Search results for query: *

  1. Elias Wren

    Fandom Fallout: Into the Light [IC]

    Julian noticed the woman's attention shift and leaned to the side in an attempt to see why. It was apparent the moment he laid eyes on the Child of Atom, a strange sight in most parts of the wasteland but even stranger still in a mostly civilized place like this. He only had one encounter with...
  2. Elias Wren

    Fantasy ๐’ž๐’ฝ๐“‡๐‘œ๐“ƒ๐’พ๐’ธ๐“๐‘’๐“ˆ ๐‘œ๐’ป ๐ธ๐“๐’น๐“‡๐’พ๐’น๐’ถ (IC)

    Royal Capital Elias Wren As he sketched a few designs into a notebook he heard a voice speaking to him and turned to see a girl staring up at him wearing a strange outfit. For a moment Elias did not respond until her question registered. "It is a little tacky for my tastes, I prefer more...
  3. Elias Wren

    Fandom Mass Effect C-Sec (Closed)

    Castle shook his head as he listened to his recruits concerns and suggestions, wishing in his head he had better news for them. "Unfortunately you will be in your own in the field. While I understand that this doesn't sound ideal, there is a reason we are deploying all four of you to the same...
  4. Elias Wren

    Fandom Written in the Stars - Star Wars AU - Roleplay Thread

    La'artrix Noblue Trix let out a soft grunt as he dangled upside down in the cockpit of his tie fighter making adjustments to the controls and flight systems, something the engineers really hated. As he plugged away at his current project he could hear the clicking of his commander's shiny...
  5. Elias Wren

    Fandom Fallout: Into the Light [IC]

    Julian could tell just from that momentary touch that Ximena had been through a lot though not many people could afford to have soft hands in the wastes. He didn't much trust anyone who did anyway, feeling they were often shady individuals either too cowardly to get their hands dirty, or made a...
  6. Elias Wren

    Fandom Mass Effect C-Sec (Closed)

    @Viper Actual @Nomai @RikuXIII @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Commander Castle sat at his desk while the four new recruits waited for him to finish filing a few new reports, a look of frustration on his face. The room was quiet except the sound of his heavy breathing and the occasional sigh. Commander...
  7. Elias Wren

    Fandom Fallout: Into the Light [IC]

    โ€œThat's about all we can ask for, staying alive another day.โ€ Julian took a slow smooth drag from his cigarette before inhaling and savoring the rough flavor of centuries old tobacco, not wanting to waste a moment. They weren't terribly hard to come by, but he had gone without them multiple...
  8. Elias Wren

    Fandom Fallout: Into the Light [IC]

    Julian Tucker - Central Boston - Goodneighbor Julian sat alone in his dimly lit office going over his most recent job request, a hit just outside Goodneighbor. A group of raiders had set up shop and we're attacking locals in the area, one of which had enough caps to do something about it. He...
  9. Elias Wren

    Fandom The New Jedi Order

    Kar nodded in agreement with Jaden's statements.โ€ Sounds like a plan, I don't have much in the way of belongings so there isn't anything for me to really set up so I'll help you out. Who knows, maybe we are roommates.โ€ He laughed as he threw his arm over Jaden's shoulder while they walked to...
  10. Elias Wren

    Fandom The New Jedi Order

    โ€œI'm Kar Tarka, it's nice to meet you Jaden. Seems we will be spending quite some time together during our training.โ€ He smiled as he released Jaden's had, a sudden feeling of being watched relished over him. The same feeling he used to get while the guards watched him like a hawk during his...
  11. Elias Wren

    Fandom The New Jedi Order

    Kar Tarka had arrived on a transport shuttle before most of the others and spent his time โ€˜meditatingโ€™ under a tree just outside the grounds. His version of meditation was simply napping until it was time to assemble. He woke just in time to see Jaden walking toward the assembly and got up...
  12. Elias Wren

    Fantasy ๐’ž๐’ฝ๐“‡๐‘œ๐“ƒ๐’พ๐’ธ๐“๐‘’๐“ˆ ๐‘œ๐’ป ๐ธ๐“๐’น๐“‡๐’พ๐’น๐’ถ (IC)

    Royal Capital Elias Wren Elias stepped off his family's private airship into the Royal Capital docks and smiled as he looked around, always taking time to appreciate being home. He grabbed his suitcase and headed off toward the main branch of his trading company, simply named Noble...