Naruto: Reminiscent


You may be the one who uses him, but I am the one who set up the story line, and it is I who runs this roleplay. While you control him I have to deal with him. You see, I'll let you in on a little secret. Character Sheets aren't just for making characters. They are actually a demonstration of overall skill, dedication, and effort. So what does that say about you? See, I get that you would rather just jump into a roleplay rather than develop complex non-flat characters, but sadly that's not the way I run things. For future reference I'm going to give you some advice: When it states specifically that it wants effort into a character sheet, you follow that rule. You seemed ignorant of the rule that you can't just be some important character from the last series brother, son, or some extremely unrealistically close relative when over 150 years has past, did you even read the overview? Also, when the creator of a thread tells you to change something about the CS that they don't like, you do it. BACK TALKING IN ALL CAPS LIKE THIS DOES NOT HELP.

Get out. I showed you patience by pointing what you needed fix in order to join my roleplay, when I could have just simply said I didn't want you in due to the lack of effort. I'm deleting all of your post, and future post you put on here.
Name: Marukomu Shedo

Alias/Title: Dakureisu, Dakuacha, Shifudo

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Occupation: Unknown, though some speculate that he (Dakureisu) is either an assassin or a mercenary.

Appearance: (Not using a picture for this one) Marukomu is a rather handsome individual, with an athletic-muscled physique from much training since his youth, as well as slightly pale skin. He stands at 6'2, and weighs 206 lbs. His hair is jet black, as well as slightly spiked. He has distinctively gray-colored eyes, described as possessing little to no warmth in them. His uniform consist of a long sleeved dark grey shirt bearing a peculiar symbol on the right arm, along with a black flak jacket over it. His shirt has a hood that he can pull over his head. As for his lower body, he wears ebony colored pants, and ninja-boots without the toes. Perhaps the most unique part of his uniform is the ghost white mask that he wears over his face, bearing odd designs and a red circle upon the forehead of the mask.

Rank: Rogue

Chakra Afilliation: Lightning/Water

Clan: Unknown

Jutsu: A combination of Taijustsu and Ninjutsu.

Subjutsu: Marukomu is extremely proficient at wielding a large variety of weapons (Bukijutsu), his specialities being utilizing a sword and oddly enough, a bow and arrow. He appears to use his bow and arrow in conjuction with chakra abilities, and has nigh-flawless precision.

Village: A village near the lands of Konohah, which was burned down entirely.

Personality: In the past, Marukomu has been called a plethora of things because of his rather distinctive personality, traits, and behavior around others. A visionary, a mastermind, a murderer… there is no doubt that he is indeed each of these things, and much more. His intelligence and cunning has enabled him to accomplish a plethora of tasks in the past. He seems to follow some particularly private goal, which oddly involves the killing of certain individuals. Dakureisu, in general, seems to maintain characteristically composed and superior demeanor, tinted with slight unpredictability at times. He has proven to be fairly charismatic when he needs to be, and possess a snarky sense of humor. When it comes to a lot of things, he can be pretty outspoken, to the point of being as blunt. One of his most distinctive traits is his sociopathic edge, even amongst those few that he considers allies, to an extent. He will manipulate others without fail, and at times will seemingly commit malevolent acts just for the heck of it. He would not hesitate to kill a possible ally if it reaps some sort of benefit, and has even admitted to making contingencies for those he views as a potential enemy.

Backstory: (Leaving to 8 years vague for a reason) Marukomu, born to a fairly affluent but neglectful family, didn't quite have the happiest childhood growing up. His mother and father seemed to care more about their image in the warring times, than their own children. Marukomu generally took care of his younger sibling. From his youth, he also spent quite a bit of time training intensely, learning how to defend himself and his younger brother in these times of war throughout shinobi. However, when he had already turned the age of 20, an adult at this point, his brother as well as his guardians were killed by shinobi involved in the great ninja conflict, and his village burned down. His body was not found in the wreckages of his village, and thus, he went missing for at least 8 years. After that period of time, he returned to the land of Konohah, having completed his training and nature affiliations, and appearing as a mere traveler, avoiding the battles sparking through the lands. However, the tragedies he had faced before had changed him and the years he had spent missing had molded him into an entirely different individual. Unbeknowst to others, he partakes in the war under the title Dakureisu, having not only killed those who murdered his family, but going after particular clans and people for some peculiar purpose...
Name: Hikaru nara

Gender: male



Rank: Rogue

Chakra Afilliation: earth

Clan: nara

substitution: destruction specialist

Village: kahonagakure

Personality: extremely lazy but will do anything for money or girls. doesnt talk uless absolutely neccessary. likes to read and sleep.

Backstory: hikari was hated by his father because he had an earth affinity. he was never trained by any of his clan because he couldn't do their justu's. so he started training himself until he figured out he like destruction. for a year as a genin hikari ran around kahona destroying building for fun. When the hokage found out he comfronted Hikaru. so Hikari did what he did best and tried to crush the hokage and ran away to wave country.

As far as I know you are new to roleplaying so I'm going to help you.

1. You need to use better grammar in your CS. While grammar in the end ultimately may not effect characters or the story, it makes the CS more pleasing to the eye and look more well done. In your case it needs some serious work.

2. You need to put more effort and detail into the CS. All the sections that require effort are heavily lacking the detail and effort that I would appreciate to see.

Perhaps this isn't the best roleplay for you to start with. If this is your first time roleplaying I recommend you start off with a roleplay in the simple category, so you can get a grasp on the basics of roleplaying and character creation.

Right now I really don't feel like walking someone through the basics of roleplaying though. I have a lot on my plate as is. I'm glad that you made an effort to join but I'm going to have to reject you.

I apologize if I have inconvenienced you. I hope there are no hard feelings.

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