Smallville High


1: @Gilmoregirl12




Appearance: (picture preferred)


Age: (13-19)

Grade: (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)


Sexual orientation:

Race: (human, meta human, amazon, thanagarian, tamaranian, etc.)





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Name: Elizabeth Blackwell

Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Gender: Female

Sexual orientation: Straight

Race: Human

Powers/abilities: Dark energy manipulation, invisibility

Hero/Villain: Hero

Personality: WIP

Bio: WIP


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_m0ovtnBXEv1r9ij4yo1_400.jpg.7f033cfbaf296bfa8ce8486dc6a2d84f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36437" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_m0ovtnBXEv1r9ij4yo1_400.jpg.7f033cfbaf296bfa8ce8486dc6a2d84f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Carter Horan

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Homosexual

Race: Human

Powers/Abilities: Atmokinesis. Carter has the ability to influence the weather. He has the potential ability to conjure thunder storms, hurricanes, monsoons and tornadoes, change the temperature and weather patterns, and even manipulate the natural elements.

Hero/Villain: Hero

Personality: Carter is a friendly individual but has a rather laid-back attitude, so his circle of friends is not too large. This should not be mistaken as laziness though, the redhead maintains solid A-B grades in all of his classes. Not flunking, but not overachieving either. He and his friends would often laugh as they hung out during their free periods.

Bio: Everything was normal. Everything was going perfect. There had been no worries in the redhead's days in Smallville. Until of course, the meteor shower had occurred. It was like the sky had cracked and began hurdling down in large, burning chunks of rock. And on that fateful day, a shard from one of those chunks of rock had flown off and struck the teenager directly in the chest as he was taking the dog out for a walk. Carter awoke perhaps an hour or so later, but felt very different. A look down at his hand would have caused him to see webs of crackling electricity flow from his fingertips. A look up at the bright sky blinding his eyes could summon dark, rolling clouds that curtained across the sky. What the hell happened? According to some T.V. new reports, there had been several cases of people seeming to be affected or acting strangely after the meteor had struck. Would that mean...Carter was not the only one? Until he could be sure, he needed to keep these new abilities hidden and hidden well. But he made sure to hold onto that fragment of meteor that struck him...just in case.

Other: Carter and his family are all very musically talented. His father's saxophone could make your soul sway with its unmatched rhythm. There was no equal to the redhead's mother when she played on her cello, the instrument able to send tears to your eyes and chills down your spine. As for Carter, he was born a natural pianist. His nimble fingers dance almost effortlessly across the keys. Perhaps it was effortless. His face was so calm peace when he played. The teenager also found himself to be a rather talented singer. Carter had also discovered that in times of extreme emotion, the weather patterns can drastically shift and alter. Something he's been trying to work on..​



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Name: Nikita Luthor Mears better known as Niki Luthor.

Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Gender: Female

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Human


Genius level intelligence

skilled strategist

heightened immune system

skilled hand-to-hand combatant

Hero/Villain: Villain

Personality: Niki was a real spit fire, she had the personality Of Lex Luthor her biological father and the personality of her Mears family. So her personality could shift with who she was around.

Bio: Nikita Luthor Meara or Niki Luthor as she preferred. Was the soul heir to Lexcorp, but she didn't know it. For Niki had grown up on a farm in small ville. She was Raised by Farmer Mears and his wife. With as much care as they could for her. As if Niki was there own child. One day Niki started asking why she looked different her hair was different, her eye's, her personality, and her intellect. Finally her adopted parents told her if how she became to be there daughter.

One night it was storming and Raining in smallville. A knock had come on the door. James Mears walked down grumbling. "Who ever it is, go away or I will blow you to bits." He said. He was carrying a 12 gauge shot gun. When he went to the door. He found a basket with a small sleeping child in it. He went out on to the pourch and looked into the pouring rain."Hello?" He shouted into the blackness. He sighed and turned picking the baby up. In the Basket was a note.

Please Take care of this precious Bundle. Her name is Nikita Luthor.

Mr.Mears read it and read it again. He scratched his head in confusion as to where this child had come from. From that day forward they took care of Niki as there own. She was a spit fire and very smart. At the age ten she was already in advanced classes. She was smarter then her adoptive parents.At 12 she wanted to learn hand to hand combat. She struggled at first, but became quite good. At age 17 she asked about why she was different. Her adoptive parents finally admitted to her where she had come from. They told her they didn't love her any less. With an almost out rage look on her face. She stormed out and went to town to learn everything she could on Lexcorp her father Lex Luthor and her deceased grandfather Lionel Luthor. Who mother was, was still a mystery. But her father had been under her nose this whole time. Now at 18 she had truly fallen into her father's footsteps one thing her father didn't want for her, but she was her father's daughter in every sense of the word. When she turned 18 she started going by. Niki Luthor and would hate being called Niki Mears or even enraged at the name.

Other: Niki had a 6 hidden tattoos. and a necklace her Father Lex had left her as a child.

Death to all Betrayers
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