Minions! Greet Me!


Last of Her Kind

Sorry. Was practicing my evil overlord persona. Ahem.

Anyways, greetings to all. I was introduced to the site yesterday but had some difficulty getting the confirmation email to send, BUT I'm all good now. I love strategy games, debating impossibilities, fantasy, the smell of wood smoke, and most everything nerdy, along with the obvious things like RPing and home-made cookies.

I hope we can all get along well! ^_^
Welcome to RPN!

You’ll probably want to check out Roleplay Recruitment to see if there’s an RP which matches your interests, or even pitch one of your own. If you feel a group RP is a little intimidating, there’s always 1x1 Recruitment. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Site Rules and if you have questions, visit the Questions and Information board.

That clicking sound is me taking my continuing tally of evil overlords, 'insane' people, and mythical creatures joining.
Thank you both for the welcome!

Wait, there are OTHER evil overlords!? I understand what must be done . . . I don't suppose you have a more detailed list than just tallies, do you? For, uh, research, of course.
Conscripted! Please sign here, here and here. No, no. No need to read the fine print.

Congratulations, you get the honor of being at my beck and call! :D

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