• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.


"I came here to place a bet."
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
A few ground rules before we get started:
- This is an advanced RP, so 3+ paragraphs per post, please! English does not have to be your first language, but please use correct grammar and spellings if you can. If I feel that not enough overall effort was put into the character sheet, I reserve the right to reject it, but I will first make suggestions.
- Please post on the RP thread at least once every two weeks. Don't make me have to hunt you down for a reply. Three infractions of this rule will result in dismissal from the RP, though penalties will not apply to other RPers who are held up waiting for the offender’s reply.
- Realistic faceclaims only for all characters! No anime or drawings, except for costumes and perhaps visuals of acts.
- Please note that this is a glamorous yet gritty circus RP that caters to dark desires, and as such violence, substance use, language, and (limited) sexuality may occur.
- As for jynx-workers (magical folk), I am going to be pretty laissez-faire about your character's abilities. Just make sure that all their powers stem from one sorta "root" (ex. fire-related powers or illusion powers). However, since jynx-workers are somewhat rare, I will only be allowing five of them! First come, first serve.
- I know the CS is long, so feel free to stick your WIPs here until you can get around to completing them! However, please note that reservations for jynx-workers will only be upheld for three days, by which time the entire form should be completed.
- If you wish to play more than one character, be my guest! I'm not going to limit the number of characters you may play; you know your capabilities better than I do. However, the two-week posting minimum applies to each of them.
- Have fun and get creative! :closed eyes open smile:

Uphill Workers (4/∞):
- Melissa Basov
- Hana Sylvir
- Rhonda Dumaine
- Gail Sorin

Downhill Workers (3/∞):

- Edmund Ajal
- Constance Whitlock
- Renee Desrosiers

Other Characters (non-Gomorrah residents) 0/∞ :

Jynx-Workers (3/5):

There are seven classifications of jynx-workers. Among the most common types are fortune-workers, charm-workers, and shadow-workers. Fortune-workers have the power to glimpse the future both in their dreams and through the usage of divination objects, such as tea leaves or tarot cards, which helps when dealing with clients who have specific questions. Charm-workers can enchant objects to function by themselves, change their appearances, or give them a "lucky" edge, bending the odds of the universe in their favor. They can create charm dolls that represent other people and send sensations and vibes this way. Shadow-workers can manipulate darkness, obscuring themselves as to become invisible and personifying shadows so that they can touch and interact with external objects. Somewhat less common are fire-workers and mind-workers. Fire-workers have pyrokinesis, meaning that they can manipulate existing flame pretty much however they see fit, utilizing it for performances or as a weapon, but they need a source of fire to work from. Mind-workers can read others' thoughts and see their memories through a physical touch, and the more skilled ones can communicate telepathically or manipulate memories and emotions, but again physical contact must have been recently established. Even less common are illusion-workers, who can bring their imaginings to life, manipulating others' senses to influence their perception of reality, and more skilled ones can even create illusory beings. However, their illusion-work is only as good as their imagination and may require exquisite detail to appear convincing to others. Finally, there is an "other" category for all abnormal jynx-work, gifts that are entirely unique to the person possessing them. Such things in the past have included invulnerability to death, manipulation of human bodies, and levitating objects.
- Edmund Ajal (Charm-Worker)
- Constance Whitlock (Fortune-Worker)
- Renee Desrosiers (Mind-Worker)

Full Name:[/FONT][/JUSTIFY]
[FONT=georgia][JUSTIFY]Name Meaning:
Nicknames: (include any stage names here)
Nationality: (are they from the Up-Mountain, Down-Mountain, or a Gomorrah resident from birth?)

Uphill or Downhill: (where in Gomorrah do they live? The glamorous stages of the Uphill, or the den of vice Downhill?)
Occupation: (what's their act or source of income?)
Jynx-Work: (only applicable if your character does magic)
Costumes and Props:
Economic Class:

Height & Weight:
Body Modifications:
Physical Disabilities:

Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:
MBTI Type:
Hogwarts House:
Moral Alignment:

Mental Disorders:


Relationship Status:
Past Partners:
Dominant or Submissive:

- as many as you’d like
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Full Name: Edmund Bennett Ajal
Name Meaning: Edmund means fortunate protector, Bennett means blessed and Ajal means dying hour
Nicknames: Lucky (referring to his jynx-work)
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Birthday: June 13
Nationality: Gomorrah

Uphill or Downhill: Downhill
Occupation: croupier
Jynx-Work: In some games, a player may find themselves losing constantly against a 18-year-old boy, for which they feel bitter. They complain. On other days, they may find themselves winning against him all the time, and he always loses. He cannot control whose luck he swings in favor of, but he can control luck. As such, he is a charm-worker, even if his jynx magic is more unpredictable. However, that may be what makes him stand out. His magic affects everyone, including himself and he's started to enjoy his magic in spite of the oddity.
Costumes and Props: Edmund is always wearing boho-chic clothes, typically wearing jackets with a lot of pockets and occasionally a sort of bowler hat. He wears these clothes while at work, in public, and anywhere else. He looks a little bit hipster, but his clothes can either stand out from the crowd or be duller, depending on what kind of mood he's in. He is noted to constantly wear shorts, though.
Economic Class: middle class

Appearance: Edmund has curly light ash-brown hair, with one side being longer than the other by a few inches and messily cut. Furthermore, Edmund has a square honey-skinned face, downturned amber eyes, a roman nose and large circular glasses on his face. Furthermore, Edmund has a shoe size of 11, so his feet are slightly on the larger side.
Scent: mint, air freshener, cards, soft drinks
Height & Weight: 5'6 and 137 lbs
Body Modifications: Has a rose tattoo on his right middle finger
Physical Disabilities: near-sightedness
Faceclaim(he looks slightly sketchier, and his hair and eyes is lighter, while his skin is darker but otherwise accurate):
Personality: Edmund enjoys being the life of the party. He enjoys thinking on his feet, improvising as he goes along, and taking risks. He is a people person through and through, and while a bit sketchy, enjoys his customers/ clients genuinely. He often lets his heart get the best of him and likes being in the here and now. He tries not to dwell on the past or the future. Unlike what his personality would suggest though, Edmund is intuitive and has good gut instinct. But if Edmund doesn't like you, that fact is easy to see because Edmund is very sarcastic, and sometimes doesn't know when to keep with mouth shut. He jokes around a lot and enjoys light-hearted trash talk. He doesn't mind being insulted in kind, either, and will acknowledge if he's crossed the line. He's not very serious, though, and wears his emotions on his sleeve.
Positive Traits: self-aware, people-oriented, lighthearted, not afraid to take risks
Negative Traits: can't shut up, impulsive, goofs around a lot, runs away from the past and future
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Temperament: Sanguine

Likes: Gerard(the bartender), making drinks(Gerard taught him how), talking to people, playing cards, candy, competition, cockroaches, flowers
Dislikes: customers who bully others, losing on purpose, the taste of alcohol, cockroaches, his glasses fog up, horrific crimes, flies
Habits: constantly chewing gum, constantly seems like he's staring into your soul
Fears: being abandoned/forgotten by friends, trypophobia
Hobbies: casino games, listening to music, mixing drinks
Mental Disorders: None

Family: The fate of his family is unknown.
Backstory: A boy walks into a casino. This may sound like the start of a bad joke, but it's really what happened. Edmund doesn't know who his family was, because he was two when his parents disappeared. Not died, disappeared. For a while, Edmund was just bounced around various homes, some families who took him in didn't even want him, while others simply had too many children. Edmund decided he didn't like the foster system, and left when he was nine years old, wandering around. When Edmund didn't die, and sometimes even had luck skewer may in his favor, he knew something was up. It took a few months, but Edmund would find the casino where he'd become a mainstay. He just walked right in, and out of amusement, the casino owners let him play a few games. He won games in spite of having no skill at them, and the owners decided to capitalize on it.

By the time Edmund was 12, he could count cards and did it for the patrons. Unbeknownst to the patrons, though, he would affect the games simply by using jynx-magic, although at first the luck wasn't skewed too badly. However, as Edmund began to use his powers more and more, the games flip-flopped more and more. While some patrons thought that the casino-owners were fixing the games, and left, others came because having a game where you didn't know in what way the games would be skewered sounded fun. One patron who really enjoyed the way the games were skewered brought gum, and Edmund liked it, so rather than pay in full money, this patron would pay Edmund with both money and gum whenever they played.

Edmund sees the casino as the closest thing he's had to a family, and he sees parallels between rich families and the relationship between him and the casino he worked at and lived at. On the one hand, the casino exploited him because he could affect luck. Edmund knew he was being used because he spent time with people a lot of his life. On the other hand, they had sheltered him and gave him food at no cost, and would often defend him. Edmund knew this, but unusually didn't mind because he had a purpose and a home. He would gladly protect the casino, as it's the place he knows best.

Sexuality: AroAce
Relationship Status: Single
Crush(es): None
Past Crushes: None
Past Partners: None
Turn-Ons: None
Turn-Offs: None
Dominant or Submissive: N/A

- Applause by Lady Gaga
- Say My Name from Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice part)
-Crazy Kids by Kesha
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Full Name: Constance Madigan Whitlock
Name Meaning: Constance (From a Latin derived name meaning constant), Madigan (Meaning little dog), Whitlock (White hair- Ironic huh?). Though not canonically intended by her parents, her name reflects her families despise towards her. A meaning that she is and never will be like them.
Nicknames: Kyrah (A name meaning "Far sighted" or "Light")
Gender: Female (She/ Her)
Age: 18 y/o
Birthday: February 7th
Nationality: Up mountainer

Uphill or Downhill: Downhill
Occupation: Fortune teller (Looking for outside work. Has jumped between jobs which has put her at a disadvantage when it comes to applying. So far she's only had real luck with fortune telling.)
Jynx-Work: Fortune teller. Uses tarot cards to read people's lives, though occasionally gets dreams about the future in which she sleep walks.
Costumes and Props: Constance is no stranger to playing up a situation for entertainment. She dresses as a traditional fortune teller would, with a long, flowing purple dress, elbow high silk gloves, and feathers in her hair to match. Her tent is filled with props such as incense, decks of tarot cards, a crystal ball, and many, MANY trinkets and "mystical" items that suffocate the interior of her workplace.
Economic Class: Comes from a high class family but is in fact on the lower economic spectrum since being on her own.

Lydia Graham.jpg
A pale girl with a sunken, low-lidded expression consistently worn. Her black, thin hair is cut short in a bob that frames her slender, freckled face. Her eyes are a piercing hazel color. Her nose is long and thin, her figure frail and petite with little to no curves.
Scent: Cinnamon, cigarette smoke, and incense
Height & Weight: 5'4, 119 lbs.
Body Modifications: Pierced ear lobes, septum and nose. A serpentine tattoo runs along her spine.
Physical Disabilities: N/A
Faceclaim: Lydia Graham

Personality: Constance is a quiet girl, but not in the sense of a need to avoid of others. She tends to daydream a lot and is perfectly content with spending time by herself. Still, she's not ever opposed to company and actually quite enjoys talking to others, so long as she can get a good feel for them beforehand. She might seem like an open book to others, but so much is going through her head that she doesn't say on a regular basis. She's incredibly intuitive and insightful and will form thoughts about others that she may never speak out loud. Constance tends to obsess over friends and crushes in private, often creating perfect scenarios in her head but never having the intention of executing them or even confessing any types of feelings. She becomes jealous easily but will prefer to suffer in silence lest she be made fun of or hated. If asked, she will say her tarot cards are her best friends, and she might be right. The cards know of every desire she has and she will consult them every day to find a result she's looking for. Many agree that Constance is a bit odd, but she has a lot to offer if given the chance.
Positive Traits: Clever, Insightful, Friendly, Open minded
Negative Traits: Anxious, Believes everyone will leave her at some point, Obsessive, Self deprecating
MBTI Type: Mediator (INFP-T)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
Temperament: Melancholic

Likes: Popcorn, Sweets, Smoking, Flower infused incense, Animals
Dislikes: Sunny or hot days, Rich people, Clothes that are too tight around her neck, Flies/ Mosquitos, Candy Corn
Habits: Develops crushes easily, chews on the inside of her cheek, bites her fingernails
Fears: Her parents, Sleeping, Being abandoned
Hobbies: Painting, Reading tarot, Reading books, Catching wild animals (If she manages to)
Mental Disorders: Anxiety (Causes her to display an anxious attachment style and often have self deprecating thoughts)

Family: Lydia Whitlock (Mother), Johnathan Whitlock (Father), Nethaniel Whitlock (Younger brother)
Backstory: Unlike everything she is today, Constance was born in the up-mountain district to a rich family. Since birth she was spoiled, her mother and father's little angel. At five years old they had dedicated their time in order to make Constance a star, both in order to make more money and because they believed her to be the most beautiful and talented child to ever live, though that was only a parent's delusion. Constance was forced to perform on stage, whether that be in beauty pageants, singing in children's choir, or playing piano after learning from a hired private tutor. Until she was 11 years old, the young girl was used to putting on a show. That was, until she received her first vision.

In the dead of a summer's night, her parents awoke to a strange thumping noise coming from somewhere in the house. Believing it to be an intruder, her father went to investigate with a small handgun he'd purchased long ago. Instead of finding a dangerous stranger, he instead found his daughter banging her head gently off a wall, still dead asleep. On trying to wake her, Constance screamed, complete fear blanketing her features. She screamed of how her baby brother was going to get sick and have to go to the hospital. Unnerved but ultimately chalking it up to a bad dream, her parents put her back to bed and no one revisited the night's events until a few weeks later. Nethaniel began to show signs of pneumonia and was in fact hospitalized for a few weeks. After this, Constance's parents became distant towards her. They couldn't cast her out unless they wanted the town to know of the scandal of their only daughter showing signs of a "seer".

They began ignoring her, leaving her behind as they went out on the town. They became secretive of her existence, and it broke the girl in a way that will never heal. As she grew older she had a lot of suitors, yet they all gave the same treatment once they found out about her abilities. The moment she turned 16 she took her chance and ran, though has a suspicion her parents weren't trying too hard to keep her in. She began developing her abilities when she joined the circus and ultimately moved downhill. She's been working with the circus for a few years now.

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single (TBD- Might change later in the story!)
Crush(es): Probably every guy that's shown her kindness at some point, though has never had the courage to say anything or act upon it.
Past Partners: Has had a string of boyfriends in the past, though none stayed after learning of her prophetic dreams. This has given her a reputation of being "easy", and often she is accused of being "tainted", though she's never been a part of any sexual acts.
Turn-Ons: Those who are dominate, protective of others, sure of themselves, funny, caring, and animal lovers
Turn-Offs: Those who are close minded, stuffy, or take too much time in their life being serious or worrying about little details
Dominant or Submissive: Submissive

- Melanie Matinez- Carousel
- Lana Del Ray- Season of the Witch
- The Stranglers- Golden Brown
- Cage the Elephant- Ain't no Rest for the Wicked
- Cage the Elephant- Cigarette Daydreams
- Alt-J- Breezeblocks
- K.Flay- High Enough
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Full Name: Melissa Grace Basov

Name Meaning:

  • Melissa stands for "Honeybee", which is her stage name. It's also where her other nickname, "Bee" or "Honey" originated from.
  • Grace has the same definition of the word itself, 'simple elegance'.
  • Basov is a Russian surname, meaning "Beautiful", however, some sources say it could also suggest "Mysterious" as another meaning.
Nicknames: Honeybee (Stage name), Bee, or Honey (Normally what patrons/fellow performers call her by)
Gender: Cis Female
Age: 18
Birthday: December 1st
Nationality: Gomorrah

Uphill or Downhill: Uphill
Occupation: Aerial Acrobatics, though occasionally has one or two solo acts that involve her singing.
Jynx-Work: She does not do magic.
Costumes and Props: She has several costumes, most of which being quite tasteful. Tailored to perfectly compliment her figure. Some are frilly, some are more skintight, though often she wears something adorned with lighted-colored ribbons. Her most popular/common costume is a form-fitting dark leotard with golden stripes that show off her shoulders to her arms, with tights that match the color of the leotard. The back of her outfit holds the ribbons, whenever she performs they create an illusion of wings, hence being referred to as a bee. A honey bee. A prop she's often seen with is a Cyr wheel or multiple aerial wheels attached to the ceiling, decorated uniquely to match with her overall outfit.
Economic Class: Higher class

Appearance: Melissa has glowing skin, (considerably warmer in comparison to the image provided.) The poster girl for all the beauty standards, one that would be fitted onto product labels. She has a small, softly pointed nose. Her painted red lips are fixed in a small, alluring smile. Her eyes are slanted, almost as if constantly squinting. Her pupils hold a vicious, bright blue. Her chin slightly narrows before rounding off. Her hair is a light blonde, with a few light blue colored strands akin to the color of her eyes spread throughout. She also has neat bangs that cover a portion of her forehead. She has light makeup on almost all of the time, mostly just blush and highlights to make her proportions more alluring. She's a healthy thin, you could see some shadow of muscles if she were to flex, she's an acrobat after all.
Scent: Something undeniably sweet, reminiscent of honey, though overall it's just a generally sweet scent.
Height & Weight: 5'6, 55kg.
Body Modifications: She has golden earrings, though she would switch them out between shows depending on what better fits her outfit for the performance.
Physical Disabilities: N/A
Faceclaim: Instagram cosplayer chucky_v_v in her Aisha cosplay.

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Personality: Melissa often acts playful and friendly, perfecting the typical "dumb blonde" trope. However she's more aware than most would imagine, people often suspect her to be pampered due to the wealth of her father, leaving people to believe that she doesn't know any better. But Melissa is actually quite self-aware, using this expectation of hers to deceive and trick patrons and fellow actors. She's quite a manipulator, using her pretty little face and her sweet, soothing voice to get what she wants. However, she's not all that bad. She has a soft spot for her older brother and younger sister, and she only ever uses her tricks on men. She's confident in her abilities, she's ambitious, and often thinks before she speaks or acts. She's smarter than what she's led others to believe, however, so as a result of constantly deceiving, she isn't one to have lots of genuine connections. Oftentimes she feels distant from who she really is. She internally visualizes herself as just a mere 'performer', not a complete person. This is a two sided coin for her, it lets her feel fully authentic with the idea she's made to perform, resulting in her performances coming off as passionate. The other side of the coin is that she lacks individuality outside of her ability to perform and put on a show, it's a constant back and forth, who really is she?

Positive Traits: Family-oriented, Seductive, Skillful, Ambitious, Playful, Intelligent.
Negative Traits: Deceiptful, Untrustworthy, Unfair, Ingenuine.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Moral Alignment: Lawful Evil
Temperament: Choleric

Likes: Cash, Materialistic things such as gifts/jewelry/outfits, small animals, wine, music.
Dislikes: Older men, Not being in control, Insects, dirt, mud, and anything that's associated with being unclean.
Habits: She fidgets with her hair a lot, twirls it around her fingers, tucks it behind her ear, fixes her bangs, etc.. she's unsure if she's doing this to be more alluring or if she's been doing this out of pure habit. She's also touchy, holding hands, holding arms, etc. Another habit is calling people by sweet nicknames, she does it with everyone.
Fears: Losing contact with her loved ones, becoming completely isolated. Losing sight of who she really is.
Hobbies: Reading books, writing things such as songs or stories, planning outfits or acts. She enjoys doing makeup as well.
Mental Disorders: N/A


  • Michael Basov [FATHER] | "My father..? He was a good businessman. Not much I can say about him being a father."

  • Alva Isla Basov [MOTHER] | "I look like a carbon copy of her. Some say it's like looking at a picture of her... Hah, what a terrifying compliment."

  • Winston Isaac Basov [OLDER BROTHER | "He's doing his best, I can't blame him for that. He keeps us and all our employees afloat at least, I respect him."

  • Nadia Alva Basov [YOUNGER SISTER] | "Sweet little Nadia, would it come off as peculiar if I were to say I envy her innocence?"


The Basov family was more known, not for performing themselves, but for giving a name to performers who would agree to get into contractual business with them. Basically, they agreed to give their brands off to the Basov family, wherein Michael, one of the ringmasters, would hold professional performances that would put together the skills of all the performers under him as well as give them the funds to create some of the more daring or unforgettable acts. Some of the most notable done was when Michael would have constructed a gigantic, spinning metal dome, wherein several performers would spin continuously for minutes on end, doing their own stunts without directly interrupting one another. It was also planned that the dome would lit up in colorful flames mid-performance, all of the props of which were expensive to be done by a sole performer, with the shared finance of the Basov family and all of the joint profits done for these performances, it made all of it possible. He was a well-rounded, well-respected ringmaster of the Uphill. His family was known to be one of the wealthiest, even after the alleged murder of his wife, he was heavily respected throughout the entire of Gomorrah.

Michael would have three children, the middle child being Melissa. The girl was a perfect copy of her late mother. And unbeknownst to her, it would be the cause of her turmoil. While Winston was busy learning to take the role of his father after his passing, Melissa was busy with the burden of looking like her mother. Her father did unbearable things, leaving Melissa with a distorted self-image and a shaken sense of self. Her father found Melissa to be of utmost potential, seeing her figure and her face to be more fit to be a performer, though it could be said that this conclusion was made with misogynistic or sexist ideals in mind. Melissa was forced to perform alongside the other performers contracted to the family, having survived relying on herself, often finishing acts with newfound wounds or sprains. Her father was insistent on her becoming the face of the Basov family, and that sort of expectation, did horrifying things to the mind of a child, having known no affection other than the twisted affectionate facade of abuse continuously perpetuated by her father, she became hungry for the spotlight, for the fame, for the admiration. To survive she forced it to become second nature to her, and this did wonders for the reputation of the Basov family, having one of their children be the face, or the main performance of the entire operation really gave a boost to the fame. And of course, all of the abuse was hidden well, the Basov family was respected after all. To everyone, it just seemed that Melissa wanted to become a performer, and Michael just so happened to be able to give her all that she 'wanted'. As Melissa grew a few years older, having grown more proficient in acrobatics, and now has a reputation for herself as little miss "Honeybee", as she's known for doing daring flights in the air between platforms, much like a little bee. In the quiet times between performances, she grew a fondness for books. Especially when she's too fatigued to practice, she found solace in books, ones that would give her a wider perspective on respective issues. This was the point at which Melissa began to scheme, to use her pretty face for tricks, she's learned the tricks from the books and she's tested them out only to be proven true of their effect.

After a few more years of abuse, she noticed that her younger sister, Nadia, had reached the age Melissa was before she was forced to perform for the family. Knowing the way her father thinks, and worrying about the fate of her sister, not wanting her to be put through the same torment she was. Melissa devised a plan, rigging one of the more dangerous acts to fail and directly kill her father. And... It worked. She was smart enough to know how to pinpoint the incident as a mistake of someone else, removing any probable stigma or bad image towards their family name. No one knows about this, not even her brother. After the incident, her brother, Winston, soon took after the role of ringmaster. He treated everyone else differently in comparison to his late father, he's not as 'bold', or 'daring', as Michael was, to some patrons he even came off as 'soft', something not everyone was quick to accept... To combat this, Melissa stepped in. She assisted her brother in managing the performances, directing performers, and even helped with the handling of wealth. People respected Melissa far more than they did her brother, Winston, who later on proved his status as a formidable ringmaster with the help of Melissa. Nowadays, they still hold performances and hold contracts with performers who seek to be a part of bigger acts, Melissa still continues to be the main performer for their show, she's eventually found it to be fun. Nadia, their younger sister, isn't forced to perform or to be a part of any of the acts or the business altogether, however, she does enjoy watching her siblings perform.

Sexuality: Bisexual, though she's more sexually involved with men and more romantically involved with women.
Relationship Status: Single
Crush(es): None.
Past Partners: None, she hasn't considered getting into a serious relationship.
Turn-Ons: 'Jokingly' has a type for pathetic men/women, likely something about wanting control. Someone genuine and compassionate, good-hearted folks, as rare as they are. Bonus points if they're into books too, another plus point if they can make her laugh.
Turn-Offs: Old men, being objectified/sexualized by someone she trusts, being overpowered, being disrespected for her interests/writings.
Dominant or Submissive: Dominant

- When I Rule the World - LIZ
- LoveGame - Lady Gaga
- Bombshell Blonde - The Jagged Edges
- P*rn Star Tits - Eliza McLamb
- Using You - Mars Argo
- blonde - Isaac Dunbar
- Honeydew - Small Talks, Cayley Spivey
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if i need to change any aspect please inform me !! apologies if some information are inaccurate with the premise, i've reread it several times but i can't be completely sure i got the concept down ;;
Thank you! this was my first time filling up a CS, good to see it went well !! i can't wait for the rp!

Full Name: Rhonda Delia Dumaine
Name Meaning: Rhonda means either "good lance" or "noisy one" in Welsh; Delia is a Greek name that translates to "of Delos," the mythological island on which Artemis and Apollo were born; and Dumaine is a French surname for one who hails from the northwestern French province of Le Maine
Nicknames: Her stage names include Diamond and Luster, as if this lovely lady's splendor can be expressed in mere words.
Gender: Female
Age: 24 years
Birthday: November 23rd
Nationality: Down-Mountain; specifically, she hails from the Eastern Kingdoms


Uphill or Downhill: Uphill
Occupation: Ballerina in the Menagerie, the largest attraction in the Uphill. Occasionally she will perform burlesque as well.
Jynx-Work: Nothin to see here
Costumes and Props: Keeping in theme with Gomarrah's colors, Rhonda wears a purple and pink strapless dress or long-sleeved tutu in most ballets. As for burlesque performances, she most frequently dresses as legendary thief queen Cécile or as a monster, usually a succubus.
Economic Class: Fairly poor; while Rhonda has glamorous lodgings and her meals paid for, she has very little money of her own. She is essentially an indentured servant to the Menagerie.


Appearance: Rhonda is a temptress of otherworldly beauty, but she's a little unconventional compared to her peers. For one, her hair is cut daringly short, revealing the long, pale column of her throat. She has a deep side part that only emphasizes her angular features, including feline cheekbones and a jawline with a diamond point. Her hair curls in on itself in elegant tresses the color of sugarcane, giving her a simultaneously regal yet angelic aura, as if she has descended from the clouds of heaven itself. Rhonda's eyes are distinctly wideset and seem to take up more of her face than any eyes have the right to. Large and round and bottle green, they have a hypnotic quality to them. Eyebrows with a neat little furrow in the center as if something is perpetually piquing her interest arch over her eyes, a shade darker than her hair. Her skin is pale and rosy, flushing deeper with the amount of alcohol she drinks, one of her few tells as to when the substance is getting to her head. Her lower lip is full while her upper lip is spare, yet forms the perfect shape of a cupid's bow. Her lips are perpetually colored a bold shade, typically ruby or a deep reddish-brown like gingersnap.
Rhonda likes to do up her eyes with unobtrusive shadow but tends to use liner minimally, as her eyes draw enough attention without them. Her fashion choices comprise pale, warm colors with iridescent embroideries that catch the light as she moves, giving her the illusion of flickering candlelight. Off the stage, her clothes are generally form-fitting but not overly clingy as to reveal anything improper, but once the curtain rises, all rules are off, and Rhonda flaunts her body because that is how she pays the bills, not so much because she enjoys it. Occasionally she wears low-cuts but not so low as to expose the cleavage. Her favorite dress has a seductive slit up the thigh, but this is the most risqué she gets outside of performances. Like many ballerinas, she has long, lean limbs, a flat chest, and few curves other than a small waistline.
Scent: Licorice cherries, honey wine, and moonlight
Height & Weight: 5'5" & 111 lbs. The strict ballerina's training regimen has left her on the cusp of malnourishment.
Body Modifications: Not a modification, but she has a silvery birthmark on the back of her neck, where her mother told her that she'd been kissed by an angel. When performing, she typically dons the vertical piercing in her right brow and the stud in her right nostril, but off the stage she takes them out.
Physical Disabilities: Mild scoliosis from extensive posture exercises that defy the spine's natural curves. Chronic pain in her left ankle from an almost career-ending injury she sustained several years ago. REM sleep behavior disorder that causes her to act out her dreams, which may result in her violently lashing out without awareness.
Faceclaim: Anya Taylor-Joy


Personality: As a Down-Mountain child in the Eastern Kingdoms, Rhonda internalized the lesson that she was never good enough at whatever she applied herself to, so her response is to apply herself harder. Possessing a highly detail-oriented and analytical mind, she is the image of studious and, even if she knows nothing about a subject, has the kind of collected disposition that would make you think she's a scholar. She isn't striving just for "more" or "better" but for perfection. Having been one of a handful of girls to attend a prestigious boarding school, Rhonda is no stranger to criticism. For not dotting her I's or crossing her T's, Rhonda was evidenced as inferior to male scientists and scholars. When she was very young, in her dance classes, she strove not to be the worst one there, because too much of her time was dedicated to studying, as if she fancied herself an academic career; a ridiculous notion. As a result of extensive criticism in her childhood, Rhonda has evolved into her own harshest critic, suspicious of compliments and always focusing on flaws, no matter how small.
These unwavering standards translate into an iron-clad work ethic. Rhonda will forego sleeping, eating, and time to herself to master a new choreography routine. Occasionally she'll pick up some extra money by tutoring the kids of Uphill families, and then it's time for her next rehearsal. She isn't just mindlessly self-critical because of an inferiority complex; rather, Rhonda is very loyal to her loved ones and frequently pushes herself on their behalf. She wants to see her friends and the remnants of her family succeed. As a result, she's prone to applying her perfectionistic tendencies toward them as well, but usually with the good intention of growth. It is only when she is frustrated to wit's end that she unleashes the resentment in her heart to reprimand someone else, and this usually only happens when she sees someone not trying. When a student she's tutoring has lower expectations than what she deems acceptable, Rhonda will make it a priority to fix their goals, telling them what they should strive to be and how. She's judgmental like this. Because she has such a rigid moral code by which she operates, she thinks everyone should think similarly, and will sometimes enforce her standards on others. Ask for her advice, and you may get a whole instructions manual of how to solve your problem in response. She understands the importance of knowledge and wishes to propagate all that she knows to those she holds close, so that they may also benefit from it.
Rhonda has a hard time warming up to new ideas, but she's curious by nature. She is such a hard worker that she's learned to take respite in her work, in a job well done once it's complete. Her battery for pushing herself never seems to drain (though her social battery is another story). Thus, she has a very limited idea of what "fun" is and how best to achieve this... thing. She usually won't go outside her comfort zone of her own volition, but a gentle push from someone close to her often does the trick. She has to be persuaded of the idea's worth, in a logical, rational manner. A highly deliberate individual, Rhonda does almost everything with some kind of intention or goal, and thus it's hard for her to just do things for mere enjoyment. Whatever that is. But she's relatively aware of this blind spot of hers and wants to explore more of the world, especially the parts that remain mysterious to her. Hence in large part her uncharacteristically impulsive decision to run away from the Down-Mountains and join Gomorrah, which she only did when she recognized that her former country had nothing and no one left for her.
For someone with so many hard edges, Rhonda can be surprisingly compassionate. She genuinely does enjoy helping others achieve the best versions of themselves, and she takes pleasure in the simple joy that others get when she gives them a surprise gift. An introvert by nature, she sometimes struggles with conversation and socializing, but she's open to the possibility. If someone talks to her, she will usually respond in kind, though she's a little unnerved when complete strangers initiate ongoing conversations. But as someone with an unwavering moral code, justice is crucially important to her, and sometimes she develops a hero complex if she thinks she can help someone else get theirs. Rhonda is utterly repulsed by mindless cruelty, and misdeeds such as theft, murder, or sexual assault trigger her deeply. And she is a very, very angry person on the inside. Generally, her emotions are restrained and polite and conform to how she ought to behave, but when another person's rights are trampled, she will lash out like a hurricane at the offender. Of course, when she's intoxicated (which she often is), her threshold for what's good and righteous becomes a lot lower, and she's prone to lashing out at milder mistakes, because that's the treatment she was subjected to as a child. Push her buttons and, sober or not, it will become blazingly apparent what she thinks of you.
Rhonda has a keen mind for strategy and efficiency, figuring out the best way to achieve a goal as if it were second nature. And she enjoys challenges, at least those that don't violate what's appropriate for a lady. As a perpetually reaching perfectionist, Rhonda doesn't like losing. She strives for her goals because it's the only thing she knows, and she derives enjoyment from playing games with an opponent as worthy and knowledgeable as herself. Highly attracted to intelligence and competence, once a person earns her respect, Rhonda craves more. She fantasizes about individuals until they become obsessions to her, goals to achieve, but she hides this romantic part of herself because she considers it frivolous. However, she likes deeply intellectual conversations with those she considers worthy of her attention, frequently asking questions to gauge how this shiny object on a pedestal thinks. Although skeptical of compliments, Rhonda really wants someone to find her worthy, to tell her that she is enough, and to unconditionally accept someone else in turn. It's very important for her to be understood. And when she considers herself attached to someone, the intensity of her emotion often takes her beloved by surprise.
Positive Traits: Responsible, organized, detail-oriented, has high ideals, diligent, dryly humorous, knowledgeable, studious, loyal, well-spoken, altruistic, just, compassionate, caring, intense
Negative Traits: Unemotional, dislikes change, perfectionist, resentful, angry, obsessive, withdrawn, prideful, condescending, traditional, impatient, avoids attention, high-strung, sensitive, judgmental
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Temperament: Choleric-Melancholic


Likes: Rules, routine, order, planned schedules, a job well done, learning, intellectual conversations, ledgers, bright lipsticks, justice, helping others, logical analysis, teaching, being the hero, winter, walking in the snow, daybreak, tolling clocktowers, Gothic architecture, small dogs, piano music, drawing, fashion, looking at art, knitting, baking, candy, white chocolate, licorice cherries, coffee with cream and sugar, green curry, redfish atchafalaya, fried oysters, putting honey on anything, honeymead, cocktails, venturing into the Downhill for vices, watching jugglers and Fire-workers, lucky coins, shuttlecock games (like badminton), darts, stretching after a hard workout, leg exercises, the colors purple and pink, sending postcards, forests, salons, farms, staying inside, costumes, the stars, the feel of clay, technology
Dislikes: Loud parties, messes, unpredictable environments, not being "cut out" for academia (sexism), the smell of smoke, Ovren and Up-Mountain religious fanaticism, imperfections, people who don't push themselves, ignorance, dolls, when her hair gets too long, fortune-telling, astrology and other pseudo-sciences, superstitions, not being in control, having to be sober, being indentured to the Menagerie, dancing (it's just work anymore...), making mistakes, dumb questions asked by tourists, summer and hot weather, dusk (the start of another show), constantly traveling, spending lots of money, spiders, spicy foods, pork rinds, vegetables, beer, corsets, Mind-workers, dietary restrictions, fiction books
Habits: Baking compulsively, eating sweets, whistling off-key to songs, sitting cross-legged on chairs, standing with her hands on hips or holding her chin, arriving ten minutes early to any appointment, mental math with large sums, collecting rare coins, carrying a lipstick-stained flask, always using manners and acting like a lady
Fears: Suffering a career-ending injury, leaving the Menagerie and having nowhere to go, Up-Mountain violence against "unholy" things, spiders, deep water, complete darkness, imperfection, not finding a soulmate, balloons, crime, crowds, vomiting
Hobbies: Learning new dance routines, reading, researching new technologies, tinkering and inventing, tutoring Uphill kids, printmaking and drawing, baking, working out, playing darts, drinking like there's no tomorrow, buying cheap clothes, going on dates that go nowhere
Mental Disorders: OCD, OCPD, and alcoholism for sure. She also has amnesia of much of her previous life before Gomorrah, with her only memories being the man she was engaged to and that she had run away from him.


- Arlo Dumaine // Father // Age 51
- Annabella Dumaine // Mother // Deceased
- Sylvie Dumaine // Younger Sister // Age 22
- Bishop Dumaine // Younger Brother // Deceased
- Sasaki Daigo // Former Fiancé // Age 44
Rhonda Dumaine was the first child of two former Up-Mountainers who sought refuge in the Down-Mountain's Eastern Kingdoms amid the Eighth Trade War as to escape persecution, on account of Annabella Dumaine being a Mind-Worker. As such, Rhonda and both her siblings wear an Up-Mountain name and pale features, largely at odds with those indigenous to the Eastern Kingdoms, though she has never once been Up-Mountain before running away with Gomorrah. During a journey that took two months in the small, unadorned wagon that Annabella and Arlo, a couple of modest means, could afford, it came as a bittersweet surprise that Annabella was with child. Having forfeited most of their wealth during the flight from their homeland, Arlo supported himself and his wife through work as a lumberjack, and from the time she was old enough to trudge in the snow and carry an axe, Rhonda assisted him. They lived in a small fishing town called Kekon. The work made Rhonda strong of body and spirit, but it was little compensation for the great shame that hung over her head. Much to Annabella's--who was descended from a long "coven" of female jynx-workers--dismay, her first-born was bereft of magical skill. As Rhonda would learn in later years, her mother was a fiercely proud jynx-worker who assisted in the sabotage and destruction of some Up-Mountain institutions and its prominent political figures, and Annabella struggled to accept a daughter whom she viewed as defective as her own.
Fortunately for Annabella, her second daughter had no such problem. Sylvie, two years Rhonda's junior, was a prodigious fire-worker from birth, and growing up in the Down-Mountains, there was no reason for her to hide this skill, and she honed it. As for Rhonda, her parents were less certain of what to do with her. As she blossomed into a young lady, it was unbecoming for her to follow in her father's footsteps as a lumberjack for much longer. Besides, once brother Bishop was born a year after Sylvie, there was less of a need for Rhonda to continue with it. So, not knowing what to do with their non-magical daughter, eleven-year-old Rhonda was shipped off to as fancy a boarding school as her parents' money could buy in the Southern Islands. She was one of a handful of female students to attend in what was probably a nine-to-one ratio. Two things happened as a result: One, Rhonda was subject to a lot of male attention that she did not receive in the Eastern Kingdoms; and two, not all of her professors took her seriously as an aspiring academic, despite her earnest love of technology and inventing.
After a few semesters passed and bills accrued and Sylvie and Bishop aged, it became increasingly apparent that Annabella and Arlo could only cover so much of the cost of Rhonda's education. Faced with a decision of find work fast or be unable to enroll for the next semester, thirteen-year-old Rhonda heeded some of her professors' advice... sort of. Realizing that her pretty face was her best asset as she had no degree yet, she began dancing in cabarets, who were willing to teach a newcomer with Rhonda's looks. She knew that dancing did not come naturally to her and she was far from the best, as she was frequently told by one of the club's owners that she was "too rigid" for the loose and largely improvised modern dance of which the the Diamond Cage was fond. Amid other girls seeking to become dancers, it was a struggle to maintain her job. But with her back against the wall, Rhonda learned what she had to in order to keep her job and keep attending university.
But as fate would have it, it was seemingly all for naught when eighteen-year-old Rhonda completed her studies but was denied her degree on a technicality: Despite getting high marks in all of her classes, her spotty attendance as she performed concurrently at the cabaret was a violation of several professors' policies and she was denied her degree. Heartbroken and hopeless, Rhonda returned home to the Eastern Kingdoms empty-handed, minus a deep-seated prejudice against the men who had put her down and made it impossible for a woman to achieve academic prestige.
Having not seen her family in several years, Rhonda found out over some drinks with her sister Sylvie that their mother had returned in earnest to her former revolutionary activities against the Up-Mountain. More than that, Annabella was grooming the young fire-worker as a magical soldier to fight in the Ninth Trade War that Annabella was hoping to help start on Up-Mountain soil. Outraged that her mother would try to use her sister as a pawn, Rhonda initiated a nasty confrontation in which she threatened to blow Annabella's cover as a revolutionary if it meant saving Sylvie from danger.
They were famous last words. Annabella used mind-work to muddle Rhonda's memories of the incident, but the human mind is a tricky, slippery thing for even skilled jynx-workers to navigate precisely. For whatever reason--partly purposeful or not, maybe as a mercy or maybe as punishment--Annabella muddled more than just the recent incident, but she also fumbled Rhonda's perception of the past.
After this time and before she came to Gomorrah, Rhonda vaguely remembers three years of drinking, financial bookwork, and an engagement to a prominent Eastern Kingdoms statesman twenty years older than her, so that her father could secure funds for a hopeful retirement and her mother could treat the mysterious ailment that was beginning to afflict her. They passed by in a melancholy blur, as Rhonda was still heavy from her expensive educational failure. And then, at twenty-one hears old and several months before her wedding to Sasaki Daigo, her betrothed, a radical faction of Up-Mountain soldiers came to Rhonda's village of Kekon on a holy cleanse to rid it of "devil-workers," as they called magical practitioners.
The soldiers terrorized civilians into revealing the names of jynx-workers, eventually making their way to Rhonda's home. Because of the tampering done to her memories, Rhonda doesn't remember watching a soldier ram a sword through her little brother's neck as Bishop jumped in front of a blow meant for their mother. As the soldier struggled to pull the sword from the boy's corpse, Annabella, a powerful mind-worker lay waste to the remainder of the force, brainwashing them to kill their comrades until none were left alive. Bishop died, and grief over her son's death escalated the snaking sickness that Annabella had had mild symptoms of for several months now. Medicine to cure snaking sickness is very expensive, and the Dumaines were not a particularly wealthy family. After the murder of her son, Annabella refused to seek treatment, and two months later succumbed to her illness. Rhonda's impending wedding to Sasaki was days away.
Realizing that Kekon held nothing for her anymore and her family was in remnants, with Sylvie planning to follow the path as a Down-Mountain soldier that her mother had planned for her and take revenge for the attack that had killed her brother, Rhonda decided that she did not want to become a councilman's bauble on a shelf for the rest of her life. Feeling that it was the first decision she ever made of her own volition, she decided to run away from Sasaki, but she knew she would have to do it cleverly if she wanted to avoid being tracked down. And Gomorrah, the ultimate carnival of desire and debauchery, passing through a city not too distant from Kekon was the perfect excuse to do it. Rhonda pleaded Sasaki to arrange for transportation to Gomorrah, so that they might experience its multitudinous wonders. Finally he relented, telling Rhonda that it would be his early wedding present to her. In a mirror maze, she abandoned Sasaki, pretending to get separated from him while fully intending to never find her way back to him again. Rhonda emerged from the mirror maze and begged an Uphill fortune-teller to hide her, and for Rhonda's last few coins on her person, the fortune-teller obliged. Rhonda hid for a number of days within Gomorrah, finding new merchants to take her in and help her avoid Sasaki and his search parties every day and night that they turned Gomorrah inside out in an attempt to find Rhonda.
Several days and nights later, Gomorrah departed the Eastern Kingdoms city with Rhonda hiding in one of the caravans. Left to deal with the consequences of her decision, Rhonda knew that she had deserted her family and her fiancé and would have to earn a living herself. When Gomorrah stopped in an adjacent Eastern Kingdoms city, Rhonda was terrified that it was too close to where she had escaped Sasaki, and that he would find her if she revealed herself. Thus, her decision made by a dearth of good options, she concluded that she would have to stay with the caravan until they were at least far enough away from Sasaki that she could feel safe returning to the civilized world. Until then, she had to eat and sleep somewhere a little more permanent than stowing away and asking favors of strangers. Using the skills she had honed over the five years of dancing in the Diamond Cage cabaret in the Southern Islands, Rhonda approached a dance company asking if they could use one more. Her dancing was nothing phenomenal compared to the glamor of those performers who'd dedicated their lives to it, but Rhonda was prettier than almost all of the other girls, and pretty girls are afforded a peculiar privilege. They made room for her, covering her room and board at a cost. Almost all of her earnings from her performances went to the house, even a percentage of her tips.
Rhonda was once again on a stage; a much larger one this time than at the Diamond Cage. Refusing to fail again, she applied herself to dance rigorously, until it was what she breathed. Not because she loved the sport, but because she wanted to prove wrong the voices in her head that said she was incompetent. She danced ballet and burlesque, minor roles most of the time, but Rhonda was really trading her cage with Sasaki for another. As debt accrued for her housings at the Menagerie, she essentially became indentured to the business, in a mountain of debt that never really shrunk. And that's where she is now, dancing until she can't, because it's the only thing she knows and because it would be a grave crime to abandon the Menagerie before the fulfillment of her debt.
As a result of her mother's tampering with her memories, much of her past before her engagement to Sasaki is muddled, including most of her life at university and her family. She doesn't even remember her siblings' names, now that she hasn't seen them in three years, one lost to death and the other to war. All she remembers about her previous life was fleeing her engagement, and her pervasive terror of Sasaki finding her. But it's a worthwhile memory, because it's the only incentive Rhonda needs to stay in Gomorrah, where she is the ballet starlet known as the Diamond in the Rough. Unbeknownst to her, she was compelled to select Diamond as her name due to the name of the cabaret at which she used to formerly dance, though she does not consciously realize this.


Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Technically still betrothed to Sasaki, to the best of her knowledge.
Crush(es): Perhaps a future preoccupation with Edmond rests in this dame's future? We shall see!
Past Partners: Perhaps surprisingly, she never fooled around at university because she would have considered that unladylike. But since joining Gomorrah, she's had a few dalliances, but none have turned into a serious relationship.
Turn-Ons: Elegant voice, clean-shaven for men, well-read, compliments her, pushes her (gently!) outside her comfort zone but is also cool to chill, emotional intimacy, honest, wants a romantic relationship, fit, redheads, compassionate, extroverted, caring, a little older than her, genuine smiles, sees the best in others, asks her permission for anything remotely sexual
Turn-Offs: Large age gaps, prejudiced, denies science on behalf of religion, not good with words, vulgar, quiet, unfit, stingy, does not help others, obsessed with their own greatness, wants a fling, touching her without permission, smells bad, does not use table manners, flaunts her like a trophy, has no moral code, mountain man beards, drug user, has ever gone to a brothel as a customer
Dominant or Submissive: Dominant


- Cracker Island—Gorillaz
- Dull Knives—Imagine Dragons
- Raining in Kyoto—The Wonder Years
- You Should See Me in a Crown—Billie Eilish
- Vegas—Doja Cat
- Eat Your Young—Hozier
- We Used to Vacation—Cold War Kids
- Nightmare—Halsey
- Jenny Was a Friend of Mine—The Killers
- The Morning After—Meg Myers

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Oh man oh man everyone's characters are looking so good I am so excited!! I'm very tempted to make another character 👀
Full Name: Gailen (Meaning one who is peaceful and quiet), Ezra (One who helps or protects), Sorin (Derived from the Romanian word soare, meaning sun)
Nicknames: Gail
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Age: 20 y/o
Birthday: September 22nd
Nationality: Gomorrah resident

Uphill or Downhill: Uphill
Occupation: Works as a librarian and has a major interest in history. Often goes around publishing news articles of the city's background.
Jynx-Work: N/A
Costumes and Props: His typical clothing choices involve nice slacks, dress shoes and sweaters. No one asked him to dress like that, he just likes to be fancy. Gail often carries around a satchel with various books, information he's gathered about the city, notebooks, and various pens, pencils and highlighters.
Economic Class: Lower middle class

Ben Wishaw 2.gif
Just like this ^^ No other picture of Mr. Wishaw does Gail justice quite like this gif :bishiesparklesl: He's a soft hearted, meek man, and most can tell just by looking at him. He's got wavy brunette hair that more often than not will just not cooperate with him. He wears gold rimmed, round glasses and has an unassuming smile with deep dimples. His complexion is lightly tanned with warm undertones, his eyes a deep brown. No facial hair is to be spotted, as he tends to keep his appearance as clean as possible. (Pardon the bold letters, this part is not that deep the bold just won't shut off)
Popcorn, Autumn leaves, Old books
Height & Weight: 5'8" 158 lbs.
Body Modifications: N/A
Physical Disabilities: Very nearsighted
Faceclaim: Ben Wishaw

Personality: Gail is a quiet, respectful man who is completely unable to hold his ground when needed. He's a pushover and will admit it. Still, he's highly intelligent when it comes to certain facts about the world around him and has niche interests that he enjoys talking about very much. He thinks himself a classy, mysterious guy, when in reality he's just a nerdy fella with a big heart. He has trouble consoling others and gets flustered when people get emotional around him, though he does his best to be there and comfort them all the same. What he really yearns for is a close friend- someone he can call on when needed. He just doesn't have the ability to tell when the time to come to that conclusion is acceptable. Gail tends to be blunt with others as well, not at all being one for subtlety, but he never means to be malicious. He loves being able to service others, whether that be with something big like giving out money or something as small as offering a pen.
Positive Traits: Agreeable, Clean, Compassionate, Cultured
Negative Traits: Nervous/ Awkward, unable to keep a secret (Only if pressed or under pressure), Clumsy, Blunt
MBTI Type: Logistician (ISTJ-T)
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff (Or Ravenclaw, depending on how you look at him)
Moral Alignment: Tries to be lawful good at the best of times, but deep down is more neutral good
Temperament: Phlegmatic

Likes: History, books, flowers, cool weather, fish
Dislikes: Winter, sour things, mud/ dirt, rodents, large groups of people
Habits: Fixes his glasses regularly, even if they don't need to be fixed, Picks at the hem of his collar or sleeves, bites his nails
Fears: Being hated, Being unable to leave something behind after he passes
Hobbies: Researching the history of places, collecting and pressing flowers, reading, cooking
Mental Disorders: N/A

Family: His mother died when he was 6 years old, leaving him in the care of his father (Maxwell) and step mother (Audrey). He also has an older brother (Henry), and two younger twin sisters (Lila and Josephine)
Backstory: Gail's life has not been filled with horrors and tragedies, nor has it been incredibly delightful. He was born to his now deceased mother (Alexandrea) and his father (Maxwell) on September 22nd in the Uphill region. His father worked as a vice principal of his old high-school and always encouraged Gail to read and explore the world around him. Gail is 100% certain his love and curiosity for knowledge came from his dad. As a kid he never had any friends (Whether that be from his lack of understanding of human connection or simply because he was too busy in his own world he will never know) and often experienced bullying throughout his life. It was hard, of course, but that only made him delve deeper into his own understandings and interests, which he would always share with his parents when he had the chance.

His mother died when he was 6, putting a hold on what felt like his entire world for four years. He was unable to find interest in anything, became nearly non verbal, and wasn't able to figure out how to fix the wedge that had been driven between his father and himself. Later in life, as he grew older and went through therapy for the first time, he learned that there was no problem with him but the fact his father had become distant for that period of his life. There was nothing he could've done to help at such a young age, but Gail has learned to let it go for the most part. Guilt still seems to find him at the dead of night, in the most random and frustrating moments in his life, but with the help of his now therapist and what he contributes to adulthood, he can manage to keep it at bay and feel truly peaceful for the most part.

When he turned 14 he started getting deeply into the history of the Uphill region and Gamhorrah. At around the age of 18 (Also the year he started working at the library), he began publishing small articles on it in his free time. Currently he is the head of the library, and gets paid for his writings which have become fairly popular with the older generations. With murders popping up however, Gail might indeed change up his style and start publishing anonymous inside scoops about them, if he can find out any information in time.

Sexuality: Asexual, Bi-romantic
Relationship Status: Single (As of right now)
Crush(es): Has a big crush on Honeybee (the wonderful XANDERREN XANDERREN ’s lovely lady- It was discussed beforehand!)
Past Partners: Had a girlfriend in highschool but was promptly broken up with after 3 weeks of dating.
Turn-Ons: As far as romanticism goes, he likes those who can and will keep up on their appearance, take him on cheesy, romantic dates, and overall have a soft exterior to them (Though ulterior motives are not ever accounted for)
Turn-Offs: Those who are not as cleanly as he deems them to be, and those who are wild or extremely outgoing. The party life is just not for him.
Dominant or Submissive: Can either be the person paying for a date or the one being paid for.

Half-Alive- Creature
- M83- Solitude
- Time Burton's Corpse Bride- Victor's Piano Solo

(Whoops my hand slipped :xFsmile:)
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Full Name : Hana Airi Sylvir
Name Meaning :
Hana means "Flower" in Japanese, it's derived from her original name, only to choose it as a new identity on its own .
Airi is of Finnish origin, meaning "messenger" or "herald."
Sylvir is not an official name for anything, but as obvious as it is, it comes from "silver."
Nicknames : Using the alias of "Kimura Ayame", roughly translating into 'purple flower', in reference to the color of her eyes. Her stage name is "Violet" .
Gender : female – intersex
Age : 19
Birthday : September 19th
Nationality : Gomorrah

Uphill or Downhill : Uphill .
Occupation : Trapeze Artist, she performs strictly on her own, it's more of a risk if there's someone else up there with her .
Jynx-work : She doesn't do magic .
Costumes and props
: Her costumes aren't at all complicated as a trapeze artist that relies on her skill while on air than her looks. She has an array of leotards that have a specific color palette for each of them, although every single one has an accent of violet as if to compliment her eyes that the audience would barely even see while she's doing her performances. She avoids ribbons, or frills added onto her costumes, they're moreso skin-tight and have little accessories cling to her body. May it be pearls or silver-accented designs, they weren't afraid to spend much more on these things .
Economic Class : Higher Class .

Appearance : Hana has dark hair that's finely styled into a shaggy bob, complete with a fringe that's merely above her neatly trimmed brows, which highlights her extremely pale skin – it was almost a sickly pale, but rest assured, she does have blood flowing in her body. You might have to compare it to a victorian child who hasn't seen the sun in years, but that isn't the highlight of the young girl's features. All of it can be watered down to her unusual and extremely unique eye color – they're a vibrant violet-blue, it catches the eye of most of the audience that sees her perform up-close. She has a lean body type, a bit on the thinner side of things but you can consider it a sleeper build due to how nimble and flexible she is while performing an act – fragile externally, yet she manages to hook onto those ropes like it's nothing. Wearing contact lenses inside of the circus, and outside she could be seen wearing glasses for her poor vision.
Scent : Something as plain as vanilla, there's an obnoxious amount of perfume on her clothes to mask it however .
Height and Weight : 5'4 – 50kg
Body Modifications : there is a small tattoo in the middle of her back, a jagged letter S, intricately decorated with small wings .
Physical Disabilities : Astigmatism in both eyes, fragile body .
Faceclaim : @idonthates_zyu on IG!
They don't post a lot of off-mask photos..



Personality : A young girl once full of hope and life, now merely known as timid and prefers isolation over interacting with society as a whole. Raised to be a noblewoman, dignified and educated with everything that Gomorrah could offer – accumulated enough knowledge over the years, almost nothing surprises her due to how much she knows. Her mind acts quick on its own, gears shifting in full-time as Hana herself liked to keep herself busy with anything she could get her hands on. That being said, being a trapeze artist that does tricks while in the air – seen by everyone and everything, it gives her a moment of peace, a moment where she doesn't have to constantly think. The risk of jumping through acts and having herself hoisted into the air, it's something that she learnt to take pleasure in doing, even if the acts are far too dangerous for her own safety. She would do anything to keep the thrill seek into her system, to fill up that hollowness she's wasted in her younger years by studying for some hopeless dream.
Positive Traits : Intelligent, quick-witted, gallant, imaginative, selfless, perceptive .
Negative Traits : Impatient, calculating, untrusting, compulsive liar, risk-taker, impulsive .
Hogwarts House : Ravenclaw .
Moral Alignment : Lawful Neutral .
Temperament : Melachonic .

Likes : Books, learning about new things – since she's quite a nerd as it is. She prefers the silence, it's peaceful and isolating .
Dislikes : People, false information, confrontation, narcissists, condescending tones directed at her or any of her siblings .
Habits : Picking on her skin , especially around her arms but never her face. To always bring a notepad or a book with her, to occupy her free time and mostly to avoid conversations with patrons.
Fears : Being disowned by her family, her siblings abandoning her all because she can't keep up with the ever-so growing standards for each act .
Hobbies :
• Making art – she likes to draw in the style of impressionism, catching fleeting moments from memory as good as hers, she keeps them all in a neat sketchbook that she got for her first paycheck.
• Writing – as much as she loves reading, she also enjoys writing about things that she recently learned of, keeping tabs of some sort in case she needs to update them. Some kind of journaling, but she also writes short tales from imagination.
Mental Disorders :
• Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – DIAGNOSED
• Depression – UNDIAGNOSED

Family :

• Adele Mitski Sylvir (MOTHER) – "..I don't, know much about our mother. Being near her study is something that is not.. allowed, even if she's always in there. ."

• Kyori Miyuki Sylvir (OLDER SISTER) – "My sister, she doesn't speak a lot.. ever since that night that she disappeared. Coming back, it's like she wasn't even herself . ."

• Akio Ericht Sylvir (OLDER BROTHER) – "I'd say that he's likely the first to break out of all of us.. he wants to take Kyori's place as the next head of the family.. a foolish dream . "

• Silvaine Miorine Sylvir (YOUNGER SISTER) – "She should retain her innocence a little longer.. I can't fathom how she would be able to cope in these conditions . . "

Backstory :

Born into the noble family under the legacy name of Sylvir, a family that's known to be strictly isolated from the rest of the world until they reach a certain age to step up as the new handler of their empire of a company. The members of the family live in the shadows of their success, it was to keep the image of power and dignity to the public. They are geniuses, experts in various fields that they dedicate into growing their family business — to be more specific, they are generous sponsors, due to the fact that they sell their heirs and heiresses as attractions of their own, under a different identity, an alias – all to prevent them from tarnishing their well-protected image.

Best not to be fooled by how easily they can be sold off, these siblings have been given the best education there is that Gomorrah could offer – even beyond, as some of their ancestors have dipped their toes into travelling and bringing home various pieces of history etched into them with time. As mentioned before, they are born geniuses, and their potential could only bloom under intense pressure..

With their diverse set of talents and skills divided into each child, and much like the ones before her — Hana had the luxury of choosing what kind of work she wanted to tie herself into, all before she comes of age. The illusion of choice, all of it leads to being exploited for the profits that she may get from performing — it all happened before, it's simply a family tradition at this point. Kyori had chosen something related to dancing with fire, Akio had himself drown in research into the family business, Silvaine.. had yet to be chosen for work. She chose the act of being a trapeze artist, for no particular reason other than 'it looks.. dangerous', quoted from her directly, as she looked upon the various acts that presented themselves to her during her time at the circus. Once a child sheltered from the horrors of the outside world, now stepping in and doing her debut as a performer – playing with the strings of fate in her hands.

As someone with a body as fragile as hers, the act she chose for herself made it even more dangerous for her life as she breezes through each swing — suddenly, falling isn't a concern anymore.

Sexuality : Bisexual, leans more into being attracted to men but has more experience with women .
Relationship Status : Single .
Crush(es) : None .
Past Partners : N/A, it's not a priority.
Turn-Ons : A partner that understands that she deeply values her space and interests – one that doesn't pry or probe her for more information than she's already said. Physical affection is something she craves, a touchy-feely person with her permission would be her type. Plus points if they're knowledgable and understand what they're doing in their life .
Turn-Offs : Being manhandled, feeling like she's being used as an object of desire rather than her own person .
Dominant or Submissive : Naturally submissive, but if met with the right match, a switch might flip .

Playlist :
- First Love/Late Spring – Mitski
- Sweet Hibiscus Tea – Penelope Scott
- treehouse – kelseydog
- Pleaser – Wallows
- Tokyo Teddy Bear – Neru
- Racing into the Night – Yoasobi
mikeyxfreeman mikeyxfreeman Lovely form, Hana is accepted! My only mild concern is that Gomorrah, unlike the Up-Mountain, has no nobility; Gomorrah are actually like the traveling scoundrels of society, and they are defo big believers in capitalism. So not all of them are poor, especially the well-off performers who live in the Uphill. But a lot of them are broke wretches with nowhere else to go and no other profitable means of making a living than selling their bodies or watered-down liquor. However! Gomorrah does indeed have a proprietor, who is an intensely political figure and businessperson who basically organizes the whole show, does finances, decides when it's time to pack up and move on, and maintains peaceful (or not) relations between the Up-Mountain and Down-Mountain. Would you like for Hana's family to be the proprietors? It's a hereditary position, so either her or one of her siblings would be next in line for it.
I would love that! Would definitely fit nicely for her familial background.


Full Name: Renee Eleanor Desrosiers
Name Meaning: Renee - Born Again, Eleanor - Shining Light, Desrosiers - From the Rose Bushes
Nicknames: "The Medium" "The Caller" "The Receiver"
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Birthday: May 14th
Nationality: Up-Mountainer, technically


Uphill or Downhill: Downhill mostly
Occupation: Medium (and also a dancer)
Jynx-Work: Mind-Worker
Costumes and Props:








When doing her bit she wears heavy make up, a shawl, hair accessories and heavy perfume/incense is surrounding her, she also lights many candles while performing.
Economic Class: Low

Appearance: Renee is a simple beauty, she isn't some Greek goddess or a succubus that will lure men, but she has a simple beauty that often attracts people to her in ways that sometimes can't be explained. Standing at just above the average height she is taller than many of her female peers, while staying below the men that surround her. She has a natural toned body that tends to keep a good proportion of weight even when it is slightly malnourished, as it usually is. She has quite an hourglass look, with her waist cinching in quite a lot, and of course she accentuates that with corsets and belts. Her skin tone is a tan shade naturally, and in the hot summer months she darkens even more, her hair is a brunette colour, and she usually wears it down where it falls around her breasts. She is not a large or robust woman but she has a decent amount of curve for her size, and although she only accentuates it while acting, she does appreciate it in her own way. Her face is soft and retains the youth that she is, although some her age can pass for much older, she tends to remain looking as young as she really is. She uses this to her advantage, and when performing she dons so much makeup you wouldn't be able to guess her age. Her hair is quite soft when it has been well looked after, otherwise it tends to get quite dry and frizzy, yet without being so frizzy that it requires a trim or a wash.

Renee has large dark brown eyes, filled with curiosity and kindness, she has soft features that have not been hardened yet by life, she has no marks on her face and her skin is remarkably clean and unflawed. She tends to wear quite modest attire when she isn't performing, liking to keep her lower half covered by large plain skirts, and her upper half mostly covered, with the exception of her shoulders and occasionally her arms (especially when it's hot out). She usually has bare feet, or otherwise wears very simple shoes, slippers or sandals. She doesn't wear make up when she isn't performing, though usually retains the bangles on her arm that jingle when she walks. When she is dolled up for her performance she looks very different, she sleeks her hair back although usually leaves it down, she applies makeup to the extreme, and she wears all of her jewellery in all of her pierced areas. She wears much more provactive outfits with dazzling colours, and wears many bells and coins to jingle as she walks and moves.
She always wears an amber necklace under her clothes.
Voice/Accent: Slight Irish Accent Much like this
Scent: Pine, Lemon, Roses, Mint
Height & Weight: 5"7' & 150 lb.
Body Modifications: Ear piercings, navel piercing, eyebrow piercing, nose piercing (she only wears them during performances)
Physical Disabilities: Hemophilia (blood doesn't clot, so if cut she bleeds a lot, her nose bleeds often from the smallest thing and she bruises easily)
Faceclaim: Samantha Barks

Personality: Renee is a very young person in heart, she is trying to learn her way in the world, trying to figure out what is real and what is fake, and is trying to understand how everything works. She meets new situations with a mix of excited curiosity, and apprehensive fear. Many times she has been introduced to something in life and it has gone wrong, causing her to be fearful of it, or to think of it with negative emotions, but most of the time it has gone well, most of the time life has been exciting and new, and she has enjoyed finding and learning new things. Thus, she is a curios sort, she loves to find out new things, and would happily sit and listen for hours if someone desired to talk to her about something, or teach her something. She is inclined to want to try out everything, even if she wouldn't be likely to be very good at it, thus she enjoys seeking out people who have interesting talents and knowledge, and stealing away time to listen to them as they give that information to her.
Renee is incredibly sweet natured and kind, she is the kind of person you might say "would never hurt a fly" and has "never had a cruel thought in her life." These things are unlikely to ever be true in any situation, but it is the kind of thing one might say about her if they noticed her kindness. Often coming across as naivete or on the opposite spectrum coming across as fake, she really is incredibly sweet natured and kind, she looks after wounded and unwell animals, she tends to people around her with care, she has a soft spot for children, she enjoys pleasing other people and making others happy. She genuinely wants to do things for others that make them happy and give them joy, but she is also aware that not everyone is as kind as she is.
Renee is a watcher, she is observant and investigative. She watches and doesn't jump to judgements quickly, she likes to find things out about people, on the one hand she wants to know about them so she can find out things she could do that they would like, but on the other hand she does it for safety reasons. Is a person calm or do they have anger problems? Is a person kind or are they manipulative? Is a person honest or deceptive? She seeks out the truth, wanting to know for her own safety, and for the safety of her family. She reads a person's character when she meets them, figuring out for herself if they are decent folk or not. She is willing to give people the benefit of the doubt, which is why she has such a kind personality, but that doesn't mean she hasn't weighed up the odds and made inner decisions on what to do if the opposite is to happen.
Renee is shy, although she has a performance type job she isn't naturally like that on the day-to-day. She is much more introverted and shy than she is as "The Medium", rather than extroverted body movements she tends to hold her arms and legs close to herself and to be quite subdued, she isn't so introverted that she avoids people or doesn't like socialising, but rather she enjoys allowing others to take the wheel, and she likes to join in. She isn't the type to run away should something hard happen whilst she's with others, but if the plan is to run then she will run. She isn't afraid of running away, she is simply afraid of deserting others.
Renee is surprising an amazing liar, although she loves the truth and strives for the truth, she is an incredible liar. It isn't due to natural inclination however, and that's what throws people off, those who have known her before she joined the Gypsy crew she's in now, might remember that she could never lie, but now that she has? She has become trained in it. She can do it without so much a flinch or change in her facial features, but those who know her well know where to look, as when she lies she sets her shoulders back slightly, so slightly that it's almost unnoticeable unless you're looking for it, and on the odd occasion if it's a very big lie, she will slightly heat up near her ears, which are thankfully covered by her hair usually, but can still sometimes be seen. She doesn't like lying, and she doesn't usually lie when she's not performing, but it is something she has become trained to do.
Renee is somewhat religious, she believes in some god out there, and she believes she needs to do right by them as much as she can. She is terribly terrified of some judgement or wrath that might come upon her if she does too much wrong, and she prays and repents when she thinks she has. She has a priest like person that she goes to when she's in distress and when she feels she's done too much wrong, and loves to be around spiritual sites and church like places. She likes heavy scents and incenses that make her feel more in the spirit, and tends to lean on the conservative views of things due to this religious background. Although if people dig into it, it's very much something put on her, rather than something she feels deep in her spirit. Almost like a cage.
Following from that, she has a tendency to fall almost into a victim mentality, when someone comes in and starts making decisions she's all too quick to bow to their decisiveness, having her own problems with being indecisive. She will struggle to speak out against people, having a fear of being wrong and a fear of being hurt by them, and thus will become a victim even when it is not necessary. She is not easy to manipulate in her mind, but in body and action she is easily shut down and controlled. Especially if spoken to by older men and women in her group, or in the church.
Finally, when you know Renee well, Renee is fun, funny, a little more sarcastic and extroverted than normal. With a select few, mostly her Gypsy family, she is happy to sing with them, dance with them, play games with them and share stories and talk. She is much louder with them, often laughing and smiling widely, and doesn't feel so shy as she does with anyone else. It takes a long time for someone to get that close to her, but it is very fun when they do.
Positive Traits: Kind. Sweet. Observant. Non-Judgmental. Patient. Curious. Inquisitive. Authentic. Loving. Nurturing. Creative. Peaceful.
Negative Traits: Shy. Pious. Fearful. Naive. Deceptive. Self-Critical. Victim Mentality. Reserved. Indicisive.
MBTI Type: INFP - The Mediator
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw (slightly HufflePuff)
Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Temperament: Melancholic

Likes: Nature. Being outdoors. Rain. Earth. Plants. Animals. Old buildings. Cathedrals. Music. Dancing. Praying. Friendship. Children. Neutral Colours. Long skirts. Flowers. Scents. Candles. Birds. Sweets. Intelligence. Knowledge. Truth. Connection.
Dislikes: Being stuck inside. Cruelty. Loud noises. Discipline. "Sinning". Tension. Division. Other's pain. Immodesty.
Habits: Fiddling with her amber necklace. Scrunching up her eyebrows slightly when she's listening to someone. Silently repeating what other people are saying. Scrunching her toes into the dirt, grass or sand. Grabbing her skirt in her hands. Sucking in her bottom lip.
Fears: Stygiophobia - Fear of going to hell
Atelophobia - Fear of being wrong/imperfect
Decidophobia - Fear of making decisions (specifically that are very important)
Fear of being lied to/Trust being broken
Ophidiophobia - Fear of snakes
Asthenophobia - Fear of fainting
Genophobia - Fear of sex

Hobbies: Going on walks outdoors. Listening to others tell stories. Playing music or dancing to music. Weaving flower crowns with/for children. Sewing. Cooking.

Mental Disorders: None known

Family: Elea Genevieve Desrosier (Formerly Cunningham) - Mother - Up mountain - Alive
Luca Emile Desrosier - Father - Gomorrah Native - Unknown

Backstory: Renee was the daughter of Elea and Luca Desrosier. Elea was the daughter of the prestigious Cunninghams, Up-Mountainers that did very well for themselves. As a young teenager she was obsessed with Gomorrah and fell in love with one of the men who claimed to be part of the Gypsy's. Knowing that he would be hated by her parents they got married secretly as soon as she was 18, and she ran away from home. Their love story lasted for only a short time, Elea became pregnant almost immediately and had Renee, but the Gypsy life was not for her, so after some convincing her husband Luca, they moved to her parent's mansion in the Up-Mountain area. As soon as they were back with her family, life changed for everyone. They had everything they could desire in terms of need and material possessions, but the family treated Luca like dirt. Elea originally defended him, but after being back in a society she had grown up in, she also began to treat Luca like dirt, and began to despise him and his "unsocialized" ways. Luca tried so hard to be there for his wife whom he had loved, and for his daughter whom he did love, but soon it became too much, and he left, never to return. Renee was only about 4 and maybe even younger than that, so her memories of him are very fuzzy, but she does remember him.
Once her father had left, Renee was treated like royalty in the Cunningham place, and she was treated to anything she might ever want. Being a very religious family they took her to church every week, they even sent her to a prestigious religious school where she was taught to pray, repent, and never to sin. She sucked it up, having no father figure anymore she looked at the "wise and loving" priests as fathers, and looked at the "motherly" patronesses as her mother, as Elea did not mother Renee very much. Although not complaining about her life, Renee did not enjoy it, she longed to be outside, she longed for fun and enjoyment and curiosity and nature. As she entered her teenage years she began to realize things about herself and others, as she found that when she touched people, she could see into their memories. At first she thought she was going crazy, and she would go to the priests for counsel and peace, she would pray and ask the demons to go away. But it continued to happen, and it was only when she touched her mother one day, and saw memories of her father, that she realized what was happening. It wasn't some crazy demon that had come to her, but rather something much deeper inside her. At first she was terrified, she kept herself covered and did not touch anyone, for fear that she would continue seeing memories, but eventually her curiosity and desire to remember her father got the better of her, and she began to attempt to have physical contact with her mother as much as possible, holding her hand, brushing her hair, anything like that. The memories were all she had of her father.
Eventually she had gone through so many memories of her mothers life that she knew everything, and she couldn't stand it. Although she loved her family, she couldn't bare to live with them when they'd forced her father to run away. So packing her bags one night she ran away, leaving a note for her mother that apologised and told her that she just had to find out more about her father and his family and life. Finding Gomorrah was easy, finding the Gypsy's was easy too, but unfortunately nobody knew where her father was. Most of them still remembered him, but nobody knew where he had gone or why. Distraught, realizing that she'd run away for nothing, Renee might have gone back to her family to seek repentance, but the Gypsy's asked her to stay. She wasn't sure what she could offer them, but when they found out about her ability they were quick to beg her to stay even more. Feeling more at home here than she ever had, she agreed to stay for a while, maybe a few months. A few months turned into a few years, and Renee knows she could never go back to the life she lived before now. The Gypsy's have treated her like family, and have made her one of them. She knows they put up appearances as "Gypsy's" for the act and the show of it all, be it called "Travellers" or "Foreigners" it has always brought in money and made use of their time and talents in Gomorrah. When you live here, you have to do anything. They adopted many of the stereotypes as to help themselves, and because many things were fun and made for a good time. In the end it was just like a big family, everyone had your backs.
At first Renee simply read people's memories and let them know if they were misremembering things, but soon she realized she could read people's thoughts as well as their memories, and the elders asked her to do that when they needed to know secret information from people. She felt guilty, but she did it, trusting them more than herself in this place that she'd come into. Then someone had the bright idea that she could become the Medium. Someone who talked to the dead and tell the living what they wanted. Renee was terribly freaked out by this, it was a scary thought, to talk to the dead, and she knew her power couldn't do that. But they explained to her that she would only be pretending, she would touch someone, see the memories of the person who had died, and tell them what she thinks they want to hear based off what she saw. It took a while, but eventually through extreme pressuring Renee became "The Medium" or sometimes called "The Caller/Receiver." It was surprisingly easy to do, to scan people's memories and put on a show of talking to the dead by holding their hands and chanting and lighting candles and having heavy scents in the air and a dark environment. But the hard part was deceiving these people. It didn't come naturally to her. She hated lying to them. But her family told her "You're helping them. You're giving them peace. You're giving them clarity. Closure. Love." So she continued, she became much better at it, and she would simply go to priests afterwards if she felt dirty and wrong for what she had done.
She still wants to find out more about her dad, but for now this is her life.


Sexuality: Closeted Bisexual (Has been brought up thinking that's extremely wrong)
Relationship Status: Single (unless someone wants otherwise)
Crush(es): TBD
Past Partners: None
Turn-Ons: Decisive. Thoughtful. Gentle. Loving. Intelligent. Tall for men specifically. Lean/Toned. Exciting. Strong. Authority.
Turn-Offs: Weak. Short for men specifically. Rough. Loud. Stupid. Ignorant. Disgusting. Cruel.
Dominant or Submissive: Submissive

- as many as you’d like


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Nerdy. Nerdy. Renee is absolutely accepted! Love her history, and how your darling bean actually isn't as innocent as she appears. Excited to have her and you in the cast!

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