Nightingale's Rebellion: (Idea)


Junior Member
Fear. It cripples. It distorts. It feeds off of itself. Fear is the ultimate societal parasite.

The year is 127 P.B. (Post Bellum or After War, which is approximately 3014 A.D.) Earth is a wasteland. Poverty lingers like a bad cough over every country. The United Shield Federation (USF) in an attempt to "fix" the world has taken advantage of the world's chaotic state and seized power. Their message includes peace, and a return to prosperity, but their actions have violated every aspect of our fundamental liberties. After the nuclear Holocaust that marked the end of A.D. and the beginning of P.B., USF essentially began breeding its own army of genetically mutated super soldiers. Host Families are held captive and forced to reproduce by using the genetic transmutation formula. The world is kept in constant poverty and fear by the massive might of the USF.

However... the formula is not always perfect. Every so often, there is a glitch in the well oiled machine of the USF. These "glitches" are us.

The formula was designed to give the user enhanced phsyical and somewhat supernatural abilities, but it was also designed to zap every ounce of free will out of the soldier. When something goes wrong with the formula, the recipient has the ability to fight against the will restricting formula and gives them abilities aside from the ones that the normal soldiers generally receive.

The USF must be overthrown. There are rumors of a rebellion know as, "The Nightingale Rebellion" occurring, but without the aid of mutants, it will fail miserably.


1. Romance is OK, keep away from sexual content

2. Keep swearing to a trainable level

3. No exclusion

4. No godmodding

5. Keep the plot moving, feel free to introduce events when necessary

Character sheet will come if people are interested :)
Awesome! Basically whatever you want :) I wanted to leave it fairly open ended. The only thing I'd require would be that the powers aren't too terribly generic. Those would be reserved for the standard soldier. And I'd keep whatever powers you have (you can have a few, but within reason) within the same general catagory. Such as stealth powers would be invisibility and night vision. Something like that :)
Oooh. Okay. well I'll have a little think on what powers I might like to have. Oh and by the way, I am a super passive roleplayer. Just warning you, haha.
Haha that's fine :) I just haven't been able to join a role play on this site yet so I figured I might as well try to start one.
Oh, cool. Yeah it's hard to find a roleplay when you first come to the site, I'm actually in the middle of making one right now!
Cool! Yeah I'm hoping I just stick around long enough until someone notices me xD any tips on actually joining an RP?
well just find one that suits you and one that with rules you are comfortable with, like if you post very little then an rp with rules that say yopu have to post 2 paragraphs would not be for you, duh, haha. Anyway don't be nervous to post a character or something like that , I used to be like " oh no what if they don't like it, or it's not good enough!" don't be like that if you are. It's fine and the worst that will happen is the person's gonna say "sorry, i'm not going to accept you." and that's fine, like whatever. .3.

soo yeah, that's it sorry if that wasn't helpful at all. hahaha xDD
Hahaha no that's fine! xD that helped quite a bit. The last question I have is, where is the best place to find RPs that are just starting? Would it be under ideas? Or the character sheet/sign up section in Role Playing?
Sure! I haven't actually created the RP site yet but I will let you know when I do. I'm just seeing if there is interest at this point.
I look through the first three pages of roleplay ideas or recruitment FIRST.

and then if I find nothing that looks great or whatever I look through roleplays, and find one with zero or little replies. :P

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