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Fantasy Demigods of War (AnimeGenork & Clarice_Lecter)

"Emmy...I'm scared."

She knew her friend would probably turn into a flurry of worry from that one sentence that tumbled from her lips, but it was true. Wilma Durante was a woman who prided herself in having things in control despite the many curveballs life threw at her. You'd never hear her claim to have an easy life by any means, but she managed. The one constant good thing that she had in the majority of her years was her best friend, Emerson. Wil didn't necessarily believe in God or fate, but she was thankful to whoever really called the shots of bringing Emmy in her life and keeping her around.

Recently walking to the café she had agreed to meet Emmy at, she sat her lanky frame into one of the wooden chairs. Despite the weather outside she was dressed in a black tank top, multi colored flannel, and jean shorts.

The odd thing was that she was sweating. Sweating to the point where you could see it through her shirt in the middle of her back and down her sides. Nervously rubbing her forehead and moving some damp hair from her face, she put on a nervous smile when Emmy finally sat across from her.

Being vulnerable, or emotional, was never one of Wil's strengths. Emotionally constipated would be a good word for it. Normally she would let it bubble up inside her until she could suppress it, control it...but this was out of control.

So she told her best friend everything. Well, mostly everything. The nightmares she would keep to herself for now, she didn't want to worry Emmy too badly. She explained how this all started happening the day after her birthday. At first she dismissed the spikes in temperatures as hot flashes since they came and left so quickly, but now it was like a furnace in her body was broken and wouldn't shut off. "I tried calling urgent care but they told me to not bother coming in since I didn't have any other symptoms," she admitted to her friend, before giving her a flat look, "and then they asked me if there was any possibility I was pregnant."

"My temperature right now is 112, Emmy...I should be dead. Let alone like, functioning. Everything on the internet said anything over 108 causes brain damage. I used three thermometers! " she whispered, green eyes beginning to water as she pressed her hand over her mouth to keep from sobbing. Her body began to shudder but eventually she got her breathing under control and stilled, green eyes wondering if finally she hit Emmy's limit of patience and her best friend would dump her at the looney bin.


Across the street, two young men were peering into the large window of the café, taking in the state of the woman that seemed unusually warm for this time of year. "Arthur...I think we need to go in," Justin finally called it, lips pursed. When news of a potential daughter of that bastard of a god came across his desk, he almost threw it straight in the trash with a roll of his eyes.

Everyone knew Hephaestus was not on board with the demigod program, just like how everyone was not surprised.

It was the photos clipped to the front page that caught his attention. It was a jewelry store of some sort, with the girl he now knew as Wil talking to what had to be an authority figure. He didn't need video to confirm Wilma was upset, it was clear as could be on her face. Then the next picture showed shattered glass...and the jewelry sticking to her. Like the metal and precious jewels had been called to her.

With that, the spymaster of the Demigod generation had to take action and investigate. He would've bet a significant amount of money this was a fluke. Maybe Ate was just bored and decided to entertain herself with this girl.

He was wrong, so very wrong, and it was so very apparent as they watched her condition. Running a hand through his short hair, he took a deep breath. They didn't exactly have protocol for this. Most gods had the decency of connecting with their children and helping them through the transition. When their powers first spiked, almost too much for the human side of their nature.

Hephaestus certainly wasn't winning any father of the year awards here.

As they were walking in Justin was taken aback by a human sitting across from the unknowing Demigod. A wrinkle in the plan to be sure, but he gave Arthur a sharp look that they had to continue the course. With a grunt he sat down at the third chair, looking from Emmy, sizing her up before finally looking to Wil.

"You're not dead yet. But you will be if you don't let us help you." Justin spoke flatly, lips pursed in a serious manner. He reached out and plucked a sugar packet from the center of the table, messing with the corner idly as he waited for the girls to respond.

Wilma slowly turned her head from Arthur to Justin, then finally to Emmy. "Holy shit...am I actually in the hospital right now and this is a fever dream?" she asked, totally serious, sitting back in her chair and blinking.

  • Emerson Howard

    # Just Some Human

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    Emerson Howard, ever the bored teenager, had been absentmindedly running her finger around her coffee cup, because she had needed something to do with her hands. Also, the lids on these disposable cups never warned her just how hot her drink was, and that was never fun. Her best friend had asked her here, and of course she’d come, because Wil was everything to her and she could never say no to her. Why would she, anyway? It wasn’t like she was doing anything else.

    She lifted her eyes to her friend as she sat down again, having stood up to greet Wil. A frown tugged at the corners of her lips as she took in her friend’s appearance. Why was she so sweaty? Had she just woken up from a nap or something? Emmy herself always looked a mess after a nap. That, and it wasn’t like Wil at all to really look a mess. She was the collected one; Emmy herself was the dysfunctional one. In a fun way, of course.

    If she was being honest, she thought maybe Wil needed some other favor. Not that she was opposed to hearing about the troubles her best friend had been going through. Still, her eyebrows raised a little bit with each fact laid on the table (figuratively speaking). Of course she couldn’t help but make a quip about hot flashes—“What, like menopause? Are you in your fifties already?” but as her friend kept talking, she snapped her sarcastic mouth shut. At least until the mention of Urgent Care. “You’d think they’d be more concerned. Shouldn’t they have you come in so they could tell you if you’re pregnant?” A pause, and then: “Which. Unless you’re the next Mary, we’re doubting, right?”

    Hey, who was she to judge?

    “Oooookay, yeah, 112 degrees Fahrenheit is not normal. Definitely not pregnant. And you’re talking, so your brain seems to be fine.” Her eyebrows furrowed as she watched her friend, so close to breaking down from worry. Emmy reached across the table and placed her hand over her friend’s. “Don’t worry, Wil, we’ll figure this out. There’s gotta be some sort of explanation for it, no matter how crazy. Even if I have to carry you to Urgent Care and demand they figure it out, we’ll find out why you’re literally the hottest thing within a five mile radius.” She gave her friend a shy grin, trying to get her to smile back. “Get it? Hot?”

As Emmy quipped at her about being the next Mary, Wil shot her a flat look. If it had been anyone else her tongue would have teared them to shreds, but never Emerson. Her best friend had always been her anchor, a fact she found a new appreciation for as she gripped her the other woman's hand in her own after she had reached out. She had always hated asking for help, had always hated being vulnerable, but she was so thankful to have Emmy who could tell how hard this was for her and comfort her in the right way. Wil had barely nodded, choking down tears when the guys had joined them. The larger one seemed to be put off by his companion's words, so as usual when she was in a weird circumstance Wil kept her mouth shut. Usually this forced other people to try and fill in the awkward silence with extra information which she used to understand the level of threat.

Justin had been scrolling through his phone, dabbling between messages from Kimberly, Marguerite, Becca...and an alert from Sophie made him pause. Time was running out, they had to get Wil and her friend moving. He almost didn't hear what Arthur said, but a roll of his eyes over the dramatics and a sigh gave him away. He honestly didn't know what was with the son of Athena. He naturally was given a leadership position but...he lacked that charisma, the charm that most great leaders needed. It was why most of the company felt distant from him. It was also another reason why Justin was mainly tasked with convincing Wil they were her best hope of survival. "A wizard? Hades, no, that's an insult," Justin clicked his tongue with a shake of his head, putting his phone in his pocket. His eyes scanned Emmy's face, threatened how she would react most. Hopefully Arthur would make himself useful. He really didn't enjoy the idea of everyone back at camp hearing how two demigods had to chase down a human.

Rolling his shoulders before looking squarely to Wilma, he told her, "What you're going through is a natural progression of your lineage. That lineage, we believe, is that you are a direct descendent of a god."

Wil immediately looked to Emmy with a concerned expression. They had joked about Mary earlier, perhaps the boys had overheard them, but this went too far.

"No, no, I apologize. I forget that 'the one god' is the popular belief right now," Justin laughed giving air quotes, as if he was talking about aliens. "I'm talking about the real gods. You call them greek mythology, we call them mother or father. Whoever that is has passed down distinct gifts through their bloodline, and those gifts take a toll on the human side of our nature. However we already have a facility full of others that have been through similar things, so we would be best able to help you."

The tilt of her head was the only acknowledgement at first. Surprisingly, she didn't ask about her lineage, and instead asked, "Why do you say similar if I'm one of you?"

Justin briefly looked to Arthur. Damn, she was smart. She must've gotten that from her mother, but the distrusting tone annoyingly sounded just like Hepheastus. "Because we believe you are the only descendent of this god in question," he decided honesty was the best policy, "but compared to your other options, we're your only salvation." He proceeded to hold up a finger, "You tell us to leave, you stay here with your friend, she watches you die a painful death. I'm estimating within 24 hours. And that's not even the worst option." Seeing the girl's confused faces, he held up another finger and explained, "There's a Harpy on her way that must've already been tipped off. Her main goal in life right now is to kill you while you're at your weakest, and will probably kill your friend and any other witnesses just to keep it as clean as possible for her bosses." He was grateful to see Wil suddenly lean forward, that getting her attention.

Wilma had always been handed the short stick in life and had found her way through, but she didn't want Emmy or these innocent people punished because of her...if it was real. "Bullshit. I want some proof," she demanded, ignoring the sweat slowly making it's way down her temple and the column of her throat. Justin immediately looked to Arthur with an exhausted look, internally screaming do something.

  • Emerson Howard

    # Just Some Human

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    “Oooookay, man, clearly you might be off your rocker. The next Virgin Mary, maybe. An actual Jesus? Yeah, right.” Emmy snorted, loudly. This had gotten less amusing the moment these two asshats had walked in. And frankly, she wasn’t really having it right now. She was just about to take Wil’s hand and drag her out of this place before the guy continued.

    Greek mythology? Sure, she’d learned about it in school, but that’s all it was. Stories. Weird stories with a lot of incest for some reason, but still just stories. But as the guy kept talking, Emmy’s eyebrows shot higher up her forehead. He sure seemed convinced that this was all real. And, really, who was she to say it wasn’t. Especially after he’d insulted all of Christianity just now. Eesh.

    Then there was the dying thing. “Excuse me. What?” She shot to her feet, causing her chair to clatter behind her. The other patrons in the café glanced over. “You really think I’m just going to let her die,” she continued in a fierce growl, trying not to let anyone hear this wacky conversation. She glared at first one of the guys, then the other, challenging them to stop her from… well, she wasn’t sure. Maybe punching their lights out. Still!! No way was she letting Wil die!

Wil immediately put her face in her hand when Arthur started talking about some delayed puberty. Great. Like Emmy needed more ammunition for the Virgin Mary jokes. She just let the gold drachma sit on her shoulder, as if a badge proving to everyone something was just very wrong with her.

Justin's eyes softened at Wil's state, at Emmy's outburst. It was clear the demigod was troubled with her predicament, and it was a beautiful display of love and care coming from Emmy when she took in the news. Yet hearing the screech his eyes hardened again, and he noticed Wil picked up her face from her hands. "You heard it too?" he asked excitedly, not bothering to explain for Emmy. His body moved instinctually, gathering the girls up and beginning to lead them outside. His head was on a swivel, constantly checking for the threat, and when he saw an arrow flying through the air he tapped into his powers.

Moving at superhuman speed he moved his forearm in front of Emmy, the arrow breaking to pieces and slashing the material of his shirt. Underneath was a thin long golden cuff that started at his wrist and ran down the expanse of his arm. "Fucking Harpies" he muttered, "she can't tell which one is which."

"Ok, ok, fine, I believe you, get us out of this mess," Wil said, feeling her breath become short and concerned. When she weighed the facts, the Harpy tried killing Emmy, and these weird boys just saved her. Hoping she wouldn't regret her decision, she tried keeping up as they ran through narrow alleyways, following Justin and Arthur, feeling like steam was going to come out of her ears at how hot she was getting.

At some point that Justin deemed safe, he flashed them all a big grin. "Group hug!" he said, tugging a swan amulet hanging from his neck for them all to see. Wil looked to Emmy before gripping her friend close. "I'm so sorry," she couldn't help but whisper, having no idea what danger she was about to put her friend in. Justin' wrapped his arms around them, letting Arthur hold onto him, before sliding the swan's wings in a flying motion. Soon they were surrounded by bright light and Wil felt a strange tugging sensation on her skin and it was getting stronger and stronger. She shut her eyes to shield them from the bright light.

Then immediately the tugging sensation had stopped, and when she opened her eyes it looked like they were at some sort of camping resort. A beautiful lake was in front of them, rocks under their feet, and cabins scattered everywhere.

Oh, and the people.

Dozens of young men and women were staring at them in wonder, as if they were expecting Justin and Arthur to fail. Now they had not only brought back one person, but two? "What's their problem?" Wil practically whined, her patience thin with the heat building within her.

"They're trying to figure out who your dad is, the nosey fucks" Justin said, ushering them into a cabin to the left. Wil saw a tattered couch and immediately laid on it, pressing her sweaty forehead against the arm. Everything was just getting so much worse, her joints beginning to ache. "Fuck," she muttered, face growing tense as the ache began to spread through her body.

"Ok, ok, ok..." Justin began freaking out at how quickly Wil was getting worse. Running his hands through his hair, he looked to Arthur, "Make sure she stays hydrated and NO one gets through that door that shouldn't be in here," he ordered before grabbing Emmy by the shoulder. "C'mon, quick tour time. I know, I know, she'll be fine. She's with the son of Athena, the real brains of the operation. She won't die if you hurry up and come with me to help."

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