X-Men: Lifesong

Alias- Gravixx

Name- Sean Riker (shout out to Star Trek lol)

Sexuality- Pansexual. You're outsides don't matter, it's who you are inside that counts.

Powers and Abilities- Control of Gravity. Can manipulate the gravitational pull of any object, essentially moving things in a manner like telekinesis. He can push or pull objects/ people to or away from him. He can cause someone/thing to float or be planted to the ground. He has limited force field abilities, in the sense that he can create a gravity field around him that objects/ people are reflected off of. He also has limited flight capabilities as well as black hole creation. Training to improve his powers as there are many other abilities that he hasn't achieved yet.

Age- 19

Appearance- Still going to wear a cloak with Xs on the hood. Also wears some body armor, but nothing drastic since he isn't usually worried about being touched.

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Personality- He's definitely a serious type but he likes to have fun. You'll know you're his friend if he's constantly teasing you. He's very loyal to his team and will defend them with his life. He's friendly to anyone he meets but if it's a villain he's ready to battle with out thinking it through.

Background- His mutant abilities didn't surface until he was almost 16. He was a late bloomer and that accounts for him not being an expert with his powers. He was always an outcast in school and home. He was raised by his drug addict mother and abusive step father. He was an only child and when he learned of his powers he left home, but not before almost killing his family, and their drug dealer. He nearly crushed them to death by increasing the gravity around them. He ran away and never turned back. He always shied away from his powers, being afraid of hurting someone again, only using them at their minimum capability to steal food or something of the like. After two years of toughening up on the streets of Chicago he saw a news report about the X-Men and decided that he needed to be a part of that team. He made his way to the Institute, and was eventually picked up by Storm on one of her solo missions. She took him under her wing, and trained him to embrace his gift and not fear it. Since graduating he's stayed at the school as a tutor to the students and still studies with Storm and Prof. X weekly.



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Alias: Shadowpulse

Age: 24

Height: 6'4

Species: Feral Mutant

Sexuality: Bisexual


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Powers: Retractable claws/fangs, heightened senses and strength, the ability to manifest and withstand great electrical power. As an Alpha, he can also bend others of his pack to his will, as well as communicate with them through a spiritual bond. It was later discovered that he could use his powers to heal others, though it weakens him for a time.

  • Alpha: Feral mutants have abilities or features specific to one animal species, and each of these species come with their own unique powers. Darren's feral abilities are lupine, and he has wolf instinct. He is also an Alpha, meaning that he can subdue lupine ferals with Beta or Omega instinct with his will, and can also communicate with his pack by a spiritual connection. Pack alphas can always track their packmates, and communicate if need be using said connection to signal the others.
    Tempestade Lobo: The cosmic entity which amplifies Darren's powers. It's name means Storm Wolf, and it exists to keep the balance between good and evil. Similar to Jean Grey's Phoenix Force. It also not only amplifies Darren's electrical manipulation abilities, but when the spirit takes over the greater part of his mind, he literally becomes like a tempest...thunder lightning and all.

Suits: Has two suits, the first being a high tech armor plated with an adamantium like metal. The other is closer to those that the X-Force wear, with an extremely durable fabric and bulletproof chest and back plates. Both suits allow Darren to charge his weapons with his electricity, as well as creating a protective dome around him and shooting blasts out of the palms of his hands. They are also coded to his DNA, ensuring that only he will be able to use them.



Darren has learned many skills, under many tutors. His father taught him the ferociousness of battle, and that sometimes the means justify the ends. Wolverine strengthened both his will and his drive, showing him how to lead others. Wade Wilson taught him everything there is to know about a sword, and then any other weapon. Darren doesn't have a preference for any specific type of combat. He focuses mainly on his twin black steel katanas, and his mastery of hand to hand combat - but he also knows how to pilot and battle from several types of aircraft, and can assemble, load, and shoot accurately with any type of gun you throw at him, and frequently uses his other abilities to charge his weapons with electricity and amplify the damage.


Despite how he was raised, Darren's pretty much a city slicker. He's charming, clever, witty, and has never lost a dare. Instead of letting himself become the animal, as his father did, or shutting it off completely like Wolverine, he maintains balance as a mercenary, letting his rage and bloodlust flow into his work so he can stay sane. His alpha DNA ensured he was born a leader - weather he likes it or not. He is often guided by those instincts, and he often refers to it as 'his wolf'.

Darren is all about loyalty. Being a Merc with morals is strange, but not impossible, and it is because of this that he leans more toward the hero side. He often struggles with the fact that though he has honor in his work, others do not necessarily approve of the way he cuts down those he is after. Knowing this, his disposition can shift in a second from playful to murderous if you rub him the wrong way, but once you gain his trust he will never desert you. He happens to be a bit self destructive, however, and tends to stay as far away from his problems as humanely possible.



The son of Victor Creed and Roslyn Hawthorne, Darren was raised in the backwoods of North Carolina. His mother was a caring and independent woman, as well as a well known district attorney. Darren was close to him parents, and to his knowledge, he grew up as normal as normal can be...for a mutant anyway.

Victor trained him starting from the age of three in grotesque fighting techniques and forced him to make his first kill at six. Darren's powers revealed themselves when he turned 13, as a mixture of both his parents powers. He has the retractable claws, heightened senses, and healing factor from his father's side, and the ability to project an electrical charge over his body from his mother's. Not long after discovering them, his mother was said to be killed in a plane crash, and his father disappeared, but not before leaving him a letter with an unclear motive telling him to go to the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, and to never mention his biological background to anyone while he was there.

So he did, and was received into the mansion like anyone else. Wolverine however, saw right through him. He could tell by scent that Darren was related to Sabertooth, and he confronted the young teen about it. Darren explained that he was only following his father's wishes, and Logan agreed not to tell anyone until he was ready.

Darren fit right in with the X-men, popular among his peers for being the daredevil, and for having kick-ass mentality. His cousin Skye (through they act more like siblings) trained with him for a bit, though even when she stopped, they retained the kinship they'd created. She was the first person he ever bonded with - in the pack sense - and it was around that time when Logan explained the whole Alpha thing.

Darren even had a best friend, Evan Grey, who he eventually told about his heritage and power source. The two were practically inseparable, and there was even a short period of romance between them.

During danger room and training sessions, the instructors were enthralled at the amount of power Darren was wielding at such a young age. During one outdoor trek, he had even been able to redirect lightning through his body and through his palm in another direction. Though he may have excelled in these areas, the teachers noticed the complex and deadly moves that Darren would use within the danger room, often killing his targets without so much as a flinch. In his younger years, he also did not have as much control over his bloodlust, and found it hard to reign in the rage he would feel on the battlefield. Because of this, Darren would train in smaller sessions under Wolverine's watchful eye along with Laura Kinney (X-23).

With the training, guidance, and freedom from his father's shadow, over the years Darren grew into one of the strongest and most skilled X-Men of his generation. Yet, still, he couldn't master the control that his mentor Logan had over the feral part of himself, and because of this he felt his abilities were being suppressed. When Cyclops offered him the chance to lead the X-Force, he declined, partly because of his inner turmoil, and partly because the X-Men were battling the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. He didn't feel like he could face his father again, who had abandoned him, and not feel justified for ripping his throat out. Adding to the dilemma, Evan was brutally murdered and left, broken, for Darren to find, just as the young feral realized that he'd made a terrible mistake. Though Evan resurrected due to the Phoenix Force, the pain of having his mate ripped from him was etched into his brain and he couldn't deal with the frustration of not being able to tell Ev who he really was. He departed from the Mansion soon afterwards and headed for DC to build a life for himself, vowing to forget everything from his past, and just start over - whatever it took.

Though he was the same person, he was noticeably colder and less trusting than he previously had been, and seemed to have gotten over the dilemma of killing. He developed a preference for bladed weapons, and even partnered and became friends with with Wade Wilson. He leans more toward the hero side than the villain side, via his close relationship with Wolverine, who recommended him to Nick Fury more than once. The suit he wears is part of recompense from a S.H.I.E.L.D. mission, and it allows him to blast that electrical energy out of his palms and create objects (such as a shield or dome around himself) with it, as well as charge his blades with the power. He spent most of his time as a mercenary, making a name for himself as Shadowpulse.

He was nearly burned alive by his supremacist half-brother, Graydon Creed, after executing a bloody attack on the F.O.H. in Centreville when Darren found out they had murdered his fiance. He had literally witnessed his own skin melt off in the process of escaping the death trap, and had to hold his own guts in as he fought through the flames. This particular event caught the attention of William Stryker, who again was looking to create another Team X, but was viciously deterred by Sabertooth after he had found out the madman had been torturing his son into agreeing to his experiment of weapon 13. Creed then detached the tubes from Darren's body before he too was subjected to the full horrific process of adamantium coating. Regardless, the right side of his body is coated in the metal. Afterwords, Darren confronted his father about his abrupt absence when he was younger, but was robbed of an answer when Wolverine arrived. Seeing Darren's condition and not knowing Darren was his son, the X-Man attacked Sabertooth furiously, until Darren recovered to tell Logan what was going on.

Two years later, Darren was employed by the evil organization H.Y.D.R.A to assassinate Natasha Romanoff, a.k.a. the Black Widow. He operated undercover for thirty-eight days, and ended up falling in love with her during that time. Torn between keeping his love or keeping his life, on the last day he attacked her furiously, and knocked her unconscious. He had planned to administer a chemical that would stop her heart momentarily, but was unable to do this as Hawkeye arrived on the scene and effectively shot Darren three times in the heart. When Hawkeye came to inspect if he was dead or not, Darren lashed out in one last attempt to save himself, and broke his foe's leg. He escaped, leaving Natasha to discover the truth about him on her own, and believing she would be better off without him.

He ended up back at the Mansion a year later, searching for the truth of what really happened to his mother, and decided to stay - discarding his further disagreements with a certain choice that had been made of the life of his best friend. Being an Alpha, several feral students like him felt the spiritual pull, and though he was reluctant at first, he agreed to train them with the help of Logan, officially one of the X-Men again, even accepting his role as the leader of X-Force.



  • -Plays the guitar in his free time
    -Is an avid basketball fan
    -Despises chocolate
    -Has never missed an episode of American Idol
    -Will kick your ass at Scrabble
  • Theme song- Animal I Have Become - Three Days Grace//Blackbirds - Linkin Park



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Wow that makes my CS look like a doodle on a math worksheet..... I'll definitely be adding more to it when we get more info in the rp. :-)
Alias: Exhaust

Name: Damian D. Oliver

Nickname: Drake (Middle name)

Age: 21

Height: 6'0"

Species: Mutant

Sexuality: Heterosexual



He has a athletic build. There is scars all over his body from his previous battles.

Powers: Damian can manipulate and mimic smoke and ash. He can also manipulate fire when it is near him. His body is resistant to unbelievably hot temperatures and is fireproof. He is immune to anything and everything that harms the body by breathing in. He has the ability to make a firestorm but, it is very hard to control.

Skills: He is a melee and gun expert. He has studied Karate,Jeet Kune Do, Taekwondo , Judo, Muay Thai, Aikido, Ninjutsu ,and Shaolin Kung Fu. He has great agility even with his suit on. He knows multiple languages and can cook.

Weapons: Duel wield pistols, a katana, and multiple knifes (Weapons can enhanced by powers Example: Flaming blades and/or bullets) It can mimic Damian's powers. He also carries a few lighters.




Armor is resistant to heat and cold. It also can mimic Damian's powers.


Throughout his life, Damian has gone through a number of events that have altered his personality. Though Damian has always been a serious child, a number of events he had experienced has only intensified his already serious nature. A once balanced child was turned into a dark man. Before becoming Exhaust, he had built up a good life for himself and good friends with people he could trust. He was friendly and likable that he had been able to enjoy life. He cares about innocent people, and would never stand by and watch someone be hurt or killed. He has a strong moral compass.

Biography: Damian is was a first born of a family from Blackburn, England but the parents were teens and they sent him to a orphanage. During a recess his powers manifested while fighting a few bullies.He killed two kids while defending himself. The other kids stayed away from him after that day. When he turned fourteen his parents came back for him and took him back home. After he gets home he finds out he has a brother who was five at the time. His name was Conner and Damian really cared about his brother. He protected him at every corner. This went on for a few years til the parents started traveling.

Damian didn't want to go. He liked it here but, Conner wanted to see the whole world, so, left with the parents.After they left, Damian got into in the law a month later and had a choice join a new program or juvenile hall. He chose the program which was a S.H.I.E.L.D program for mutants. He came in close contact with many supers, aliens ,and mystical beings. Years past and Richard mastered his powers and skills. He was in peak condition for humans and mutants but he gave it up and went on the run. He was done with it. Thinking every day he would die and not see his brother anymore got to him so, he left right before a mission to New York. Few days later he found out an alien attack happened in New York. He wouldn't have cared if he hadn't got a postcard from his family from that exact location.

Damian tried contacting them for weeks but no one picked up. He became depressed almost suicidal. He thought about the quick way out but he knew his brother wouldn't respect if he went that way. One day a merc with a mouth and a short man with claws reached out for him. They wanted him for a strike team called The X-Force. He accepted the offer hoping to get killed in battle. A hero's way out. It never happened he survived all the missions. Wolverine saw great potential in the young man and ask him to come with him to the X-Academy. He had nothing holding him back so, he accepted the offer.

Other: Enjoys movies and video games

Theme Songs: Big Sean- Control
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UniLad246 said:
Wow that makes my CS look like a doodle on a math worksheet..... I'll definitely be adding more to it when we get more info in the rp. :-)
I gotta add a bio/background though.... and apparently sexuality. lol I can also find a realistic pic rather than an animated one. I'm open to anything :D  
Alias: Anima

Name: Macy Winwright

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Powers: She has the ability to shapes shift into any animal but the catch is she has to have acquired it's DNA by physical contact. Once she obtains the DNA it stays in her forever. In this sense she can absorb human, mutant, alien DNA as well. (Ok she's basically an Animorph without the time limit, sue me it's a great power.)

Age: 17


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Her X-Men costume is skintight to help her shape shift. She can morph the tight clothes but not loose ones, It has a blue and grey color scheme and an X on the front. Sleeveless and tucked into boots.

Personality:Macy is the new girl on the block. She isn't totally sure of what's going on with this new team, or if she belongs. She doesn't feel soskilled compared to the other members. But she's diligent and friendly and always willing to lend a helping hand, though sometimes that's her greatest weakness.

Background: Lacy grew up in a normal home, as an only child. She had a mom and a dad and went to school in the suburbs of Boston. Her parents loved her, her friends loved her, her teachers loved her. She was a bit of a rebel but only because her parents had super strict rules once her powers surfaced. She was about 13 at the time. She was on an oceanology field trip and there was a tank where you could touch a sting ray, well after she did that she started morphing. She wasn't able to stop it or shift back for a while, they just let her stay in the take until she changed back. It was hard for her then, and for the first few years. She couldn't control her morphing and she'd get overwhelmed y the animal instinct completely. After she got busted sneaking off to a rock show as a raven, her parents decided to send her to the Xavier Institute. She trained with some of the greats, including The Beast. He taught her to control her mind in the morphs. She was able to acquire dozens of different animal DNA as Professor X was able to get her access to many different zoos and other places. He was never keen on the idea of her having to morph into another human though, and to this day she has only tried it once, with her best friend from the school. Now she's just a girl looking to help what ever way she can.



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Skylar (Skye) Howlett







Static Interference: Ability to create static, because of the charged potential energy always in her body, that shields her mind from detection from telepaths.

Elementalist: Fire, Water, Air, Earth bender

Corruption: the ability to corrupt other creatures and subvert them to her will by touch.



Stubborn and loyal. Probably the two best words to describe Skye. She is very level headed and down to earth, however at the best of times she is stubborn. No matter what the situation (unless life threatening) she will stick to what she was doing. Skye has a way with words, she can manipulate when needed, she easily turns a situation over onto a different person so she doesn't need to take blame. Skye is a complete computer wiz, she can hack any computer in less than a minute. Well mostly any computer. She is all work and no play when something needs to get done.


"Ha! You think it's easy being his only daughter?"

The only daughter of Logan Howlett (Wolverine) is not easy. She grew up in Xaviers school for gifted youngsters, where she was looked after and trained for endless nights. However the training seemed quite contradictory to her due to her father never letting her on the field. Yet each morning he would push her out of bed and into training. "When we aren't here to protect, you'll be ready." he'd say. It annoyed her every time he said it. She spent her first eight years in school, going straight to training after she was done with classes, sleep, repeat. For eight straight years. It was agonizing and brutal on her, however, she did get use to the routine.

That's when the new comer of the Mansion showed up, Darren. At first, Skye tried to avoid him at all costs, strangely bonded to him somehow, and she didn't want to know why. However, there was also something intriguing about the older male in the house, she asked her father countless times before he finally caved in and told her about him. That he was the son of his half brother, which technically made them cousins in some odd way. And so she confronted him, much like her father had. It may have possibly been the greatest things shes done, she looked up to him and envied him for his powers and training.

Soon they were attached at the hip, in a sibling way, there was no way that Skye could see Darren as anything other than her cousin. Besides, he had Evan to be that role in his life. He's been the only one that she truly trusted, and when he left the mansion with no reason, she was upset to say the least. Like her own brother turned their back and left her alone without any reason.

By the time she was 15, Skye was told she needed an Alias if she were to go out on the field; Savage was an easy pick for her. Seeing that she loved to destroy things when someone p***ed her off. Skye was lead to believe that she was actually going on the field, not the training stimulation. That was when she really wanted to show her father 'Savage'. Logan was always too protective of her, and she knew that he would always watch, even if he was training another. He gave up training her when she turned 13 because she told him that she needed someone with new tactics. This was when she started to train with Cyclops -before he died of course. His death hit her pretty hard, they were close, even not in training Scott acting like a second father to her. And it was nice too because he went a lot easier on her than Wolverine. Now at 19 she still lived in the Xavier's mansion, still never being on the field, but more than ready to go she knew that if Scott were still around that he would let her.

Finally after years of waiting, and leaving endless messages on the phone, Darren had showed up once more. She had her big brother again and it was nice to have him around home. But seeing how much he had changed was something, and she could tell that there were some things he went through, but knew much better than to ask. Their bond of brother and sister weakened considerably since he left, she never felt the same around him anymore and it killed her that she did. Like he lost someone like Evan once again. However, due to her Feral Mutant species their close bond as a pack remained, and she hoped that maybe one day he would come around and tell her what happened during his absence. Until then she would just have to listen to his '(s)he should not have made it through last week!' rants of American Idol.

There was something that she didn't know, however, something that her father was keeping from her. As she rolled around the age ten, Charles took a brief meeting with Logan, and only Logan. He told him that he saw great potential in his daughter. But there was something else as well, something that he has seen before that corrupted the mind of a great man. Within her there was something that may one day destroy her, and tear apart the team. Very similar to what happened to Erik, a man with good intentions, but bad ways of showing them. Charles claimed that if she were allowed out to fight, then the very same thing that happened to Erik's mind, just may happen to hers, unless it's stopped first.





127 lbs




"Suits are to easily spotted!"

Skye doesn't believe in wearing a suit. It's too obvious to an attacker and if you need to get lost in a crowd it's easier. She normally wears jeans a plain shirt and her leather jacket. Because that's all she needs. However, she does have the X-Men 'X' tattooed onto her right shoulder.

Theme Song:

Diamond in a Fire - Will Champlin

Shatter Me - Lzzy Hale

Come A Little Closer - Cage the Elephant

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Myron M. Gaines


Swole Mole





Adaptive Muscle Growth: Swole Mole is known to possess strength nearly 10 times the average man, capable of squatting six plates with no belt. This is due to the fact that Swole Mole's muscles react more sensitively to stress. When enough tension is applied to his muscles, Swole Mole's body begins to quickly utilize protein, sometimes synthesizing its own in order to cause extreme muscle growth in Swole Mole. Because of this, as long as there is heavy weight, Swole Mole can continue to get stronger. However, the strength takes at least half an hour to kick in for every 20 extra pounds that need lifting.

Atomic Protein Blast: A sort of wind powered ability shooting from Swole Mole's backside, launching a jet of foul, repulsive gas toward a given area. Thanks to Swole Mole's slightly radioactive insides, his emissions have their own radioactive quality.


Many would believe that Myron was obsessed with body image, judging by his outer appearance and tendency to work out. His compulsive exercise, however, comes from his own obsession with self improvement, believing he can never gain too much. Whenever in need of motivation, Myron pretends someone is holding a gun to his face, and will shoot unless he completes a certain task, and so he pushes harder than normal. Inspired by his late mentor, Myron felt the need to go out and make a name for himself, but he couldn't bring shame to his family name.

His outlook on life is that the world is like a video game, sort of like the Sims with an individual controlling everybody in the world, and the player who's controlling Myron has the top score. That is, he does everything he can do regardless of how inane it might seem, at some points going with the flow and at other points taking his shirt off and thinking outside the box. Whichever one happens, he's the life of the party.


Myron was born a normal human being with no super powers to normal human parents in a normal suburb, full of normal people, doing normal things, living in a normal house, going to a normal school, and being taught by normal teachers. Myron was ill inspired and an underachiever. Growing up skinny, Myron was always picked on, except in sports, where he was picked last. He blamed the world and his genetics for all his deficiencies, saying that he couldn't gain weight or muscle due to "high metabolism". Nonetheless, he met a girl- the only person he was capable of speaking to at the time. Frankly, she took pity on him and they got together. In the halls, people looked at them, rolling their eyes, scoffing, and hiding their laughter. Still, Myron didn't take her for granted.

One day, Myron went to a tanning salon just to try it out, thinking that the fake tan might help his self-esteem. Things went awry as the machines malfunctioned, causing them to give off dangerous levels of harmful radiation. Myron didn't notice until he was pulled out of the booth. But it was too late, Myron's body had already mutated. The radiation stunted his growth and shrunk him to 5'0" flat. Myron was devastated. The night later, Myron's girlfriend pitied him. The night after, she was diagnosed with cancer from Myron's radioactive body. Myron stuck with her all the way through chemotherapy, but she did not survive all the procedures. Myron lamented her death, and continues to this day.

Losing everything in the radiation, Myron fell into a depressed slump. That was until he stumbled onto an obscure forum on the dark side of the internet dedicated to fitness. There, he discovered his role model, who taught him that "Everybody one day will die and be forgotten. Act in a way that'll make life fun and interesting. Fuck a mundane life working Monday through Friday on something you derive no pleasure from." Brought to tears, he began lifting weights. Something in his mutated genome allowed Myron to gain muscle at an accelerated rate. So as Myron began lifting, he saw fast results. His height didn't change, but he definitely felt more confident.

However, Myron could not betray his love. And so he secluded himself. Myron put on a mask and gave himself an alias as he protected the streets in the name of his late girlfriend.




200 lbs


No Homo


The Swole Mole's costume features a black racoon eye mask and synthetic whiskers. He wears a skin-tight suit which reveals his grand, muscular physique. It is covered in a thin coat of brown fur to resemble the hair of a mole. The fingertips and toes are tipped in hard, synthetic nails used to scratch evil. A striped scarf is worn around the Swole Mole's neck; he can't afford a cape.

Theme Song:

Find Yourself - John O'Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells
Alias- Fire-bolt.

Name- Aaron T. Mayor.

Sexuality- Pansexual.

Powers- He can control, manipulate and make electricity. The downside to that is that when he's mad electronics devices tend to do crazy stuff.

For example they might just turn on and off again or they just break. And if that isn't bad enough it also makes things like metal electrically charged.

Age- 18


Personality-Aaron is the kind of person who likes being around people. But not all the time. He likes his alone time, when he just plays video games for hours or reads books until midnight. Aaron walks around with his head in the clouds. You can blame his sister for that. She was always a little bit overprotective of him so he almost never did things himself. Also because of that he can be quiet naive and he doesn't always understand were people are talking about(Unless it's mathematics and history). Some may say that he's lazy considering the fact that he sleeps a lot.

Background- Aaron found out about his powers when he was thirteen years old. He was playing video games and got so frustrated because he couldn't beat the boss level. Because of his frustration he decided to stop and watch some TV to calm down. But because the batteries of the remote were dead he decided to replace them. When he touched the battery sides(the minus and the plus) he saw a light coming from his fingers. He didn't knew what was happening so he tried it by the other too. The same happened and he wanted to test his theory. He putted them back in and he couldn't believe what happened. He recharged the batteries.

He kept his power to himself until Alice, his older sister, found him messing around with his powers. She contacted professor X, but only because she wants him to be thought safely how to control his powers in case something goes wrong.

Theme song(s)- 'Made me realize' for the orchestra- Walt Ribeiro


Desmond James Young








Superspeed- Dez has the ability to move at incredibly high speeds making him a speedster. How fast he can actually run is yet to be discovered, but the X-Men estimate he can run up to at least the speed of light. Dez himself believes that he could possibly vibrate his atoms to phase through walls however he has yet to reach that point.

Superhuman Brain Processing- Dez's brain can process information as fast as he can run. This is what allows him to move so fast without crashing into things. With this, he can also read very fast and his thoughts go in a highly accelerated rate making it very difficult to read his mind or control his mind. However, it is not impossible to do.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Grant_Gustin.png.22ff47b7b1cf4a90b63970c280ab5223.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25465" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Grant_Gustin.png.22ff47b7b1cf4a90b63970c280ab5223.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Dez is a free spirit. He likes freedom and having a good time. This naturally makes him a trouble maker due to his natural desire to seek the fun in every situation. Because of how he is, Dez is an extremely accepting person who truly believes that everyone should be allowed to be who they want to be as long as it doesn't

hurt anyone. He tends to be calm and laid back in most situations however when the time rises he will become serious. Even so for the most part you can expect him to be making bad puns with a smile to be spreadon his face


Dez was born in New York City, the Big Apple. His parents left him at the front steps of an orphanage (which in his mind was cheesy), and he lived there for seven years until he ran away. The orphanage was constricting and generally horribly which is what led to him running awayon his own. For the next couple of years, Dez would find himself traveling all over the world and meeting incredibly people. Times were tough for him growing up poor and alone, but he quickly learned how to survive by taking odd jobs wherever he could.

Dez's carefree lifestyle quickly disappeared when he discovered his abilities. At first, he was scared of what

he could do and hid it. But in time, Dez embraced what he could do and became a modern "Robin Hood".

He'd steal from rich criminals and gave to those in need. However, word spread quickly throughout the

world and he was dubbed as the new vigilante "Blur". With all of this fame surrounding his feats, the X-Men found him and asked him to come to their school. Dez has just srrived at the school and has only been there a week.






Dez is not very fond of the idea of wearing a suit, but because of the nature of his powers he knows that whenver he goes out in the field he will have to wear one. Due to his very recent arrival, it has yet to be constructed, but it will be made of special fibers which are built specifically so that air friction isn't a problem. It's also built to keep it from wearing out from the friction of going at high speeds.

Theme Song:

Birth- Thirty Seconds To Mars​



  • Grant_Gustin.png
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Gh0st said:


Desmond James Young








Superspeed- Dez has the ability to move at incredibly high speeds making him a speedster. How fast he can actually run is yet to be discovered, but the X-Men estimate he can run up to at least the speed of light. Dez himself believes that he could possibly vibrate his atoms to phase through walls however he has yet to reach that point.

Superhuman Brain Processing- Dez's brain can process information as fast as he can run. This is what allows him to move so fast without crashing into things. With this, he can also read very fast and his thoughts go in a highly accelerated rate making it very difficult to read his mind or control his mind. However, it is not impossible to do.


View attachment 68818


Dez is a free spirit. He likes freedom and having a good time. This naturally makes him a trouble maker due to his natural desire to seek the fun in every situation. Because of how he is, Dez is an extremely accepting person who truly believes that everyone should be allowed to be who they want to be as long as it doesn't

hurt anyone. He tends to be calm and laid back in most situations however when the time rises he will become serious. Even so for the most part you can expect him to be making bad puns with a smile to be spreadon his face


Dez was born in New York City, the Big Apple. His parents left him at the front steps of an orphanage (which in his mind was cheesy), and he lived there for seven years until he ran away. The orphanage was constricting and generally horribly which is what led to him running awayon his own. For the next couple of years, Dez would find himself traveling all over the world and meeting incredibly people. Times were tough for him growing up poor and alone, but he quickly learned how to survive by taking odd jobs wherever he could.

Dez's carefree lifestyle quickly disappeared when he discovered his abilities. At first, he was scared of what

he could do and hid it. But in time, Dez embraced what he could do and became a modern "Robin Hood".

He'd steal from rich criminals and gave to those in need. However, word spread quickly throughout the

world and he was dubbed as the new vigilante "Blur". With all of this fame surrounding his feats, the X-Men found him and asked him to come to their school. Dez has just srrived at the school and has only been there a week.






Dez is not very fond of the idea of wearing a suit, but because of the nature of his powers he knows that whenver he goes out in the field he will have to wear one. Due to his very recent arrival, it has yet to be constructed, but it will be made of special fibers which are built specifically so that air friction isn't a problem. It's also built to keep it from wearing out from the friction of going at high speeds.

Theme Song:

Birth- Thirty Seconds To Mars​
You...do you watch Arrow? xD
Alias: Arrow

Name: Sophia Kiland

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Age: 24

Height: 5'7

Weight: 110lbs

Abilities: Extreme contortion [The ability to fold, bend and twist her body and can turn her bones into a calcium jelly-like substance, allowing her to pass through tight spaces], Expert target precision, will always hit the mark.

Weapons of Choice: Large purple compound bow, throwing knives.

Brief History: Born in England into a rich family, she was sent to America when she was 17 to live with her uncle after the deaths of her parents. Her uncle, however, was a terrible man, and an abusive alcoholic. When her powers manifested he started to use her to get money, eventually losing her in a poker match. Without going into too much detail, she was used and abused by these men who had found ways to keep her from escaping, such as sealed tight rooms and chains that hooked into her bones [Her bones could not shift if penetrated by foreign objects]

Personality: Smart, polite, would bend over backwards [literally] for a stranger. She keeps much of herself private, and rarely divulges her thoughts. Level-headed and sensible but can act impulsive if she feels strongly about something. She has quite the playful childish side too, and loves anything to do with animals. However, her lack of wanting to talk about her past has brewed up a darkness within her, that could easily sway her towards the wrong crowd. She also lacks the knowledge of American culture, therefor not streetwise. Tends to be a lone-wolf, but works well within a team.


Castiel Dean Winchester








Wing Manifestation: As Caen, Castiel can summon wings upon his back. His wings can only be described as a pure angel's wings. His wings take a dark black to light ash gray color tone from the tip of his wings. They give him the power of flight. He can soar to 1,000 ft. in the air.

Advanced Durability: Castiel can tolerate pain up to a bullet wound in a vital part. He can withstand bloodloss.

Blood Manipulation: He can control his own blood, and at rare times others, he can harden his blood an use it as a weapon.


Castiel has dark green eyes and simple dark chocolate hair. Of we go into details he got his eyes from neither of his parents, but rather he got them from his great grandfather. He has been told if he was next to his great grandfather when he was his age they would look like they were twins. He usually has a hoodie or something on his torso and usually jeans or something long on his bottom. He doesn't like regular shoes and wears combat boots.



Castiel is easily described as that nice, quiet, tall guy. He is calm and well-mannered. He is a fairly normal mutant barely showing signs of mutant.


Castiel was born into a well off family, and was the youngest out of seven kids. Castiel naturally gained his abilities as did his, six elder siblings. He was the unique on and gained the ability of blood control. His siblings gained a different ability than the others. But Castiel's grew out of control to where if he got angry his powers flared up and attacked a person in his line of sight. So he was sent to Xavier's at the age of 18 and then he has stayed there ever since.




123 lb.


Castiel doesn't really believe in wearing a suit to help others. He either dons his normal hoodie or longsleeved shirts. He has the tattoo of an X on his hip.

Theme Song:

Battlescars by Lupe Fiasco


Name: Elias Evans

Alias: Eclipse

Age: 18

Height: 5'10

Weight: 160 lbs.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Abilities: Pyrokinesis, Self-Immolation, Flight, Heat Blasts, Slight Energy Absorption

Background: Elias was brought up in the foster system with an infant younger brother. He often took the beating to prevent anything from happening to Lucas, his younger brother. That all changed when he was 13 and his brother was left in car one day while out with their foster mom. His brother didn't survive the sweltering heat and as soon as Elias found out he burnt down his foster house. No one was hurt by his newly developed powers, but that didn't stop the family from throwing him into juvenile detention. With no family and no friends, he grounded himself in as much angry music as he could get his hands on. He hated the system and what it had done to him and his brother. From that moment forward, he hated anyone with authority or the audacity to tell him what to do. The facility Elias was sent to quickly understood how inept they were to handle the situation. As a ward of the state, Elias was sent to the X-Men to help control his anger and powers.

Personality: Elias has a hard time getting along with anyone. He pushes everyone away with an abrasive outlook on life. He doesn't think anything is really worth the time, even his music. Elias is eager to fight and not listen to anyone else's opinion. He's not competitive per se, but he is willing to excel just to knock others down a peg. He is very intelligent, but would rather let his anger control his actions. Elias doesn't care for anyone or anything, but it's all a defensive front for a kid that's been left on his own too many times. Elias can definitely be an asshole.

Uniform Color: Purple

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