Apocalypse ( Kirito and Kwitty)


Cook of the Thousand Sunny
One hundred and seventy two days, fifteen hours, twenty-nine minutes, and eleven seconds.t

It's been one hundred and seventy two days, fifteen hours, twenty-nine minutes, and eleven seconds since the Outbreak and one hundred sixty-seven days, thirteen hours, two minutes, and fifty-six seconds since the government ordered for all the remaining survivors of the illness to find refuge within quarantines, a building that was originally designed to keep the sick in, not the healthy. . . !

What's even worse is that it has been one hundred sixty-seven days, twenty hours, fourteen minutes, and one second since the announcement was made that the government was rapidly developing a cure for this pandemic affair that had struck internationally, not just the good ol' country of the free. Some would wonder why would the government - my bad, governments - bother to keep the world's hopes up for a cure when it was clear that they were no where near it's supposed finished state.

I take it back. The most horrifying part is that thousands of people have died, not from the initial Outbreak, but from the wait. Many have fallen sick and have been disposed of to keep the virus from spreading within the quarantine. The lives of the fallen haunt each and every one of us whenever we close our eyes. We can still vividly imagine the tragedy that struck back in the month of March, the month that was supposed to be lucky. They broke into the quarantine. Thousands of zombies burst in through the doors. Only a lucky few of us made it out.

The air in late May was nice. The breeze swept through my hair. It was hot and it would have been a nice day for swimming or walking. But of course all things good come to a end. Zombies swarmed the streets and I was sat on a roof top of a convenience store. I leaned my rifle on the parapet of the roof. I had come here for supplies but it seems that I was trapped. I sighed lighting up a smoke. That's when I seen a young girl running trying to get away from zombies.
The wind whipped at her hair and her clothes as she ran. She was currently being chased by a bunch of zombies, they apparently ganged up and attacked. Sighing she grabs the handle of her sword. slicing two zombies in the head at once she kicks the third one, stabbing it in the hand. Once she was done she smirks, satisfyingly, flinging some of the greenish/ blackish blood off of the sword. She takes a step back, picking up the supplies she dropped. With a grunt she starts walking again back to her little camp.
This girl is good I thought to my self watching her slice through zombies like butter and flick the blood from her sword. Then a zombie came running at her and she was unaware, so I grabbed my rifle. "Steady.... Steady" I said aiming down my sights. " And the Alice went down" I said and a loud Bang could be heard coming from where I was to. I saw her look up at me and I just smiled at her.

I walked into the shop from the roof top, carrying a duffel bag around my shoulders and my rifle was in my hand. I walked over to the fridge grabbing two cans of Bacardi. I walked out of the store and walked up to the girl tossing her a can. " Hey the name is Daemon we should get out of here before more of those freaks come, thats for the save by the way. I'd be dead if it weren't for you killing those zombies out here" he said.
Alice was startled by sudden sound and swung at the nearest object " Oh.. It's a human.. " She states and looks at the can drop to her feet. " Well.. you got lucky.. That I was passing by.. you should really start defending for your self.. Ya 'know?" Alice says before shouldering another bag. " Besides.. Even though i'm surviving now.. there just might be a chance I might not be in the future.." she smirks and starts walking gripping the handle to her sword.
I looked at her and smiled wildly. I grabbed one of the bags off her shoulders and put in over mine and followed her. "It may be the apocalypse but I still have my respect for women, I'll take this for you, so where are you headed?" I asked as I placed my rifle down to fix the bag and I grabbed my rifle again walking behind her quietly. I wondered what was she like and could I trust her. I still owe her for now so I'll just go along with her.
Alice rolled her eyes and decided to play nice, for now. " I'm going back to my camp.. I'm not sure if you want to come.. " she says and grips the handle to her sword harder, making her knuckles turn white. She continues to walk until she got to an old abandoned house, right on the corner. A little girl runs and opens the door to the house. " Mommy! Mommy!" the little girl runs into her mothers arms " Hey sweetie.. I got you some snacks.." She says trying to a little cheerful before walking up to the house hand in hand with the little girl.
"Yeah I'll tag along" I said. Looking around as I followed her I seen lots of things. A toy store, another convenience store, a bar but most of all I seen bodies, dead bodies. Their scent was repulsive and then we finally got to her camp. I saw a little girl run out of the building yelling 'Mommy'. "Wait... Your a mother?" I said surprised. As I looked at the young girl I noticed how much the two looked alike.
Alice blushed. " Yep.. she's two years.. Teen mom status.. I guess.. " Alice opens the door to the house ushering her little girl and the guy inside " Want something to eat? " Alice smiles and steps inside the house " Her name is Anne. sounds like Ann.. But, it's Annie." she says and Anne goes to sit on the couch watching the blank screen of the T.V. " Alice goes to sit on the bar stool in the kitchen.
"Um..... sure, I would like something to eat" I said as I go sit next to her. I looked around, even though it was abandoned it was a pretty nice place they had here. I leaned my rifle against the table and turned the safety on just in case. I looked up at the woman sat beside myself. " You know... I still haven't caught your name" he said. He took out his can of bacardi and cracked it open and started to drink it.
Alice smiles " I'm Alice. What about you?" Alice gets up and walks over to the pantry. There was some food inside of it, but not much. " We have chips.. More.. and more chips.. that's mostly what me and Anne eat." Alice smiles before tossing him and bag and sitting down beside him. Alice fiddles with a piece of her red hair, then Anne came into the room. " Hello.. Mister.. Don't you be doing anything with my momma.. " Anna smiles as she says this Alice blushes " Excuse Anne. "
"My name is daemon" he said smiling back, and catching the bag of chips thrown to him. He laughed at Anne. " Haha, she seems like a nice kid" he said opening the bag of chip and eating a couple. "She sort of reminds me of when my little sister was younger" he said. Truth was Daemon really like kids, He kinda had a soft spot for them. He looked over at Anne "Don't worry little one, I'm not that kind of person that would hurt people without reason" he simply said.

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