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Fantasy Zephyr (Accepting)


The Born Again Novice
Night turns to dawn as the sky grows bright, and nocturnal creatures turn in for the day. Farmers begin the morning early and scuttle along on their routine. Yet, fear still grips their conscience, as the knowledge of their leaders death lies in darkness. The citizens of Dominion went from angry roaring in the streets to quiet despair, retreating to the safety of their homes. It's been a week since the Queen's assassination, and people shrug it off like a bad dream. The lively streets of Dominion are empty and desolate. Guards making their rounds for the day march along borders, watching for anything and anyone suspicious. All exits and gate have been blocked off by sentries, trying to ensure the assassin would be trapped within Dominion's borders. No one leaves or enters.

The few mercenaries that made it in before the lock-down have scattered across the city. Some rest nearby in inn's, others at taverns. Most have already reported to the castle, getting outfitted to join for the recruitment. Those who have been approved by Sir Charles will join in on the mercenary brigade, and will take direct orders from the prince.

The wealthy and noble families have grown uneasy with the increase in mercenaries, believing that such "low tier filth" should not be allowed to fight along side the prestigious knights of Venesia. Sir Charles says otherwise, and aside from the prince and castle adviser, his word holds the highest authority. Small talk of rebellion has risen up in several places, from both servants and petty merchants to high standing magus. The adviser has tried to calm the masses and prevent disarray, but to no avail.

All of these conflicts brought great stress to him, but it was his job to shoulder such burdens. And now part of his job was to wake the prince.

William began making his way to the prince's room, exhausted to no end. He passed by a few servant maids who seemed rather distraught, but he shrugged it off as unimportant, he had no time for this. The long halls always gave him time to ponder his current situation, it brought him slight respite in these chaotic times. The sounds of his footsteps echo in his head. If only you were here Liazol...you could fix everything. He let out a long sigh and shook his head. He is no longer around, I have to move on. Not just for my sake. The prince's door came into sight and he hurried his speed, Zelin was supposed to be awake half and hour ago.

He quickly knocked on the door a few times to contain his composure, but when William heard no response he simply let himself in. "Prince Zelin you were supposed to be-" He started, only to find an empty room and open window. "-Gone..." This didn't surprise him in the slightest, and he quickly realized why the maids had seemed so concerned. ZELIN. William walked toward the window and looked out on the garden before him. The prince and his mother used to play in the garden together long ago, now a distant memory. William frowned, it seems he cannot forget the past that easily.

"Um...Chancellor. Please forgive me, I-I saw the prince leave but..." William turned around to see those same maids shuffling nervously. He sighed a started rubbing the bridge of his nose, this stress would be the end of him. He held up a hand to wave them off. "No no...it was my job to wake him. I'll track him down, continue your duties please. There is much to be done." And with that he walked by them again as they bowed with respect. This will be the death of me I tell you.

Zelin grinned proudly as he watched William walked away from his window defeated, this was his chance to try and meet the mercenaries up front. His hiding under the bushes was a great idea, just like when he was a kid. He slowly crawled out and brushed himself off. With a huge smile and skip in his step he sprinted toward the courtyard where many of the mercenaries would be meeting.
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Cordelia woke as the sun did, the light from her cabins window coming in though the fog. She opened her eyes and flinched as it hurt her eyes. With a stretch she crawled out of bed, the smells of breakfast wafting through her thin door. Her mothers humming could be heard and she could also hear her fathers chair creaking as he rocked in it. When she walked over to the window she shivered as a breeze rolled in, "Just another morning..." And it really was just another morning. Doing the same thing she always did in the mornings. She slipped on her dress and fastened her corset on afterwards. She huffed as she lost track of her petticoats, and made a mess of her drawer looking for them. "Oh for the love of Athena!" She smiled when she finally found it under a mess of potions. She slipped it on and tied her fuzzy knee high boots. "Cordelia are you coming out here or not? Your going to be behind schedule at this point!" Cordelia sighed and shook her head at her mothers words, "I know mother im coming!" And with that she grabbed her cloak and bag of things and headed out into the other room.

Her mother was dressed in her usual attire of bright colored dresses and clogs, "
Mom..all these years of trying to get you nicer clothes for your birthday and you still wear those old things..I dont see the point" She sat down close to her father and took out a notebook as she assessed what needed to be taken care of this morning. Her mother scoffed and dried her hands off, "These are what my mother used to wear and your fathers mother..I do not see why you must try and dress like some..some." Cordelia rolled her eyes, "Witch? Mother this is how many healers dress now..at least in some of the cities ive visited. Now please lets not have this discussion again..as you said im busy this morning" Her mother pursed her lips and handed her a bag of food, "Fine then..you better be taking care of that shop young lady. Your father and I spent years of our lives together giving that place a good reputation" She could hear her father laugh, "It only has such a reputation because its the only damn facility around! And with the gates closed people cant go there to get their medicine so they must come here!" Her father had a point. Many travelers coming through had to stop there if they needed anything, ever since the queen passed that is. Cordelia stood up and attached her cloak, "Well if it means that much ill be going now then..have fun doing whatever you do when I leave." She waved as she walked out the door, not even hearing what ehr mother had to say,
Charles felt a poke, but it was probably just a bird. It was always a bird, birds were always attracted to him, probably because of his wings. The strange part about it, though, is that his wings were concealed, therefore they shouldn't be attracted to him. Another poke struck him in the chest, yet his eyes had yet to open, and he rolled around on the bench, facing the opposite direction from where the poke had come from.


Charles opened his eyes, facing the ground, to suddenly turn. Ayah was standing there with a rather irritated facial expression, tapping her shoe on the ground. "You shouldn't sleep so late, Sir.", Ayah would declare in her usual motherly tone. "Bonbon, I'm a busy man, I need my rest....", Charles would mumble, closing his eyes again.

He felt a cold rush of water hit him, and his eyes bulged. Charles flew five feet into the air, resembling a cat, and managed to catch the ground before he could slam down on his rather surprised face. "Yes ma'am, yes ma'am.", Charles would respond, bowing down to his apprentice. Ayah rolled her eyes, and giggled, looking behind her as Charles rose up. "So, what's the commotion?", Charles would ask, brushing off his attire like nothing had happened.

"We got a thief, stole from one of the guards.", Ayah would say, fixing her hair. Charles looked with a rather "what-the-fuck-did-you-wake-me-up-for" expression, which Ayah knew perfectly. "He's taken out three guards, we think he's a mercenary."

Charles made a childish, happy, face. Oh how he loved combat in the morning, with all of it's excitement, and grace. Charles and Ayah exchanged no more words as Charles' apprentice led the way. They had quickly ran into the thief, backed up into a corner of a dead end by four guards. Ayah leaped over the wall of men, and hurled her ax.

The thief scrambled to dodge, and looked over only to see Charles' blade, which pierced his face.
Zelin scurried even faster than he believed possible, hearing rumors that some sort of commotion had already started this early in the morning. Guards were gathering together and speaking to eat other in quick bursts, some excited, others worried. "-yeah some thief just came in an' killed a few men." He heard passing through, not paying attention to their faces. He made no time to question them further, if there was a fight, he'd be sure to find Charles at the front row seat.
Charles smirked as the man screamed in pain, the blood within his body beginning to boil, parts of him catching on fire. Charles was slowly cutting his cheek, finally ending with a third cut. He had already gouged out one of his eyes, the left one to be precise, and had even spat in the socket.

"Each cut will show how many sons you have stolen from me, and their father is not amused...", Charles said in a dark tone.

"Please, please, stop! I.. I didn't.. mean to kill them!", the Thief would begin as he screamed, his face looking as if it were about to burst. It was completely rose red, and was etched with fear, as if he had just seen every horror in reality.

Ayah and the Guards kept their distance, they knew not to interfere with Charles when he was angry. The alley way looked more like a scene of massacre, blood and strange magical runes covering it.

Of course, Charles didn't want Ayah to remain there, but she chose too anyway. He'd probably forget about their next task anyways, and take a nap.

"A man can't do something without thinking about it."

Charles halted the magic, and his guards approached to restrain the man, who was kicking about, squirming as if he were still on fire, still in pain (which he was, just not as badly). It was as if they had plucked a poor soul right out of hell, and placed them within the alley.
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Yamina stood by watching as Captain Charles continued his torture on the thief. She would intervene but it wasn't her decision to. She just watched a stoic look upon her face and just sighed hoping the captain would just hurry up.

After the torture was completed and the rest of the guards came and took the thief away she approached the captain or her boss and took out what appears to be a handkerchief and handed it to him. "Are you done with your torture today captain?" She asked him.

No matter how flat you make a pancake it's still got two sides
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Cordelia shivered as a breeze rolled by, her skin getting goosebumps. She pulled up her hood and took off into the forest, "Lets see..on todays agenda we have, lavender, grave dirt..uhf..you know ill just grab some lavender on my way. I have no reason to get grave dirt at this moment" She panted as she started going down hill, cursing when she damn near fell on her face. Her families business now in sight. No one seemed to be in sight at the moment so that was a relief, a good sigh of relief on her lips. When she got to the bottom of the hill she took a breather and got a glimpse of the outskirts of the dominion now visible. She had always wanted to visit..but after the recent death she figured that wouldnt be a wish to be fulfilled anytime soon. She gripped the key in her hand and shook her head, her mothers words echoing in her head, "Quit your dreaming you sensless girl..." She sneered and unlocked the door, its rusty hinges creaking as she did so. She was welcomed by the smell of old books, incense and dead flowers.
It had seemed Zelin came a bit late, the thief had already been caught and Charles already done with his job. "Damn. I miss everything..." He whispered under his breath, slowly walking up the Charles. He noticed that he, Ayah and Yamina all were in the same place. For what reason would all of the heads of leadership be in the same place...for a mediocre rogue? Without a word he slowly made his way next to Ayah as Charles seemed to still be busy.
Charles looked over at Yamina, smiling and chuckling a bit as if nothing serious had happened. "Eh, it depends, really.", Charles would say with a shrug, his devious pupils looking upwards towards the sky. At the same time he had grabbed the handkerchief, and patted himself off with a quick grace.

The Thief was being dragged by the two guards, and eventually was dragged past the Prince. "You'll make a terrible leader, and die just like your mother did!", the Thief screamed as he was dragged. Charles looked back, and the Thief didn't say another word.

Ayah quickly latched unto Zelin, looking up at him. "Don't listen to him, you'll be a fine leader.", Ayah would say. Well, I hope that... was what went through her mind afterwards. "We need to start your training session soon..."

Just like a mother, Ayah was quick to comfort, but usually only to Zelin.
Yamina gave the thief her deadliest glare since he insulted the prince. She silently growled and started to move toward him before she was stopped by another guard. She just looked at him and sighed removing her hand from her weapons and looked back at Charles. She took the handkerchief and put it away before walking back over to Charles. "Shall we go back to the castle sir?" She asked him along with Ayah and Zelin "I think we have done what we came to do...the thief will either be put in prison or he will be executed for his crimes secretly or in public." She said her face having a nonchalant look.
Zelin listened to the theif's words carefully, his face stern and emotionless. You'll make a terrible leader, and just die like your mother did! They echoed in his head, forcing him to wince slightly. He realized his own reaction and tried to shrug it off, but Ayah already had latched onto him. "Don't listen to him, you'll be a fine leader." She said smiling sweetly. He felt comforted, but slightly babied. Zelin held his head up high, keeping his currently position in mind. "We need to start your training session soon."

A bit of excitement welled up within him at those words, but like before he kept himself in check. "That's great, we need to get started as soon as possible. I can't lead a kingdom if I can't defend myself." Zelin stated proudly, placing his hands on his sides. He looked to Yamina currently standing to his side. "Whatever happens to that theif isn't my decision. I know nothing of justice. Leave that to William or Sir Charles." He said waving his hand, dismissing the matter.

He looked up excitedly at Yamina, his eyes starring into her own. "Tell me, how many mercenary recruits do we have!? I hope there are plenty of soldiers to fight-ooohh I'm so- I mean, I can't wait to meet them."
Cordelia walked around and started dusting off what she could reach, "They really need to consider giving me a helping hand around here.." She grunted as she sat down a pile of spell books near her seat, and opened up the wooden doors to allow people to come up and talk to her. She sighed and placed her head in her hands, "The gates just had to go and get closed now of all times...when I could have maybe gone a helped people inside the dominion.." She flipped open a book and started skimming through it in the section she left off last.
Yamina looked down at Zelin and smiled she was happy she was protecting him. He was a bright young boy and she knew he would be a great ruler. ."I see someone is excited to know who many soldiers we have" She smiled looking at him. "I'll tell you this how bout tomorrow I take you with me to the training grounds where you can watch them train and you can train with them, does that sound great?" She asked him her hair in a long braid down her back and her armor was light, since nothing major was happening she just wore light clothing. She stood next to Charles "Is it alright if I take him to the training ground with us tomorrow captain?" She asked Charles her hands behind her back
Charles had summoned a kind of exotic chair through his magic, resting in it five feet from the ground. He looked between Ayah and Yamina, then at Zelin. Perhaps the two had feelings for the Prince? It was quite the potential subject for drama, which would be rather amusing. "Ayah, take Zelin to his session. Yamina will show him the troops tomorrow, while you aid me in the Guard's private matters (ones only a few knew about)."

Charles then got off of his chair and unsummoned it. He pulled out two lollipops, tossing one to Ayah, and the other for himself. Daughter like Father, but not literally in this case.

(Couldn't color on Tapatalk)
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Yamina smiled at the relationship Charles and Ayah have, those two even though they aren't related they have the best father-daughter relationship. She looked at Charles and nodded when he told her he needed her aid in the Guard's private matters. Yamina tapped Charles on his shoulder then cleared her throat meaning she wanted him to hurry up. She was an impatient soldier but she didn't want to tell him to hurry up that would just be wrong but in a time like this. "Sir...I'm sorry for saying this but you need to hurry up..." She told him with a nonchalant look on her face as always. She then looked at Ayah "I'm sorry for the rudeness Ayah but your "father" and I need to attend to some important matters IF he would hurry up" She smiled at her then gave Charles a stoic look. She did have feelings for the man but like hell he would have the same back for her, she was too serious and he was the opposite of her.
Cordelia started muttering to herself as she spun in her finger round and round, an eventual frost developing as she did so. If she wanted to reach her goal of making her own pair of wings she needed to study harder. "So lets see..water and ice to make the wings themselves...and void to get them to lift me off the ground.." She turned her chair around and started focusing as water lifted from the pot she kept it in, focusing on changing its form. The first thing that came to mind was how the Arian wings looked and thats the form she wanted for them. Once they in the right form she had to keep it that way while using her other hand to try and mimic frost once more. It was hard to try and do both at the same time but ti was becoming easier. That and this was the only time she could do it. No one understood her love for wings and how badly she wished she had them. But with enough practice maybe one day she would.
Charles smiled at Yamina, then nodded along as she spoke. "Alright, alright, Ms.Serious, we will go.", he said, twirling as he approached her.

Ayah was sucking on her lollipop, and gazed over at Yamina and Charles. The two were opposites, but opposites attract...

She suddenly blushed as swarms of dirty thoughts entered her head, and she quickly looked back at the prince.

"We should hurry too"
Yamina smiled looking at Charles as he approached her "I'm not serious all the time...actually that's a lie I am...but I don't think there's anything that can change that." She told him. She then looked at Ayah and Zelin "Be careful you two...if anything bad happens and you can't handle it come find us as soon as possible." She told them as she looked back at Charles "Ready to go sir?' She asked with a smile forming on her face.
The trees danced rapidly with the wind that brew a storm above. A week of the Queen's absence seemed to have triggered a storm of some sort. The atmosphere of life diminished slightly as those in the city of Dominion mourned. Despair and distraught filled the current air. This thrilled Kyro. Squatted in the branches of a tree looming on the outskirts of Dominion, he watched with fascination. But he only watched out of one eye. Currently he was in his disguised form, clover eyepatch over one eye with a younger, rounder face and raven black hair.

The sound of footsteps sounded nearby the tree. His eye wandered over towards the descending hill beside the forest. There he spotted a young lady. At first his interest was dulled until he saw her walking over to a building. Not really doing anything at the current moment, Kyro decided to visit this business. Also he needed information on the current status of the city. From what he has learned, they were on lockdown. Kyro needed to confirm this.

With little effort Kyro jumped off the branch and landed elegantly on the ground. Feeling a few stay leaves on him, he plucked them off. His eye wandered around in search of another soul approaching. Seeing none in close proximity he strode over to the lonely building. His hand grasped the doorknob and he opened it slowly wanting to hear the creaking sound of the rusted door hinges.
"Hello? Is there anyone here running this lovely joint?" Kyro asked as he entered the building slowly closing the door behind him.

Cordelia was just getting the water to freeze when she heard the door squeak and a voice echo from the back. She gasped and the freezing water dropped, breaking against the floor. She stood up quickly and straightened her dress out, "O-oh yes give me a moment ill be right with you!" She put a little of her hair back in a ponytail and closed her books. As she walked to the back of the shop she saw the him and gave her best smile, "Is there anything I can help you look for today? Anything you could use some help with?" Her pointed ears were a little red from the cold as well as the tip of her nose, which was a thing that made her regret not learning to use fire spells.
Kyro's eye wandered over the little setting of the building. Wooden shelves nailed onto the walls holding up bottles of herbs as well as other items. A noise attracted the attention of his eye that then wandered to the young lady he saw from outside. Empty inside he forced a smile upon his face, one where it emphasized his cheekbones.

"Why you have a fine little business you have here. And while I do not need help in seeking an item, I do have a few questions I would like to ask you," Kyro began. His eyes studied the woman before him as his mouth continued voicing his thoughts. "Now tell me, are you familiar with the current situation with Dominion? I happen to be a traveler and was hoping to make my way into the wonderful city of Dominion, yet it is barricaded. Do you happen to know why?" His hand waved around in slight movements with his explanation. Kyro forced his demeanor to seem casual and curious seeking vital information.
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Cordelia arched her brow, "O-oh um..Well I cant say I know much more than you do when it comes to the dominion. Though I can assure you that it is very much blocked off. The Queen has recently been murdered and they have locked the supposed killer inside, or so they hope I guess" She shrugged and watched the strange man with dark hair. He gave her an off feeling that she couldnt quite point out. She narrowed her dark eyes and grabbed the broom, "Is there anything else I could possibly help you with? Im skilled in potions, spells and healing magic" She managed a small smiled and started sweeping the broken shards of ice off the floor with a sad demeanor.
"The Queen? Murdered? You say? Oh how unfortunate," Kyro murmured his false sympathies, inside his mind he thought, I guess they really got the job done. His eye clouded with sadness to hopefully make his demeanor seem plausible.

"Healing magic you say? I too have some magic in my blood. Luckily I learned the trick to the summoning power. Although sometimes it can be awfully useless," he drawled onto a stray subject. But then he turned his thoughts back to the subject in hand. "Besides trying to figure out what to do now, no. I do not seem to need any assistance from you. Which is quite dreadful seeing as how I enjoy the company of such a beautiful lady as yourself," Kyro replied. His mind captured the false smile she had and could sense a sad demeanor coming off from her. "Oh why must you be sad, madam? Something in the bother to you? Perhaps a little game of cards will cheer you up?" he offered using all his skills with chivalry to try to gain her trust.
Zelin sighed slightly, he did so want to train, but seeing the mercenaries in action was more entertaining. Not to discourage Ayah he put up his best smile and turned back to face her. "Lead the way." With the situation deflated the few guards standing watch returned to their posts, and servants to their chores. It was a rather nice day for outside activities, usually the streets would be the liveliest during these times he thought. Remembering Dominion before the lock-down makes Zelin's heart ache.
Cordelia studied his face as he spoke, finally sweeping away the last of the ice. His flattery came as a smack to her, had she ever been complimented by anyone before? Other than the common drunkard making his way over to her for stomach potion juice? "Well um..thank you?" She held the broom upward and put her hand on her hip. When he asked why she was sad she pursed her lips and wiped her face clean of emotion, "Nothing a stranger need know...and if cards could make everything better id surely learn it myself. But cards are just a way of tricking the mind..trying to make you believe what that person wants you to believe. A poker face.." She heard a creaking as a breeze rolled by and made a jar roll over one of the shelves, snapping her from the mood, "Shit...Sorry..I shouldnt talk that way to customers." Her mother would have smacked her over the head for that, though her grandmother probably would have made it into a joke.

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