Poetry A couple of poems




How I Love You If seas were infinite, my love would be Yet greater still and more profound; If roads led to eternity Even there it would be found. Stars, sunshine, the night, the day Are images of something better, But words, thoughts, fire, water and clay Can never my true love fetter. Laugh then, and be yourself, but give Me, my dear sweet, one kiss - The gods that on Olympus live Have never known such bliss. Happiness in Love Shy love, I think of you As the morning air brushes the window pane, And how much time of all it takes to know The movement of your arm, the steps you take, The curves along your head, your ears, your hair. For all of this, each hand, each finger, Each lip, each breath, each sigh, Each word and sound of voice or tongue, I would require an age to contemplate. But for your heart your mind your thoughts, all these, To love them all I need at least five centuries. Sometimes I think Our heads might be enclosed Closer together upon the pillow's space, And how into the dark deeps of your eyes I'd look and think of angels. Then your breath And all the aura of your body's breathing Intoxicatedly would overwhelm me And I would die. For it is too much That such a thing should be and I should live. Surely the thought is greater than reality, The sum of you and love outsteps infinity. If happiness were like The flowers of June then I would take The best of them, roses and columbine, The lilies, and bind them in your hair. They are not more beautiful but they add Meaning to my love. For all our words Are short and lame of breath and stumble, And you surpass them though I know not why. Shy love I think of you as the day wanes And as the sun sinks deep into the ocean And as the stars turn round above in silent motion

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Till I Die

There is a Lady sweet and kind,

Was never face so pleased my mind,

I did but see her passing by

And yet I love her till I die.

Her gesture, motion and her smiles,

Her wit, her voice my heart beguiles,

Beguiles my heart I know not why,

And yet I love her till I die.

Cupid is wingèd and doth range,

Her country so my love doth change,

But change she earth, or change she sky,

Yet will I love her till I die.

Forever You

Forever takes me by a minute,

While I'm here with you.

I'm falling even more in love,

With everything you do.

Hold me in your arms,

Look deep into my eyes,

Don't turn away and let me go,

Don't ever tell me lies.

I swear I'll never let you go,

I'll always hold On Tight

I'll carry On Day And Night

There aren't enough hours,

In each passing day,

To find all the words,

I wish I could say.

Your kiss will last forever,

Your touch forever warm.

You'll guide me to the sunlight,

And shield me from the storm.

This is what I'm saying,

With everything that's true,

I swear on my life,

That I really do love you.

My Angel

I once wrote a poem about love

It was about an angel I met from up above

For you my sweet angel I would die

I'd pick all the stars from the sky

And give them all just for you

To let you know how much I love you

My angel I'll love you thru all eternity

I would do anything for you sweetie

I wrote this poem from my heart

To let you know your my sweetheart

Please stay with me forever

Take my hand and lets be together

Lets fly up to the heavens above

And show everyone we are in love

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