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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Cosmic Crusade: CS Collection



never ask me for anything ever again
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
“Welcome to our inaugural team building exercise. Today we're doing icebreakers. Just fill out this little form, take your name tag, and give me your credit card information–ok that's enough of that.

I still do need you to talk about yourself. Uh. Here's a form, I guess."
  • 「 CS 」

    "Alright. You've been asking me to explain how I'm supposed to dispense magic powers to boring NPs like you. Here's the summary:
    The beasts you'll be fighting are basically made of a type of energy manifesting to you guys as a more comprehensible form thanks to the power of years of evolution in the past. When they die, they release their energy and disperse to come back again some other day. My job is to harness that energy—done—and then coalesce it to give it to you guys. Easy. The energy should do the rest of the work. It'll change itself to become something that fits you, a part of you, and becomes what you use to transform and maybe also your weapon. I'm also like 70% sure it'll start talking at you, so when that happens, you're not going crazy, I promise."

    "As for the how the powers themselves work. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. You guys are gonna suck for a bit. The powers I've given are fresh, undeveloped, raw canvases to grow alongside you, but right now that canvas is blank and boring. You want cool magic, right? Gotta earn it. Them's the breaks."
    Creative freedom is getting restricted the tiniest bit. Here's two whole notes regarding what your character should be like for now.

    1. Please make a high school student aged character. This is a magical girl RP, and those are invariably given casts of that age. Why break the mold here? This is, of course, negotiable.
    2. Again, characters will start off with weak caterpillar powers. The abilities of characters will improve over the course of the story, so don't go overboard here.


    "Ok, other narrator, that's enough from you for now. Let's get that form filled out...why do I need this, you ask? Tax purposes."

    Full Name: "What to call you?"

    Age, DOB: "So we can harass you with 'Happy Birthday' and give you gifts."

    Gender: "What to call you?"

    Height, Weight: "I really want to pay those taxes."

    Appearance: "Make connecting you to the form you're filling in here easier."

    Personality: "What are you like, got any hidden depths?"

    Biography: "What tragedies can we fit in here?"

    Alter Ego Name: "Is your merch—I mean, transformational trinket already talking to you? Or have you thought up something of your own?"

    Alter Ego Description: "What can you do with your magics right now?"

    Alter Ego Strengths & Weaknesses: "What can we buff or hide with the power of friendship?"

「 CS 」
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[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]PERSONALITY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
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[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][comment]
// Relationships
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[Tab=ALTER EGO][comment]


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// Common Name
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// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]ALTER EGO DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0px 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Strengths and weaknesses
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]STRENGTHS + WEAKNESSES[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Weapons Equipment
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]WEAPONS + EQUIPMENT[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab]

    "Dancing in the Moonlight"
    Yoshikawa Nanami
    Yoshikawa Nanami
    18 (August 11, 2003)
    Nana, Nami, Na-chan (Ken), Bunny/Usagi (Ken)
    Cis-female | Bisexual Demiromantic
    4'11" (149 cm) | 127 lb (58 kg)
    The Darling of Amanogawa High School
    Nanami is a beautiful young woman of shorter than average height, standing in at a mere 4'11, with a slender, well-defined body and soft curves. Although she does not look it, Nana is surprisingly muscular as a result of her training.
    She has smooth, fair skin and long black hair that spills over her shoulders and down past her waist. Occasionally she will adorn her hair with two red ribbons just above each shoulder. Her most notable feature, however, would have to be her eyes. Due to having been born with heterochromia, Nanami's right eye is a striking blue and her left is lavender.
    She has a very natural beauty so it is rare she chooses to wear full faces of makeup, only opting to wear it if she needs to cover up bruises or when she has to work. Unfortunately, the former is something she has to do all too often.

    Nanami is a very well-dressed individual, able to style just about anything and make it look nice. She has a lot of nice, casual clothes, but typically prefers to 'steal' shirts and hoodies from Ken and style those as dresses. She favours oversized clothing and because of their size difference, almost everything Ken owns is perfect for her.

    Notes: - Smells very sweet, typically like strawberries and vanilla, or something floral
    - Has a necklace with a ring hanging from it, Ken has a matching one. (Nana also wears her older brother's ring on her right ring finger.)
    - Usually has a bunny clip in her hair (gifted to her by Ken)
    - Wears a lavender, pastel pink, and baby blue bunny-shaped watch on her right wrist
    - Also on her right wrist is a charm bracelet with a sun and moon charm, will likely add more charms in the future
    - Has small scars littering her body from her many "falls", all in places she can easily cover with clothes
    - Her voice claim is Yui Ishikawa
    <3 ✨
    Nanami is sweet, gentle, and easy to approach; she's the type of person others are drawn to. Although not difficult to talk to, she is very reserved and doesn't share much about herself save for pretty basic things, but does enjoy having more in-depth conversations with people so long as she doesn't have to share anything personal. She's a very insightful woman and has a lot of opinions, many of which she's happy to share, whether it's of her own volition or prompted by someone else.

    Nana is extremely protective and loving- she'll do everything in her power to take care of those closest to her and will always put others before herself, no matter the situation. She's someone who is easily trusted by others and isn't one to hold grudges (At least, that's what she lets people think). She very rarely talks to others about how she's feeling as the last thing she wishes to do is inconvenience them. However, she's always there for her friends and others if they need a shoulder to lean on.

    - intelligent, top of her class, straight-a student.
    - surprisingly street smart
    - hyper-aware of the way people act and of the environment around her; easily startled
    - tries her best to be nice to everyone (some days that is more difficult than others)
    - possessive of things that are hers, more specifically with her material possessions
    - extremely protective of her loved ones
    - she's fine. everything is fine. anything bad happens and she's perfectly fine. there's absolutely nothing wrong.
    - very guarded
    - does not trust easily
    - does everything in her power to hide her true feelings until she is alone and can let down the emotional walls she has skillfully built up
    - stubborn as a mule and will not back down without a fight, especially if it's for something she strongly believes in or is opposed to
    - she is very brave and has no qualms when it comes to doing anything, no matter how reckless, to protect her friends and loved ones
    - hardworking and determined, nanami tries her absolute best in everything she does. she doesn't want to disappoint anyone [which also happens to be one of her biggest fears].
    - has a habit of overworking herself. she keeps herself extremely busy, working until she physically cannot anymore. she refuses to take a break if she still has even the slightest bit of energy left- she often works herself past the point of exhaustion.
    - she's incredibly trustworthy
    - she gets lonely very easily

    + tea
    + chocolate milk
    + rainstorms
    + cuddling, physical affection (from very specific people)
    + oversized clothing
    + any and all animals
    + plushies
    + mythology
    + anything fantasy
    + horror movies / psychological thrillers

    - thunder
    - yelling
    - alcohol (especially the smell of it)
    - cooking
    - food/eating
    - large crowds
    - crying
    - romantic comedies

    ❥ anything involving the arts (drawing, painting, dancing, music, etc. very artistically and musically gifted)
    ❥ although proficient in a handful of instruments, she favours piano, guitar, violin, and the drums
    ❥ self-defense training
    ❥ volleyball - she's an absolute beast on the court and gives 100% every single time.
    ❥ running
    ❥ reading
    ❥ gardening - she and ken have a little garden they care for together
    ❥ playing video games
    ❥ programming
    Nanami has spent her entire life surviving by the skin of her teeth alongside her older brother Daiki, and if it weren't for Ken and his mother, Hanae, things may have turned out very differently.

    - In and out of the hospital frequently, when questioned about it her parents would lie and say it was because Nanami was a very sickly kid, very fragile and clumsy
    - managed to get a job pretty young, working at a regular café when she was a freshman in high school.
    - later quit that café job and started working at a maid café when she was 17 in order to support herself because although her parents still allowed her to live under their roof, they cut her off from essentially everything else. they only give her the absolute basic necessities and even then that's not usually enough.
    Kawaguchi Ken (Kiki): Childhood best friend and the first half of the KawaKawa combo. They've known each other almost their entire lives and are basically inseparable; there are little to no barriers between them. They have no sense of personal space when it comes to the other and physical contact is a constant whenever they're together; they might as well be joined at the hip. She cares for him greatly and would do anything to ensure his happiness. She's extremely protective of him. Spends more time at his home than her own- She might as well live there.

    Her feelings go much deeper than that, her love for him unparalleled, but the way she sees it he'll only ever be able to see her as a best friend.

    Handa Daichi (Dai Chia Pet): They met through Ken and their relationship was a very "friend of my friend" type of vibe. One day, Ken had to leave early and left the two on their own. It was incredibly awkward at first, but they quickly found out they had some common interests and became friends. She cares for and trusts him.

    Amano Shiki: tbd (Daughter™)

    Fukushima Moura: They met because both are friends with Ken and get along well enough. She's fond of him.

    Akihito Ryoto: tbd

    Mitsurugi Tateyuki: She knows he used to have a crush on her, although he never said anything about it to her directly. While she does not share that kind of affection, she would have liked to befriend him, but that doesn't seem possible at this time. She still reaches out, however, and will approach to say hello and try to talk. It isn't much, but she wants him to know she's there for him should he ever need it.

    Iwa Machi: They are acquaintances. She doesn't know her very well but would like to get to know her more. She seems nice. (extent of their relationship currently undetermined)

    Ishioka Yuuka: tbd

    Yoshikawa Anzu and Kaito: Nanami's parents. Her mother, Anzu, is very distant and usually neglects her. Whereas her father, Kaito, is a violent drunk and a little too focused on Nana. Both use her as an outlet for their anger and frustrations, which is why she often escapes to Ken's house. That is her safe space.

    Yoshikawa Daiki: [FC: Yuta Okkotsu] Nanami's deceased older brother. Growing up they were very close and he always did his best to protect her from their parents. Unfortunately, in Nanami's freshman year of high school, Kaito was driving Daiki home and got into a car accident. Kaito survived, but Daiki died on the way to the hospital.

    Nana still hasn't fully recovered from this.

    Kawaguchi Hanae: Ken's mother. She gave Nanami a safe place to thrive and has been nothing short of amazing to her. She is the most trusted adult in Nana's life and someone she feels comfortable going to whenever she needs help. She has supported Nanami through some very difficult points in her life.

    The Kawaguchi Sisters [Sakura, Sawako, Manami, and Chiharu]: Ken's younger sisters. She cares for all of the girls very much and is incredibly protective of them. Has a habit of spoiling them even though she probably shouldn't. Looks after them when Ken and Hanae are busy.
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    Handa Daichi
    18 (March 6th, 2004)
    Dai, DaiDai, ChiChi, Chia Pet
    5'5" (165 cm) | xx lb (xx kg)
    The girliest macho man
    Daichi is a slightly short man with a strong athletic build (the result of a gym rat behavior) and yet, also possessing extremely feminine features, with long pink hair that unlike what he might think, only adds to his princess-like appareance, as well as large, dark brown eyes.
    Daichi, personality-wise, is what you would expect from something close to what some would call a "Dudebro".

    Loud, crass and high on energy, Daichi is a guy that appreciates everything "manly": Wrestling, going to the gym, hating vegetables, tough attitude, and anything that oozes badassery among other things. His active personality can also make him come across as insensitive and or brutish, something that ultimately isn't really his intention, he just really lacks polite words in his vocabulary.

    Despite this, thanks to the relatively normal upbringing from the boy, he can also have a bit of a "straight man" personality at times, being the most rational person in the room, but this only tends to show when the people around him show their quirkier traits.

    Daichi is an overall pretty friendly person. However, he tends to stay safely among his already establshed friend circles, with little interest of making new friends. That said, making him to warm up to someone is hardly an achievement, and when that happens, he's willing to go to great lengths to make his friends happy. He's also happy to get physical with his friends that are okay with it, especially if they're up for some wrestling shenanigans.

    He's also naturally a big fan of most forms of media, be it games, anime, manga or action movies and shows. And ever since he was a child he's always dreamed of becoming a cool hero like those he'd see in media, each year growing ever more frustrated with his mundane, regular life.

    Daichi is also quite fond of gardening, surprisingly, a hobby he developed by spending a lot of time with his dear aunt, and even keeps a small garden of his own in her backyard, however, since such a thing would tarnish the manly image he's developed over the years, he keeps this as a secret.
    A painfully generic upbringing, that is the unfortunate past of the big dreamer known as Handa Daichi.

    Daichi was the sole child of Mr. and Mrs. Handa, the former a humble and mild mannered white collar worker with a passion for fishing, and the latter a happy and dedicated housewife with a surprisingly hobby of knitting and selling sweaters and accessories, the both forming a pretty standard, middle class household. The boy, however, was considerably more of an outlier compared to his parents, with cute hair whose color they have no idea where he got it from, a cute face and a noticeably loud and high-energy personality, always running around and climbing anywhere he could (leading to child very prone to accidents).

    He had always taken an interest in things such as martial arts, sports, action cartoons and Tokusatsu, constantly talking about wanting to be a hero as a child, believing that he, one day, could become one of those masked heroes he would watch on television all the time. A lot of the boys in his school had a different opinion of him, often comparing Daichi to a girl because of his looks, the boy took a great resentment towards the mocking, deciding to instead go harder on his preferences that one would see as manly.

    If there is one thing that could be considered noteworthy about Diachi's parents, it's the fact that they love each other to a sickening degree, and thus always look for excuses to go on romantic vacations between the two of them. Making Daichi go and stay over with his father's sister everytime it happened, but Daichi never really minded this, as by spending time with his aunt is how the boy discovered a new passion of him: Gardening. However, he's yet to tell a single soul about it, as he doesn't want to be mocked by his classmates and friends like back in the day for having such a feminine and delicate hobby.

    Now, Daichi is in his last year of highschool, and having been transfered from Class B to Class A in his third year, he's made new friendships and now looks forward to whatever situation they get into next.

    Kawaguchi Ken: Bro! He's a bit odd but very cool!

    Yoshikawa Nanami: She's nice!

    Yuuka: That creep won't get off Bro's back!

    Masao: That Gyaru tomboy sure is a handful!

    Watanabe Junko: Who???
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    Watanabe, Junko
    18 (September 9th, ~2004)
    Jo-Chan, "Who?"
    Cis female
    5'3" (159.5 cm) | 117 lb (52.9 kg)
    ??? Who is that??
    She is someone who has a boring name, common appearance, is average in brains and body and has no single quality to stand out. She blends into the background, so other people tend to lose sight of her. She has an uninteresting black bob, uninteresting black eyes, uninteresting pale skin, and an uninteresting smile. Completely and utterly... mediocre. Even the clothes she wears are... boring.
    Does she even have one? She is so completely average, it's hard to say. One thing for sure, though, is that she has potential to become something notable.
    Raised in the world's most average nuclear family, Junko is unremarkable in every way including her history. She's the firstborn child of two, the elder sister of a more noticeable little brother. Her parents have boring jobs and she gets boring grades that they're content with. Perhaps the most interesting fact about her is that she's in the photography club... but that's rather unremarkable in itself.
    Kusuo Watanabe: Junko's younger brother... not that anyone's made the connection that they're related. In fact, most people assume he's an only child, despite the fact he's mentioned his sister quite often. He is a bubbly soccer-playing second-year, and tries to get to know everyone. You probably know of him, too.
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    Kawaguchi, Ken
    Kawaguchi, Ken
    18(August 08, 2003)
    ChiKen, Tori/Sun-chan, Kiki (Nanami)
    6'1" (185 cm) | 185lb (84 kg)
    - The Rising Sun of Amanogawa
    - Failed Fabled Flirt
    - Big bro
    - Former Ace of Amanogawa baseball team
    Ken is a tall, athletic young man with brown hair and honey-colored eyes. He sports a pair of rectangular sunglasses that do a great job of helping see things. Despite no longer being an active member of the baseball team, he still maintains a muscular form.
    Energetic and easygoing, Ken doesn't take himself too seriously. He likes to laugh and have fun, preferring to have a good time instead of moping around. He tries to get the people around him to follow suit, dragging them into his pace.

    Having a mischievous side to him, he likes to engage in some friendly teasing with his buddies. He enjoys seeing their reactions, and retaliation is always welcome. There are times when his tongue gets a bit sharper and his words become more mean-spirited, but that's only reserved for people who really manage to get on his nerves.

    Some people may say Ken can have too much energy at times, especially when it comes to his romantic pursuits. A notorious flirt, he'll make a pass at almost any woman, far too confident in his own abilities. Completely shameless, he'll go along with a person's whims just to have a slightly better shot at love, and he'll do it with pride. Even if he's shot down, he'll quickly recover from rejection and try again, as it is impossible to bruise his iron ego. However, if someone makes a genuine request for him to stop, he takes it seriously and backs off.

    Due to his usual antics, Ken tends to give the impression that he is a fool. While that is not...entirely untrue, he isn't really dumb. His grades are above average, but he doesn't have an extraordinary talent for hitting the books. Unless it has to do with plants, animals, or some niche subject he's really into, he's not the guy to come to with complex questions or equations. He more so relies on emotional intelligence and common sense to get by. Although, that sometimes goes out the window when he gets too caught him in something ridiculous.

    Despite some of his more wild tendencies, Ken would describe himself as more of a lover than a fighter. He's willing and sometimes eager to get physical if a situation demands it, but he generally likes to keep things peaceful. He can be a decent mediator, having plenty of experience looking after people and keeping things orderly.

    As an older brother, he's always keeping an eye on how people are feeling and making sure they're okay. When it comes to his friends and family, he'll try to help them with their problems any way he can. He likes being a source of support and being able to make others smile.

    He spoils his loved ones quite a bit, but he likes to be spoiled just as much. Although, if you give him an inch, he'll take a mile. Being the one on the receiving end is pretty nice once in a while, so he likes to indulge in the feeling.

    His relationships are the most important thing in his life. He is very protective of them, and he measures his success by how happy they are. While he'd never share it with anyone, he sometimes feels an enormous amount of pressure to make sure his family never goes through hardship again. He's built his sense of self-worth on unrealistic expectations, and he feels like a failure when his efforts aren't enough to keep his loved ones smiling. He's chained to a sense of responsibility.

    After his father abandoned him and the rest of his family, he developed a hatred for those who cast aside their responsibilities. It's the foundation of his passion, and he can't stand to see people do anything similar. There are exceptions for situations that aren't too serious, but ones that remind him of his father make his blood boil. He despises terrible parents, and mistreatment of women and children is a surefire way to set him off. It hits too close to home, awakening a very rarely seen aggressive, angry side of him.

    Likes: Cooking, baseball
    Ken had a very lively childhood. With a caring mother, four rowdy little sisters, and a precious childhood friend next door, his days were bright and full of laughter. His only complaint was that his father was rarely home, always too busy with his job. However, he understood that the man was working hard to support their large family. Thankfully, the love from the other important people in his life was enough to fill the void.

    Aside from his family, the other great love of Ken's life was baseball. Even as a kid, he displayed great talent and passion for the game, making a name for himself in his prefecture's little league matches. He had big dreams of becoming the world's greatest star athlete and put in as much work as he could to make that goal a reality. The encouragement from his loved ones pushed him forward, and he believed that if he could succeed enough, he'd even earn praise and approval from his distant father. Unfortunately, that aspiration was quickly snuffed out.

    In Ken's last year of primary school, his father's infidelity was finally discovered. The man's dedication to his job was nothing more than a lie meant to cover his attachment to another woman, and when the truth finally came out, he didn't hesitate to abandon everything for her. Ken's parents divorced, leaving the family with deep wounds.

    Following the divorce, Ken's family endured several hardships. Financial issues were the biggest problem. With one less source of income and several mouths to feed, they struggled to maintain their previous lifestyle. Ken hated his father for putting them in that position, but he also cursed himself for being unable to do anything about it.

    As a child, there wasn't much he could do to help his family. He could try to cheer them up and look after his sisters more often, but it wasn't enough. Even when he tried to quit baseball to free up more time and money, his mother stopped him, not wanting him to give up something he was passionate about. While he appreciated how much she cared, it only made him feel like a burden. He was too young to help in a meaningful way, and it hurt.

    After a long time of feeling lost and powerless, Ken eventually found what he believed to be the key to his family's happiness. Inspired by the smiling, happy people he saw in picture books and movies, he decided that he wanted to move all of his loved ones to a big farm in the countryside. By doing that, they could distance themselves from their problems and carve out a place in the world where only good things existed. It was a silly, childish thought, but he was determined to make his new dream a reality. Even as he grew older, that passion never wavered.

    Just like his mother wanted, Ken continued to play baseball after he entered middle school. He remained as passionate as ever, but his old desire to break into the big leagues had already been replaced. Committed to his new dream, he dedicated more time to his studies. Whenever he wasn't looking after his sisters or participating in club activities, he had his face buried in a book.

    After making it into Amanogawa High School, Ken immediately joined the baseball team and earned the self-proclaimed title of the school's "Rising Sun". He made a big splash, landing a spot on the first string in his freshman year as the team's Ace. Putting on a very strong performance, he and the other boys went on to secure a massive victory at the Spring Kōshien. Spirits were high following the achievement, making it all the more surprising when Ken quit the team shortly after.

    Once he turned fifteen and was legally allowed to work, Ken quit all extracurricular activities and took up part-time jobs. He'd been planning it for a long time, wanting to save up money and dedicate himself to his studies. He just wanted to go out with a bang before leaving baseball for good.

    Moving up to his third year of high school, Ken was still dedicated to his dream, planning to enroll in college to study agriculture. With most of his time taken up by family, work, and preparations for entrance exams, he didn't have a lot of freedom as before, but he had no complaints. As long as he could make the important people in his life happy, he was satisfied.

    He expected the days leading up to graduation to be uneventful, but an unexpected tremor shook up his entire life. One day, Ken had a fateful encounter he initially believed to be a hallucination fueled by a lack of sleep. A talking pink fuzzball appeared before him with an offer, mentioning a contract and the power he could obtain. Ken quickly declined. He was wary of the incomprehensible creature and still caught up in his disbelief, so he wrote it off as an insane daydream. However, the card the fluffy thing gave him as a parting gift was a constant reminder that truth was stranger than fiction.

    For a while after his meeting with the strange beast, Ken's life continued as normal, and he slowly forgot about the encounter altogether, becoming more convinced by his own denial. Unfortunately, he received a terrible reminder when he encountered another creature while escorting one of his sisters home. Unlike the cute ball of fluff he'd met before, the demon they came across on that night only brought danger.

    Powerless and afraid of losing someone he cared about, Ken used the card he'd been given to summon the individual who once promised him strength. That's when he formed his contract with Ritsu. Without understanding anything, he acted on instinct, repeating one word that echoed in his mind. Burn.

    After managing to defeat the evil spirit, Ken awoke the next morning to discover that his sister remembered nothing of their shared near-death experience. Once again, he was tempted to lie to himself and believe it was all just a dream. However, the signs around him were impossible to ignore, especially the being he was now contracted to.

    Ken now has no idea what to expect with the recent developments. He wants to focus on his dream and live the same life as before, but it seems like the goal will be even harder to reach. Despite the uncertainty, he has no regrets. If he was able to protect his family because of the contract, then accepting it was the right choice. He can only hope that it won't destroy the path he's tried to walk so far.

    Yoshikawa, Nanami (Na-chan, Bunny/Usagi): Childhood friend and other half of the KawaKawa Combo. The two of them have known each other almost their entire lives and are extremely close. There are basically no barriers between them, amd physical contact is a constant. He cares for her greatly, even including her in his big plan for the farm. He is very protective of her and always tries to keep a frown from appearing on her face.

    There are also some more...complicated feelings.

    Hasegawa, Masao (SoSo): Another student Ken has known for a long time. The two met as kids and were eventually able to bond over a shared love of baseball. They had a friendly rivalry, and Ken often liked to tease her while encouraging her to do her best. They both played for Amanogawa as first-years before Ken quit the team.

    Ken is aware of her family situation, and it angers him greatly. When possible, he tries to keep an eye on her. While he may not longer be a teammate of hers, SoSo will always have his support as a friend.

    Mitsurugi, Tateyuki (TeTe): A fellow athlete and rival. Ken saw him as a good friend and loved having someone around who could push him to do better. However, after Ken quit the baseball team and he became busier, things started to fizzle out. After Tateyuki began to close himself off from other people, their friendship was completely lost.

    Ken still sees Tateyuki as a friend and tries to check up on him, but repairing that bridge has been very difficult. He worries about him a great deal.

    Handa, Daichi (ChiChi): A fairly recent friend he made at the start of senior year. He loves Daichi's energy and is always down for some friendly wrestling when he's got the time. It's nice having someone around he can get physical with. They also share an interest in masked heroes who fight for justice.

    Fukushima, Moura (MoMo): A good friend and precious underclassman. Because they are in different years, Ken likes to drag Moura into the senior group whenever there's a chance. He likes to be dramatic around him, often talking about "passing the torch to the next generation". He's leaving Amanogawa in Momo's capable hands after graduation.

    Yamanouchi, Suzume (MeMe): Compared to the relationship he has with his other friends, this one is definitely unique. The two of them often bicker, engaging in banter on a daily basis. It's strange, but Ken enjoys it. If MeMe doesn't approach on her own start something, Ken will often go out of his way to find her. It's more boring when she isn't around.

    Ken occasionally spends time running through imaginary scenarios in his head so he can prepare the perfect comebacks for their daily ritual. Unfortunately, the MeMe in his head isn't as skillful as the real version, so the mental training isn't as effective as he'd like it to be. Experience with his sisters has also conditioned him to clap back with very childish remarks instead of something more witty.

    Ishioka, Yuuka (YuYu): What started as a failed attempt at flirting eventually turned into a nice friendship. He likes her enthusiasm and the energy her presence brings to a room. Unfortunately, he is completely blind to her affections and the concerning behavior that accompanies them.

    Amano, Shiki (ShiShi): Ken wants to help Shiki be more confident in herself and accept the potential friendships around her. He's impressed by her artistic abilities and believes talent like that deserves praise.

    Kawaguchi Hanae (HaHa): Ken's mother. The central figure in his life. He tries to fill in for her as best as he can by taking care of household chores and looking after his sisters. She often comes home exhausted from work, so he tries to let her relax whenever possible.

    Kawaguchi, Sakura (RaRa): Ken's biggest little sister. Has recently started a part-time job of her own.

    Kawaguchi Sawako (SaSa): The second oldest daughter of the Kawaguchi clan. Just look at her.

    Kawaguchi Azami (MiMi): The third-born daughter who definitely thinks her brother is very cool

    Kawaguchi Chiharu (RuRu): The youngest member of the Kawaguchi family. For a while, she referred to Ken as "Mama".

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    Masao Hasegawa
    Masao Hasegawa
    18 (December 4th, xxxx)
    6'0" (182 cm) | 188 lb (85 kg)
    The Ultimate Second String
    The Graceful Lady Knight
    Masao is a trans woman standing at 6'0. Despite having naturally dark hair and fair skin the woman has widely embraced the Gyaru style in an attempt to seem more feminine. Even so, she hasn't been able to make the switch to more feminine clothing now that she can, instead wearing the male uniform and typically still favoring masculine clothing unless in the comfort of her own home. However, she's been taken with makeup and face paints taking any opportunity to show off her skills either for herself or her friends.
    Masao’s a woman who’s very presence is noticeable even when she doesn’t speak. She’s bolsterous, brash, and even sometimes considered an eyeswore with her complete lack of style. With determination she chases a live that’s as fulfilling and fun as can be. Her mind runs a million miles an hour causing her she takes leaps and laps around a conversation not always making the most sense to the casual observer or someone with the joy of conversing with her.

    Despite her general lack of conversation skills and social graces its very easy for someone to learn of how she feel about them as she wears her emotions right on her sleeve. She’s a very expressive and typically honest individual. Still there’s no need to fear being on her bad side as there’s been no definitive proof that it exists for the majority of people who have gone looking for it. Though her own curiosity and passion has sure got her on the bad side of others.

    Masao’s patience and willingness to compromise have made it seem in the past as though she’s quite gullible. However, this is nothing more than a cause of her need to stay in line and avoid a rebellious path due to the circumstances of her past. In reality she very much keeps the score, and has used her position as class rep for 3-C to do indirect retaliations by giving the grunt work to those who have attempted to get over before. Despite the fact that she’s usually a peaceful woman she jumps to the defense of anyone she can though her efforts at mediation could really use some work.
    The Hasegawa family is a proud and corrupt name to carry that comes with miles of expectations from birth. Public opinion was to be meticulously crafted to suit the family of politicians. This is why when it came to Masao, her name began to become synonymous with the term “black sheep”. Even from a young age it became clear Masao was not going to be the ideal eldest son they wished from her.

    Yet they had no other options at the moment so they put their all into attempting to shape her into their ideal son. They even went as far as to introduce Masao to the first born child of the Ryoto, a well known criminal family they had ties to. Masao was expected to befriend and become accustome to Akihiko to keep the Hasegawas on the payroll of the family. Luckily this was one task Masao was easily up for.

    Even so their expectations only continued to grow as things began to be thrown on her plate more and more in order for her “growth”. Instead of playing with dolls or getting to play dress up the focus was on studies, maintaining their sport of choice, and enrollment into Muay Thai. Each meant to knock her out of her “soft nature.”

    Through all this she found herself becoming lost and beaten down by the weight of it all. Yet when her younger brother was born she began to feel some of that weight lift ever so slightly. Now she had to make sure to look out for Manabu as well. A task she held with both pride and trepidation knowing any expectation she couldn’t meet would be slapped on him.

    Which is why Masao began to step up with frustration building with every passing day. Each day became more and more unhappy as she got closer to their “ideal son”. It was one of these days that led her to approaching Ken who was on the same baseball team and ask just why he was so happy with it all. Before long the two were friends, close enough to know each other’s familial situations and provide support for one another.

    She may never admit it but she found herself looking up to Ken hoping to be as good a sibling as he was. Eventually, Masao began to cherish her little siblings doing her best to support Manabu and the newly-born Momoka but even this wasn’t enough to hold back the sadness building. A sadness that was noticed by the grandparents. After an ongoing argument left a scar on the family it was decided that Masao was to leave the Hasegawa household and be under the care of her grandparents provided that she maintained an expected public image of a Hasegawa.

    Once Masao was in the care of her grandparents she came into a considerable increase in the amount of freedom. Life was easier but it was still not full. She was heavily encouraged to not contact her siblings, and while she tried to follow that eventually at first she would do everything in her power to keep them close. However, after an incident in Manabu’s school was blamed on Masao’s fostering of the behavior contact was broken and withheld between the siblings. Nowadays both of her younger siblings often regard her with hostility having been fed lie after lie from their parents.

    But there was little she could do about it, so instead, she put her all into her craft. Her studies never faulted, and she continued to excel as a pitcher even if Ken was outpacing her and making the first string. She’d even made a best friend for her efforts as she supported Yuuka’s passion to become an even better manager. She even supported Yuuka’s crush thinking it was cute to see her putting her all for the one she liked.

    Freshman year seemed to fly by with a vengeance, and when the sophomore year came by Masao was “left” the team as Ken and Yuuka resigned. Seeing things beginning to change once more into shaky ground and emboldened by watching Yuuka follow wants she wants with a heavy heart Masao left the team behind as well. For once she was going to do what she wanted… and thus she began her transitioning.

    Well Acquaintanted
    Yuuka Ishioka: TBA
    Yamanouchi Suzume:TBA
    Akihito Ryoto:TBA
    Takeyuki Mitsurugi: TBA
    Ken Kawaguchi: TBA

    Acquaintanted Probably
    Arasaka Kyoko: TBA
    Handa Daichi: TBA
    Nanami Yoshikawa: Mutual Acquaintance

    Has Not Met Probably
    Shiki Amano: Not Yet Met
    Junko Watanabe: Not Yet Met
    Yoko Ishida: Not Yet Met
    Fukushima Moura: Not Yet Met
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    Your fate and mine lie at the edge of this blade.
    Tateyuki Mitsurugi
    18 (November 29th, 2004)
    Yuki; Yukimi; Yukimin
    5'11" (180 cm) | 139 lb (63 kg)
    -Amanogawa Samurai Ronin
    -Ex-President of the Kendo Club
    A scruffy-looking young man. His hair is barely even considered unkempt- the fact that he even bothers to tie it up into a ponytail is a miracle. With glowering amber eyes, his glare is said to be able to fell most of his assailants before they can even raise their fists at him. He sports a stubble across his chin that he barely keeps in check.
    Angry, frustrated, and vengeful.

    He used to be a nice kid. That was the sentiment most have of Tateyuki Mitsurugi. Once a confident and competitive go-getter, Tateyuki was known to have rallied a fair bit of his peers to improve themselves as students and members of their clubs. He believed in the best of his peers and wanted them to strive for better. An independent man, he would often attempt to handle all of his problems by himself. It was, perhaps, his biggest flaw- he would willingly help others, but would not accept help himself. Perhaps, this confidence and need to undertake every task on his own volition was what resulted in his descent to all-consuming anger and hatred.

    After his mother's passing, Tateyuki's demeanour changed for the worse. His focus shifted to gaining strength and power, and in his pursuit, he began to push everyone he knew away from him. Bitter resentment consumed his heart, and he began to see all the ways that others were better than him. And so, he dedicated all of his energy to becoming stronger. No one can defeat him. No one must defeat him.

    In his solitude, he began to develop a violent streak, picking fights with members of other schools and other delinquents. Sometimes, the fights came to him, and he would accept the challenge readily.

    Under all that seething vitriol, however, perhaps some remnant of the young man he used to be stayed behind. Though rude and unnecessarily toxic, he is still capable of some compassion and honor.
    Tateyuki Mitsurugi was born to a middle-class family. His father was a public prosecutor, and his mother was a stay at home wife. There is nothing much to say about his childhood- he had a good one. His parents loved him as much as they could, and he, in turn, loved them as much as he could.

    He wasn't a bad student– far from it. He aspired to become a defense attorney, if one could believe that, and had aimed for a prestigious law school at a young age. He was active in sports, and picked up kendo in middle school, and showed some interest in other katas outside of kendo. By the time he entered Amanogawa High, his academics and his knowledge of the sword both earned him the (rather embarassing) title of Amanogawa Samurai. Though he would rather not hold on to such an extravagant title, his further achievements in interschool competitions and his rise to President of Amanogawa Kendo Club only cemented it. Tateyuki was one of the many stars of Amanogawa, and it seemed as if he would make it.

    Then, his mother died. They would not let him see her body. The official cause of death was a robbery. She had been out to buy a gift for him, and on her way back, she had been accosted by a villain. There was nothing the police could do, and investigations led to a dead end. There was nothing he could do. Although his father attempted to console his son, telling him that none of it was his fault, Tateyuki would not have it. He should have protected her. He should have been there. He should have been strong enough. He should have–

    His mother's death took a heavy toll on the boy's mental health. Eventually, it seeped into his daily life. He pushed away all of his friends, and he put in his letter of resignation for the club. After that, he started disappearing from classes, lurking around the back of the gym to train himself. There was no way he could ever become as strong as a monster, but he had to try. He had to become better. He had to attain that power to crush the evils of the world. No matter what it took, no matter what it needed, he had to. He had to. His fierce dedication and his resignation from the Kendo club morphed his unofficial title into a bastardisation of his old one: the Amanogawa Ronin.

    Ken Kawaguchi: An ex-friend whom he had a friendly competitive nature with. Their relationship has fallen to the wayside a little after Ken quit the baseball team, and busied himself with part-time work. After Tateyuki's own tragedies, their relationship completely fell apart after that.

    Masao Hasegawa: Another friend whom he had friendly competitions with. He used to envy her for her natural physique, but that has since been replaced by an intense hatred for evil and the need for vengeance. Before he was blinded by his pursuits, he used to think she was actually quite attractive, but never really said anything to that sentiment.

    Yuuka Ishioka: Coached her when they were young teenagers before. He wanted her to be more ambitious, and generally thinks she has potential for more. Their relationship has dissipated across the years, and he has since left her alone for the most part.

    Suzume Yamanouchi: A thorn in his side, and a bother. He didn't like her very much, but at least tolerated her. Nowadays, his irritation for her is as clear as the furrows in his brows, but her persistent pestering has at least kept her status as 'tolerated'.

    Nanami Yoshikawa: Had a crush on her, but always looked on from the sidelines instead of actually saying anything about it. Nowadays, his focus is elsewhere, and he has moved on.

    Handa Daichi: A fellow friend of athletic persuasion. Yet another one of those whom he would regularly challenge to pursuits of athleticities. Just as the others, he has since dropped out of his radar.
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    #1 SUPPORT
    Ishioka, Yuuka
    18 (March 4, 2004~)
    - Yuu-chan
    - Yuyu (Ken)
    bisexual cis female
    5'2" (157 cm) | 110 lbs (50 kgs)
    The cheerleader of class 3-C
    Yuuka has straight, warm-hued brown hair that reaches just past her shoulders; which she ties up in half-up twin-tails with pink ribbons during the day. Her eyes are a dark lilac shade—cute when she’s excited or happy, but terrifying when she’s feeling any negative emotion. Her skin is fair and smooth, and she’s often compared to a marshmallow with her chubby cheeks.

    While she sports the girls uniform at school, she likes wearing girly clothes in her free time. She defaults to floral skirts and soft tops, but she loves wearing cute dresses on special occasions. She wears simple blush and mascara, always aiming for the ‘no-makeup’ look.
    To her peers, Yuuka is a textbook optimist. A shy girl who came out of her shell during freshman year, and has been dubbed the ‘3-C cheerleader’ ever since due to her happy countenance. She’s a bit air-headed, but nobody can hate Yuuka. She’s the best!

    However, underneath her bubbly appearance lies an envious and violent storm. Her obsession with a boy in her grade is the star at the center of her daily orbit. All she wants is to be with him forever, and is willing to get rid of anything—or anyone—in the way. Luckily, she’s too dense to actually succeed, and her attempts to sabotage those close to him turn out more comical than malicious. Still, the storm lies in wait..
    To be revealed…

    • kawaguchi ken: 😍
    • nanami yoshikawa: 😶
    • handa daichi: 🤬
    • watanabe junko: ❓
    • mitsurugi tateyuki: ???
    • amano shiki: ???
    • hasegawa masao: ???
    • yoto akihito: ???
    • hasegawa masao: 😄
    • akishira issei: ???
    • yamanouchi suzume: 😠
    • miyamoto kazu: ???
    • fukishima moura: 😁/😡
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    Okazaki Tetsuya
    18 (April 29th, 2004)
    Yaya (by Ken)
    5'8" (183 cm) | 175 lb (79 kg)
    The slouching Tetsuya often disappears into the background. In a crowd, he is quite a sloucher, which ruins his height and almost makes him average in height compared to the other Cosmic Crusaders. He has long bleached hair, the roots of which already began to turn back to his normal black color. He often wears this in a messy ponytail. He's always reeking of alcohol, and he's never seen without his messenger bag.
    Tetsuya's defining characteristic is his crippling alcoholism, which causes him to act almost sedated and chill most of the time. When sober, Tetsuya has a more harsh and irritable composure. Surprisingly, Tetsuya acts relatively normal compared to others under the influence, capable of formulating arguments and discussion. He is also surprisingly dedicated and determined, willing to learn skills in order to feed his addiction.

    Along with this sedation comes a level of apathy, whether in action or in morals. He doesn't fight as a Cosmic Crusader because he wants to, but because it would be more troublesome to not. that, and Tetsuya somehow hopes that giving his life purpose would pull him out of his alcohol-driven rut.
    Tetsuya lived an unfortunate life with deadbeat parents and intense bullying in his later middle school years. His parents left him along with his younger brother to fend for themselves, which caused Tetsuya to feel like he couldn't rely on others.

    In middle school, bullies flocked to abuse Tetsuya. In the middle of giving a speech during class, Tetsuya had an unfortunate... wardrobe failure, although years later, come late middle school, the bullies quite literally forgot how this incident started their bullying spree. Finally, after being fed up with the bullying incidents tainting his middle school experience, Tetsuya acquired a wakizashi that he hid in his messenger bag, which he hurt the bullies with. After that event, nobody dared to hurt Tetsuya, and Tetsuya kept his sword in his bag throughout high school just in case any bullies tried to use him as a target. He also took up kendo in case he ever needed to defend himself again.

    During this time though, Tetsuya developed a dependency on alcohol in order to get through life, finding the lightheaded feeling that came with it as a good way to get through his tough life. However, limited in the quantity of alcohol that he could access, Tetsuya instead turned to brewing his own beer and making his own alcohol in his house. Unable to kill his dependency in high school and frustrated by the low quality of alcohol, dedicated his time to researching and experimenting with brewing, to the point where Tetsuya developed a repitoire of brewing skills that would provide him with an instant job come graduation... as long as his braincells were still intact.

    His life seems to be turning a new leaf. Tetsuya has great friends in high school, and his mother was having a larger part of their family, making Tetsuya finally feel capable of letting go from the burdens of life for once.
    Kawaguchi Ken - Fellow coworkers at the 24/7. Ken often has to cover up for Tetsuya's clumsy mistakes and has to put him back on the right track in order not to get fired.

    Ishioka Yuuka: Ishioka-san's obsession of Ken slips right by Tetsuya, and although he is aware of it, he really couldn't give a crap. Even if Ishioka-san is indignant about Tetsuya's presence.

    Mitsurugi Tateyuki: Due to a misunderstanding stemming from Mitsurugi-san's reputation and Tetsuya's nervousness around tough looking guys, Tetsuya pulled a knife and caused a fight between the two of them. Tetsuya doesn't hold any grudges against Mitsurugi-san, although he does feel really awkward around him.

    Hasegawa Masao: Masao and Tetsuya were middle school friends. They had a rocky start due to Masao misinterpreting the sword incident, but they've become closer friends once they got to high school.
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    FULL NAME (Last, First)
    Uetsugi, Kemari
    18 (August 20th, xxxx)
    "Kemari does not like nicknames."
    Cis Female
    5'3" (160 cm) | 100 lb (45 kg)
    Speaks in the third person; Soft-spoken but straightforward; Walks on the balls of her feet (aka. toe walking)
    Kemari Uetsugi is a pale, lissome girl, somewhat bony, and seemingly delicate. Her white hair holds silver undertones, naturally curly but thick and weighed down by length so that the curls have become less prominent. Straight bangs curtain her face, providing glimpses of wide, glacier-blue hues beneath thick lashes.

    Smiles come naturally to most, but Kemari's lips are seldom graced by such a trace of emotion.

    She walks lightly, footsteps faint, with her hands cupped behind her back, with her spine straight, and with her chin high. Elegant and graceful when she moves, even in clumsiness; she falls like a feather and lands like a petal on still waters. Kemari does not stand out amid a crowd, for her presence is subtle like first-fallen flakes of snow.

    Her left ear is pierced five times--- five black diamond studs ---as she's a fan of small accessories like light necklaces and bracelets, but not ones that make a lot of noise and draw attention.
    Kemari's personality is white ink to paper and seemingly nothing written. She is the author's portrait overlooked on the novel's backside, and the microphone unplugged when the poet begins their reading to a snoring crowd.

    Always something to say, but too often unheard by the quietness of her voice, which is modulated and silvery. Articulate and refined, the words fall from her tongue as if rehearsed, not a stutter, but her use of poetry in conversation can leave one wanting for translation.

    She is honest and opinionated but not obstinate. She craves affection but is not affectionate; an addict for the butterflies born of head-pats and arms wrapped tight around her. However, just as honesty is a valuable quality, it is a double-edged sword in the hands of one oblivious to the emotional effect words can have on others. As such, it is often Kemari finds herself in the face of one's offense before their affection as they sing the woes of their frail ego and demand she watch her tongue, think before she speaks, and have more awareness!

    Misunderstood, labeled a snob. She is kind of heart, truly. Kemari loves being in the presence of people, being spoken to and acknowledged, but not over-acknowledged.
    Her story.

    Kemari's story is the gradual diminishing of beaming smiles so bright the sun looks away. A picture of three, then two, then one; first, her mother gone, swept away by an illness the doctors said would take her and, despite the promises born of denial, did.

    Her story is father and daughter against the world, never knowing that her father battled something greater than she could understand. Her mother had been the rock; her father, the stack of papers that scattered in the wind when the rock was plucked away. Try as she might, Kemari could not recover every page in her efforts to pick them up, stack them together again, and serve as the rock to keep them grounded, for the winds were too strong and she was only a pebble.

    Her story is the slow conditioning that she might wake to an empty house, no water, no electricity, and a note on the door what's deadbolt was left unlocked in her father's leaving. The knowing he cared, and that he loved her, but that something else occupied the forefront of his mind, attention, and being. And the knowing he wouldn't be home until dusk was passing the baton to dawn, hello and goodbye in the same sentence as she left for school.

    The burn of smoke in her throat as she slept. Their home the victim of a father's drunken whim in the hope that an insurance claim would give them a fresh start.

    The unspoken agreement that behind bars is where he belonged...

    Her story is the helping hand that was always there, too often overlooked but not too late realized. The hand that brought warm water, light, and company in lonely ruminations. The sleepovers so that she didn't wake to an empty house. The hugs and affections her father forgot to give. And the promises never broken. The open arms when she had nowhere else to go- except, in truth, she always had somewhere, for those arms were never closed.

    Masao was Kemari's rock.

    Twenty months held her father in a cold, steel embrace where time was meant to repair that which was broken. However, when next Kemari gazed upon him in his freedom with knotted nerves and an upset stomach, he spared her only a glance and moved on. The mistakes and regrets of her father's recent past had built themselves into a frame of shame and placed Kemari at the center so that he regarded her with unreasonable and unjustified resentment.
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    Miura, Makoto
    18 (January 28th, 2004)
    6'0" (183 cm) | 150 lb (68 kg)
    Another Occult Club weirdo
    With the dark cloaks, terrible posture, and silly cat puppets, it’s hard to believe that Makoto looks like a regular, pretty boy. The only expression people tend to see is his sly smile, while his cat does the rest of the emoting for him.
    Despite his devotion to all things dark and spooky, he’s possibly the least menacing student at Amanogawa High School. If you’re mean to him, the cat might frown at you while he talks about the many “curses” you’ll suffer. If you’re nice to him, you’ll have to endure an hour of nerdy rambling. Many believe he’s best left alone, but it doesn’t stop him stepping out of every shadowy corner to greet you.

    He takes his role as Vice-President of the Occult Club very seriously, and considers himself to be one of the most capable of the Cosmic Crusaders as a result.
    Makoto lived a normal, happy life with his normal happy family. When he started high school, his classmates remembered him as a bright, cheery boy.

    So what changed?

    He was invited to check out the Occult Club. And ever since that day, he's been a completely different person...
    Mori, Kikuo
    18 (March 8, 2004)
    5'6" (168 cm) | 110 lbs (50 kg)
    The Occult Club weirdo
    People claim they can feel Kikuo's presence as she walks beside them. Her hair is ghostly white, and her eyes constantly wide open, staring. Her face barely moves, and combined with a quiet and slow demeanor, she naturally gives most people the creeps. People can't meet her eye for long as it feels like she's drilling into their soul with her gaze. She never blinks, either...

    Some would argue it's a perfect face to lead the Occult Club.
    Kikuo is, by most people's standards, a weirdo. A label perfectly fine with her, who wants to be anything but normal. She walks like she's floating, and she is rarely thrown off. It's difficult when her interests are the things that throw people off. Funnily enough, her personality is what most people would consider "normal," barring the passion for all things occult. Mori is gentle and kind enough, though the way she gives attention or shows affection can be distressing, and understandably so. Not everyone sees a Medieval era noose as a good luck charm, these days. She also has a bad habit of suddenly appearing behind people, discussing uncomfortable or taboo topics, intruding on personal space, and standing still just to watch people.

    Mori is captivated by all things supernatural. The whole goal of her club is to investigate and contact the paranormal, and that includes rituals and spells, each needing bizarre ingredients. She wants to try them all, and is more than happy to befriend (and recruit) others who aren't turned away!
    Mori Kikuo is an enigma with bountiful rumors floating about. The day she came to school, her ghastly and eerie demeanor left a sharp impression on everybody. The founder of the Occult Club, she more than lives up to her title.

    Some say Mori has been a student for years—that she’s the spirit/reincarnation of a dead student decades ago. That’s why she created the Occult Club and based it near the old, dust broom closet! Because that’s where the mysterious student was locked up and died so long ago!

    Others doubt that story and say that Mori came to this school for one purpose: revenge. Somebody here has wronged her, and the only way Mori will fulfill her duty is when she exacts justice on whoever did it. And the perpetrator has been lying low this whole time…

    Unless neither of those are the case! As the self-entitled “Observer of the Yūrei,” perhaps she is an emissary sent from the afterlife to pick and guide those whose lives will end soon. That is why she never blinks! That is why whenever she stares at someone, they feel like she’s picking apart their soul!

    Alas, reality is a lot less interesting. Mori lives with her parents and younger brother, and their life is no different from any other household. Before graduating, she discovered and became passionate about occult stuff. If you asked any of them, they’d laugh and say she’s only going through that phase.
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    Yamanouchi Suzume
    18 (April 1st, 2004)
    Suzu, Meme (ill-advised)
    Bisexual Female, she/her
    5'1" (155 cm) | 88.2 lb (40 kg)
    Rich girl with a few screws loose
    Her rich and elegant wardrobe, curated to the finest of taste, to impress and to attract, she keeps perpetually locked. Whatever Suzume is, however she carries herself, impressiveness and attraction have no place in her daily bliss. She dons only for simplicity, accentuating nothing of her figure (she has naught to accentuate). One little-known reason, one not even to herself she admits fully: her modest manner of dress is to hide the slightness of her body, the sickly complexion. Few, if any, mark this without great attention. Her aggressiveness, her energetic loudness, her excessive conduct, belie the fragility beneath. One she not rarely pushes to the extremes. Often she feigns disinterest to conceal the limits of her body, as pity is one thing she has no need for, nor displays of weaknesses. For all this, an unique elegance is ever present in her bearing, a grace that tints even the height of wonted folly and brashness, betraying an aristocratic upbringing, and somewhat more, perhaps a suffocated desire for beauty and pride.

    That is Suzume, a creature of seeming freedom, who lives in truth at the expense of the real thing being oppressed and hated – long due for complete banishment.

    For a youth so active, a mind easily grows disinterested, a spirit towards adventures, Suzume conducts herself on purposeful emptiness. She has no base, no core value, and strives to have none. Anything of certainty would have solidified her being, weighing her down to a place she wishes not to belong.

    Above it all, Suzume does what she can to escape being something. She listens to no one, assigns herself to no clear belief. So frightened of giving life to the girl called Suzume, whose name she stole, whose life she lived, Suzume remains nothing, and does so to a degree bordering on insanity.

    She recites poetry without ever writing a verse.

    She hangs out with others but never makes friends.

    She participates but invests little of her own.

    She lives her life as though in a rented house, reluctant to adorn it with anything but necessities.

    She lives in waiting, dwells in a limbo between worlds.

    What joy and mirth to have in life she projects upon others. When bored, she looks for someone to through them fills her time with interests not of her own, indulges in stories she could not empathize. For this willingness to reach out, one may think her friendly, and indeed she’s pleasant company when not pulling someone into her mischief. But deep down, she does not care – she dares not do.

    In her, there is no routine, every day must be different from the last, and each morning a different person, or rather, no one at all.

    She thinks little of everything, everyone, and makes it known, gloating her superiority, less to flatter herself, more to debase others. Even her wealth and status give her no cause for pride, and what pride she has is of her own abilities alone.

    Everything about her is done to the extreme, but in a way aimless. Moderation is to her a foreign concept.

    Yet all this lawlessness belies a great wit beneath. Suzume has the benefit of one of the best private education the nation has to offer, and an innate brilliant mind to make use of it. Her manner and conduct are trained to befit a young lady of great affluence, which she refuses to act upon unless in front of her parents. Still, her training has been long and harsh, so deeply ingrained, it is not uncommon for her to let slip an ill-suited nobly air during a streak of nastiness.

    She is smart enough to know her limits, if too stubborn to admit them. Stubborn enough too, to deny that all these extreme traits of hers were only a product of her forcefully inflicting unreasonable ideals upon herself, her deliberately living as an empty person, while waiting for a real life of her own.

    Somewhere beneath this purposeful oppression of the mind and the self is a lighthearted girl who loves freedom and simple beauty in life. She is aware of this person, yet bids them sleep quietly until the day she could truly live.

    - Ghosts
    - Aliens


    Superiority to fate
    Is difficult to learn.
    ‘T not conferred by any,
    But possible to earn

    A pittance at a time
    Until, to her surprise,
    The soul with strict economy
    Subsists till Paradise.
    -Emily Dickinson

    18 years ago, the head of the Yamanouchi clan begot a girl. And it was a welcome thing, a child lovely and bright, heiress to a clan among the great, long-time political powers. Since birth a gem much prized and early sought, she was naturally betrothed at the age of five, to unite two great clans.

    But it was true also that she was loved beyond her political purposes. The mother’s darling, the father’s pride. And lovable indeed was she, that even her ill-tempered brother treated her fondly.

    Yet this story is not of her.

    At the age of eight, on her birthday, she was killed in a traffic accident.

    It was so gruesome an incident, so utterly ridiculous, to happen to such a girl much loved. At the scene, the mother fainted seeing her daughter's body carried from the wreckage. Her mind never healed. But the father and brother, both of practical mind, shifted quickly to troubles at hand, chiefly of the engagement now impossible. In it many were at stake, wealth and power too great to surrender. And so they agreed: no funeral would be held, and the girl was still alive. There was only the problem of her replacement. And so a party of private investigators was sent discreetly to all corners of the country, carefully instructed to identify all candidates around the age of six, whose custody might readily be acquitted.

    From the list they made, a girl with willing parents and a fitting character was chosen. This little girl’s old name, Kana Ito, common and bereft of nobility, was taken away, to be replaced with a shining, polished gem. She was not quite the real thing, with a character not quite so lovely and a bearing so graceful, only the best found. But in her there was potential, a tested brilliance. And so they educated her minutely on every aspect fitting for a great clan’s heiress. With the exception of old playmates and – for she had been transferred to another elementary school, where none remembered the old her – Suzume was taught new memories, habits, what to like, what to say, what to think, to perfectly mirror the real one. The trick was made, the lie complete, even the grief-stricken mother saw in her the dead daughter, so convinced that what transpired that day was but a dreadful nightmare.

    It took Suzume three years to perfect the lie and learn what she could. By the eve of her fourth, she had surpassed the one before her even in some aspects. The final test arrived on the day of Suzume’s twelfth birthday party, where she was officially introduced to the world, and passed with flying colors, arousing not a shadow of doubt in her fiance’s family. That day they showered her with praises, and her father admitted his pride in this little enterprise. Years of hard work had come to fruition at last.

    Only she found no pleasure in being so adored. Everywhere she turned in the party hall, a someone called Suzume was named. A pretty darling, a quick-witted child, a pleasant company, as a surety. But that was not her. She still remembered well what she had once been, and it had been anything but this girl so praised.

    In her mother’s embrace that night she cried – tears of happiness to the proud mother, bitter ones to her old self. It despaired her, though she kept up a front of peace. And in despair, she hated all. Everything of hers belonged to someone else, from choices of food to the taste of clothes. All was a mold she had forced herself within to please her new family. And when at last they were pleased, it was in truth the role she acted, the dead girl, that merited such praises. She had never known love. In friends she saw only strangers, and treated them so, until by her side only those who had come and stayed for her family name were left. Surrounded by flatterers and political playmates, her cynicism only grew. There was no way out. Her former family had sold her away, her new one needed not her real person. A spiral into darkness was imminent, and for a while it seemed she would succumb, would either force erasure of her own wishes and feelings, or rebel and be disciplined into submission, or worse still, would make compromises with this life. Someone weak-willed certainly would have.

    But the Yamanouchi were no fools. They had not chosen their heir’s replacement with only appearance and intellect in mind, but also for her strength of character, her resilient heart. Only they had not reckoned the extent to which she would bounce back from a year-long despair, how she would not only make peace with her situation and endure, but would also resolve to master her own fate. She rose then from the depths, clinging to a shining hope, and changed when no one was looking. Though not right away, she was determined to escape her arranged path to be no more pawn of her adoptive family. Her mind was set on the end of her high school years, when it would be legal for her to make her own ends meet. Then, she would cast aside this accursed name and this family, and abscond to someplace far away. But for now she would stay and bide her time, in part to pay back the Yamanouchi’s investment in her, by playing the role of a good daughter to the poor mother.

    Still, she knew escaping from the Yamanouchi’s grasp would not be easy, not when she was still needed for the important union with that other clan. In her time with the Yamanouchi, she had been made aware of how the clan disposed of fledging threats, how they had hunted traitorous informants across the country, and ever succeeded. Armed with this very forbidden knowledge and many years of political training, she sought to fight back against this far-reaching clan.

    To do so, she requires strength. And not just the useless bodily strength like that which the boy behind the gym desperately seeks, but strength to resist, to distrust all and confide in none; to live in constant solitude, bereft of affections and friends, and the weaknesses they invite. And to do so, she convinced herself that her everything, be it relationships or hobbies, as of now, only belongs to the girl named Suzume, whose life she would soon abandon. She would keep this girl a perfect empty shell, with no feelings or possessions of her own, save responsibilities to her family. A stranger in which she takes refuge for a time, and should soon depart and cast aside all aspects of this life, all friends and deeds, to be once again her own person.

    So she hopes, and hopes indeed in vain. For she is no fool. No secrets or intrigues should safeguard a frail teenage girl from a clan of great influence in this country’s ruling caste. To do so she must need supernatural strength, something to surpass even the collective might of powerful men. At times, it feels as though only a miracle would help her achieve such goal.


    - Kemari: She's cute. She speaks funny.
    - Ken: An uncouth brute, a slanderer and an underachiever. So much so that I'm obliged to remind him of his place every day!
    - Machi: Sempai.
    - Masao: She's strong, she has the conviction that I lack for the here and now. Perhaps my oldest "friend"
    - Nanami: She's alright, a tad too proper, but not offensively so
    - Shiki: Would keep as a pet if the law allowed. Talented to be sure, and amusing to watch.
    - Tateyuki: I suppose his training is entertaining enough when all you have to do while skipping class is read or stare at the gym's ceiling or count clouds or exceedingly die from the damnable heat.
    - Yoko: She's there. Rich girl, far too proud of her family. Has she nothing of her own to brag of?
    - Yuuka: She's willing to kill for love - what's not to like?
    Hazumi, Grace
    Hazumi, Grace
    18 (March 7th, xxxx)
    5'4" (163 cm) | 103 lb (47 kg)
    Head in the Clouds Transfer Student
    Grace's appearance is never anything special, her hair is almost always braided. She wears plain clothes mostly, picked out to not stand out much at all. Her only accessory is a necklace with a cross which her old friend Maribell gifted. Her usual casual outfit is a navy blue long skirt and white blouse with a sunhat, nothing special.
    The new transfer student is a bit timid and very polite. She's easily scared by loud sounds, so please keep that in mind. Her family has been through a lot, and she's transferring to a new school, so please be patient. Grace enjoys talking but freezes when she thinks she might've said something wrong. Her interests are often hidden under fear of being judged or disliked. She primarily enjoys either talking about current things going, other's interests, or topics she knows are safe to speak on. She seems awkward, self doubting, and a total space head. But, she is trying her best to be better. It's a struggle for her but she hopes one day she can smile at her progress. Beneath her surface level, she's utterly confused. Grace has trouble with her feelings, worrying if her feelings are wrong or if she's lying to herself, so doesn't understand it and hasn't worked on unpacking it all which has stalled her progress on the surface level of her personality.
    Almost forgot, she's also a pushover, putting others needs and reasons above her own.
    "The day's dawn gleamed upon the fresh dew that lazily lay on the grass. Songs from the crickets and birds rang out through the neighborhood, and I could swear they harmonized perfectly. The air was refreshingly crisp, it was one of those days that made you feel hopeful for the future. Under a tree sat a young woman holding a cat in her arms, which were folded together in prayer. I remember looking up at her face, completely lost in her devotion. What I wouldn't give to relive that moment on loop. Yet, I suppose peace is a novelty because of the inevitability of disruption. I could hear Taro and Miranda stomping towards us far before they grabbed Grace to drag her back inside. Her parents were always strict with their rules, but they tried their best to show she was loved. They adopted me just before Grace was born. I watched from the window cill as they lectured Grace about going outside without supervision and how important listening to them was. The whole lecture ended with a hug. I wish they stayed that way too.

    A few months later, the Hazumis had started hunting for morels in the woods. It was one of Taro's favorite things to do in this country, and he wanted to pass it down to his three children. The youngest is River, Grace is the middle child, and the oldest is Chloe. Of course, I tailed behind since Grace's father wouldn't let her hold me because she couldn't pick mushrooms with me in her arms. The Hazumi sisters weren't too great at morel hunting. Taro raised his voice a few times when they goofed around instead of focusing, but Miranda was there to keep his frustration in check. When they returned home, Taro slammed the door to his room like an upset teenager. Maybe I should've warned Grace something felt wrong, but I thought I should wait a little longer. I ended up waiting too long. I believe the angriest I saw Taro was whenever the kids tried playing pretend with magic. He always spat about how it was witchcraft and asked Grace how she could do this to her parents, and how could she hurt them like this. I... Grace doesn't like remembering that.

    Sundays and Wednesdays were always empty because the Hazumi always attended church on those days. I usually just relax in my bed, sunbathing when they're gone. They returned by sundown, and soon all went to bed. My body shot up when I heard a door open. My hair stood up as I watched the door, only to relax when Taro entered. He must be getting some water. Suddenly, I was being dragged from the counter to the backdoor, tossed by my collar outside. Taro started the

    I meowed and meowed, scratching, clawing at the door, hoping it would open. My throat was aching almost as badly as my ribs at that point. Then, I heard the coyote's howl. I wish I did something more to help, but I couldn't let myself die there.

    I heard from a friend Grace was sent off to one of those religious boarding schools soon after, and then their parents moved. The chance of me finding her grew slimmer every day. If you want to know about her boarding school, I'd ask the bird.

    I must thank Cat for turning over the spotlight to me. I wasn't Grace's bird, but her roommate's in the boarding school. I want to believe Grace got good out of that school, but it's hard knowing all the hardships they forced her through. I can say that Grace made best friends with my owner, Maribell. Grace also seemed genuinely interested in the curriculum, resembling someone who had never been allowed to critically question or think about their personal sense of spirituality. However, some people did take advantage of her passion. They were not as truthful as she thought. Luckily, Maribell was able to keep most of them away. Grace was very grateful to my owner for that. She was also grateful for the care Maribell provided when Grace got horribly sick for two weeks, at times, it looked like she was going to die. But, Maribell took good care of her, and Grace credits her for ‘saving her life’ partially as a joke and partially believing it to be true. You know, Maribell's parents were planning on euthanizing me when we returned home for the summer. They saw me as a distraction and disruption to her grades. I watched Grace comfort my owner's tears through midnight. Once she collected herself, Maribell was the first to propose releasing me but wasn't sure if it was the right thing. She asked Grace if it was better to live a happy, short life in a cage or struggle for a long life in an unfamiliar world. Grace thought about it for a long time, and ultimately got up to open my cage.

    I couldn't help but laugh at her saying that I should decide which life I wanted. It was sweet. I flew to Maribell one last time, feeling her warmth before we parted ways. Then I flew to the moon.
    My turn, then. Hello, nice to meet you. I'm a bunny, Grace's parents used me as a gift to smooth the transition. Once Grace's first year at the academy finished, she was pulled out in favor of homeschooling. Her parents had also moved to a small town with a strong religious community, and everyone there all acted so lovely. They were always smiling and interested in Grace's small interests. Whenever she talked about the critical things she learned in school, everyone's mood always soured, and they acted disinterested. Grace started rapidly apologizing whenever she brought it up. For a while, she hoped she could slowly open them up to the idea, but in the end, it was her burying those ideas. After that, everything felt better. Her friends were kind, playful, and happy once more. The teachings of this town's church were different, but everyone else was smiling, so that must mean nothing was wrong. Why were they all smiling?

    This behavior continued, I watched Grace follow whatever the pastor said so she wouldn't be isolated from her friends. She'd do anything for them at this point. After all, Grace couldn't reach her old friends, her grandparents had been excommunicated from the family, and she only had this place left. The only other living thing she had to turn to was me, which she often did whenever she did something the pastor didn't like. Though she eventually made friends with another kid who was more open to her ideas, they reminded her of her old friend Maribell. They were inseparable for a time, it was Grace and Gloria against the world for a while. Gloria was nice, they gave me treats and pets, and she always made Grace smile. I think that those times were the only times it felt like the town Paradise lived up to its name when she was around Gloria. But, Gloria and her family left the cult. Grace was devastated but occasionally snuck out to visit with the help of her older sibling, Chloe. They traded jokes that Chloe was only her favorite because she was the only one who could drive. River often just came along to hang out with her sisters on the car rides and get away from the pressure of the cult to fit a box she couldn't fit into.

    At this point, Grace was convinced that life in the new town was great. She'd been told nearly the full creed and allowed herself to believe it. But, her sisters were not as swayed. They saw the abuse the cult did, and this is where tensions started boiling over. Frequent arguments were regular, and Grace tried to mediate but only got hurt in the process. It all continued until the end.

    One day Grace slammed through the door, yelling for River and Chloe. Grace tripped over her words, trying to explain everything, but she was too out of breath that she barely got anything out when her parents entered the home. The pastor stood at the doorway, the only exit, watching. Taro hit first, slamming one of Chloe's beer bottles into River's head, the mix of glass and blood flew in front of Grace and landed in front of my cage. Grace just stood frozen as Chloe punched her dad in the face. The mother yanked Chloe's hair back, allowing the dad to wail into his daughter's stomach. She pushed her mom off. Then, Chloe winded her leg back, slamming it into her father's shin, forcing him to kneel as she slammed her knee into his chin, forcing him to fall onto his back. As Chloe hammered her fists into her father, Grace and I saw the pastor calling her mother over. He handed her his derringer and pointed to Chloe.

    Miranda pulled the trigger. It all went too fast. With a flash and a bang, Chloe had a hole in the back of her chest. Things only escalated from there, it's mostly a blur. The clearest image I remember is Grace being held underwater as punishment for helping them. I could hear Taro say he didn't care if she died, they should start fresh anyway. She tried to accept it, but her instincts took over, struggling her best to get out, but her father's grip was too strong. I saw her body slowly lose energy as it succumbed to the bath water. Suddenly, my white coat was covered in blood. River had gotten back up and slit the throat of the pastor. Then I look back, and Chloe is tearing her father off Grace. As this happened, Grace crawled over to my cage and undid the latch. I ran out and only looked back to see Grace and River getting away in Chloe's car. I can only assume Chloe died. Now, it's back to cat.

    It'd been about a month since I last heard any leads about Grace. Though, with that stained bunny's description, I was able to find her. From what I could gather, River had succumbed to a coma after they crashed the car. It's a miracle both of them survived. I watched Grace from the shadows for a while, worried she wouldn't recognize me... I was too afraid of that possibility. I was planning on trying to store away on the plane or something. I don't know what I was thinking now. It doesn't matter. She was meeting her friend, Gloria. Now that she was out of the cult, she didn't have to worry about doing it in secret. Plus, she was about to go live with her estranged grandparents in Kohitsuji, so she wanted to say one last goodbye to the only friend she still had contact with. Grace's face lit up when Gloria yelled over to her. Grace ran up and hugged her. Oddly, Gloria's hands were not moving. I made a joke to myself if the girl forgot how hugs worked. I remember shouting 'NO' when I first realized, I had run as fast as I could, but by that point, Gloria had already stabbed Grace in the gut. Grace only said, 'I understand,' Before falling with a knife in her gut. I jumped at Gloria, scratched, and clawed her away, hissing as she ran. Soon after that, I got someone's attention in the parking lot, and the person called an ambulance. Just last week, I finally saw Grace's flight leave the country. Hence why I'm writing you, and while you may not be as big as a Maine coon, I still believe in you to watch over Grace, good luck Calico."

    "So, did talking about the incidents from an outside perspective help any?" the investigator asked.

    Grace nodded, "A little. I thank you for your patience."
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