Recent content by SoftSmile

  1. SoftSmile

    Finished (Isekai Hell)-A week at the Docks (PT1)

    Zuì Dàmāo @Lolory @AbenSur @NimbusWing @Xeese “B-Burny?” Māo commented at the living furnace, taking a step back from its vicinity. “Of course you have a living furnace, why did I expect anything different.” She laughs awkwardly, scratching the back of her head as she watches the blacksmith...
  2. SoftSmile

    Finished [Republic:Nan pass] Runaway Singers Song!

    Jack Hayfield Jack nods to Keircey, taking another step back as the group continues to talk. He looks around for an opening to leave, every so often ever so slightly scooching backwards in little increments so his bell didn’t give away his position. He cringes outwardly as Keircy smacks...
  3. SoftSmile

    Finished (Isekai Hell)-A week at the Docks (PT1)

    Zuì Dàmāo Māo looks to her companions before sighing. “Hey! It’s not my fault, the usual catkin that does these deliveries was lazy and slow, so don’t go blaming me.” She says, a little annoyed. “Plus, that girl looks nothing like me. Let’s put it that way.” She tosses back her long hair...
  4. SoftSmile

    Finished (Isekai Hell)-A week at the Docks (PT1)

    Zuì Dàmāo Māo takes a step back as the boy comes barreling out of the blacksmiths. “Oh, it’s okay, sweetie. We’re here to deliver some stuff for the blacksmith.” She says calmly as she helps the boy up, kindly extending a hand. She looks to the boy for a moment, her eyes raking up and down...
  5. SoftSmile

    Finished [Republic:Nan pass] Runaway Singers Song!

    Jack Hayfield “O-Oh, don’t worry about me, I’m okay! I’ve taken a few beatings in my life. I just wanted to make sure everyone was okay before I ran off…I’m not that experienced with medicine, but I’ll be an extra pair of hands if anyone needs it.” The goat couldn’t really understand what...
  6. SoftSmile

    Finished (Isekai Hell)-A week at the Docks (PT1)

    Zuì Dàmāo Interactions: @Lolory @AbenSur @Xeese Mentions: @NimbusWing Māo crossed her arms, her face going deadpan as Kuro didn’t laugh at her very obviously funny joke. She simply rolled her eyes before smiling again, checking that the mushroom was securely on top of the crates and wouldn’t...
  7. SoftSmile

    Finished [Republic:Nan pass] Runaway Singers Song!

    Jack Hayfield Jack was knocked out in an instant, not managing to get away fast enough. Not even a second went by from his perspective before he blearily opened his eyes, his vision blurry. A calming voice filled his ears, quelling some of the immediate panic he felt after regaining...
  8. SoftSmile

    Community ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~

    Jack Hayfield Jack jumps as the buddy lands near him. He holds his chest like he’s about to have a heart attack, heaving heavily. The bell around his neck chimes as he attempts to catch his breath. “S-Sorry, but you did kinda scare me. Hi. I’m Jack.” Jack introduces himself to the creature...
  9. SoftSmile

    Community ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~

    Jack Hayfield Jack looks around, getting used to the environment of the fields before going to ‘capture’ any beasties. He probably won’t be that good at it anyway, subjecting creatures into magical balls into what he assumes to be against their will wasn’t really his forte. Well, he just hopes...
  10. SoftSmile

    Community ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~

    Jack Hayfield Jack was happy to get an invitation to be a part of research, however when he arrived he was more than uncomfortable. Even with the overall clean demeanor of the laboratory, Jack’s eyes wavered over the captured creatures, trying to ignore the noises they made as the professor...
  11. SoftSmile

    Finished (Isekai Hell)-A week at the Docks (PT1)

    Zuì Dàmāo Interactions: @Xeese @Lolory Mentions: @NimbusWing @AbenSur “Oh, dear!” Māo rushed over to the mushroom, helping the mykonid stay upright. “You need water, right? Uhm. Hm.” She takes a moment, looking around, then looking at her flask attached to her waist. Probably not the best...
  12. SoftSmile

    Finished (Isekai Hell)-A week at the Docks (PT1)

    Zuì Dàmāo Interactions: @Lolory @Xeese @AbenSur Mentions: @NimbusWing Māo squints at the paper, taking a minute for her to comprehend the calligraphy. “Tart uh fo…” She butchers his name at first, mumbling it under her breath a few more times before landing on “Tartufo.” Smiling, she gives...
  13. SoftSmile

    Finished [Republic:Nan pass] Runaway Singers Song!

    Jack Hayfield @Elvario @DarkKitsune @Tellussoil @Rcticwolf @Moonberry Jack took a tentative step back from the group, in an attempt to separate himself from any of the perceived threat’s targets. Even though they agreed something was awry, Jack felt uncomfortable staying in their vicinity, but...
  14. SoftSmile

    Finished (Isekai Hell)-A week at the Docks (PT1)

    Zuì Dàmāo Interactions: @Xeese Mentions: @NimbusWing @Lolory As Māo was rubbing her body against the older beastkin, purring as she spoke to him, she noticed the little mushrooms panic and excused herself. “Give me a minute, handsome. Momma has to do something.” She politely removed herself...
  15. SoftSmile

