a lot of her fans' disappointment, and therefore got cybernetics that looked nice instead of cybernetics that were good for combat. She herself says she retired so she could help new champions with their marksmanship and fighting techniques, but anyone who knows her even remotely personally could figure out that she worked up a manic fear of the monsters outside.



Elias Peterson


Elias is in charge of looking over Matt and making sure he doesn't go crazy - again.


Elias is of average body build, with perhaps just a little extra weight on his limbs due to late nights with good food. He's got semi-long white hair which were attained by age, but his eyes are blue as opposed to the picture.

Short Bio

Elias was a child prodigy. He graduated at the top of his classes in expensive private schools, and was funded throughout his youth by his filthy rich parents. It wasn't entirely unexpected that he was going to become a doctor, as it was the only thing he ever claimed he wanted to be as a child. And he succeeded. Multiple times over. It's almost a miracle he managed to, though. He's so tired you'll get exhausted from looking at him.


Stealth Strike

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    Name: Anton

    Relationship: Trainer

    Short Bio:

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Name: Jonathan "Johnny" Ross

Relationship: Number one fan of Rebecca Viridian(Pestilence) and the Four Horsemen


Johnny has blonde hair and greenish eyes, He looks like a typical nerd and loves to wear black to blend in to certain environments. His glasses are wide framed and black, and they transition from reading glasses to sunglasses when needed.

Bio: Jonathan was a big fan of the Hunt on TV. However when he saw the Four Horsemen in Action, he was beyond hooked. He developed a website strictly based off of the Champions War, Pestilence, Famine, and Death; became President of their Fan-club, and hosts weekly parties where they watch the TV show of the Four Horsemen. His favorite Horseman however is Rebecca Viridian, known as Pestilence. He grew deep feelings for her, and wishes that she will return them one day, regardless of her flaws and insecurities. He always writes to the Four Horsemen, even though sometimes they do not reply to his letters due to being busy or just plain annoyed by it. His least favorite Horseman is Death, seeing that he doesn't "Treat Pestilence like the lady that she is," and is very disgusted with the DeathXPestilence fanfiction. He does however ship War and Pestilence, but not as much as his ship with himself and Pestilence.

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    Name: Agnis Adira Pera

    Relationship: Mother to Sica and CEO of Cyber Nex.

    Short Bio: Agnis Adira Pera is mother to Sica Pera and the CEO of Cyber Nex. She had inherited the company after her father had passed and had been more than willing to take control. She runs the company and her household with an iron fist. Due to Cyber Nex's monopoly over the city it has gained a position of such power that it is one of the three companies that run the city pf Tecavah. Any mistakes the company makes is quickly swept under the rug and Agnis quickly 'disproves any rumors' that is made about the company. Within the city she is seen as the treasurer and external affairs, she is responsible for Tecavah's decision to horde most technology to themselves.

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NPC Info.

Name: Heinz Körbal

Relationship: Bartender/Tech Handler


Short Bio: One of the best bartender's in existence, yet one of Kyle's oldest friends and maintainer of Grit. Victor maintains the bar while Kyle heals and trains for his matches, being a bartender and right hand man to a champion isn't always easy, but when you need someone, find someone who can make a drink, now only if Kyle could understand half of what this man says.

Nationality: German
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Name: Krieger Glishten

Appearance: Field Outfit:

Relationship: Father to Heinrich

Bio: Krieger is a genius inventor with a sky-high IQ only matched by his insatiable desire for knowledge. After becoming inspired to invent again to support his son's Champion career, Krieger hired onto the Arcadian Government to design and test new weapons. Some of which he has kept for himself, while also going beyond the expectations of those who request inventions from him. The man is very focused, insanely so, and sees anything, even other living people like Iris, as possible conduits for the advancements of science. Now he struggles to control his urge with what little principles he has left.


Sonic Dispersal Device (S.D.D.): A watch-sized experimental weapon of such force as to incapacitate individuals, and even knock some unconscious should it be dialed to full strength. (Attached to left wrist)

Variable. Energy. Intelligent. Logistics. Shield (or V.E.I.L. shield for short): This experimental device vibrates the field of electrons found around all things to give the illusion of solidity, adjusting the 'strength' of the shield to account for the impact that strikes it. Allowing Krieger to withstand any impact, blow, bullet, stab, anything that should come his way. However, this device can only function for thirty seconds a day. Also, due to the nature of the device, Krieger has to remain completely immobile during it's use. (Chest area)

Electric.Shock.Pacifier. (E.S.P.): Two cables inside a device on Krieger's right wrist puncture the skin of, and latch onto, the victim. Detaching small fish-hook like spikes to hold itself in place. Before unleashing volts of electricity pre-determined by the user. This device is mostly used by law-enforcement to incapacitate suspects. However, Krieger's can kill should he feel the need.

Direct. Impact. Retractable.Tool. (D.I.R.T.): The D.I.R.T. is a blade, screwdriver, welding device, hypodermic needle and flamethrower all in one. Located all in the back of Krieger's left glove, Krieger often employs the DIRT when tinkering on experiments or when he used to practice hand-to-hand combat with his son. Though by no means a match for a Champion, Krieger is skilled enough to hold his own against specially trained law enforcement officials.

Advance. Reconnaissance. Combat-Suit (A.R.C. Suit): A highly-flexible and sturdy suit interwoven with kevlar fibers and a layer of thin carbon-fiber steel between the Kevlar pads, provides excellent protection from both blunt and slashing damage of all types. The face-mask of the suit is equipped with a built-in re-breather for toxic environments, an advanced A.I. HUD for processing and storing valuable scientific information, and lastly, the headband that controls the T.R.I.D.E.N.T. System.

T.R.I.D.E.N.T. Defense System: Basically three of these [URL=""][/URL] that Krieger controls with his mind (And not whistling). But only during dire circumstances as prolonged exposure to the system causes terrible headaches and even death should it malfunction.

Miscellaneous Equipment: Approximately 5 flash-bang grenades, 20 inter-changeable needles of varying lengths, 10 Electrifying Bolo's, and a 9mm handgun just in case. (Most of these items are only on Krieger when he is 'in the field' not when he is in Arcadia.)
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Name: Kenneth V. Hearthman


Age: 37

Charles' special weapons expert in the Fourth Echelon syndicate/personal body guard/childhood friend.


Short Bio:
Kenneth grew up in the corrupt city of Whielmyer alongside Charles and Dan. Back in the day, Kenneth was the one who kept the two out of trouble during school. Well... for the most part, at least. As he grew older, Kenneth took a huge interest with joining up the Third Echelon with Dan and Charles, and would often than not pick the jobs where he would be tasked to protect some of their turf from rival mafias. As Charles desired more than just Whielmyer and had set his sights to Arcadia, Kenneth willingly joined his friend on their mission to plunge Arcadia into corruption. Kenneth is very balanced as far as taking care of a situation goes; he can be the "act now, talk later" type of guy very often, but not without a plan or without an idea as to how to not die. He does take his work very seriously, even whenever Dan or Max cracks up a joke here and there for some fresh air from the typical gritty atmosphere they're usually in. Though he doesn't talk much around a group of people, you can always bet on him talking a hell of a lot more to Charles whenever others aren't around. Even though he's also very close to Dan, he just really looks up to Charles, and tries to do his best to not disappoint him at all cost. This makes him pretty damn reservative towards others, and will only speak his mind when he really has to, or when he's told to do something. Kenneth is Charles' special weapons expert, and will typically be the one arming his boss or Dan whenever they're going to take on business for the Fourth Echelon. He also oversees weapon shipments to and from other gangs.


Name: Daniel (Dan) C. Ross


Age: 42

Fourth Echelon's head of product trafficking/Charles' personal body guard/childhood friend.


Short Bio:
Daniel Ross, born into corruption in the city of Whielmyer and childhood friend of Charles and Kenneth, Dan is the brawn of the group, who would typically get him and Charles into trouble with other kids, making it harder for Kenneth to try to get them out of trouble. As they grew older, Dan began to get too sucked into gambling and booze, to the point where he had been kicked out from many casinos within the city. Of course, he gained back entry after joining the Third Echelon with Kenneth and Charles. Where Kenneth succeeded with protection, Dan succeeded with being the aggressor. He would often than not join in on raids against enemy turfs, and would typically boast about his best kill during a "turf war." Once Charles decided to move on from Whielmyer, Dan joined along, but he was very unsure of whether moving to a bigger city would be a good idea. After Charles insisted on becoming a Champion to better smuggle the line, to later create their own version of said line and build the foundation to the Fourth Echelon, Dan became fully aware of Charles' goal, and whole-heartedly agreed to continue entrusting his loyalty to him.

As mentioned, Dan is the brawn of the group; he doesn't necessarily uses his own strength even though he is a tough fellow, he is the one in the group that would prefer a, for example, blunderbuss than a flintlock pistol or a long ranged rifle. His hand to hand skills are exceptional, but his firearm skills is where he is at his best; in fact, he was one of the men in Third Echelon who trained Charles to further turn him into the deadly man he is today. Though not very bright when it comes to bringing a plan into the table on the fly, he can be very resourceful and will always find a way to get the job done so long as he can punch someone's face in. Although he detests having to go through a stealthy approach against an enemy, he does acknowledge it's advantages. He can also be slightly immature, mainly just to break the seriousness between Kenneth and Charles most of the time.


Name: Maxwell (Max) Spencer


Age: 29

Charles' assistant and personal recruit.


Short Bio:
Born into the slums of Arcadia, Max managed to grow out of the cruel living conditions his family was stuck in with his optimistic personality safe and sound. Of course, his innocence would not last very long, but he made damned sure that his true self would not be swayed by the things he had to do to survive. A rather happy-go-lucky type of guy, Max is usually the one to crack up a joke just to try to lighten up the mood. No matter the situation, he is always cheerful. This however, makes for a "not so serious" personality, even though he fully understands what goes on around him. Of course, that is something he is trying to get better with.

Max quickly rose up the ranks within the Fourth Echelon after personally being recruited by Charles during their first encounter. Something about Max reminding Charles of his younger days. He is currently Charles' assistant, typically keeping track of the ins and goings of the underground organization for his boss, planning out situations for his boss, and keeping tabs on who runs which turf in Arcadia and what's going on with them. He is currently the youngest member of the Fourth Echelon who has gotten into a position high enough to even speak to Charles personally. Charles does see a lot of potential in Max, and hopes to train him to be just as good as Dan and Kenneth, if not better.
Name: Akira Tamayo

Relationship: Alistairs Mentor


Bio: Akira was a family friend, After the tragedy that befell Alistairs family and the sudden distance that began to grow between Alistair and his Family. She decided to step in and take him from the environment, if this was consented by his parents is still unknown. Akira was a former champion, often praised for her stealth and tracking skills. which she taught to Alistair, well the tracking part, he wasnt good with stealth. She silvery hair and steel coloured eyes, Alistair views her as the most beautiful woman he knows. Akira is roughly 12 years older than Alistair, thought she looks young for her age, which often leads to people mistaking her for being in her mid 20's, She was never as well known as other champions.

Akira views Alistair almost as a younger brother to her, if she could she would go with him everywhere. but she knows that he has to grow in strength on his own, she worries intensely about him when he ever goes on a hunt.
Grant Klarson Bio
NPC Info

Grant Klarson

Relationship: Trainer (Mute)

Short Bio: Grant used to be a champion with the alias Smokescreen, having the power to generate a thick, sometimes suffocating fog from his lungs or hands. He was not a long-running champion, only being in action for four years before retiring to a training job so he could be with his family more, having a finishing kill count of 205. He has trained Nadia for most of her life as a champion, favouring stealth tactics and a non-Nectar approach to hunting. He still holds regular training sessions with Nadia when she isn't hunting, and when he's not training her he spends time with his wife and daughter.


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