What Walks Among Us. . .


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[insert Gif Given Here]

| Personal Info |

Name: It's stated

Nickname: If any

Sexual Orientation:

Prior Occupation: It's stated

Current Occupation: It's stated

Distinguishing Marks: Piercings, Scars, or Tattoos?

| What's on the Inside |

Personality: At least a paragraph

Hobbies: At least 3 (before the apocalypse or even during the apocalypse)

Habits: At least 3

Oddities: At least 2 (Allergies, Sickness, Addictions, Traumas, etc)

Likes/Loves: (At least 5)

Dislikes/Hates: (At least 5)

| What Makes Us Special |

Character Skills/Talents: What is your character good at doing? (At least 4)

Character Flaws/Weaknesses: What is your character bad at doing? (At least 4)

Secrets: If any

Fears/Phobias: At least 3

| Biography |

Place Of Origin:

History: The more detailed and the lengthier, the better (At least a paragraph)(Opt.)

Relationships: Married, Kids, Siblings, Friends? Anyone in the group that is. Pm the role-player before adding them here.

Happiest Memory:(Opt.)

Saddest Memory:(Opt.)


Name || Age || Prior Occupation || Traits || Current Occupation || Face Claim || Other || Status


Robyn Dempsey || 53 || Social Worker || Laid-back, clear-headed, goal-oriented, easily offended || Unofficial group leader || FC: Julianne Moore || Mother of Conner Walters ||
TAKEN by Pusheen


Nathan Walters || 36 || Formerly a First Sergeant in the US Army || Charming at first, but hot-headed, rude, arrogant, outspoken, protective || Unofficial second in command/Hunter || FC: Paul Walker || Married to Conner Walters ||


Dillon Clayworth || 33 || College Professor || Socially Awkward, Adaptable, Inconsiderate, Intuitive || Unofficial third in command/Scavenger || FC: Hugh Dancy ||


Conner Walters || 31 || Auto-mechanic || Pacifist, Observant, Meticulous, Stubborn, Routine-Oriented || Hunter/Sentinel || FC: Wentworth Miller || Married to Nathan Walters ||
TAKEN by Pusheen


Susan Foley || 34 || Surgeon || Cynical, focused, judgmental, blunt || Doctor/Sentinel || FC: Zoe Saldana ||
TAKEN by Sadlyimnotbatman


Stephen Greene || 24 || Waitress || Outgoing, Impatient, Witty, Artistic, and Sarcastic || Cook/Scavenger || FC: Jennifer Lawrence || TAKEN by BlueSatinSashes


Tanner Matthews || 17 || Student || Handy, Rash, Foolish, Determined || Scavenger || FC: Connor Jessup ||
TAKEN by CrackerPower


Willis Connel || 22 || U.S. Army Soldier || Focused, Organised, Tactical, Green || Hunter || FC: Drew Roy ||
TAKEN by Ink Bottle Faerie

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Name: Dillon Clayworth

Nickname: D-hole

Sexual Orientation: Ambisexual

Prior Occupation: College Professor (formerly)

Current Occupation: Third in Command (Unofficial)/ Scavenger

Distinguishing Marks: Tongue piercing, White Oleander tattoo on his left wrist.

| What's on the Inside |

Garrett is sarcasm, personified. He will always get the last word. And he is always right, even when he's wrong. He is pretty hot headed as well, due to the fact that no one wants to take the time to know him. Can be flirtatious, especially at the wrong time. He uses all this as a way to keep people out of his life. If he let's you in, he can be quite pleasant.

Hobbies: Reading, Giving out craftily made sarcastic remarks, Crocheting

Habits: Wakes up at 6 am, Licks lips when nervous, Twists hair when thinking

Oddities: Past addiction to meth, Has a lisp

Likes/Loves: Cigarettes, Brunettes, Joss Whedon, AHS Coven, Beef Jerky

Dislikes/Hates: Attitude, Dramatic Situations, Being Alone, Irresponsibility

| What Makes Us Special |

Character Skills/Talents:
Leading, Intuition, Running, Marksmanship

Character Flaws/Weaknesses: Arrogant, Over-Zealous, Pompous...and all of it is just a mask.

Secrets: Lost his job and wife when found having an affair with a male student.

Fears/Phobias: Drugs, Death of his Group Members, Not Being Liked

| Biography |

Place Of Origin:
Columbus, OH

Relationships: TBD...

(PM to brainstorm)

'Kill all sons of b*tches'

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| Personal Info |

Stephen Greene

Nickname: Stevie

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Prior Occupation: Waitress

Current Occupation: Cook/Scavenger

Distinguishing Marks: A tattoo of the a snapdragon on her ankle that she got when she was 15; a small scar on her collarbone and another on her knee.

| What's on the Inside |


(Given Traits): Outgoing, Impatient, Witty, Artistic, and Sarcastic

Stephen is a people person most of the time. Her time as a waitress has taught her that the easiest way to get good tips is by being friendly and sociable with customers. She has a million little anecdotes she loves to tell, and though her humor is often scathing, her warm smile and story telling prowess makes it hard for anyone to grow upset when she has a laugh at their expense. She can occasionally become snippy and aggressive when stressed, and her bad moods can last for days, though it's most definitely not a regular occurrence. Stevie likes to keep busy, and can become moody if she has too much time on her hands. She doesn't like waiting for things to happen, preferring to go out and make them happen herself. Heaven help you if you keep her waiting.

Stephen is extremely loyal, and once she gets attached to you, she'd give you the shirt off her back if you ask. She believes that a good friend is a friend for life, and tries to avoid conflict with those she holds dear. She has no problem apologizing even when she's not at fault in order to smooth things over. Humor is her main defense mechanism, and if things get tense, there's a good chance that Stevie will crack a very poorly timed joke to desperately try and lighten the mood.

Hobbies: Painting, mostly landscapes but she dabbled in portraits; Baking, especially cake decorating, as she found cake to be a fantastic canvas; Jogging, she used to run a mile everyday (and then go home and bake cookies, but she likes to overlook that detail); Kickboxing, which she used to take cheap lessons on every Tuesday and Thursday at the community center; Botany, her neighbor used to let her read all of his books when she was still in school, and gave her a few when he retired.

Habits: She talks with her hands; she bites her hair when she's focused; she hums while she's working; she taps her foot incessantly if she grows impatient; she bites her cuticles.

Oddities: Due to her get-up-and-go attitude, Stephen is wholly dependent on caffeine in order to function; She is highly allergic to citrus fruits; Her thumbs are double jointed.


Likes: Historical Dramas, Children, Lavender scented soap, Stand-up comedy shows, French Architecture, Cracked.com

Loves: Art, The Sound of rain, Good tippers, Climbing Trees, Snapdragons


Dislikes: Babies, Winter, Swimming, Guns, Dogs

Hates: Big Cities, Vanilla, Any app purposely designed to waste time

| What Makes Us Special |

Character Skills/Talents:
Cooking; Making supplies last; Conflict resolution; Is able to moderately defend herself; Is able to identify edible plants; Light on her feet; A fast learner

Character Flaws/Weaknesses: Has little to no aptitude for any task that requires patience; Has not had any formal weapon training of any kind and has to rely on hand to hand; Lacks all capacity for stealth; Is currently going through caffeine withdrawal; Believes that the zombies are still people and can be saved.

Fears/Phobias: Arachnophobia; Claustrophobia; Autophobia; Terrified that her parents may be already be zombies

| Biography |

Place Of Origin:
Columbus, Ohio

History: Stephen is an only child, born into a lower middle class family. Her mother was also a waitress and her father was a janitor at the local high school. She grew up in a small apartment, and was often looked after by her neighbor who was a botany professor when her parents had to work long hours. Her parents raised her to always look on the bright side and not let life get her down, so she rarely felt like she was missing out. Stephen became very fond of her art teacher in middle school, and dreamed of being an artist when she grew up. However, when Stevie was 16, her mother became ill and could no longer work, so Stephen had to drop out of school and work in her mother's place in order to pay the bills. She always kept telling herself that one day she's quit her job and follow her dream, but, as she was relatively happy in life, she always found reasons not to.

The last day she saw her parents was two days before the world went to Hell, on her Father's birthday. She hasn't heard from them since and has no idea whether they are dead or alive.

Relationships: TBD

Happiest Memory: When she was small and she'd wait next to the door for her daddy to come home, and he'd pick her up and carry her on his shoulders around the apartment.

Saddest Memory: The day that she had to drop out of high school.

Other: Kill all sons of b*tches

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| Personal Info |

Name: Conner Walters

Nickname: Connie or called by his middle name, Jeremiah, by his mother

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Prior Occupation: Auto-Mechanic

Current Occupation: Hunter/Sentinel

Distinguishing Marks: He has a rather large, thick scar under his Adam's Apple, reaching to the sides of his neck from a surgery he had when he was in his late 20's.

| What's on the Inside |


Confrontation is not his middle name. Fighting? He wants to be nowhere near it, doesn't want to see it, and certainly doesn't want to get caught up in it. Conner does pride himself on being more of a peacemaker, since he does not weigh heavily on his own opinions and is very open to someone else taking lead or making corrections. His clear-headedness in times of stress allow him to think things through rationally whereas others might rely on fight or flight. Conner's ultimate weakness is his dogged determination not to change his attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so. He will follow along as long as he see's it's good for him and the group but once the time comes, he will stand his ground to the end for his opinion. When confronted or singled out by another, Conner quickly grows defensive, but never raises his voice in an argument unless it's absolutely needed. Being a very routine-oriented man, Conner does some things repeatedly when he feels the urge to.


Jogging || Taking apart then rebuilding vehicles || Reading || Bird Watching


~ Scratching at the scar on his throat, sometimes to the point where it starts to bleed.

~ Toys with his wedding ring when nervous or bored.

~ Chews the inside of his cheek when he thinks.

~ Counts to ten and backwards then repeats the process either in his head or aloud when performing routine tasks.


~ His scar causes him some discomfort at times, making it harder for him to swallow or even breathe, especially when he overexerts himself.

~ Allergic to peanuts

~ Has been diagnosed with OCD since he was a young adult.


Chess || Family || Classic Literature || Twizzlers || Things going the way as planned || Things that are in order


The Infected || Being alone or abandoned || Filth or mess that surrounds him || Strangers || People that are a threat to his loved ones

| What Makes Us Special |

Character Skills/Talents:

Eidetic Memory - Photographic memory.

Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat - Mainly his husband taught him to pass the time.

Tool Man - Being a Auto-mechanic, he knows his way around an engine and a toolbox.

Character Flaws/Weaknesses:

Can't swim - After a traumatic event as a child, Conner never went near any body of water again.

Scar - Because of the scar on his neck he can't overexert himself.

OCD - When things get too hectic, even for him, he doesn't think clearly and has problems coping.

Secrets: TBA


Drowning || Prolonged death || Seeing a loved one as a zombie

| Biography |

Place Of Origin: Putnam County, Ohio

History: TBA (Once Robyn and Nathan are reserved and I talk to the role players playing her & him then I shall add this.)


Mother - Robyn Dempsey

Husband - Nathan Walters



| Personal Info |

Willis Connel

Nickname: Will

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Prior Occupation: U.S. Army Soldier

Current Occupation: Hunter

Distinguishing Marks: Small scar on cheekbone

| What's on the Inside |


Focused, Organised, Tactical, Green

Willis has learned that the easiest way to get through life is to stay calm. He's become exceptionally good at keeping his emotions in check and putting his head before his heart. However, his short tie in the army also taught him to be selfless. He values comrades above himself and will go above and beyond to ensure the safety of those he cares about. This makes it very easy for people to feel safe and drawn to him. Even so, this selflessness can occasionally lead to stupid acts of bravery. Will is so determined to keep others safe that it can sometimes appear he has no regard for his own life, but this may also stem from his addiction to adrenaline. The odd thing about this is that Will doesn't really get close to people. He enjoys the company of others and is used to being told secrets but he shares very little about himself.

To strangers Will still comes off as charismatic, but also distant and suspicious. He is comfortable to be around an will often make witty jokes and comments to lighten the mood. He is a bit of a perfectionist and if things don't go completely as planned he may shut down and seem to be quiet, angry, and cold. To some he is perceived as childish and desperate for attention. He gets along well with those who are kind to him and does what he can to keep himself in people's favor. Due to his natural charisma many people tend to trust him and rely on him. Most of the time he is fine with that, but it can become an overwhelming burden and when he feels as though he has failed he becomes very anxious and self-loathing. When he's focusing on something he becomes incredibly distant and becomes completely consumed with the tasks he's assigned. He thinks logically which is why he is good with numbers and science while lacking any artistic graces. He likes to keep busy and will become impatient or hyperactive if he doesn't have something to focus on.

Hobbies: Shooting, as a soldier he was taught how to precision shoot; Math, when he becomes anxious or overwhelmed he does math to calm himself down; Writing, keeping logs of plan and relevant is something he's always done and helps him feel organized; Wrestling, in order to expel any pent up aggression he would wrestle with his army companions; Exercise, he needed to stay in peak physical health as a soldier and exercise became a routine part of his daily life.

Habits: He tends to chew on things and can often be found with pencils or pens between his teeth (this likely stems from a recovering cigarette addiction), He tilts his head when he's interested in what someone is saying to him, he glares at the ground and won't make eye contact when upset, he drums his fingers when deep in thought.

Oddities: He's lactose intolerant and painfully addicted to cigarettes and adrenaline.

Likes/Loves: Math, campfires, cigarettes, adrenaline, running, wrestling, Wilfred Owen.

Dislikes/Hates: Cats, milk, sharing personal details, disappointing loved ones, guns, plans gone awry.

| What Makes Us Special |

Character Skills/Talents:
Distance shooting, hand to hand combat, math, tactical/strategy planning, listening, supporting others.

Character Flaws/Weaknesses: Art of any sort, doing nothing, sporadic anxiety, childish behavior when upset, adrenaline junkie, stupidly selfless.

Secrets: He tends to lie about himself and his past, but he doesn't know why.

Fears/Phobias: Agateophobia (Fear of going insane), Atychiphobia (fear of failure), Gymnophobia (fear of nudity)

| Biography |

Place Of Origin:
Elko, Nevada, USA

Relationships: Will develop as story progresses

Kill sons of b*tches!
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| Personal Info |

Name: Robyn Dempsey

Nickname: She's never really had nicknames besides Ginger and Red Head. Robyn's also has been called "Mom" or the mom of the group.

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Prior Occupation: Social Worker

Current Occupation: Unofficial group leader

Distinguishing Marks:

~ Robyn has an infinity symbol tattooed on her left, inner bicep.

~ She has the average ear piercings in both ears and a cartilage piercing on her right ear. She once had a nose ring, and the hole still remains though she hasn't worn the ring in ages. Robyn also had her bellybutton pierced, but she hasn't used it in years either.

~ She has scrapes and scratches on her knees and hands from falls as a child. She has a deep scar on her left pinky from where she nearly severed it cooking dinner once.

| What's on the Inside |


If there was ever a woman made to be a leader in the time of the apocalypse, it would certainly be Robyn Dempsey. She is usually quite laid-back. Rules, she knows, are important, but so are the liberties and rights of others. Generally she believes that as long as it doesn't negatively affect the others, it's probably okay. But, then again, she knows that this isn't always the case. Robyn has seen enough zombie shows and movies to know that when the people lose their control, they tend to spiral downward. She certainly does not want this to happen, for everyone in the group is like a child to her. She knows this is probably because she misses her daughter so greatly, but Robyn certainly hopes that this is because the others have begun to trust her like a child would a mother.

In college, even though she excelled, she was known as the girl from the slums. However, she usually doesn't snap suddenly. Instead, Robyn kindly asks and slowly increases her voice in volume and her words in intensity to express her anger. She's a goal-oriented woman who refuses to be deterred by any man or woman. Robyn knows they will have to make the move to the South if they want to survive the winter, and she refuses to let sentimentality stop her. She especially refuses to let her own sentimentality keep her from leaving. Robyn usually never regrets life experiences. "Whatever will be, will be" as the song goes. But, she does have her own few personal regrets. There are times when she looks to Nathan and wonders if he truly is capable of leading a group like this. Also, she regrets not pursuing Beverly and Phillipa to try and find them. The days ahead are dark, and Robyn knows this. Yet, she still holds on to shreds of hope and continues to lead her group of rag-tag survivors to a safer home.


Reading, especially mysteries || Biking || Knitting, though she'll admit she wasn't really good at it || Cooking, though she's never really been good at this either


Tends to stare at the photograph of her family before she goes to bed || Chews the inside of her cheek when she thinks || Speaks softly when she's in "mom mode" || Tends to baby the younger members of the group


Allergic to dogs and bee stings || Abused drugs for a period in her youth || Becomes suddenly upset and depressed at the mention of her daughter and wife


Mystery novels || Wine coolers || Children || Random facts or trivia || Light rain || Fleetwood Mac || Green Tea || Birds || Irises


Hearing people chew || Moist air ||Non-fiction books or articles || Being provoked or singled out || Walking around alone || Peanut butter || Bees and wasps || Her hair color || Brandy and whiskey

| What Makes Us Special |

Character Skills/Talents:

Robyn's extremely sympathetic with the other group members.

In high pressure scenarios, she's usually able to keep a clear mind.

Being in good physical shape allows her to keep up with the younger members of the group.

Having navigated Putnam County streets for years, Robyn's a pretty adept driver (contrary to popular stereotypes).

Character Flaws/Weaknesses:

Though she's still in very good physical shape, Robyn knows she is aging and worries she'll eventually be a liability.

She easily takes offense to harsh words or anything she perceives as an insult.

She can not shoot a gun for the life of her. Well, she can, but she has a poor sense of aim.

Robyn lacks the ability to lie well, even though she tends to be calm in most situations.


Robyn experimented with drugs through most of her high school career.

Later on, she sometimes regrets making Nathan her right hand man because of his arrogance.

Usually leaves some kind of note wherever they camp so that Beverly or Phillipa can find her later.


Being attacked by a zombie while alone || Seeing a family member as a zombie || Bee stings or wasp stings || Never seeing the rest of her family again

| Biography |

Place Of Origin: Philadelphia, PA


Robyn Dempsey never knew her father. Then again, most of her classmates didn't know their fathers either. She was the second child born to Fiona Dempsey, the ex-wife of a history teacher. Fiona herself was a teacher at a local Philadelphia elementary school. From what her brother told her years later, her father was an abusive man. After finding out she was pregnant again, Fiona mustered up the courage to divorce him. Growing up in the slums of Philadelphia certainly wasn't the best place for young Robyn. But, her elder brother seemed to constantly appear at her side to help guide her through life. Both he and Fiona made sure the young girl excelled in her studies. Life fell into a simple pattern. Though they never had an excess of money, the Dempsey family made do with what they had. When Robyn was twelve, she boldly announced to her mother that she wanted a little brother. Though she was reluctant to bring another member into the family, Fiona adopted Will when he was one year old. Quickly, the young boy fit into the family. In middle school, Robyn began to go out with boys, but this was only because she wasn't even aware homosexuality was an option. Since elementary school, she'd never really been drawn to boys. Her first kiss, in fact, was a peck on the lips with a girl in sixth grade after a dare. By high school, she was fully aware of her sexuality and embraced it. At the end of high school, she graduated top of her class and then attended University of Delaware so that she could become a school social worker. Too often had she met students abused at home or bullied.

Because of a drunken one-night mistake with some frat boy, Robyn was pregnant and gave birth to her first child at the age of 22. She kept the child and tried to finish her last year at the University of Delaware with the help of her brothers and mother.

She graduated and moved to Putnam County, settling in an apartment with a few other girls and her child. Luckily, work wasn't too hard to find and, only a few months out of college, she found a decent job as a part-time social worker. On top of this, she moonlighted at bars and took up odd shifts at a book store. For years, she was quite content. And then her friends began to get married. At one of these weddings, she ran into a young accountant named Beverly Patterson. The two talked almost the entire night and exchanged numbers to keep in touch. They became close friends, but things didn't become romantic until the two spent a drunken night out on the town. After that, the two found it difficult to ignore the sudden love they felt for each other. Robyn and Beverly moved into their own apartment together with Robyn's child, Conner, and lived as any married couple would, even though gay marriage hadn't been legalized yet.

When Robyn was 35, she and Beverly decided to try and have a child via donated sperm. It took years of trying, but Beverly was finally pregnant after a year of trying. Phillipa Dempsey-Patterson was born nine months later and became the apple of her mothers' eyes. Robyn floated blissfully along on Cloud 9. Three years ago, her mother died, but her grief was overshadowed by her own wedding. In 2011, she and Beverly were two of the first to get married once gay marriage had been legalized. With a wife, a beautiful daughter, a son to be proud of, and a stable job, it seemed life could not get any better. And it would not.

Robyn was at work when the outbreak began. An odd man was pacing on the lawn in front of the school, so the school was sent into lock down. Police were alerted, but an officer was bitten when he tried to talk to the man. Terrified, Robyn watched the news with worried thoughts running through her mind. At about three PM, still under lock-down, Robyn learned the horrible truth. She frantically called family members, but none of the calls gave her any real closure. Knowing that she had to get out, Robyn snuck into her car and drove off to her apartment, hoping to find her wife or daughter. Both of them were still out. Reluctantly, she gathered food, charged her phone, wrote a note, and left her home. Thankfully she was able to get in contact with her son and son-in-law. She's happy to have her family near here even though it's just a small portion; she has high hopes that she will find the rest of her family but fears what her mental state will be if she ever finds her daughter or wife's lifeless bodies.


Wife ||
Beverly Patterson || 44 || Unknown

Brother ||
Jeff Dempsey || 59 || Dead

Brother ||
Will Dempsey || 42 || Unknown

Son || Conner Walters || 31 || Alive

Daughter ||
Phillipa Dempsey-Patterson || 16 || Unknown

Son-In-Law || Nathan Walters || 36 || Alive



Personal Info

Name: Susan Foley

Nickname: Suze (called that by parents and old boyfriend)

Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Prior Occupation: Surgeon

Current Occupation: Doctor/Sentinel

Distinguishing Marks: She has her naval pierced, and a large scar on the back of her left hand and wrist where she had extensive surgery to repair movement after an accident.

What's on the Inside


Cynical, focused, judgmental, blunt

Robotic? maybe just a little bit. Some would call it goal orientated, or focused, but she can be downright insensitive and oblivious to normal human feelings. She will tell you her opinion if asked, and in a situation where she feels her input is needed, but she doesn't speak up and try to call the shots. Susan is very technical with life and straight forwards with information, she wont sugarcoat things and she definitely won't lie to you. A purely factual type of person she weighs the pros and cons of everything before she makes a decision, and keeps her head in stressful situations; in chaos she often finds herself most centered and useful. She knows what kind of people she does and doesn't like, and has very little flexibility with this, but generally wont start conflict and prefers to just stay away from anyone she might have a problem with.

Above anything she values honesty, she wont lie to you and lying to her is one quick way to make that group of people she avoids. If she makes an effort to be friendly, then you know she really likes you because that's not exactly her strong suit when it comes to qualities. She will try to do her best with everything she has available and can be very ingenuitive with supplies although she gets agitates when she doesn't have everything she needs when it comes to work and other jobs.


Reading, Research projects, Watching old movies, Cello and Piano


She drums her finger nails and the pads of her fingers when she is thinking and working and not just casual drumming she does patterns playing the parts of piano pieces that she knows. Susan sometimes talks aloud what she is thinking as well especially when doing something medical she says everything right before she does it. Hygiene has always been a thing with her she hates uncleanliness and with the situation there is a lot of it and old habits die hard so she will sometimes scrub at her skin and hands even when there is no soap or water to spare.

Oddities: Susan was in a motorcycle accident a few years past that shattered the bones in her left hand and wrist and broke her right wrist, surgery was her life and she went through a lot of physical therapy and had multiple surgeries to improve her motor skills and movement she has come a long way but sometimes still gets pain in her hands and wrists. She can't stand the smell of peppermint so much so that it makes her physically ill to even get a small hint of it.

Likes/Loves: Classical Music, Cleanliness, Hiking, Night time, Foreign Languages, and Orange tic-tacs

Dislikes/Hates: Animals in general, Places she doesn't know, spending every moment with someone, the distant noises that are often at night, and being left out of the loop.

What Makes Us Special

Character Skills/Talents:

Good with long distance shooting, she had a boyfriend who was in the army and he taught her how to use guns and she had some natural skill for long distance targets. She was a surgeon so she has extensive medical knowledge and isn't grossed out or scared at the sight of blood or the dead. Obviously killing things even if they are trying to eat you is tough on your mental stability but she seems unfazed by the zombies overall. She's in very good physical condition a swimmer and learned some self defense from her boyfriend.

Character Flaws/Weaknesses: Susan isn't particularly strong she is a slight women and even though she has a lean muscular frame most men could overpower her hence learning self defense. She seems like a pretty stable hardy person but she is prone to breakdowns she was on antipsychotics for a while as a teenager and then antidepressants as an adult but in the chaos that happened she lost all her meds. She was addicted to morphine after the hand injury and got off of it and onto orange tic-tacs so while she doesn't have her meds she has fourteen containers of orange tic-tacs at the bottom of her backpack. Has a tendency to get annoyed very easily with people especially if they are contradicting her or insulting her and runs away from her problems in general.

Secrets: some are already shared more may be divulged in the story.

Fears/Phobias: her current greatest fear is becoming a zombie, agrizoophobia (fear of wild animals), and she has a slight fear of heights like she is okay in planes but actually standing in a high place makes her heart beat.


Place Of Origin: Seattle, wa

History: Susan was born to a middle class family your average people, mother was a kindergarten teacher and her father played cello in the Seattle Symphony Orchestra and in his spare time worked as a professional piano accompanist. They never forced their daughter into anything but she asked her father when she was seven to teach her piano and cello although she excelled at both she never showed interest in making a career out of music and only saw it as a hobby. She excelled in all subjects and even back then she had very few friends and rather focused on her plans and goals in life. After careful deliberation in her junior year she decided what college she would go to and what profession after watching a documentary on surgeons. She graduated at top of her class and moved to Maryland to go to John Hopkins. Susan had never really had an interest in guys or women either but she met her first and only boyfriend during her residency there, he was a soldier installed at Aberdeen Proving Ground a nearby military base and they grew attached very quickly. He gave her a taste of the life she had never wanted one she didn't think she would like, motorcycle riding and shooting guns and drinking all the things she hadn't even thought about. They went camping together and he taught her all the things she had never learned in her plush city life and she loved it. She was on the back of his motorcycle when the accident happened, he was killed instantly protecting her from the brunt of the damage and she shattered the bones in her left hand bubble fractured both of her wrist and threw out her shoulder. It took a year before she was able to get back to surgery and then another year to get over Hunter and her morphine addiction.

She was in Toledo when it happened at ProMedica Hospital helping with a new surgical procedure she had helped develop. The surgery had gone well and she had gone back to her hotel when it all went to he!!. It was first the power and then the water and she saw all the people in the streets, mobs of people trying to get out but suddenly they weren't trying to get out they were attacking each other and screaming and sirens. That was the first two days she was with a group of people in the hotel they had gathered all they could with canned foods and backpacks and anything they could find and went out. The first two people went down quick the things ripped them to shreds but she got away she was faster and smarter and she tried to help but ended up being the only one to get out of the city.

Relationships: I guess we'll see

Kill sons of b*tches


| Personal Info |

Tanner Matthews

Nickname: Call him whatever you like!

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Prior Occupation: Student

Current Occupation: Scavenger

Distinguishing Marks:

When Tanner was seven, he fell out his bedroom window. This earned him a four-inch scar across his elbow, and a small one above his eyebrow. He has another scar on his palm, from when his fingers accidentally slipped, and he cut himself with a penknife.

| What's on the Inside |


Traits: Handy, Rash, Foolish, and Determined

Lean, mean, and seventeen; Tanner "tests the waters," by diving in head first.

For a boy who was raised in a very cautious, glass-like world, he sure likes to smash boundaries. Hyperactive, energetic, and impulsive; he lives on a precarious edge. As a result, he’s not very good at decision-making, and often does stupid things without thinking about the later consequences. Tanner has a quick-temper, and a quick tongue. Although funny usually, he can get very snarky and sarcastic. And when he’s in a grumpy mood, he’ll be sure to let everyone know. He’s pretty mouthy, and frequently says things without the consideration for others’ feelings. He’s neither the most sensitive nor the most empathetic person.

Despite his rashness, he is pretty clever. He’s often thinking of new ideas and likes to build things. He has that kind of ability to work well with his hands, and be resourceful. A generally fearless person in the face of danger; he’s pretty determined, to the point where he may become hazardous to himself. Putting on a brave face is what he does best, although he is, after all, only seventeen. As hard as he tries to keep up with the others, his youth and naivety shows sometimes.

Hobbies: Running,Wood carving, Archery, Swimming, playing Percussion instruments, listening to music.

Habits: He chews on his knuckles when he’s nervous or annoyed. When he needs to calm down, having a knife and something to carve always helps him concentrate and relax. Mindlessly sometimes, he taps his fingers, just because he needs to be moving.

Oddities: He has ADHD, which somewhat explains his hyperactive behavior at times. In addition, Tanner is also a very heavy sleeper, and is mildly allergic to bee stings.

Likes/Loves: He likes most rock and jazz fusion music, running, most sports, movies, sleeping.

Dislikes/Hates: The cold, being bored, not getting enough sleep, being cooped up.

| What Makes Us Special |

Character Skills/Talents: Tanner is a very kinesthetic person. In school, he was a track all-star, and running is one of his main fortes. He has some crazy stamina and speed built into him. He’s also a very proficient swimmer, having earned his American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification (so CPR/AED/and all that jazz included.) In addition, he has a pretty intense aim, which is the result of eight years of archery lessons that was supposed to help with his concentration. He also works well with his hands, and is always fiddling around with things.

Character Flaws/Weaknesses: Firstly, he lacks a lot of focus and has problems dealing with his impulsivity. It's gotten worse, now that he's off medication. Secondly, Tanner sucks at dealing with conflict. His definition of conflict resolution is more like just punching the other person. Generally, he’s not very good at making plans either, and simply does what he feels is necessary. Without meaning to, he can be quite temperamental at times. Also he’s a terrible cook, and nothing he makes is even close to being edible.

Secrets: We’ll see.

Fears/Phobias: Besides regular fears; he’s claustrophobic, he’s irrationally afraid of losing limbs, and he hates the idea of being alone. He has no idea what has happened to his family, and he’s almost afraid of knowing.

| Biography |

Place of Origin: Portland, Oregon

History: Tanner had a pretty average life; living comfortably. His mother was a financial consultant, and his father was a museum curator. His parents were very protective over him, and treated him like a paper doll. He was the exact opposite though; rowdy, energetic, and reckless. To wean him off his energy, Tanner played a lot of sports as a kid. He developed a love for keeping active.

When he was thirteen, his parents split up. He lived with his mom and step-dad in Portland, while his dad and his step-mom lived in Columbus, Ohio. He flew over frequently for summer vacations and holidays, and kept a healthy relationship with both his parents and families. He was a relatively good student in high school (minus the “behavioral issues”), and a stellar athlete. Tanner was getting ready to go off to WashU, start College…And then the outbreak happened.

Flying back to Columbus to meet his new baby brother, he didn’t expect a thing. Only when they touched down, did he realize what had happened. When he finally made his way home, he found it abandoned. Stuck in Ohio, he was eventually forced to flee the city.

Relationships: TBD

Other: Kill all sons of b*tches.

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| Personal Info |

Name: Nathan Walters

Nickname: Nate

Sexual Orientation: Gay/Homosexual

Prior Occupation:
US Army First Sergeant

Current Occupation: Unofficial Second in Command, Hunter

Distinguishing Marks:

Military Memorial Wall Tattoo (Back)

Japanese Dragon Sleeve Tattoo (Left Arm)

Family Memorial Sleeve Tattoo (Namely Father and Grandparents) (Right Arm)

Military Pride Tattoo (Chest)

| What's on the Inside |

Nathan burns with a strong desire to protect and serve. Although charming at first, he can be very rude and arrogant when angered. The fact that he is hot-headed doesn't exactly help his case. Nathan will go at great lengths to protect others, even if they are at fault and even if he doesn't know them. Nathan is also willing to go out his way to help others, even if it is in his best interest.

Hobbies: Weapon Collecting, Auto Mechanics, Mixed Martial Arts

Smokes only to relieve stress, consistently makes sure that unused guns are on safety, picking up cats/kittens and smothering them

Oddities: Allergic to Scallops and Shrimp, Seasonal Allergies

Guns, Mixed Martial Arts, Import Cars, Weapon Collecting, Chess

Dislikes/Hates: People who mistreat his family, Meth, the smell of Weed, people who disrespect the military, selfishness

| What Makes Us Special |

Character Skills/Talents:
Hunting & Tracking, Military-Trained, Good Hearing, Good Eyesight

Character Flaws/Weaknesses: Reserved, Difficult to make friends, Shoot First & Ask Questions Later, Revenge

Secrets: Events that happened during his time in the Army





| Biography |

Place Of Origin: Los Angeles, CA

History: -Classified-

Relationships: TBD

Happiest Memory: Getting his first Nissan Skyline

Saddest Memory: Losing his Father


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