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Defining Moments


Meta-Magic Eight Ball
After getting his schedule and directions, Dustin made his way to the dorm building that he would be sleeping in for the rest of his freshmen year, perhaps even all of his high school career. The boarding school had a nice campus, he could admit that, and so far all the people seemed friendly. But as much as he tried to be excited, there was also some doubt looming in the back of his mind about if this was going to be a good year or not.

After arriving, he greeted the few people that were already there before heading up to his own dorm room. His roommate wasn't there yet, so he chose a bed and began placing his clothes in the dresser and closet provided. He didn't even have the name of his roommate, but he hoped the guy was cool. He didn't want to spend the rest of the year hating his roommate - or his roommate hating him.

(( Your character doesn't have to be Dustin's roommate if you don't want him to be. I was just getting a starter up. [: ))
Nick got out of his parents car and looked around at the huge campus he would be spending his high school career at. He was from New Jersey and now was going to this boarding school in upstate New York. It was one of the best hockey schools on the country and that is why he decided to come here. He hugged his parents goodbye and then took his stuff and went to get his schedule and dorm room. Nick was excited and nervous all at the same time, but he decided once he got here he would focus on hockey and that was it.

Nick found out his room and took his stuff to it, once he got there he waited outside the door for a second. He sighed and thought to him self. "Hopefully I have a cool roommate." Nick opened the door and smiled when he saw his roommate(Dustin). Nick put his stuff down on his side if the room and smiled and put his hand out. "Hey nice to meet you dude I'm nick."
When the door clicked open, Dustin turned around from the dresser and saw a blond guy coming him. He suspected he was his roommate, and his guess was right when he watched the stranger put all his stuff down and introduce himself. Dustin smiled and extended his hand to shake Nick's. "You, too. I'm Dustin."

Once their handshake was done, he went back to put the last of his things in the drawer. "Which part of New York are you from?" he asked, assuming his roommate was from the city.
Nick turned back to his things and started to unpack them. He then turned and looked at his roommate. "Oh I'm actually from New Jersey not New York. I came up here on an ice hockey scholarship."

Nick continued to unpack his thighs until he was done. Then he laid on his bed and relaxed.
"Oh, all right. So you play hockey? That's pretty sweet," Dustin said as he stood and wiped his hands on his pants. "I play soccer." He sat on his bed and looked at his checked his cellphone. "Did you come from another boarding school?"
Nick smiled when he turned and looked at the boy and listened to him talk. "Yea I play ice hockey I've been playing since I was 4 years old it's basically my life." Nick laughed a little bit but it was true. Ever since his parents took him to the NHL game when he was 4 he fell in love with the sport and has been ever since, and thats all he wants to do. Nick smirked a little bit when he heard Dustin say he played soccer " oh so your a foot fairy?" Nick started to laugh at his little joke but then he stopped "don't worry I'm just kidding with you. Hockey players call soccer players foot fairys a lot but we're only joking, and no I went to the local middle school in my town before I came here."
"A foot fairy?" Dustin repeated with an amused look on his face before he busted up laughing. "You guys don't have much room to talk. Hell, you're on skates," he joked back. He laughed a bit more before nodding in understanding at Nick's explanation. "Makes sense. This is my first boarding school, too. The high school I was supposed to go to had a shooting, so..." he shrugged. "My parents freaked and thought here was a better, safer place."
Nick laughed " well we may be on skates but at least we don't get hurt at every little touch like you guys do" nick smirked and laughed. "Just messing with you dude." Nick then looked up in shock when he heard why Dustin came here. "Damn dude that's scary. I can totally understand why hey decided to come here, I'm here because the school wanted me to play here, but you know it um kinda sucks that it's an all guys school ya know."
Dustin couldn't help but laugh at that. He was going to retort that hockey players had better gear on, but he decided against it and just shook his head. "Yeah, yeah," he said. He nodded a little when Nick said that a shooting at the school was scary, which Dustin agreed with, but he didn't think that being forced to go to an entirely different system of schooling was very fair.

"You don't have a girl back home or anything?" he asked Nick, leaning back on his hands. Of course Nick wasn't gay...
Nick looked up at Dustin and blushed a little bit. "Oh well um no I don't right now actually. You know I just kinda figured um that since I'm moving away from home to come here, there really was no point To have a girlfriend you know." Nick had girlfriends before and he had kissed a few girls but for whatever reason he really didn't have any interest in them. He had always had girls all over him but he was never that interested.
"Oh, okay. I guess that makes sense," Dustin nodded in agreement. It would be hard to keep a relationship when you wouldn't be able to see or talk to each other every day, especially if you lived in a whole other state. "It's all right, though," he grinned as he looked to Nick. "I don't have a girlfriend either."
Nick listened to Dustin and then blushed when he said he didn't have a girlfriend either. Nick was still blushing as he kinda checked Dustin out and saw just how cute he really was. He was hoping that Dustin could not tell what he was doing, but then nick snapped out of it and quickly looked back to his phone. "Oh well it is what it is you know. Nothing we can really do about it now I guess. We just have to enjoy our time here." Nick smiled at him. 
Nick listened to Dustin and then blushed when he said he didn't have a girlfriend either. Nick was still blushing as he kinda checked Dustin out and saw just how cute he really was. He was hoping that Dustin could not tell what he was doing, but then nick snapped out of it and quickly looked back to his phone. "Oh well it is what it is you know. Nothing we can really do about it now I guess. We just have to enjoy our time here." Nick smiled at him.
Dustin didn't notice the fact that Nick was checking him out as he was busy laying back on his bed. "Yeah, that's true. I'm trying to keep positive; I'm sure it's not that bad once things start rolling."
Nick smiled at him "yea I bet this school is pretty cool. It's one of the wealthiest boarding schools in the country so probably a lot of cool stuff for us to do."
"For sure," Dustin agreed as he nodded. "I'm hungry, though," he said as one of his hands held his stomach. Since it was the first day of school, the schedule was a bit off just to ensure everybody would settle in well. "Do you know when they serve lunch?"
Nick laughed "the cafeteria is open 24/7 we can go ear whenever we want. Come on I'm hungry too." Nick got up off of his bed and walked to the door with Dustin behind him. Nick knew where he was going so in a minute or two they were there. The cafeteria was a gormet kitchen and you could get just about anything you wanted. "Dude I'm going to get a steak and baked potato how about you?"
"Oh!" Dustin blushed a little, feeling somewhat like an idiot. He just laughed, though, and stood from his bed. He stretched his body out for a moment before collecting his phone and wallet and then following Nick out of the dorms. "Steak and baked potato for lunch?" Dustin repeated with an incredulous tone. He laughed a little before shrugging. "I don't know, I was thinking just a sandwich or something."
Nick laughed and looked at him. "Oh come on man you got to do it big here. We get all of this stuff whenever we want we might as we'll talk advantage of it." Nick went and grabbed his lunch and sat down at a table waiting for Dustin to come join him.
Dustin shrugged but nodded his head, seeing the truth in Nick's words. But he wasn't normally much of a lunch eater and therefore he decided to just get the best looking sandwich he could and a drink. Then he sat down across from Nick.
Dustin wondered what the blush was about but he didn't comment on it. Instead, he simply returned the smile. "Not bad. It seems so busy when I check my schedule out but I don't think I'm too much busier than I was when I went to regular school." He took a bite of his sandwich. "What about you?"
Nick looked at his schedule. "Ehh it's not that bad either. I get out if class a lot for hockey so I'm pretty happy about that." Nick couldn't stop blushing over Dustin. Something about him just made nick want to be around him all the time.

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