More Than Friends (Erwin x Evan)

Mituna Captor

Just Another Homestucker

Matthew knocked gently on Danielle's door, hitching his school bag over his shoulder and taking his headphones out. Ready for the gossip on the weekend for his best friend.

He waited patiently for Danni to open the door. He looked down slightly, wrapping his headphones around his iPhone and turning it off quickly.

When the redheaded girl came to the door, his face lit up and he grinned, embracing to shorter of the two.

"Hi!" He said with a smile, kissing her forehead and letting her go.

"Sooo! What happened at the weekend? Did you get up to a lot?" He continued, laughing lightly as he twirled his finger in Danni's hair, his eyes soft.

Danielle adjusted the bra on his chest, making sure that the fake add-ons weren't going to move through the day. He buttoned up the plaid white and pink shirt and tied it at the bottom so that his stomach was showing. He then pulled up the high waisted shorts that had braces attached to them, pulling them over his shoulders before putting on his pink converse high-tops.

Danielle ran to the door and opened it so quickly that it could've fallen right off it's hinges. "Mattie!" He giggled, hugging the tall boy that stood in front of him. He held his bag close to his body whilst sending a tiny wave to his brother before shutting the door behind him. "I missed you and your white hair!" He smiled, smiling brightly with his glossed lips. "Oh nothing much just buying clothes and working out at the gym because I like to be healthy and lookie!" He pointed to the flat stomach that was his. "It's all flat and non-pudgy~" He admired his own stomach before looking up and giggling again. "Sorry, what did you do on the weekend?~"
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He smiled and laughed softly, watching his friend admire her brilliant figure.

"You don't need to work out, silly! you're already perfect as it is!" Mattie said with a soft giggle. He carefully took the shorter girl's hand and linked their fingers.

"You only missed me because I runs you of that rat of yours!" He laughed considerably louder this time.

"Ah, I didn't get up to all that much, mainly revising and boring stuff like that, boring stuff that girls don't care all that much about. No gossip from me today, sorry babes!"
"Oh come on Mattie, if I don't work out I'll be fat considering how many cakes I eat in a day" He retorted, starting to walk with Mattie's hand in his. "Really now, and she's is a mouse, not a disgusting creature like a rat!" He scoffed, looking down at his bag when he heard s small squeak. Over the past few days his mouse had kept climbing into whatever he had with him when he went out. "Oh dear, Jasmine, again?" He sighed, opening the bag, holding mouse and placing it on his shoulder, leaving the creature to nest in his hair and by his neck. "Well at least Jasmine did more interesting things than you, we went shopping together, mainly because she jumped into my bra when I was picking up my bags but none the less"
"In your bra?!" He sniggered, covering his mouth and blushing slightly.

He stared at his friend stood beside him, his eyes slightly widened.

"You don't know how beautiful you've grown up to be..." He said with a smile, wrapping his arms around Danielle and kissing her forehead. It was the norm for Mattie to embrace the other, but he didn't really compliment her so sincerely. He'd managed to keep his feelings for his best friend a secret for so long, but cracks were beginning to appear in his resolve and it was showing through. He couldn't stop it.
Daniel nods and giggles lightly as the whiskers of the tiny mouse brush past his cheek. "Yes, my bra, I guess it was the only thing she could reach in the moment" He laughed, having to push his hair back into place as it was ruffled after Mattie had toyed with it. "Aww, Matt," A delicate hand gave a weak hit to the male's arm, a jokey hit, more of a pat as if to be friendly about it. ",you know you can't say things like that, I'm not even a girl and boys are handsome, not beautiful and girly" He carried on walking along the gravel path, his feet crunching the tiny pebbles beneath him. "If I were a girl, I'd have a boyfriend by now but not many boys like girls that are actually boys underneath, y'know?" He smirked, looking up the boy for a moment before looking back in the direction he was walking in.
Mattie chuckled and caught her hand again.

"Yeah but, you're still pretty... Like, you make a pretty girl. You also made a very handsome boy. There? Is that better?" He said with another snigger, squeezing Danielle's hand and kissing her cheek gently.

"Yeah, but you're a girl in your head and you dress like one. Unless some heartless prick was to use you for sex, a really nice boy wouldn't even care what was in your trousers!" He mumbled on, fumbling in the pocket of his red jeans for something. He brought out a small necklace with a single heart shaped pendant on the end.

"You left this on friday!" He said warmly, fixing it around her neck and sneaking a cheeky kiss whilst he was there.
Danielle shrugged, loosely resting his hand on one of the braces while the other held his friend's hand. "Thanks, I need to sort out my forgetful habits, really" He giggled, looking down at the lovely jewel on the end or the silver chain that reflected the sunlight. He let the kiss linger on his cheek before wiping it off as they entered the school. Today was really just revision for tests that were upcoming so everyone would just sit and talk to the person next too then instead of actually studying the subjects. "Come on then, to the boring classes we go, Matt!~"
Matt laughed again, running his thumb over Danielle's palm as they walked in.

"They're not all that boring, we have English today!" He said with a grin. Matt was top of the class for almost everything. He was clever, but he always modest about it, he'd never really boasted about himself.

"English is fun~" He said with a little laugh as he pulled his best friend into first period, giggling.
Danielle rolls his eyes, pushing the dreadful class door open and sniffing the oh so horrible scent of books and pen ink. It smelled like an old library really, and that just reminded him of how in every class he was the lowest graded. He still listened at times but most he just thought of it useless, why revise for something that you know you'll fail on? "Yeah, I still hate school, Matt, no changing my mind" He sat down at the squeaking desk, getting out his English book to write in and a pen to write with. "You only like it cause you're smart!"
He shook his head, sitting beside her and getting out his book and pen, laughing faintly.

"Or maybe I'm only smart because I like it!" He countered, tapping her nose as he sat down.
"Shut up, smart person," Danielle stuck his tongue out at Mattie and blew a tiny raspberry at him. He never really liked those that were really smart, they always seemed to be quite annoying or boastful about it, but Mattie was an exception to Danielle's hate for the smarter ones. He got out his pen that has a tiny bobble head cat on top and huffed, he really didn't feel like writing notes down so he drew a cat face on one of lines and closed the book. "Finished" He announced, dropping his pen onto the book as a sign that he'd finished everything.
Matthew sighed, he took his schoolwork very seriously indeed.

"Danni, you're not going to get any smarter if you don't make notes, dear." He said quietly, shoving his notes onto her desk for her to scribble down before he was caught.

"There." He said with a small laugh.
Danielle huffed, grumbling something under his breath and slowly writing do an the notes on Shakespeare. "It's not like I'm going use any of this stuff in my future job, all this... thou, thee and art business is really confusing!" He finished off the notes and then shut his book, everything else in this lesson was nonsense to him anyways. "Ugh, do you think we have to write anything else down? I really don't want to...."
"I think we're okay now." He shut his book too, a smile spreading across his white cheeks as he sat back to listen, his pink eyes landing on Danielle and gazing at her, He really wished that he'd be a big enough man to tell her how he really felt, but whenever he thought he was ready, he ended up chickening out.
"Good because I really don't have the energy to write anything else!" Danielle giggled and bit the pen he'd been writing with. If he had it his way then he'd just..get Mattie to write out the notes and answers to questions, but of course that'd be quite rude to his best friend. "You know, I'm beginning to think that the only thing I like in this school is the swimming in gym class..."
Matthew shivered at the thought of swimming.

"Ew, no!" He protested, kicking his legs against the desk.

"Swimming sucks man. What's so good about showing off your body Infront of people? Unless of course you have a body like yours." He poked his friend playfully.
Danielle rolled his eyes at Mattie who sat and squirmed in his seat. "Well for a start, seeing all of those boys swimming is just amazing because they all have magnifico bodies, second, I swim in the girls pool so nobody really teases you if you have no abs, Matt, stop being thick" He flicked Matt's nose like he was being a bad pet and smirked. "Us girlies know how to treat each other rich and respectfully! Unlike you boys, we simply go in the pool and talk before swimming and then watch the boys swimming in the pool beside us!"

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