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Realistic or Modern McKinley High (Rebooted!)


Looking back a year ago today, it was first day of the last four years of school. This year Jamie was going to be a sophomore. He was now even more responsible, his parent had just bought him a new car for his sixteenth birthday last week, and he was already licensed to drive it. Even though he would be living a dorm, for the year, student still drive to school on the first if they can. Some younger students like his brother Xavier, well his stepbrother anyways would be riding with him to school. To be honest his parents wouldn’t trust him enough to drive his younger brother to McKinley. Finally it was time to wake up.

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!!!! Argh! What the hell!!!??? Why is my damn alarm going off?” he had screamed at the top of his lungs. He knew it would be a bad idea to strain his vocal chords on the first of school. So he decided to wake up Xavier, which Xavier had woke up to Jamie’s scream of anger this morning. So after this he decided to jump in the shower, it was warming temperature of 88 degrees Fahrenheit. Damn was his shower hot this morning. But he wouldn’t shower any other way but this. He got out of the shower and walked past Xavier. “Good luck, I just ran out of hot water,” he exclaimed at him. He like to mess with Xavier like that, just to piss him off.

He looked at the time, they would have to leave in about a half an hour, if they were to get to school if they stopped to get breakfast on the way, which they were going too. He yelled into the wall, were Xavier was taking his shower. “
We are leaving in thirty minutes!” as he walked out his room, with a bunch of different items, which he had to pack into his vehicle. He brought his MacBook, iPad, and iPhone in a backpack which he sat in the passenger seat, knowing that Xavier would be sitting there in less than twenty minutes. He put the tub of school supplies in the backseat along with two suitcases of clothes. He hated doing a bunch of laundry, but he still brought everything he owned. His parents had given him a check for the both of them for the first semester which was $2000 for more supplies, dorm rent for the semester, and for books. Finally it was time to head for school.


He still couldn’t believe that his brother had woken him up by yelling through the wall. It was very inconsiderate of him to do this morning, then using all the hot water for the shower, he was lucky enough to get the water up 50 degrees this morning, after his brother’s blazing hot shower. Why couldn’t Jamie be nice enough to leave him some water this morning? Oh well, what are older brothers for?

This would be second year at McKinley, ever since they started to allow seventh and eighth graders into the school, but our schedules are 100% different than the other students. The seventh and eighth graders have a separate lunch from the older kids. Which to be honest Xavier didn’t mind at all. He always wondered what Jamie would do to him, if they were to have the same lunch. Well they will have the same lunch next year, so we will have to wait and see what happens.

He was lugging his items out to the car, and saw that Jamie, had left trunk open for only Xavier’s stuff. He was quite surprised that Jamie did that. The only thing that Xavier really cared about that he would have with him in the car would be his backpack that contained his MacBook, his journal, and his Samsung Galaxy S4. Some of the other students laughed at him for keeping a journal, they said only girls write in journals. Of course, Xavier shrugged the haters off. He jumped into the passenger seat, after moving Jamie’s bad to behind the seat. Then Jamie sat in the car, he started it, and they pulled out. Jamie looked like he was ready for school today. Then they had pulled into Tacobell, it was one of their favorite places to eat. Sadly, Xavier hadn’t yet tried the new breakfast items.

Hi, how are you?” asked the cashier. She had seemed very friendly, and enthusiastic that we were there this morning. He had ordered the new A.M Crunchwrap, and man was it good. He was fairly pleased by the actual breakfast, and satisfied enough to make to lunch later in the afternoon. They got into the car and headed off to school.

Jamie's Clothes


He his wearing the third outfit in, and the second shoes


Xavier's Clothes:


Your posts don’t have to be this long. The reason I made my post super long was because it was the first post, and to be honest, I couldn't stop writing. Also, lets see how long the story last okay?
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Nina was now a Senior. This is finally her last year at McKinley High. Nina was Happy when she had to go back to school,she can finally do what she loved to do which is Dancing,Singing and Cheerleading. "Oh What The Hell" she said slamming her hand on the Alram clock. She was very tried she didn't even want to get out her bed. When she sat up and she would grab her phone and realizes that she got a text message from her mom saying....

Hey Sweetie I am at a Photo Shot
Okay Mom Love you
Love you to Sweetie have a good time at school [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] :) [FONT='Trebuchet MS'][COLOR=rgb(0,128,255)][SIZE=18px]

After she sent her last text message she would get up and would walk to her shower and would walk inside the shower and would wash her Hair and her body. She would then get out the shower and then she would put on a Nice Outfit and shoes and would walk downstairs and would eat some breakfast.

((Her Outfit))

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Ricky would get up and start doing her Morning Workout. Ricky was ready for school and ready for 8th grade. He knew that 8th grade is Easy. Ricky would put on a Nice outfit and would walk downstairs to her Mom and said "Morning Mom, Nice Breakfast you made" he said smiling at his Mom

((His outfit))

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Roxie was in a deep sleep until her alarm went off. She threw her pillow at it and sat up. "Ugh" This was her second year at this dang school. Well at least she she was away from her parents and her older sister. She got up and got washed and dressed. Roxie was pretty known. Either people feared her, hated her, or crushed on her, which would be mostly girls. She went out side got on her skate bored and headed towards school. She notice a car go by. She glanced at it. "Nice car she said to herself." Then car went passed her. And she continued on her way to school.

(Her in her outfit)

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They had passed a girl on a skateboard, she was the Roxie chick from last year. That was the only girl that scared him, all the other ones were really nice. They had gotten to the school drive, and he turned at a wicked 70mph, that was fasts he had topped his car yet. Man did the engine purr. It was do it one more time, so he decided to speed up to a whopping 80mph, he was going in a straight line anyways, why would it matter? Then he thought what was going through Xavier’s mind at the moment. He thought it would be best to slow down, then he pulled up to the dorm building. Unlike most students, Jamie had a key to the school, well an electronic that would unlock any door in the building including the outside ones.

Hey, Sav. I’m going to go get our keys for our dorms. I want you to stay here, and start taking things out of the car,” he told Sav. He got out of the car and walked to the main doors, and unlocked the door, for himself and headed into the main office. Both secretaries weren’t surprised to see him. He walked down to counselor’s office, knowing that they would be swamped later by students wanting keys for the dorms. He knocked Mr. Jameson’s door, and walk casually in. He asked for the keys for Xavier’s room, and his. Mr. Jameson handed the keys right over. Thar was when he walked back out of the building and handed Xavier his key to his dorm. He felt like the cool big brother for getting into the school early for their dorm keys. “There is going to be two packages on both beds in the dorms. There your new iMac, and iPad. Leave the ones on the other bed, that’s your roommates,” he explained to Sav.


He heard what Jamie said to him. He loved how his brother is treating like a little kid. He knew not to touch the other packages. He just had one question, who would his roommate be? He knew it would be another boy, but who? He just wanted to know. He knew that Jamie could look it up. But he was looking to actually figuring it out himself.

Hey Paige, could Sav, and Ricky be roommates?
Even though her alarm went off, Sabrina just didn't feel like getting up. The previous night, as it has been for the past two and a half months, she has been crying herself to sleep. She's been suffering from depression as it seems. It just wasn't her year, things only got worse after her Estranged and Abusive Father shot her boyfriend, then claimed that he was an intruder, which he wasn't. With school starting up again, that meant that she was going to be away from her Mother. Since she was going to be staying on School Grounds, it was just going to be her, her five cars and whoever her roommate was. Oh and the Basketball Team, since she's been in the sport since the fourth grade. Why Five Cars? Because she was from a Wealthy Family for one, and two she was also a Car Enthusiast. Not to mention that she wasn't afraid of getting a bit of engine grease under her fingernails. What Car to drive to Campus, she wondered? Her brand new car that her Aunt gave her? Or maybe the Nissan Skyline? Decisions, decisions. After getting dressed, Sabrina decided to go with her RX-7, with the rest being loaded onto a Flatbed. As she got into her chosen vehicle, she felt like breaking down, but it was a bad time, considering she just did her make-up and all. Its a new day, shouldn't be so sad, she thought.

After spending about five minutes thinking about her late Boyfriend, Sabrina just started the car and just got to driving, with the Flat-bed carrying her cars being right behind her. Not like she was in the mood to be a Speed Demon anyway. Hopefully she'd get to be Team Captain for the Girl's Basketball Team this year. Maybe even promoted Mid-Season? Who knows. Aside from Basketball, she also did Fencing, but that was only outside of school. No one needed to know that she was a Fencing Prodigy, right? If there was a Car Club, she'd probably be Vice President too, but not very many people on campus were into Cars, so not like it mattered.



Frost stuck her foot out of the cab and brushed the dust off of her jeans. Her Mother had needed to rush off to work at the hospital, so on her first day of Junior year, she had take a crappy cab. Her Mother had woken her up at half past six in the morning, with a soft kiss on her forehead, saying that she had to be at work early; it was an emergency. Frost was used to this sort of early morning wake-up, it happened at least once a week, but she had hoped that her Mother would have been able to drive her to school on this somewhat important day, to give her an encouraging look as she exited the car. But no, instead, she parted the car with the memory of her forty-something cab driver's bearded face fresh in her mind.

Walking through the parking lot, she noticed the large amount of people who actually did study and live at McKinley high. It wasn't her favourite place, and when it was visibly busy like this, it was down on the list of the worst possible place to be. She had to weave in and out of parked cars and slip passed people, all the while she was carting around a large, black suitcase filled with her many garments, shoes and accessories. But all the while she was pushing through jocks, nerds and drop-outs, she kept a slight smile on her face, not wanting to come across as anti-social on her first day back in this hell-hole, although, anti-social was exactly the way she was feeling.

Her first 'mission' was to get to her dorm. She had received the key to her dorm as she had walked into the large housing building, from a lovely Senior girl who actually put a genuine smile on her face. Upon getting to her dorm, she saw again, that the place was full of people. The corridors had girls and boys kissing the faces off of each other, and it wasn't even half way through the first day, yet! Sighing, she stuck the key into the lock and thanked the Gods it was a first floor dorm as she yanked in her suitcase behind her, putting at the end of the bunks and sitting-no, practically collapsing-onto the bottom bunk. Sighing once again, but this time with relief, she tucked a stray strand of charcoal coloured hair behind her ear and relaxed on the soft-ish mattress.


Nina would then Finsh her Breakfast And started to walk over to her purse and she would text Ricky Saying......

Hey Nina Can I Get a Ride to school.
Yea sure I be right there
Okay Thanks [/COLOR] :) [COLOR=#0059b3]

After that Nina would grab her keys and would walk over to her Car and she would then put her book bag and her supples in the back seats of the car. She would close the door and go in the front and she would start the engine of her car and start to go her way to Ricky's House. And when she reache'd she would beat her horn telling him that She is there.


Ricky would Finsh his breakfast and after that he hears Nina's car and he would grabs his thanks and would wave at Nina and would Put his things in the car and he would look at Nina and said
"Thanks For the ride" he said while she drove of.
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I’ve decided that the first day of school is on a Friday, so that all the character can get to know their roommate over the weekend! There will also be no class on Friday


He walked into the dormitory, and looked around. The only two people in the building was him and Sav. Why did they decide to get here so early on a Friday? They could have showed up later, because today was not a mandatory day to be here, they would have to be here on Sunday though. He unlocked his door, and walked in. It was exactly the way he left it last week, when he came in with a few things from the Tech Department. Bed was nicely made, and there wasn’t anything on the floor yet.

This year, the school was nice enough to get every student a new iMac and iPad for school. So he opened up his backpack and said “well it was pointless to bring mine from home, when there is a newer one here,” to himself. The computer desk was empty except for the planner they give all the students for the year. He just laughed and sat on the bed, after setting up the new iMac on the computer desk. Man the beds feel more comfortable this year!

He then decided to get out of the bed, and go across the hall to see how Sav was doing. Man the kid was fast he had pretty much everything unpacked and organized in a half an hour. Maybe he should have Sav come and organize his stud, while he sets up the iMac for him. “
Hey Sav, why don’t you go and organize my room, while I setup your iMac for you?” he suggested to his younger brother.


His brother suggested that he organized his room, while he sets up my new iMac. Like I’m incapable to setting it up. But he went over to Jamie’s room, and looked at the organizing he would have to do. Why did his brother have to bring all this stuff with him, he found it quite pointless to have all this stuff. So he sent a quick text to his brother.

How about this? I organize your room, and you do my laundry for the next two months?

He like to make deals with his older brother, even though Jamie would never go for this deal, it was worth a shot. That was when his phone vibrated in his pocket.

How about this? I organize your room, and you do my laundry for the next two months?
You got a deal!
Roxie had came a day early. But they for got to give her a lap top and iPad. She went to the office to pick it up then headed back to her dorm. She went in her dorm and sat in her bed. Her roommate wasn't here yet. "I wonder what's she's like?"

Mark was driving on his way towards the high-school in his 90's Jeep Cherokee, a Beatles song by the name of "Hey Jude" was playing loudly over the speakers in his vehicle as he drove down the street in a faster-than normal speed to try and get to school ASAP. Mark knew there was no class or anything going on that day, but he wanted to try and get to hang out with his roommate.

As he pulls into the parking lot in which the housing building was located, he slows his speed to a fast cruise. Mark makes sure to watch out for any people and cars so he doesn't get sued on the first day, Mark was enthusiastic, but it was a dull and blue enthusiasm for his new year at Mckinley High,

"Ah-daDAdadada, ah-daDAdada, Hey Jude!" The Beatles sing as he waves at some students who were waving at everyone as they tailgated,

Heh, bunch of i'io's." Mark playfully remarks as he looks for a parking spot. Just then, a girl notices a friend from across the parking lot and unwittingly decides to run out towards her, she runs right in front of Mark causing him to slam on his breaks and swerve,

AH SHI'!" Mark yells as he comes to a sudden stop, luckily he hit no one,

"OH MY GOD! SIR, ARE YOU OK?!" The girl who ran out in front of his jeep comes running back over to him,

Love, calm 'own, now. I'm perfe'ly fine." Mark reassures the woman, the woman suddenly lets out a small yell,

"I COULD HAVE KILLED A BRITISH MAN!" Mark sighs before a person pulls her away and Mark drives off to find a parking space. After finding one, he gets up all of his keyboards/synthesizers and other such things like clothes and etc. Mark then heads towards the building, his luggage looks heavy but it really wasn't that cumbersome. He finally reaches the building and enters, after receiving the key to his room, he heads to said room and opens it,

Well, 'ah guess I'm the only one here." Mark says to no one as he starts to set up a small studio-like area in the room, alongside unpacking his clothes. After he's done, Mark decides to try and socialize a tad bit with some of the other students, he heads outside of the dorm building and starts to chat with some of the other students.





Upon reaching the School, Sabrina just started parking her cars and took up Five Parking Spaces. Since she was staying on Campus, she parked all five of her cars together, not wanting them to be separate. After the Flatbed left, she sat on the hood of her Honda Civic and pulled something out of her purse. In particular, it was her late boyfriend's pendant that he always wore, which she bought for him for Christmas about three years ago. After a few minutes of staring at it, she put it around her neck while looking around the Parking Lot. She was saddened further more when she looked at her RX-7, because that was the car that she used with him quite a bit. Going on dates, drifting down highway ramps, going to car meets...To Drift-Con...That RX-7 held a lot of memories. "Wonder who my Roommate is..."

Before heading inside, she got the Parking Permits and wasted no time sticking within her Cars. Surely no one would be dumb enough to try and take one of her Parking Spaces if she decides to go off-campus, right? Hopefully not.

Sabrina's Cars:


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The parking lot was filled with a loud ripping noise as Shay rode in astride a battered looking Harley Davidson. The bike was his pride and joy and one of the few things he had brought over from England. He parked it near the front and walked in to collect his schedule, ipad and imac. He took the devices with shock as he had no idea he was going to receive them. He smiled inwardly, knowing the first thing he was going to do was sell them when he got the chance. He had his own laptop which he used for pretty much everything and was definitely not prepared to transfer everything across. Still the extra cash was appreciated he though smugly as he headed off towards the dorms.
As the beautiful sounds of Arctic Monkeys played in her ears through her ear buds, Olivia found herself dancing ever so slightly as she walked down the hall towards her dorm. According to the papers she received, she would be bunking alone this year which didn't really bother her at all, in fact, she welcomed the idea. Olivia had had a roommate every single year she had been at McKinley and only one of them were decent people. Fumbling around in her purse for the key, Olivia was on the ground just seconds later gathering the items from her bag. Unbelievable. She thought to herself as she shoved one thing after another inside.

Finally retrieving the key, Olivia quickly unlocked her room and went inside leaving the door cracked open just a little. Taking out her ear buds, Olivia sat down on the bed and stared at the bags she had set by the door. She was lacking the motivation to unpack; not a good sign for her. Staring blankly at the luggage, Olivia fell back onto her bed and groaned. Another year of high school to deal with, thankfully it would be her last. Her parents decided that this year they wouldn't have to call her every other day to check on her but that she could handle herself as she assumed she had always been able to do.

After several minutes had gone by, Olivia found herself simply standing in front of her bags. Shaking her head, Olivia stuck the room key into the back pocket of her jeans and headed back out of the room, locking the door on her way. Her next mission was simply to get something to drink. Being that it was so early in the day, a nice hot cup of tea sounded delightful. The only problem was; she had to walk. Of course, her parents had offered to buy her a car for her birthday yet again last year but she had declined. Olivia always found a way to make life harder on herself than it had to be.

Nina would finally arrive to school. She then parked her car in her favorite spot in the school. She would Look at Ricky and say "Okay Another Year for you Kid" she said smiling at Ricky, she would get out the car and would grab her things that she can carry and would grab her drom room key and would walk in and she me it was the same as Last year. She would start Packing her things away and would do what she did every year.


Ricky would smile at Nina while she was Putting her things away. He would then go to the boys dorms and would Start Doong his side of the room. When he turned around he saw his Room mate and said "Hey I am Richard and you are" he said Looking at him with a smile


Jamie, had asked his mother to purchase, a few more apple monitors for his setup. Which she had no problem with, since they had plenty of money. Apparently, she had bought one more for Sav, so he walked across the lobby to his brothers’ room to deliver the package to him. His roommate still hadn’t arrived yet. Where was everyone today? Normally even if it wasn’t mandatory to be there, they still showed up. He still couldn’t believe agreed to do doing his brother’s laundry for the next two months. Well at least it wasn’t for the entire semester.

He decided it was time to mingle with some of the other students, he saw Olivia from last year, so he decided to go and say hi to her. “
Hey Olivia,” he yelled across the hallway, she was always nice to him last year.


He was so glad his brother had agreed to doing his laundry, he couldn’t help but wondered who his roommate was going to be. But then his roommate entered the room. His name was Richard, and he seemed very nice. “
Hi, my name is Xavier, and you can call me Sav for short,” he told his new roommate. He continued to setup the new monitor his mother bought for him.

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Ivy Ayumi Tanaka


Ivy was locking her apartment as the landlady rushed to her, as she gave Ivy somethings. They chat for a while before Ivy rushed off to her new school. She knew they didn't have class today, but she want to get there before her room mate did. Later Ivy eventually got there panting a little from carrying her stuff and rushed to the girl's dorm area. She thought,'Am I going to be outsider again this year? A room mate....'

Ivy already knew who was her room mate was since Roxie's reputation made quite a fuss, to be honest Ivy didn't know what to think of her. Roxie was feared, hated, or crushed on. Once Ivy got there Roxie was already there, she stood in the door way panting hard, trying to catch her breath. She stood up with a blank expression on her face as she said,"Nice to meet you, Roxie. I'm Ivy, you can call me whatever you like though."

Ivy put her stuff on the empty bed, before closing the door.

Nina was done and when she went to her car one more time she realized that Ricky Left his phone and she would then say "God Damnt Ricky" she would then run where Ricky room was and she said "Hey Ricky you left your phone in my car" she said with a smile looking at him......


Ricky would look at Sav and say "While Nice to Met you Sav" he said smiling at you. He would then turn around when he heard Nina Voice and he said "Thanks Nina" he said with a smile
Startled slightly by the sound of her own name, Olivia turned her head cautiously in the direction it came from. Relief setting in, Olivia smiled brightly and walked closer to Jamie. "Hey!" She said back sweetly, adjusting the strap of her bag. The new materials the school provided seemed to be a bit heavier than she had expected. If technology is advancing, why does everything still weigh so f*cking much? She silently questioned herself before stopping in front of Jamie. "How was your break?" she asked, pushing a stray strand of hair out of her face. Jamie was always a sweetheart and if he wasn't two years younger than her, she was sure they'd be much better friends.

Mark ended up somehow making his way over to the girls dorm, it couldn't really be considered a girls dorm anymore, the hallways had a mess of boys and girls, most likely couples. Mark was simply roaming around until he realized one key element that he had left out, he didn't know what he was going to do, at all. Mark walks over to one of the doors of the dorm, Mark thinks that this should help him to make friends and to find out what to actually do while staying at Mckinley, despite the fact that he was here a year before.

Mark prepares himself and makes sure he looks presentable before knocking on said door,

"Uh, 'ello?" Mark asks as he knocks.

Roxie was on her laptop when Ivy walked in. She looked up "Hey." Then she looked back at her laptop. She was downloading all her info into the new laptop.


He was quite glad to his well-mannered friend. “My break was good, but it didn’t last as long as I would have wanted it to,” he said to Olivia. He looked at her struggling with the new items the school gave to us. “Do you need some help setting this up?” he thought he should ask, because is working for the tech department this year.


He looked over to Richard’s stuff, he seemed to be into sports, that wasn’t that bad. He himself was really into music, and keyboard. So he had that setup by his computer, and other stuff. “I hope you don’t mind piano, or this is gonna be an awkward year,” he said to Richard. “Is there anything you would prefer to called or what?”

@oOBubblesOo and @PaigeAmbrose

Shay reached his room and unlocked it with ease. It seemed his room mate had already arrived and set out a few of his things. Shay didn't know what to think about having a room mate, having never really stayed on site for school. Hopefully they would just stay out of each others way and they can get through the year without him having to do something he really rather not. Shay dumped his single duffel bag on his bed and flung open the window before lighting a cigarette and inhaling deeply. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and noticed several missed calls and messages from people back in England. Clamping the smoke between his lips he set to work answering them.
After a couple of more minutes of sitting by her car, Sabrina just grabbed her Backpack and Purse and went to collect her class schedule. She decided to leave all her necessities and other things she brought with her for the School Year in the Car until nightfall. As she got to the front office, she just picked up her Schedule and Dorm Room number. Instead of heading straight to her Dorm, Sabrina instead just went to the Cafeteria. While everyone was out together, making friends or just couples being together, Sabrina was still in a state of mourning. She clutched onto her necklace as she opened up her Laptop.

Boyfriend's Necklace

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Free-Shipping-FAST-and-FURIOUS-Dominic-Toretto-s-Cross-Pendant-Necklace-Vin-Diesel-Silver-Plated.jpg.385773b5d0adfdde5cc536ef41d1d42a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36320" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Free-Shipping-FAST-and-FURIOUS-Dominic-Toretto-s-Cross-Pendant-Necklace-Vin-Diesel-Silver-Plated.jpg.385773b5d0adfdde5cc536ef41d1d42a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Free-Shipping-FAST-and-FURIOUS-Dominic-Toretto-s-Cross-Pendant-Necklace-Vin-Diesel-Silver-Plated.jpg
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