Recent content by rozukitsune

  1. rozukitsune

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    At first glance when Ren looked around to find the siren she didn't seem to be anywhere in sight - though there was a little box that had small crumbs in it and an empty thermos perched upon a wall nearby the ruin. After a few moments however, she appeared as though from around some corner -...
  2. rozukitsune

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    "You... want to kill Vincent?" While Irina was trying to carefully say what she meant without saying it outright, Reneé's mind slowly lurched into gear. Though her own wants and desires had burned away to ash within her - she was still a person made up of her experiences and her life. She had no...
  3. rozukitsune

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    Narzas, as predicted, shuffled away from the table full of food and moved to stand near a wall rather than allow herself to be tempted by it. Let the others eat if they wanted... they were mostly barely more than children. They had yet to learn the harsh lessons of not allowing potential enemies...
  4. rozukitsune

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    Narzas didn't like this. Not one bit of it. This man seemed to think himself some kind of gift to reality and had some kind of power over time. That it was even possible - she didn't bother questioning. All the really powerful individuals in the world like Johan and such had unlocked sides to...
  5. rozukitsune

    Fandom Hazbin Hotel-alike

  6. rozukitsune

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    Narzas flashed Johan a loving, if wry smile at his words. Given everything they'd shared and discussed in their short time together, the sentiment was heartwarming. Still, they both knew that if they were going to die in this adventure there'd be little to be done about it. They knew better than...
  7. rozukitsune

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    If her power were somehow mind-reading, the thoughts on the other's minds regarding her being overly dramatic and just making a show for sympathy would have set the girl firmly off the path of light right then and there. Right now, in her fragile headspace; she was barely even really present...
  8. rozukitsune

    Fandom Hazbin Hotel-alike

  9. rozukitsune

    Fandom Hazbin Hotel-alike

    Set in a world with a similar basic premise to the Hazbin Hotel series, but not identical (and avoiding using the same major character names if possible) you are either an angel or a demon in this landscape of the afterlife. Things are not just death and done, you are still actively existing for...
  10. rozukitsune

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    She watched the odd man sip his tea and putter about his shop as if she hadn't said a word in silent impatience - broken only when Johan suddenly appeared in the shop beside them. They had all been uncertain about the weird portal-thing that had brought them here to this place, but not once...
  11. rozukitsune

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    After her adventure to the nearest mailbox, Marjorie had made her way casually to the meeting place, not bothering to keep up with the others. She had well known the address in question and the person whom they'd be meeting within. As she sidled up, she noted with private amusement the way they...
  12. rozukitsune

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    Asking the deflated girl to see reason or telling her not be so brittle or to hold on just a little longer seemed to have no effect whatsoever. Her facial expressions remained passive and emotionless regardless of the cajoling. She didn't see why their words should matter. Why should they care...
  13. rozukitsune

    Looking for pathfinder players.

    Spheres veteran here. Not a dude but willing to see what you've got in store. :)
  14. rozukitsune

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    Narzas felt better almost immediately upon hitting the shop floor. The incredible feeling of distance, the icy cold grip upon her soul ebbed away as quickly as it had enveloped her as her familiar skittered back up her arm and reasserted its place upon her earlobe. She heard her name and glanced...
  15. rozukitsune

    Fantasy GGN Christmas Scenes!

    It was honestly one of her favorite seasons (were they all her favorite? Probably.) The land blanketed in snow and the city she called home dressed in lights alternating in red and green. Evergreen trees lining the streets and extra large ones in places of prominence, decorated in baubles both...