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Closed googledrive music player [closed]


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Hey there! I'm back with another coding question.

I've noticed music player codes use googledrive or soundcloud. I prefer soundcloud. However, I never used googledrive.

Does anyone know how to use googledrive? Specifically, how do I find music on googledrive and use it for a music player code?

Do I upload my own music? If not, where do I find music for free? My main issue is knowing what link to use for the googledrive code.

I apologize for the questions. I'm at a loss here. Any help would be appreciated. ๐Ÿ˜…

Thank you!
โ™ก Roxy
You need to upload the mp3 file of the song you want to use onto google drive and then make sure to set the share permissions to "Anyone with the link". This should get you a link that looks something along the lines of https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ELHfmNAaovtQxsaerYG4IjG9NOLg280h/view?usp=drive_link. Copy and paste the portion of the link between /d/ and /view? (in this case "1ELHfmNAaovtQxsaerYG4IjG9NOLg280h") into the appropriate section of the code.

Alternatively you can paste the original link as is and hit post/save to have RPN generate the media code for you before pasting that into the code, but that's a bit of a hassle.
You need to upload the mp3 file of the song you want to use onto google drive and then make sure to set the share permissions to "Anyone with the link". This should get you a link that looks something along the lines of https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ELHfmNAaovtQxsaerYG4IjG9NOLg280h/view?usp=drive_link. Copy and paste the portion of the link between /d/ and /view? (in this case "1ELHfmNAaovtQxsaerYG4IjG9NOLg280h") into the appropriate section of the code.

Alternatively you can paste the original link as is and hit post/save to have RPN generate the media code for you before pasting that into the code, but that's a bit of a hassle.
I see! Do you have a recommendation on where to get the mp3 file? Would somewhere like YouTube suffice?
If you're willing to use one of those youtube to mp3 sites, then pulling a video off of youtube works fine o7
If you're willing to use one of those youtube to mp3 sites, then pulling a video off of youtube works fine o7
Noted! Thank you for answering! I appreciate it.

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